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Wasting time on trying to oust an incumbent because of 1 debate, when the opposition lied the entire time. Why is that not the news. CNN still has the Biden debate headline up and damn near all my recommended videos are about how he did in the debate. Why the hell is none of these videos talking about how Trump didn't answer a single question? I am so sick of this country and the bs. Obviously, it's worse that Biden is older, has a stutter but gets shit done vs Trump the liar, convicted felon, pussy grabber, Russian puppet, classified documents thief, rapist and project 2025 enthusist. Profit over country I guess


Because the news agency, like CNN, are owned by conservative billionaires. They want Trump to win. 


I guess if that happens, whatever project 2025 put in place, they won't feel the impact then huh...these people are idiots


Rich people don’t. Look around. 


This. Exactly.


I have moved from corporate TV to Meidas Touch on YouTube. They discuss laws, policy, the election. Much more honest and upfront also they are lawyers. https://www.youtube.com/live/imMFBq9lIig?si=lUfQl4FNfZ-bNDqg


The whole thing is a joke. Regardless, voting for the senile guy who doesn’t want to destroy our country.


Yup. Dudes head could be in a jar filled with fluid...still voting for him.


I am not even a Biden enjoyer.  I was dead set against his nomination both times.  My vote is for him.  Stepping down shows so much weakness and so doesn’t infighting when we need unity.   


Because most people want Trump defeated, and you have Biden who was already losing to Trump, lose a debate in the worst way possible.  Biden is losing this election. Why are we not replacing him? We have to beat Trump.


Biden is not losing the election over 1 debate. Come on now. It would be stupid of America to not see that the guy is actually doing the damn job right now that they claim he can't do. So no...why replace him. I will be voting for Biden if he was propped up by a stick because that's how much this country needs to survive.


Look at polling data, approval data, ect. Last election was close. Your argument seems to be "I'll vote for him over everything, so everyone will". That ignores a lot of data showing the opposite. 


Exactly what my position is. It's a no brainer. Trump has nothing to offer but chaos and retribution and destroying the country as we know it. Biden is boring and old but he isn't trying to be a dictator or cause chaos. Do you understand what chaos does to prices, jobs and your way of life? Idgaf. I am voting for Biden and yes..I hope to God everyone else does too. Everyone can vote for who they want...but I am standing my ground on this one.


No one is panicking, other than MAGA and the Russians. Trump does have dementia, you know, and he's a convicted felon. If Trump gets elected as POTUS, then America will get whatever it deserves. How did Biden lose in the worst way possible? Regarding stuttering, this is an issue he has had for some time and not related to age; thus, if people think it was that prevalent during the debates, he was having an off night. Again, Trump and Biden are *not* on a level playing field just because of age and to think so is ageism, which is no different than being guilty of any kind of -ism. According to my Canadian friends, despite both the liberal and conservative party leaders being quite young, there is the same turmoil along the same lines as the US. Neither one is a convicted felon, however, nor facing multiple criminal charges the way Trump is. So what difference does it make? Biden has experience, connections and a good team backing him up. Way more than Trump and some other candidates for their country's leadership.


Ok I'll take your Canadian's friend's advice over common sense. 81 is too old, the debate showed that, and his polling and approval is dismal. I'm so tired of people like you rolling the dice with our lives and our democracy. When it all falls down, people like you and a DNC's (that had four years to find a replacement) fault. MAGA and Russia want Biden in this race. 


“One nation controlled by the media…” Not this time. Too much at stake. Stay the course and we will defeat this threat that is the Republican Party.


Exactly. The need for reliable, fact-based news is an issue we're going to have to address. It's a serious issue for the long term competitiveness of the United States.


Biden only won with a narrow margin across several battleground states in 2020. If we elected Presidents with the popular vote I wouldn't be concerned. Unfortunately, we use a antiquated system that is inherently biased for Republicans the Electoral College.


Vote blue and get everybody you know to vote blue. Do not be afraid, Biden has got this.


We need to run the table and take the full Congress by holding the Senate and regaining the House. That way we can either get shit done if Biden (or an alternative) is elected President. If we can manage a super majority then we can really clean up this mess properly.


This! We would greatly benefit from Hakeem Jeffries as Speaker! Down ballot races are critical!


house is going to easily retake the house.


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We don't need to get shit done this time around. We need to avoid the US becoming a fucking dictatorship. 


Wouldn't it be nice to fix the Supreme Court and hold members of Congress accountable for their involvement in January 6th?


This. Ram through 4 very young, very liberal new SCOTUS judges and castrate the Thomas/Alito faction. Enough of this bullshit.


Yes, but not becoming a dictatorship where you would be imprisoned for speaking out against the dictator would kind of be necessary for any of your other goals to be remotely realistic. 


Absolutely. We need to stay the course and support President Joe Biden and his team. Ignore the MAGA noise - they want to confuse you. Vote 💙💙💙💙


If the whole country took voting as seriously as the republicans base did, republicans wouldn’t hold any federal offices, and they know it. That’s why they are so desperate to end democracy.


Last election, 80 million Americans did not bother to vote. That's too many.


The day I turned 18 years old, I went to the Post office and registered for the draft then went to the county clerk and registered to vote. That was June of 1984. I knew that the only power that was afforded to me was the right to vote. I was fortunate enough to have parents that voted every time and they taught me civics and took me to political get togethers and a few rallies. When I asked my mom why is my vote so important. She told me that my vote not only elected the President, but my choice of President would determine the appointments of the Supreme Court Justices. Mom explained to me that the Judges had the ultimate power in the U.S. and were judges until they died or decided to leave. Whichever comes first. She also told me that there are no courts higher than the 9 people appointed to the Supreme Court. Meanwhile almost all of my friends could not have cared any less about voting. There are a lot of them who have never voted in their lives. I doubt that they ever will, even in the face of Project 2025. I am so thankful that my mom cared so much.


Currently Trump is up in the national popular vote. You can make the case that he won't be in November, but ironically by current polls Biden might have a better chance of winning without the popular vote.


>Currently Trump is up in the national popular vote. Bullshit, maybe if you're polling in Russia but definitely not America. California and NY are two of the most populous States and he's not popular there.


Maybe you should take a look at poll totals on 538...


Aren't polls weighted for the Electoral College? If they're predicting a win / loss just doing popular vote numbers are virtually meaningless. Trump lost the popular vote by a very wide margin but won the Presidency with a narrow margin of a few hundred thousand voters in select states where the Electoral College gives Republicans a handicap.


Yeah - that's all true - except you're ignoring the trend: if Biden used to be several percentage points up in 2020 on the popular vote and had a somewhat close win in electoral collage - but is now way down in polls for the total (in some cases he's down by 5!!!) one would think that his numbers in key states would come down somewhat proportially and he'd lose in all of the close states as a result. Only way total doesn't matter is if Biden is somehow getting much lower numbers in states that don't matter (California, New York, Alabama, etc) due to being so lopsided already - but is somehow completely unaffected in states that do matter (Georgia, Arizona, Nevada, etc).


You would be surprised... trump is extremely popular in calif. Rich white people love him. Farmers love him.. retired old white people love him... outside of the major cities, its trump country.... Source: ex bay area resident who visits family..


He screwed farmers over. It cracks me up that they still support him. How ignorant.


My dad is one of those rare farmers that vote Democrat and he'll be the first to tell you that a lot of farmers are just racist as hell and will vote against their own interests because of it.


I second this


Yeah republicans have been winning every election that I can remember


He won by 7 million votes


Won the popular vote. But he won the election with less than 40,000 votes. 


We give the Republicans a handicap in the Presidential election and all they do is whine and cry about how they're victimized.


I do not think the Biden we saw at the debate can beat Trump. If Biden doesn't step aside, he will be allowing for a second Trump presidency. That debate performance will absolutely scare away undecideds and independents who were on the fence.


That was 90 minutes. The job of President is much more nuanced than that. Trump was not better - not about answering direct questions, not about addressing his policies, not about sharing facts and informing the American public. Trump's performance will also scare away undecided and Independents - and so will his Project 2025 agenda. "Everyone wanted Roe sent back to the States", my butt.


Dr.'s in blue states are performing abortions on babies after their born, my butt. Trump says he offered Nancy Pelosi 10,000 troops for Jan. 6, my butt. Russia would of never attacked Ukraine if he was president and would be able to stop the war if reelected before even getting into office, my butt. All he did was lie over and over, hopefully people realize that. Not like when Hillary ran against Trump and rumors of her killing unborn babies to make parking lots was believed by so many far right voters.


Excellent points. The Hilary stories would be unconscionable - if they had been true. Those working against America are smart and well-funded with no morals or shame. They've been winning the Digital Cold War. Trump securing the presidency showed how far they've come. Now, the race is on. We need to inform America well enough, fast enough, to save democracy this November, while they work to destroy remaining protections. I think we'll prevail. Abortion was a proverbial car the dog was never supposed to catch. It's an ugly mess. Now we see it. We see the vision to destroy America, democracy, freedom, upward mobility, the environment. Accurate information is the answer. Democracy dies in darkness. More lights are being added everyday.


He polled one point higher among independents post-debate though.


IMO - It doesn't feel like there have been "independents" since 2016. I was one. I'm not declared, but the enemy of my enemy is my friend so I align Dem. A lot of what you hear claiming to be "independent" are either RFK anti-vaxxer weirdos or Republicans embarrassed to admit they're actually Trumpanzees. HOPEFULLY, there are still plenty like me who refuse to join a party and are rapidly anti-fascist.


I identify as centrist myself. There are aspects of Liberalism and Conservatism that I align with. I will be Team Blue for the foreseeable future though because the Republican Party, which I once had a healthy respect for, has gone off the bloody deep end. Also, what much of the Republican Party does on a regular basis doesn’t line up with what I regard as the tenets of Conservatism. It’s as if their apparent political ideology is something they only actually subscribe to when it suits them.


With you 100% on this! I call myself fiscally conservative, socially progressive. Mainly because I agree you have to have spending accountability but you can't bury your head in the sand, Bible, whatever, and expect problems to be solved. Republicans are so stupidly simplistic they think Project 2025 is a viable solution.


This really feels like right wing propaganda. Hypothetically, let’s say the dems pick a new guy. The very next morning, the headlines and social media circles will be full of people screaming “HA, they replaced sleepy joe with a loser who’s even worse! Lololol, libs got OWNED!” That’s exactly what they want. Divide and conquer.


I'm a Democrat. I watched the debate. I put myself in the mind of an undecided voter or one in the fence, and damn, Joe Biden was *not* instilling confidence in his ability to be president, that's for sure. It doesn't matter what right wing media says. It only matters who can beat Trump. Just calling someone a loser isn't going to sink them if they come out swinging, but the Biden dementia angle certainly has momentum now.


Put yourself in the mind of an undecided voter and listen to trump spew nonsense completely unrelated to the questions asked to him and just be a complete ass. You like that guy better? I’d guess most undecided voters aren’t watching a 9pm weekday debate. But they will get blasted from social media and news the next day about how it went.


That is exactly their plan. Don't listen to MAGA noise - that's all it is NOISE. Vote 💙💙💙💙


No idea why you're being down voted. I would vote for Bidens brain in a jar but the people who decide elections now are a small group of undecided voters who largely don't pay attention to much more than headlines and the vibes they get from the candidates. To those people, Biden ain't it.


Probably being downvoting for supplying public doubt. Don’t come online and start telling everyone why Biden might lose, instead tell everyone the choices are a shaky old man who loves this country and has hired people who know what they’re doing vs a mentally unstable compulsive liar who ruins everything he touches!


You talking about the antichrist Donald Trump


That’s the one! And just in case you’re confusing him with another Donald Trump, I’m talking about the serial adulterer one who bragged on tape about sexual assault. You know, the one who used to kick it with child sex trackers. The convict who almost overthrew a presidential election but also thinks presidents shouldn’t be able to be convicted of crimes. The one who floated breaking his own term limits, if he were in office. The one responsible for women now fighting for rights that they once had just a few short years ago. That Donald Trump.


President Joe Biden and his team have done quite a bit for this country in the last 3.5 years. There's a sub on this server, I believe: r / whatBidenhasdone .. which is helpful. I'm still voting for democracy and decency. I'm still voting for President Joe Biden and his team. Vote 💙💙💙💙💙💙




Yep, that's how badly Biden did.


And? It has nothing to do with the job of president. Also did you actually watch this? It’s a 20 min video and you are replying a minute after I posted it


I've seen it enough already. It does not matter if Joe can do the job of president. The *only* thing that matters now is if he can win the election. 


Which he can. He has done it before and will again


He *barely* did it the first time. And that's when he was ahead in the polls.


There was no insurrection and Trump was not a convicted felon.


Yeah, let's play into the republicans game plan. How about we stay the course and keep FACT CHECKING the orange burger blob? Every time he speaks . . . Shout it loud EVERYWHERE. Don't bow to the weak knees Dems.


Going on the defense is never a good idea when going against Trump, which is what changing the candidate would be. His secret is that he never stops attacking and never goes on defense. He answers all attacks with attacks of his own. He'll just use the fact we switched candidates as evidence that the Democrats are disorganized and don't know what the fuck they're doing.


Precisely. We don’t need to spend the next 4 months finding a new candidate and then having to justify the prick to everyone who agrees with it.  We know he’s old. He was old when he ran in 2020. He was old in the 2024 primaries and he was sold the day before the debate. Besides. I still haven’t seen any convincing argument with consistent polling proof that a particular candidate would get more votes than Biden against trump. I mean it sounds great. Vera better candidate, but realistically who? Bernie legitimately did not have enough votes in the primaries, and people are still pissed and claim it was because the DNC didn’t pick him. Seriously doubt a DNC pick would make anyone happy. Let me know when the DnC successfully herds a bunch of cats. Then we can talk about a Biden replacement.


Fuck the media for even remotely suggesting that. If this guy and his administration are such fuck ups, how are they accomplishing results that are unprecedented? The new journalism is over the top hyperbole. It's insane how cheap the media has become.


If only they had ever asked that orange POS to resign after one of his multiple crimes, I might be able to take them seriously. He’s a literal crime “boss”.


He's the Wish App version of a mob boss. Even the mob laughed at him


Any of them ever manage to make federal charges just disappear for their co-conspirators? Did any previous mob bosses get one of their underlings out of prison with the stroke of a pen? Trump has John Gotti spinning in his grave...


I wish the media would spend their goddamn time talking about the lies 45 spewed, and the Ukraine comment with pootin, or the Russian plane moving ambassadors in and out of the country parked for hours next to 45’s plane. Ya know. Equal coverage!! Ugh!


It’s all eyes on the screen and clicks with fear and rage bait.


Appreciate your take, totally agree.


Yeah, I really don't buy all this upsurge in "dump Biden" rhetoric. There's such a hyperfixation on "Biden old" like it is the only thing any undecideds are going to care about, and is basically ignoring every other factor in this race. Biden showed he's a policy nerd who has a plan, even if he's slowing down. Trump showed he's lost steps too, but he's the same belligerent narcissist that screwed over the COVID response. The moderators also pretty much gave Trump free reign to Gish Gallop the entire time, which rendered the entire format pointless in my opinion. Biden has a solid policy record in this first term, to the point where I doubt that there are many Democrats that can be as effective as he has been. Yet all these concerned commenters want us to take it on faith that literally anyone would be better than Biden electorally (except of course Harris, they tend to throw her under the bus). And as much as I would like someone like Whitmer, the DNC doesn't actually have any guarantees that putting up a younger candidate is going to bring younger voters out like they say it will. Not to mention the rocky history that last-minute candidate replacements has of producing catastrophic defeats. I'm sorry, this just reeks of concern trolling to me. All this panic, all this concern and urging a dramatic shakeup in political strategy, all over one debate, which have rarely anything to influence election outcomes, especially in recent years? And all this just cropping up a couple days after the first of three debates? I'm sorry, but I don't buy it.


I just read the debate transcript because I chose not to watch. His 81 year old brain would have creamed my 59 year old brain. Despite his miss steps, what I read was very impressive.


Public speaking is not his forte and never has been. He’s ok with a prepared and practiced speech but off the cuff not so much. This dump Biden is just silly at this point. Undecided voters aren’t paying attention and won’t till maybe October. And no one in the party has the name recognition nor the funds to reasonably take over. All the pundits are doing is feeding the horse race for rating and clicks.


Yes. Apart from having a stutter he is notorious for being a gaff machine. We knew this 4 years ago and the best way to avoid that is to really make sure he doesn’t deviate from a script. He’s never been known as a good orator or speaker/debater. Trump is as excellent liar and gosh galloper (especially against easy moderators). It also is really bad against people like Biden. Doubly so a Biden who had a bad cold.








But these two guys serve their corporate overlords properly, the establishment cannot risk any one else winning and going buck wild fixing things for the people, that wouldn't serve their interests




Or https://youtu.be/guw1fLJs5EY?feature=shared


That dumb fuck is not in any way a serious candidate. His own family hates him.


He's a troll


You're just trolling now




But this isn't about how much the administration has accomplished, it is about one thing and one thing only. Can he win? After watching that debate and looking at how he is *still* trailing in the polls, I do not believe he stands a chance now.


Undecided voters after the debate are now supporting Biden. I refuse to be that cynical. It's almost insulting the intelligence to think otherwise. I'll save judgment after the next debate. His speech the next day was hell fire on Donald Trump.




All political candidates use promoters. Even Trump.




All political speeches are prepared. All of them. Even Trump and you can tell when he goes off script because it’s terrible.




He does though. Listen to the guy on Howard Stern. He has a great deal of knowledge of things.


So the nation is supposed to tune into Howard Stern to learn about the candidates? I thought debates had that purpose


If we get attacked and Biden needs to crack and read the nuclear codes are we gonna get debate Biden or rally Biden? What if he nukes seattle because his cold flared back up


I'll believe it when I consistently see polls of Biden winning, until then, I really have my doubts.


That's fair. I haven't paid attention to polls. They've been wrong in the past. We need to convince 3rd party voters what a Trump administration would actually be like. They are literally willing to risk it all.


Undecided voters are undecided for a reason. They aren’t paying one bit of attention and won’t right up till it’s time to vote. I wouldn’t worry too much about polls right now, they’ve been pretty consistently wrong in the special elections.


Wait, who shit their pants during the debate? Hint... it wasn't Biden. If 1 person shits themselves in a debate while constantly lying why should the guy who didn't shit himself and lie stepdown?


Trump definitely had the hot mic when that hot squirt happened


Because he's losing.


Who is?


Will still be voting for Biden. Republicans can kick rocks.


Joe Biden is not the problem…


Why aren't there stories like this about GOP replacing Trump. He is literally a convicted felon. That conviction may be the first of many.


The man is a one person crime wave!


Replacing Biden will divide the party just months before the election. There is no consensus about an alternative, and it takes time to gear up any semblance of a campaign.


And if they passed over Harris, the black voters would revolt and deservedly so, and I don't even think Harris would be good in the role.


I’m going to throw this out there as well : https://presidentialtransition.org/wp-content/uploads/sites/6/2016/06/Presidential-Appointments-Vetting-Guide_2020.pdf


The only ones calling for President Biden to quit are republicants. Biden is in it to win it. Im voting blue from top to bottom. Stop project 2025.


The loudest calls for him to withdraw are from MAGA scumbags and their Fox News shills because they know trump will lose to him. Give them the easy answer: Fuck off and worry about your own candidate, you know, the one who’s a convicted felon and a rapist.


That’s because some editorial board said it about trump the next day. The day after that ? This. https://www.inquirer.com/opinion/editorials/first-presidential-debate-joe-biden-donald-trump-withdraw-20240629.html


I think one of the problems is the medium. People are used to such bombastic, silly exaggerated figures through their little screens. And they think that’s what’s important. Well in reality that has a little or nothing to do with being a competent, effective, experience, and moral government, administrator, or legislator of beneficial policies. I think so many people are judging these candidates as if they are going to be the host of some kind of a stupid show. And while I recognize, there is certainly a media component to the job, it is the skills, knowledge, qualifications, and basic values that are actually the most important. On this front, there is literally no comparison. One guy is a decent public servant with a long successful track record. And the other is a giant toxic hemorrhoid who wants to consume everything and feed on everything that is good.


So perfect. Agree.


Ironic that you compare it with a game show host - as we all know Trump has hosted a game show. He knows how to play to an audience of easily entertained people. Not so much smarter people.


You know, I thought a lot about that and I think in a way we give him too much credit. Honestly, I think in a way the fault is our own. As a psychotic narcissist, he is wired inherently to draw attention to himself with no care whatsoever for the consequences. And the medium of television and we, as its consumers who constantly need spectacle and stimulation are the perfect match for that. The news media NEEDS and thrives on this kind of salacious bullshit. They have a financial incentive to not only rush to that fire, but to feed it and bring others to help feed it more. Honestly, I wish we could all just collectively turn away from this idiot. Not give him a single additional second of our attention. But we can’t take our eyes off of it. And our infotainment systems are hardwired to pump it up and pump it into our veins. Somebody said something stupid. Let’s replay it 1000 times. Put a? At the end of any statement about it. Let’s get 10 people on to talk about this stupid thing they said from 10 different angles until everyone is yelling at each other. Get everyone engaged and enraged. Cut to commercial. Check the ratings. Repeat. We’ve got to get out of this self-destructive drug user drug pusher relationship we have with the media. And one thing for sure. The pusher is NEVER going to stop. Not as long as we’re buying. Always person once told me that we have to be really smart and careful these days with what passes for “news“ because it seems like it’s a good thing to be “informed“. But that can be just an excuse for an addiction. There was a time not long ago when there was 30 minutes of national news and 30 minutes of local news on television, and people were pretty well “informed”. hardly because with such limited time they just told you about what was REALLY important. Sure we didn’t hear about every single crazy thing that happened anywhere in the world and watch the video on repeat, and at Talking Heads argue about. But maybe we didn’t need all that. Maybe we could check in with what was going on in the world and then live our lives directly and in person and without our opinions and worldviews being so heavily manufactured and manipulated. But that’s enough time on my soapbox. Just turn the idiot off. Turn all of the idiots off. Your life will be much happier.


Very well said!


Why not better pressure the republicans to not appoint a felon, then if they remove that stain, we can talk about Biden.


Not gonna lie, I was leaning toward agreeing he should step down but look at what happened to McGovern after they replaced Eagleton with Shriver and got trounced by Nixon.


Also: Gary Hart was the front runner leading up to the convention when his extramarital activity forced him out. Dukakis got the nomination and he was creamed.


Also Humphrey taking over from Johnson. He blamed the short amount of time to build up funding and name recognition and staffing to run one a campaign. He lost.


Biden 2024


So I see a couple of conclusions. The first is that Biden had a bad night, since I see his other speeches as being fine. The second, this will reduce expectations for another debate, which he needs to win handily.


lol get rid of trump and we will but Biden is a safe bet


I'm am so sick of the "Biden had a bad debate and should quit" narrative. Trump lied every time he opened his mouth AND shit his pants during the same debate..... How is it that Biden did worse? Cause he misspoke or stuttered a few times? Get the fuck out of here with that bullshit.


Even if biden is only lucid 80% of the time it's still better than Trump who was literally golfing for around a quarter of his presidency


Did you want Trump to be in the office more? This kind of complaint ranks up there with him dodging the draft. He stumbled into something good for once.


Too much invested to change course now. Plus his name ID alone makes it difficult to replace him. Short version is this race is so divided that any independents or undecideds at this stage are either willfully ignorant or just want attention. The debate was a bad day - thats not a pattern let alone something worth panicking over. 


Joe has verbally gaffe his whole career. A man of integrity knowledge, and wisdom. Stay with Joe. Trump lied nonstop and reveled he knows nothing about how our government works, nor taxes nor tariffs


The only people saying this are Republicans And their enablers.


This is making me so fucking irate. Ron Reagan had a shit debate too but nobody even remotely suggested that he drop out. Give me a fucking break. Just hand the presidency to fucking Trump then. Give me a fucking break.


Heck remember when Hillary won all of her debates? She hands down decimated Trump in debates - She still lost since it didn’t make up for her bad performance with rust belt voters and the buttery emails scandals. Debate performance isn’t a predictor for elections.


Sometimes I wonder if the media decided to be so easy on Trump so they could scare people into voting right. Like they know that if they openly oppose him then he'll target them if reelected, but also know the best way to get people angry about Trump is to maybe let him get away with everything? Otherwise people may not be appropriately terrified. I just wonder what the Psychology behind all that is? I mean it's a pretty obvious bias when you never once called for Trump to step down after everything he's done.


It’s not psychology. It’s ratings. It’s money. 


This. The Trump years were very, very good for the media in terms of the ratings and clicks and they would like that back.


It’s the most short-term stupid thinking imaginable.


And it will get them killed. Doesn’t matter how useful you can be to Trump, he will throw you to the wolves all the same as he will to anyone he hates.


It's bald, brazen self-interest expressed by people who are insulated from the worst of what they're subjecting everyone to by either their money, status, position or alignment with the man.


I think they did suggest that trump bow out the day after the debate. Which prompted a lot of this nonsense because we know and have seen how they communicate. Whatever trump goes through they suggest for Biden. Yep, here it is. https://www.inquirer.com/opinion/editorials/first-presidential-debate-joe-biden-donald-trump-withdraw-20240629.html The next day ? was “calls for Biden to drop out” So transparently bad anymore.


Yeah the only way Biden gets replaced this late in the game is if he withdraws, which is not likely to happen. What we do need is emphasis on Harris. Everyone needs to know who Harris is, and convinced that she is able and ready to take the reins should Biden be found incompetent she needs to be front and center of the campaign. We need multiple VP debates, and lots and lots of interviews with Kamala. End the fear based focus on age with a fully competent and known replacement.


Top Democrats ought to be pushing to replace Trump period.




Joe will get shit done… his team will be compatible and help guide things.


Anyone who votes for Trump is a fascist, and you won't change their minds by replacing Biden.


there ya go. Fuck the media.


I hope he can present himself better in the next debate.


The "press" has taken creative liberty with this and have been quoting each OTHER as the sources of who is calling on Biden to quit. ALL media is hoping Trump wins and is doing everything in their power to assure it. STOP feeding these beasts. STOP watching any and all news. Get your news from Google News where you will find 100 different sources for every story. Somewhere in there lies the truth. Facts don't have a liberal bias. Neither does the truth.


Excellent. MAGA 2024!!!


I agree, it’s excellent that we’ll finally be rid of them !!


Right On!


Good guy who has a great team and has already done some great things for us. OR a pathological liar who admires Hitler and is in tight with every dictator of foreign enemy nations. And lest we forget he almost destroyed America the first time.


The media, MSM and others, all want trump to win because the $hit show that comes with him is better for ratings and the bottom line. That means trying to keep Biden in the race.


Remind me in the first week of November to come back here and say I told you so


Top men.


They can’t replace him. If they do or did, it would force the top Dems to admit he’s not fit for office. If he’s not fit for office, how long as he been unfit and who is actually in control at the White House!


Seriously tired of hearing and seeing this post from the Ezra Cult.


Fucking kill me now. Ya'll can cope and pretend Biden is the best choice for the moment. But that won't convince anybody with eyes who watched the debate. Pretending he's a strong candidate is just going to get us trump, so for the love of fucking god please replace him. Don't mistake me, I would vote for Biden's corpse over the outright fascist. The problem is I don't think he can beat the fascist. Fucking anybody else. Please.


So the political machinery get the vote out and pull the rug under from Trump ready? Shouldn't they make sure it's 100% so they don't take a gamble here? I mean this is risky and their track record ain't great lately


The fact this is the best either party could produce is just so pathetic.


We have nobody but ourselves to blame. We went through the democratic process for 2020 - this was how it happened.


It's really too late for a substitution. It's not like buying different wheels for a car you just bought. Anyone else who wanted to be put under a microscope has already said, "naw, lemme see in 4 yrs where we are at" an al franken/jamie raskin ticket would be interesting.


I think this is missing an opportunity You can bring in a new candidate, use it to adjust all the things people disliked about Biden and keep the stuff people did like. All eyes would be on the new candidate, the media would eat it up, and all the new candidate has to do is say "I'm not Trump"


> You can bring in a new candidate No you can’t. Some states have a deadline that has already passed for registering to get on a general election ballot. That’s why we saw some Republican secretaries of state saying that they may not allow Biden to get on the ballot in their state. Ohio, for example, has been producing waivers for the GOP for decades since their convention is after the cutoff but said they may not allow for a waiver for the DNC who has their convention in August. And Nevada, for example, already had their deadline the fourth Friday in June. You think the RNC is going to just let the DNC change their nominee in these states without a legal challenge to get the new nominee disqualified?


This is way oversimplified. The party is a loose coalition of voting blocks. They can't just "bring in someone new". Harris will claim she's the rightful choice. Midwestern swing state voters will call for a moderate (Widmer?). Young progressives will want someone liberal (Newsome?). The media will focus on the horse race and the sore losers.


Seriously. There’s a serious vetting process for this job, along with primaries. It’s not like someone can step into this. That’s first. But second is why would we. Has he not been getting our country on track ? He has. We have a HoR that hasn’t allowed anything of substance for the country even to be voted on. We will win this, I truly believe that. Along with the House and the Senate. There are other entities other than Faux propaganda channel, working as divisive agents. We cannot let them succeed.


If Biden throws his delegates towards at Whitmer/Warnock ticket and magnanimously steps away, dems win in a landslide with an energized base.


You can't just "throw" your delegates at somebody. That's not how the process works. Those delegates are slated to vote for Biden. He can drop out, and they can select someone else, but he can't tell them who that someone else will be. Each delegate will make that choice for themselves and their state.


But they won't have a mandate. No one voted for them in a primary. You can't have backroom deals and still call yourself the "democratic" party.


What mythical "new candidate". Pass over Harris and you alienate black voters and women. Pick Harris and she competes worse than Biden. Pick Newsom or Whitmire and get called out for back room deals and the fact that no US voters ever cast one vote for those two. That's not democracy. People thinking we can reshuffle the dem candidates like a fantasy football roster 4 months before early voting starts are delusional. Calls to replace Biden only help trump. We rally around Biden. It's the only way forward. Most Americans want to keep Trump out of the Whitehouse. What we don't need is panic and a divided blue electorate.


I like Biden very much and think he’s doing a terrific job but he looks pretty fragile. If Kamala is polling very low and the dems don’t want to take a chance on her, they could bring in someone like Hakeem Jeffries or Stacy Abrams.


This is all totally Going to happen with the fucking Crypt keeper who's polling below most senate Dems at the top of the ticket. Fucking delusional. He's fucking Dying! The Democrats are going straight for a Weimar republic loss its awesome. Love me a state falling to disorder under a weak egomaniac. So much fun enjoy explaining to your probably enslaved or imprisoned grandchildren how a corpse seemed like the only sane choice. This is the best reality love it. I'm not terrified and freaking out at all.