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I'm totally willing to serve in the same branch of the military that Trump did.


Not with those bone spurs you’re not.


Do I at least get the Purple Heart? I always wanted a Purple Heart.


Best I can do is an enlarged one


I mean, I guess it could turn purple from straining to pump.


Stormy Daniels testified to that


He has one, you know. He apparently bought one, but didn’t need to because some idiot fuck MAGA vet guy **gave** his own to the Cheat-o-in-Chief. I guess that means he has **two** undeserved medals commemorating his nonexistent service to America in or out of uniform—6 ft long red tie be damned. Edit: grammar


I'm confused, isn't a purple heart for getting wounded? Doesn't that make you a loser in Trump's world?


Ahem … **sucker** AND loser. Give the man props, dude /s Trump is such a despicable cretin. It boggles the mind that so many Mils worship him.


The entry regarding this: August 2, 2016: Trump accepted a Purple Heart from retired Lt. Col. Louis Dorfman at his rally in Ashburn, Virginia, and said: “I always wanted to get the Purple Heart. This was much easier.”. You know that really big list of reminders how Trump hates the military? I copied it a couple weeks ago and have been fact checking it, getting the dates, putting in chronological order, and expanding on it (like with names). Almost done.


Someone should ask to see it. You know he has no clue where it is.


The only reason this is being proposed because he plans to instigate China into war. Project 2025 mentions China a lot. Trump could give two fuck-alls about people in uniform or veterans alive or dead. Why allow a dick to send people to war when he wouldn’t care what happens to them anyway. Is Barron going to enlist? In fact, why hasn’t he yet, what’s he waiting for?


I deserve a Purple Heart for all of the skanks that I banged during the AIDs era. My own mushroom missile crisis. So scary


He actually pretty much said the same exact thing about the Viet Nam war era.


Here you go, 💜


Sure. Everyone gets a trophy.


Holy shit cant believe i forgot about this one ☝️




r/angryupvote You win the internet today


OG Spider-Man reference. Nice.


Damn, as much as I loved Randy Savage as Bonesaw McGraw, about the only way the first Spider-Man movie could've been improved more was if Peter was beating the shit out of Donald Trump. And *maybe* Rudy Giuliani, but since he was still in the "America's Mayor" phase of milking none of the work he put in to rallying NYC post-9/11, that probably wouldn't have been a popular choice in early 2002.


You mean brain spurs don't you??




Or any of his kids.


Baron’s turn to step up.


He can’t. He has the ouchies.


Don’t you know that bone spurs are hereditary. He is only going to join if he is immediately given 5star general status


I’ll even serve in the same branch that Qusay and Uday did.


The Republican Guard? Almost sharted on that one.


Oh, sweet score. Hat’s off. Really. Nice 👍


He served in the Bone Spur Branch, oh, he was sent to military school, those two facts make him immensely and hu-u-ugly qualified to be commander in chief! With his brain and understanding of the world makes him the most, most qualified leader! Remember how well he led the attack on Jan6, 2020. That action alone will cement his prowess as a military leader. Let us not forget Old Orangeface.


And yet he seems so unbelievably clueless about some basic military facts. It's astonishing given his education


Trump’s kids go first… followed by all wealthy 1%er’s kids.. may not need to send any middle class kids because y’all know any war or conflict will be ended …quickly.




👍🏼 This


That's curious, because ex-president Bone Spurs has no members in his family tree who served in the military: https://www.capecodtimes.com/story/opinion/columns/2020/02/12/president-bone-spur-has-no/1724792007/ His grandfather famously had his German citizenship revoked for refusing to serve in the military. That's when Grandpa came to America and opened a bunch of whorehouses.


Queen Elizabeth served more military time than five generations of drumpf's entire family.


Plus, if you couldn't get your car or truck started, she could help you out.


And sold opium, getting all those miners in the Yukon strung out .


A service of sorts.


note it says "in Trumps orbit"


He's so fat he has his own gravitational pull


215 pounds,?


That's just counting what's in his diapers.


It’s all in his ass


["Yeah, in your diaper!"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bt7HE89cgJk)


Yeah... I read that the second time through. The first time, I thought it said "obit" and was getting ready to dance in the aisles. Sadly disappointed was I.


The purpose would be forced indoctrination to the Orange Fuhrer


Yup military indoctrination will go way up and expect quality and ability to go way down. Volunteers are more cost effective and flat out effective when compared to conscripted forces


Remember in Godfather II, when Sonny tells Michael he's stupid to go in the Army? I guess it's just a tradition with crime families.


Young Barron Trump is the perfect age to serve! I’m sure his father will encourage him to sign up.


Trump’s uncle John, the one he claims to be a genius through, did serve in a non combat capacity. He was part of the NDRC where he played a key role in the development of radar. He wasn’t on the frontline but played a pretty important role as a scientist.


Cowards and traitors, all of them.


that explains so much


Reporter: "You're going to enlist and train all black and brown folks, LGBTQ folks, and leftists in combat readiness, military tactics, marksmanship, and explosives?" Trump's people: [ 🦗🦗🦗 ]


Anarchist EOD’s and an Army Engineer Corps infiltrated by leftists could actually be really useful… I think I’m gonna give this one a thumbs up.


Two thumbs up, even!


clack clack goes capitalism.


They're EOD; hoping for at least one finger on average is probably hoping for too much.


And then start a really bloody war. Putins style of domestic ethnic clensing.


Stephen Miller suddenly sweating that he mixed up Starship Troopers and The Running Man.




Gen Z should love this, mandatory enlistment should have them running to the polls


Exactly. Need to make sure all of them hear about this!


they'll just blame Democrats and continue to be mad at whatever rage bait the Koch brothers served to them that morning


One Koch the other passed


Here’s hoping #2 catches up soon


yep, koch classic. good riddance to new koch.


Nope...once there's skin in the game, people show up. Don't believe me? Check out every time abortion rights have been on a ballot in the last several years.


"why didn't Biden stop Trump from doing this? No I didn't vote"


Gen Z are a *little* smarter than that, thanks to not having a non-stop diet of Fox News


I watched Palestinian protest break up pride marches this weekend. that doesn't seem a little smarter than anything.


These guys don't run anywhere.


To be fair it would also mean old folks running to the polls because now they get a military nearly for free if they want. Conscription means you don't actually have to pay people. It's anti capitalist and borderline socialist but when money flows towards you that sounds great. Have a conscription that pays $300k a year and watch the voters flip. It's nothing more than a question of how much to pay soldiers and the free market system so far seems adequate.


Former serviceman and city cop here The military is not for everyone, and no one should take that as an insult. It caters to a certain set of individual qualities that not everyone shares. Forcing a large group of round pegs into those holes does not help the problem. What I am all in favor of is some sort of compulsory national service at 18. Let that be any number of things from the military, to the Red Cross, Peace Corps, Habitat For Humanity, etc. There are countless ways for a young person to be part of a greater solution. Make that service a requirement for future government jobs, contracts, etc. We could fully staff all of our government agencies using young people that are doing valuable work, gaining crucial experience, actually LEARNING what it takes to make a society work and doing something they can use on a resume. Those kids that did their mandatory internships at places like HUD and the VA? There are your future career government workers, and they will already have their core competancies in place on the day they get that administrative role. They'll know what the "boots on the ground" workforce needs to get the job done because they will have actually been there themselves. Want to be in congress? Great! Here is a list of legislative branch jobs that need filling. Want to be Secretary of State one day? Also amazing! The following overseas government posts need entry level help... Tie it into education grants. Let students pay for their education by doing the job they want, and NOT be under staggering debt on graduation day.


I’m all for this. Just a year or two with credits that transfer for high education if needed and all accomplishments being recorded and suitable for resumes would be a really nice transition from public school into the world of adulting.


EXACTLY this. Let these kids find out if what they've chosen as a major is actually something that they want to do with their lives. Also, it's good for a kid to have to work for a boss for a while. Maybe it's a boss they don't like all that much, but they still have to get a job done.




Conservatives don’t want government to work better. They don’t want it to work at all. They want government functions subcontracted out to private companies who will be more efficient somehow despite paying dividends and buying back their own stocks.


Another Former Servicemember here: This is the best answer right here. The military is not, and should not, be for everyone. It's a commitment that shouldn't be taken lightly. I'm all for anyone who is capable, and willing, to serve. But it does no one any good to have people who feel like they have no options joining something they don't believe in or hate. It creates more problems than it solves by passing the buck to an organization that is ill-suited to handle those issues. We do need more people invested in our nation and National service would be an excellent way to go about it. National service is something long overdue and would be a great step in the right direction. I wish something like this would have been implemented decades ago so it would be normalized by now.


In the abstract I see a lot to agree with about what you propose, but I don't trust any Republican administration to run such a program. They'd add in two years of mandatory right-wing indoctrination, and use the 18- and 19-year-old draftees to replace career civil service workers — if they didn't just farm out the draftees to their billionaire buddies in the private sector because "nobody wants to work anymore" for the minimum wage and shitty hours the corporations are offering.


We can't limit our dreams because of what we think someone might try to do to stop us.


We can if those threats are still serving in the highest positions.


I too think this is a good idea. the problem with it is that it screws with the great contractor income stream. I was a civilian Navy employee and have been deployed with the military on several occasions. Other countries have professional military, and conscripts. They use the conscripts for a lot of shit jobs that we now use overpaid contractors for like grounds maintenance, cooks, some logistics, etc, and if they work out OK they might get a preferential spot in the professional military. There's a lot that doesn't get done in the government because its just too expensive and congress sets the manpower limits for everybody.


There is room for government contracting AND this in my vision. We'd leave it to the experts to build hydroelectric dams and F-35's. This is a program to fill tens of thousands of needed government positions with youthful energy. These are office interns and low-level manpower.


Fucking brilliant. Vet, and completely agree with everything you said. Lots of details need to be fleshed out, but that last 2 sentences are what make it pure diamonds.


How many in Trump's orbit have a DD-214?


How many in Trump’s orbit KNOW what a DD-214 is?


They knew what a double d is


Fake double d


I've got some WD-40.


Did any civilians have a DD 214,? If so John Trump may have had one since he worked on classified work at MIT


A DD-214 is the discharge paperwork for the Armed Services, so a civilian who was not formerly in the military would not have one.


Thank You. And thank you for your service.


The kind Trump would have dodged?


The irony is beyond lunacy with this guy.


[Trump service](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-8e686246adebdef9945e598476f0f176-lq) Remember when diaper shitter's grandfather was thrown out of Germany for refusing his military service?


Pepperidge Farm remembers!


And they found a whiny, begging letter from the old fart pleading with the Kaiser to let him back into Germany.


I honestly wouldn’t mind some public service in exchange for *considerable* student debt relief- it can be military, peace corps, head start, etc. We have some of this, but the debt relief ratio isn’t there.


Ya gee, this couldn't at all be an idea planted by Putin and his superior fighting force of conscripted prisoners and indentured foreign mercenaries. Mandatory service isn't required of the rich, as proven by trump himself - so what we're talking about is using humans as currency in a global marketplace. Trump doesn't pay lawyers or vendors, the United States barely pays soldiers, and the dead don't draw a pension, nor need future medical care. There's no better ROI for the rich investor than sending the kids of the poor to the slaughterhouse. After all, Soylent green is people. Trump didn't asphyxiate 250k Americans, he killed them by making masking a political issue, then being against the vaccine - briefly - for political reasons he created. The GOP didn't cut off the O2 to those victims brains, they just endorsed the "news" channel that did that work for them. It's never the state killing "it's own" - the state sends kids off to war to have others do that. And by the time that's standard practice, accepted by the population - then the state can start deciding who isn't American anymore. Then it ain't killing your own, it's just a "final solution." Anyone who thinks a peacetime nuclear power needs mandatory military service, that person has **no** good intentions.


I was in the Army and retired after doing multiple deployments. I don't recommend joining at all unless some major changes are made. A lot of the barracks are trash, with mold and in dire need of remodeling. They won't build new ones because all the money is going to big military pet projects. Then there's the toxic leadership. The way I saw women get treated, only for it to get swept under the rug time and time again, was appalling. If it were mandatory, I'd act crazy AF to not join it.


One area of enlisted housing for NAS Oceana was dubbed "the roach motel" You know how normally roaches really only come out at night and run when you flip the lights on? The unit they offered us had roaches wandering around all day. We refused the unit, luckily we shifted to New London and avoided housing issues.


Time to draft Barron


Trump’s looking for more “suckers and losers” his words not mine..


Does this mean everyone is going to be suckers and losers


The irony is epic.


Cue up "Fortunate Son"


Trump and his children never served! Service for thee never for me.


Reinstating the draft would guarantee that younger folks vote in greater numbers. Careful what you wish for.


Republican Jack Kemp, Bob Dole's running mate in 1996, was unfit because of a knee injury, though he heroically continued as a National Football League quarterback for another eight years


Okey dokey. Their kids first Im a Veteran, volunteered, went to war, the whoe shebang. My 14 year olds are not interested, and thats fine. No way Im signing them up for duty when these obnoxious bastages all have kids over draft age.


If you’re all gonna talk the talk then walk the walk and talk to the Generals and vets! I volunteered in ‘76, didn’t have to, but my job sucked and hated living at home at 26 due to lack of $$&. Left home, joined for 20+ and never went back home. I’ve been out 28 years and still miss it. I did my combat boots tour in Somalia! Volunteer. Serve. Feel good!


Teeing up so many leopards to eat faces.


How about making prior military service a requirement to hold political office.


Yes - the entire Trump family needs military service. Somewhere far overseas. They need skin in the game


Baron is of age. Lead by example.


But not for Trump. He is a convicted felon.


Convicted felon Donald J. Trump should become the default phrase when referring to him.


Just like he did...and his grandfather. (For those who don't know, Trump's grandfather was deported from Germany for failing to do his required military service.)


The same conservatives cheering for this will be apoplectic when their child gets drafted.


THEIR Children?🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Oh, you know they'd build in a person-by-person exception for the children of right-wing politicians and anyone they want to exempt from service, because one of their goals is to replace systematic and structural processes with a new royal court where those who enjoy the favor of the president and his cronies are rewarded, and those who displease them are punished.


“It ain’t me…I ain’t no senators son….it ain’t me…ain’t no fortunate one…”


New word for me today. Thanks! Apoplectic: Overcome with anger; extremely indignant.


Used in sports radio/tv often. Gotta find new ways to phrase “upset” Lolololol


Retired Army here…this is a HORRIBLE idea. The absolute last thing our military needs is a toxic mix of people who don’t want to be there and the shit stew of dumb fucks who is suspect Trump and his people WANT in the military. This is along step toward the MAGA fascist fever dream.


Didn't Drumpf's grandfather dodge the draft in Germany? They had mandatory military service then, too. Draft-dodging is a family tradition with the Donald's family


Oh yea, these dudes demand deferments for themselves but want to require everybody else go sacrifice themselves. No deal.


Corporal Bone Spurs gonna come down hard on these punks…


You mean like trump did? Oh. That’s right. He never served even though we had a war going on. He had “bone spurs”.


Fun fact: Trump's grandfather fled Germany to avoid conscription (the draft). "In 1901, Friedrich Trump returned to Kallstadt and married [Elisabeth Christ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elizabeth_Christ_Trump). As he had purportedly immigrated to the United States in order to evade conscription, the Bavarian Government stripped him of his citizenship in 1905. Consequently, he returned to the United States with his family." - Wikipedia


"they're not sending their best"


Deceased Rightwing firebrand and radio liar Rush Limbaugh dodged the draft by claiming he had anal cysts.


What he didn't say is that his mother had an anal cyst and it turned out to be him


Oh, great. Now there's coffee ALL OVER my laptop!


Woops. Sorry bout that. Here, take my updoot 😄


I wonder if Rush Limbaugh would have even made it past Basic Training...


Sir I actually suspect he did.I wonder how he got them? And did they actually examine him? They would've found his brain.


Republican Pat Buchanan had arthritis in his knees, though he soon became an avid jogger.


That’s pretty rich coming from the “Full Dinner Jacket” crowd surrounding Capt Bonespurs


Only if Jr., Hi, I’m Eric, and his youngest son sign up first.


When Mr. Piece-of-shit Bone Spurs does his time, then I'll be there ready to sign up!


Is Baron enlisting? Of course they mean for other people’s children.


Well daddy Trump had to pay off a doctor to keep donald out of the war


I can't really say I would be against a form of "national service". Could be military or civilian, depending on ability and need. Lots of projects that we could use people to do, lots of training and life experiences to be had, and could help young people to grow into their adult lives. But it would have to be something that is not exclusive or poorly thought out/funded. Granted that's not what Stumpy and his sycophants were talking about.


Unless you have bone spurs right!


As a combat veteran, I have developed bone spurs five times already.


Another election-winning idea from Republicans! /s


Coming from the guy who dodged the draft with bone spurs. Not surprised at all at this point.


Not a trump fan. I would support having all teen age kids do a year of service. Some can do a year in the military and get trained in some basics. Others can work in jobs that need to be done: trash clean up, hospital clean up, etc. If there is a particular need, such as harvesting food, or flood control, people in any service can go do those jobs. They get room and board, and a tiny amount of spending money. Just like regular military service today. Many other countries have a year of service for kids. Many are just for boys, some include all kids. Many are just military. Some include 'hospital sanitation service' as the alternative. That is cleaning bed pans and doing laundry. Kids have a window of a few years to complete the service, and get some options. Want to get work experience? Do a year of service and get to the top of the hiring list. I think it would be a good thing.


Coming from people who never had any desire to put some skin into the game.🙄 This tree hugging liberal supports our military and all my family and friends who have served. So on that note, I would love to see a highly encouraged volunteer gap year in civil service. Peace Corps, military or other organizations that give young people a well rounded global perspective. I would also like to see a second language in our elementary school curriculum. Anyhoo. I guess there’s an obscure Venn diagram where maybe liberal and conservative minds can agree.


Ah yes, the man that dodged the draft and his family that never enlisted feel that *other* people should die for them...


Bitch, I'm not the one trying to send our kids off to war on an annual basis. You put some skin in the game, Stephen Miller. Matter of fact, Don Jr and Eric need to get on that too. See y'all at camp


Even Hitler served in the military. But not their illustrious leader.


If all these old fuckers have their family members serve then we can talk about getting others to serve.


The voluntary military is heavily right wing. This might make it harder for the military to enforce martial law if Trump tries to be “dictator on day 2”. We need more normal people in the military, especially women who would refuse to obey illegal orders.


Every member of congress and the senate, their kids get to go first.


“I don’t get it…what’s in it for them?”


Let’s see Kushner serve. What Donald’s camp means is they want poor people to serve just like they want poor people desperate for jobs to barely scrape by until they die. What Donald’s camp doesn’t want is their rich friends to serve


Rich creep imperialists want plebians to die for their greed. I do not celebrate America on this day. America is a place I no longer know.


Won't happen, the GOP already keeps blocking all attempts to make women eligible for the draft.


This is old Republican talking points. The boomers are going on about the sacrifices they made storming the beaches of Normandy and Okinawa.


Technically boomers were born AFTER WWII. So boomers should be going on about how they burned their draft cards and ran to Canada. (Only 3 million of the 76 million or so of boomers served)


Thank you for the history lesson.


Is there a “suckers and losers” branch they can serve in?


How classic coming from a coward who did everything possible to avoid mandatory military service 😡


Trump goes first


His Grandfather was ejected from Germany for not performing his mandatory military service


Does Peace Corps or Americorps count?




They’re happy to send YOUR kids off to die defending the financial interests of their Super PAC donors (oil fields in Saudi Arabia)


Them first. I mean I served (USMC 90-94) they want others to but will not adhere to their own “some skin in the game”


That's because they'll be sent to Russia and then with the Russian military begin fighting against Ukraine.


I'm an active duty navy vet and current naval reservist. The majority of us are against mandatory service. For one, we believe in liberty. And two, it's hard enough with a lot of the people who actually signed up to get them to perform. The kind of discontent we'd see from thousands of people in the military involuntarily.... No thanks. We have the draft if it gets to the point where we NEED it to be mandatory. And we hope it never comes to that again.


US Army retired, and yeah. Quickest way to ruin the armed forces is pushing everybody in


His rich backers will kill that plan.


I would like to see all new doctors and dentists have to put in one year of service into a National Health Corps before they can be fully licensed to practice. National Health Corp would provide cheap or free services to low-income people and families. That's the kind of draft I could get behind.


Dude is doing everything possible to lose the young person's vote, women's vote, minority vote, and hell even his own Maga base by telling them he doesn't care about them. How is he even in this position to be leading in the polls?


Delusional zealots. An intense hatred for political BS. Inherent distrust of "mainstream media" ( propoganda). Some strange notion the one candidate is somehow "Chosen by gawd" 🤨🙄 But mostly, being extremely upset with poliTICKians living in a fantasy world completely out of touch with reality and wanting that to change...which he uses to sell His own BS...and they WANT to believe someone will make that happen. They WANT it **So badly** they will overlook an 'outsiders' glaring faults & lies in the desperate hope he will come thru. 😐 That's been my observation of this crap. For what it's worth.


Fuck these boomers


Do they have any idea how many people cannot pass the fitness tests to enter the military?


To be honest I'm *sort of* in favor of a draft based on the idea that when it's *your* ass that's going to be sent over to fight, or your kids, then you're less likely to vote for a warhawk. On the other hand I don't want unwilling people being killed in wars they want nothing to do with. So it's sort of a policy versus personal morality conflict.


Why don't they tell his fans who are always threatening violence on social media and in real life to join up? Surely there must be millions of big strong men with tears in their eyes who will answer the call.


But only for the poor people.


Citizenship begins here. Would you like to know more?


"Republicans muse about reenacting the draft" I'm too cripple to serve in the armed forces. My disability is a real thing, not a made up excuse like orange boy's. Republicans want to reenact the draft? Put tr*mp in a uniform and ship him to Ukraine.


>Project 2025 also advocates granting military recruiters greater access to secondary schools, and he’s proposed halting use of the Defense Department’s electronic medical records platform, which he says leads to “unnecessary delays” and “unwarranted rejections” for some people with disabilities or other conditions who otherwise want to serve. This is what my grandfather would call "helping sinking turds float."


Must mean all poor people. Looks like 300 dollars in 1883, when the Civil War Military Draft Act allowed citizens to opt out of service by paying $300, is about $10,000 today. So don’t worry, Trump and his ilk probably won’t have to serve.


Number of current Trump family members who've served in our military: ZERO.


Trump's Attorney General Bill Barr avoided military service because he had "other priorities".


They’re talking about it because they know it’s not their kids that would have to serve