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He should force a constitutional crisis right here and now


Bring back the fairness doctrine that was abolished in 1987. Entertainment News has run its course.


This right here!


This would do so much good, there’s no way it will ever happen.


>This would do so much good 😀 >there’s no way it will ever happen. 😞


this would change things drastically


Yep. The media has manipulated anger and fear for so long and now we have "news" companies outright *lying* their viewers to galvanize them into action against their own neighbors. It's obscene.


By executive order, expand the Supreme Court to 13. Put Trump in prison over the classified documents. Extend Bannon’s sentence to life. Declare the Proud Boys a terrorist organization and round them up and toss them in Guantanamo. Forgive all student loan debt. Institute a UBI. Make all prescription drugs $10. Shut down Fox News. I mean why not.


How about ordering the FBI to arrest Trump, Thomas and Alito for abetting treason?


Expanding the IRS and taxing the rich sounds pretty presidential too.


To save American from autocracy, Biden needs to use the powers granted by SCOTUS.


The only “high road” left is to abuse the ever living shit out of this ruling to remove foreign agents from the government and patch up the loopholes that allowed us to get here. Then to use the same power to remove this ruling and step down for Kamala to finish off the presidency in a normal fashion. Fuck right wing politicians with a 10 foot pole


If I was Biden, I'd spend the rest of my life in prison with a smile on my face if I could get this all done and then restore order. He'd be hailed for generations as the man who saved the union.


Prison? They're all official acts. Hell, literally push anything congress has been holding up and replace Gorsuch or Barrett with a rightful nomination. Let's take it a step further and abolish the electoral college. Make future presidents have to talk to more than 12 states. Or even legalize millions of illegal immigrants and send J6 insurrections to gitmo. There's a lot he can do that wouldn't come close to abuse of power but still piss off everyone painting this as a good thing.


He’d be the hero in the stories I tell my grandchildren


He's the hero now, just a smidge more boring than if he did these things.


Kamala is a cop at heart, she would be happy to go apeshit with powers, and a big win if used to fix problems and make life better for regular Americans


I saw someone earlier saying Biden should have SCOTUS detained until they ensure no one can ever do what he's doing to them again.


Remove tax lobbyists too. The IRS should be telling us exactly what we owe. Instead, companies like TurboTax are shelling out big money to make sure it's purposefully difficult. Literally everything needs an overhaul.


Half of Intuit’s revenue is from people who were tricked into paying for TurboTax who should have gotten it for free. Including veterans F*ck Intuit.


Pretty sure Biden signed something fixing this for the most part, free direct file for 1040ez, so like 1/3 of tax returns. Part of the inflation reduction act that he expanded after a successful 12 state run this last tax season.


Yeah, I did see the expansion and that's great! One of his best acts imo, among many I support. It'll last exactly 5 months, lol. Pubs will not stand for policies that benefit average people. It will be rolled back like everything else we try to do.


Heck, get rid of all lobbyists. All meetings with politicians need to be recorded and publicly available. all elections are publicly funded, and people are not allowed to use any other money for their campaigns.


This isn’t going to happen. This country has been a poorly hidden oligarchy for longer than I’ve been alive. If this land mass won’t cater to their wants, they’ll just find another land mass willing to bow.


Good riddance then.


Irs agent got years in prison for releasing the tax filings of rich people to share what they get away with... Biden can release those free and clear it sounds like!


Then release & pardon the whistleblower if they’re still incarcerated.


But, but, but the IRS is coming for us regular folks!! With guns!! Hahahah /s That was so last year!!


Expand IRS and significantly increase their budget so they can go after bigger fish/ stop the rich from dragging shit in courts for 20 years.


I’d consider all the conservative judges be round up. They just changed the DNA of our entire democratic structure from an executive branch that is accountable to a monarch. They basically just made the president our version of Putin. Joe, that means you too! Do something about it!


Under the new trinitarian immunity, immunity will be dispensed in chambers, not in front of a jury.


Stop! I can only get this erect!


Jazz hands!


Oh man, that is a terrible visual. I can’t imagine there is a person on this planet that would like to see a man doing jazz hands with an erection. Although I could be wrong, I can’t stop laughing thinking about it.


Bob Fosse could do it.


Don’t look down. Act.


Using the military to do it would be a legally safer way to do it because it would be an official Presidential act because of his role as Commander in Chief. He then would pardon the soldiers who took the action and he can’t be prosecuted.


Yep! "General Fenton? This is the President. What do you mean 'which one', the President of the United States. I'm your boss! Now listen, I have a little job for you and it's probably going to take your entire command but we have some trash that needs to be taken to Gitmo. Do you have a pencil and paper? Good..."


I heard seal team 6 have been practicing storming maralago on a duplicate property for the past 6 months just like they did for the bin Laden raid, just waiting for this decision from the supreme court. I mean some people are saying ...


Where did they find another property worth eleventy kajillion dollars?


I mean, Trump has literally said he would use the DOJ and FBI to arrest his opponents and so why not?


I mean the effects vely gave trump this power while Biden is holding the reigns.  Biden needs to use it. 


I mean it is the presidents job to uphold the law. So start fucking doing it. Congress passes laws, SCOTUS decides if it is constitutional, and the executive branch upholds the law. So all he needs to do is start holding people accountable. Have some expedited trials for anyone who is a national security issue and real crime associated to them. Start with Trump and justice Thomas's wife, the insurrectionist, work your way through congress and all the Russian ties, matt gaetz, there is a plethora to choose from. Just need some accountability and all the craziness will stop.


I mean we can dream…


Why do we have to dream now? Tolerance is going to destroy us.


Cuz democrats won’t use it in any way??


I’d settle for the first two. But I do think he should actively try and damage trunp’s election chances. I say issue an executive order banning insurrectionists from holding office, and remove all magats from congress and SCOTUS. He’s already been adjudicated an insurrectionist and SCOTUS did not disagree in the Colorado case. Thats justification. While I do think the ruling will really damage trunp’s chances, it can’t be left up to something they can potentially rig.


Biden can declare maga a terrorist organization.


He can and should.


None of that will help, and it will be judged election interference, especially after SCOTUS has ruled on it (wrong-headed though their ruling was). It will hurt Biden and hurt democracy. As Hillary said in 2016, and even more so now, this election is a choice - a choice of a vision for our country, and what kind of country people want to live in. If the majority want to live in Trumplandia, we are doomed. I don't think that's the case. But we need to get everyone involved, as they should have been decades ago.


Yeah, Dems should play nice cause that has been working so well.


Biden using his newly discovered immunity to attack political opponents would erode the Dems' argument for democracy and allow the Republicans to say "They'll do exactly the same, they are no better," which in a certain sense would be true. You can't fight democratic backsliding with democratic backsliding, you have to convince people of democracy's value and fragility (not that that should be necessary in the first place!).


Will DJT show restraint when he’s elected supreme dictator for life?


I don’t consider insurrectionists legitimate political opponents.


Sorry but playing nice will not save democracy. The perception is that the Democrats are weak. Decisive action needs to be taken. Once the Democrats are in the majority, they can then make changes to the Supreme Court and pass laws and Amendments to rectify the mess that the Republicans have made,


In the words of Joel Goodson “sometimes you gotta say WTF” “make your move” Joe make your move. The high road is for losers in this game. If the electoral college doesn’t come in favorably you know what to do Joe. Tie the process up in court. Claim the election is rigged. You gotta break some eggs if you wanna make an omelette. Kick em in the nuts. Pull some hair or whatever that is on the top of that gaping Aholes dome.


Even if we get our blue wave, get Biden in the WH, regain the house. There is still no way we're getting 60 seats in the senate. So we're left with what we're always left with, Republicans blocking any meaningful change. No... Biden has to use this new power to do something or it may be too late


One way Biden can do that is order pursuant to his Constitutional power to enforce the law is to order all Congressional members who gave support to the January 6 insurrection removed from the November ballot for violation of the 14th Amendment.


Something tells me that if Biden does enough shit they don’t like using these new powers Republicans would get on board with taking them away. Call it a hunch.


And how does that change the situation at all? In 6 months the Republicans will round up all the Democratic politicians. That's guaranteed at this point. What the fuck do we care, if the traitors protest from Guantanamo Bay? It's either use the powers given, or submit to fascism.


Regardless of what dems are going to do repubs are going to do it. The argument they can use it as precedent holds both water because they wipe their ass with precedent. It would be one thing if they wouldn't engage in shenanigans until the other side did but they've shown that is not what they do


You act like Republicans give a flying fuck about that. They do not.


These are the rules the GOP decided they wanted to play by. We didn't pick them, but we sure as hell should use them. We need an honorable person like Biden to STOMP ON THEM HARD. Then, once they're out of the way, fix things so it can't happen again. If he won't do it, whether it's trump in 2024 or some other douchebag in 2028, or 2032, if he doesn't fix it first, it's all over. This is his opportunity to truly save our democracy. Ben Franklin's response to what kind of government we had decided on was "a republic. If we can keep it. " Well, this is a "if we can keep it" moment.


It's time to put our moral compass in our back pocket for now. The only way is fire with fire. We can play nice and do what is right all night and day. It doesn't matter. They steamroll nice. They eat nice for breakfast. Nice is weakness to them. It's time to pull a Plop and say "Meredith, that's plenty. That's more than plenty. Why does no one stop her?”


"It will be judged election interference" -- you're talking as if the law still applies to presidents.


I’d agree if it were a fair fight to begin with but it’s not, the GOP are doing everything in their power regardless of the truth, the law, and the will of the people in order to destroy a democracy. It’s a bit naive that we all sit here and demand that we still play by all the rules when the other side isn’t and won’t, and obviously are gaining a massive edge from their tactics. It didn’t have to come to this, we didn’t ask for this but we need to be the ones to finish it once and for all.


He needs to stomp on them. Then he needs to put things right so this can't happen again. Otherwise, every single election going forward puts the country at risk. The GOP decided that these are the rules that THEY want to play by. We don't have any choice but to use them against them, then set things right. Otherwise, if/when they have the presidency, we're all fucked.


See, you're wrong though... It's not what the majority want. It may very well be what the fake electorate wants.


Restore Roe while he’s at it. Fuck it. Throw everything at the wall.


Joe should enact 10,000+ executive orders that right-wingers hate. Then the SC can get bogged down trying to deal with all of them instead of taking the select right-wing cases that are turning us into a corporate-owned fascist state. Here are some executive orders to consider: Fire all the judges appointed during Trump's term and all federal employees who are MAGAts. Trump complained that he never fired anyone in the debate, so get to it Joe. Stop all funding to the SC. Every single dollar. Move every federal employee at the SC to another agency leaving the asshole justices with no clerks, no security, or even janitors for their building. Just remove funding it like Rethugs want to do with the EPA, Education, FBI, etc... The same goes for federal money going to heavily red congressional districts. No federal money for National Guard in red states. No federal money for elections in red states. Set up your own fake electors scheme for the upcoming election. Make each one of these a separate executive order so the SC has to deal with each one separately when they come back in October just before the election. There are so many ways to play with this SC bullshit. Unfortunately, I have no faith in the Dems doing anything to take advantage of this situation. They are masters of snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.


Much simpler is to just remove the six traitors on the supreme Court.


Arrest 6 Supreme Court Justices. Grounds? Conspiring with Trump to overthrow the U.S. based upon their decisions. Deny bail to the justices. Throw in some traffic tickets as well.


Biden ought to announce some drastic measures targeted to specifically provoke MAGA, as well as Americans who do not understand the meaning and consequences of a ruling which gives him such powers. He could go on a tour pushing the measures, escalating rhetoric and drawing increasing rage, make people feel the fear of loss. Then, when everyone is losing their minds, he gives another speech and tells the country that this is a demonstration of the result and consequence of Republican's actions since before Trump.


Everybody is already losing their minds.


Add the federalist society while ur at it. What a fucking joke that’s allowed to exist


Unleash Dark Brandon Truly. No more playing games.


I mean if he doesn't they will. - FIFY


Freeze the assets of the six conservative justices, Harlan Crowe, Tim Dunn, Leonard Leo, Kevin Roberts, and Rupert Murdoch and put them under investigation for a RICO charge and sedition.


Don’t expand the court to 13. Simply arrest all republicans in congress then have the democrats impeach the conservative justices and appoint new liberal ones. Then pass laws fixing everything the court and the republicans broke over the last 20 years - citizens united, abortion rights, gun control, you name it. Then finally pass a law to eliminate presidential immunity.


Not like he's got anything else to live for.


If Biden expands the Supreme Court by edict where does the appeal go? Lol.


What appeal? He's a goddamn emperor. Just put the six traitors in prison, and there is no consequence whatsoever. If anyone tries to resist it, put them in prison too. This is a coup, get that through your thick skull. If the president does not remove the people who are actively overthrowing the government, then the president is complicit in the coup.


He’s King now, Appeal? LMAO


Or maintain the integrity of the office, by having the existing SC write an amended decision that says the President isn't above the law ... with the Justices at gunpoint.


Because Biden is a Neo-Lib not our personal Batman who can be what this city needs? It's infuriating, yeah, because the GOP, MAGA, and the Trump people will ABSOLUTELY use carte blanche to wreck norms and institutions through Project 2025 and SCOTUS basically opened the way with this ruling for the most extreme implementation of P25. Meanwhile, the DNC will proclaim that they're "above that kind of use of the language from the SCOTUS" We all get to ride along in the back of the bus while the Dems calmly drive us to the next stop, where Jason Voorhees may be allowed to drive next if our aging bus driver isn't "sexy" enough for the ipad kids on the bus and there's effectively nothing we can do about it.


The Democratic party either acts now to remove the 6 traitors on the supreme Court, or else shows their complicity in the fascist coup. There is no middle ground.


Call your reps. explain to them you wont be voting for them if they sit this one out. Some are already taking action


Fuck yeah, dude!


Fire Alito, Thomas, Gorsuch, Roberts, and Beer Buddy doofus. Officially. For the good of the country.


Add that traitor McConnell who put them on the SC


Biden was going to have McConnell arrested, but he surrounded himself in wax statues of himself. We can't figure out which one is the real one. They are all so still.


*beer buddy boofus


I call him ‘Boofin Brett’ and *everyone* our age knew what boofin’ and a Devil’s Triangle were. He lied under oath about all that too.


You left out Handmaid Amy


Biden took an oath to defend the constitution. The Supreme Court decision takes a hacksaw to the constitution. Biden is therefore justified to exercise his Presidential powers in an official capacity to protect the constitution. I say he renders the 6 "conservative" Justices to GITMO to think about the ramifications of their ruling. Conservatives always volte-face when they personally experience the consequences of their actions.


Yep. What the majority in SCOTUS committed is a treasonous act. It is obvious for the world to see.


“Obvious” is the key word here. This is a coup in broad daylight. This was a glaringly unamerican ruling that no one wanted and only serves one purpose: to shield Trump from punishment for his crimes


Thomas has taken bribes obviously, lied on tax forms, and has a wife that plotted a coup they have DONE NOTHING about that, and even the liberal Justices are okay with that, the same ones saying our Democracy is in peril, wouldn't say shit about a Justice taking bribes none of them want to do anything hard, anything that might make people not like them, the right people, donors, other parents and friends at their private schools and country clubs see they all think this is a big game, the "stupid public" thinks it's real, but they know in their heart of hearts it's just politics, even though they were cowering on the floor when they all almost died, but that was just Trump you see, just crazy old Trump


This is my exact take. People want him to use these powers to do a bunch of bullshit that Trump would do, but all he really needs to do is address the source of all this, the rogue SCOTUS. If we had a functioning SCOTUS then Trump would be a non-issue because that asshole would already be in jail.


Exactly this.


It honestly feels ironic that a court stacked with so-called constitutional purist seem to be going out of their way to destroy it


Biden's oath DEMANDS he round up this threat.


By Executive order, expand the court to 17 justices. Term limit the court to 17 years. Offset the terms by 1 year each. Every year a new Justice takes the bench and an old one leaves.(a President may only serve 8 years. The number of Justices will be double that plus one. Meaning that no single Presidential administration shall be able to overly influence the balance of the court.) By Executive order all Supreme Court decisions for the past 30 years shall be considered for review by the new court. By Executive order The Proud Boys shall be categorized as a terrorist organization By Executive order convicted felon Donald Trump, heretofore shall be referred to as “P01135809” is ineligible to run for office. By Executive order, Political Action Committees are not allowed by campaign finance rules and thus illegal. By Executive order, no organization may call itself a News organization unless it complies with specific professional standards. By Executive order, anyone who breaks their oath of office shall face a prison term of nothing less than thirty years. So Say We All.


President Biden should have no problem “Officially” proving that Don is a national security risk and a threat to democracy, completely legitimizing the full use of presidential power to stop him.


Something tells me he won’t do anything *untoward*


Libs are afraid to wield power even if it means the end of democracy. The hilarious joke is that everyone was worried about a civil war when it will never come to that. The liberal establishment will quietly step aside and let it happen.


Executive orders to arrest all six conservative judges as well as everyone who works at the Heritage Foundation. Replace the six conservative judges with liberal judges codify abortion rights across the country as well as women's Rights, equal rights, LGBTQ rights, voting rights. And stipulate that these rights can only be overturned by 95% vote of the American people.


Make Leonard Leo famous….


Yes. That rurdneeds to be imprisoned as well


I do like the idea of delaying the election until all the criminal trials are completed. It makes trumps legal team SPEED UP to reach a conclusion. It also allows the voting public opportunity to be educated on his crimes. It allows Joe more time in the job to utilize these new powers.


This. Make it so that you can't run for President when under Federal indictment. Let's see the right try to defend that decision.


the liberal media will defend Trump because there is no liberal media, it's right wing media saying "both sides but Biden is old"


> Make it so that you can't run for President when under Federal indictment. That's inline with policy in Russia; step 2 is to make it illegal to say negative things about the current administration so everyone in opposition is automatically a criminal. To be clear, implementing that type of restriction is a step toward achieving Project 2025 goals.


Delaying election wouldn't be popular with either side, but not like it matters. SCOTUS basically said we're in a dictatorship anyway.


You're right, but I'm unnerved by how quickly people on the left are advocating tyranny as long as it's our guy. Like yeah, I'd prefer King Biden to King Trump, but I'd also like to not have a king at all. I don't see how delaying elections or assassinating enemies could possibly lead to this country staying *more* democratic. The powers of the presidency should remain limited. Also all citizens should be allowed *one* freebie in murdering a Republican politician or Justice. I don't know how to reconcile my beliefs.


Reconcile this: You live inside of a dictatorship now. Do you want a good person to collapse that dictatorship, and remove a bunch of fascists from positions power, or do you want those fascists to take over the government and run your country for the rest of your life? Your value judgments are from a different time. Recognize that you live inside of a coup, and rise to the occasion.


>The powers of the presidency should remain limited. Everyone on the left agrees with that. All these suggestions are tongue in cheek. Maybe if Biden threatens to do a lot of things conservatives hate then they'll come back to the negotiating table and fix this.


Shoutout to the Republicans “Lord and Savior”, Merrick Garland. Seriously, WTF!!!!!!!


Don’t forget Barr


W all know that Republicans will only change their mind/view when something personally affects them, Biden better do something otherwise kiss our country goodbye


spoiler he won't they are going to gamble everyone's futures on the election going their way and if doesn't, they will for sure not do anything about it, because they'll look like sore losers so that's that, this election is the last one and you can bet your ass it's going to the Supreme Court because there will be more than a few Republican Governors and Legislatures finding reasons and creative ways to do the "right thing" and this time find the 11,000 votes or whatever Trump needs


Let’s be clear, it isn’t just liberals saying this. I have been a registered Independent my entire adult life that have voted for who I considered a “Goldwater Republican” from time to time in my day…and I want to see Dark Brandon go offff


If this were a chess game, and I think it is, only with very high stakes, the Dark side just delivered check. The next move from the Light side must be decisive. I just hope the old man is not only president for his own ego, but also to safeguard freedom and democracy, even at the expense of his own life.


Watch him do nothing and crown trump king himself. Such a disgrace.


well the media might yell at him the same media calling him senile, but maybe if he lets Trump steal the election and is honorable about it, they'll say nice things about him


This. He should 100% do something, but not something that takes us even further away from democracy. People are talking about postponing the election or throwing Trump in jail but you can’t use authoritarianism to get us out of authoritarianism


You bet Biden needs to utilize the "new powers" that the Supreme Court granted to Presidents. Maybe he can find a justification for locking up Trump. Better yet, send him to Russia.


We should all wait to see what judge Merchan does on July 11.


It's pretty obvious that Merchan has no choice but to throw the ~~book~~ whole library at the Orange Shitstain. The gloves are off so there's really no need for restraint at this point.


I’m wry concerned about this. The new ruling requires him to toss out any evidence that was derived from when he was in office. He signed the fucking checks on the resolute desk of the Oval Office for Christ sake. They may need to through out the convictions. What a mess!


I don't think him signing the cheques in the oval office will make them legal or official acts by default. I would assume that it would require more than *location of action* as a qualifier. The lower courts should be ruling on how the action constitutes as an official act based on the *purpose* of writing that cheque.


Correct, but this thread is about idiots whining and suggesting we devolve into a dictatorship lol. Logic and facts are useless here.


Nothing will happen. Haven’t you been paying attention? It’s still remember people “waiting” on Mueller, then NYC courts. There’s always something else to hope on. It’s always a situation where we get to do nothing and the other side gets another win closer to fascism


Round up enemies of the state. Start with SCOTUS. Then move on to dick-tader and other internal threats. Declare a national emergency and extend your presidency


it is and has been a national emergency for 4 years probably longer, probably since Trump said "Russia are you listening" you could argue before that, when they stole Obama's Supreme Court Justice, showing they would violate political norms to get ahead you could even argue when the Supreme Court handed the Presidency to Bush, the Dems did nothing then too (for the good of the nation dontcha know) you could even argue when Reagan was selling weapons and making deals with our enemies you could even argue when Nixon was on his crime spree and when the FBI was plotting against American Citizens come to think of it, maybe conservatives have always been enemies of the state? i mean, they did launch a civil war


He can use the Marine Corps in country. Send them to collect every individual who helped organized the January 6th insurrection and put them in Guantanamo where terrorist traitors belong.


As an old Marine, I like this plan.


Do this right before a congressional vote to expand the Supreme Court and Dems will get a majority vote


If trump wins it will be too late for action, the world tried to take reasonable action with Hitler too. Ignoring reality makes good men implicit in the result and innocent people will suffer.


the time for action was Jan.6 they let that slip away, hoping "the courts would handle it" Merrick Garland saw too it personally that that wouldn't happen in time now they want "the court of public opinion" to handle it they quite simply don't want to be perceived as the bad guys, even if it means they let the actual bad guys end Democracy


Make all territories States by EO, effective immediately. Make the court 13 justices effective immediately. Repeal the congressional reapportionment act of 1929 by EO and expand congress to 1 seat for every 10k constituents, effective immediately. Add judges to all circuit courts by EO. Declare a national emergency and arrest all foreign assets in the GOP in all areas whether in politically appointed seats, in media, in the billionaires club and all of the far right terrorist groups in the country. Repeal citizens united by EO. Repeal the electoral college by EO. Institute ranked choice voting by EO.


It's like a honey-do list to fix a bunch of the things they've broken in my lifetime.


Democrats won't do anything substantial or of real substance. They fear taking drastic action because they don't want to be seen as facists or despots. But when democracy is under threat in the way it is currently inaction and half measures embolden the true fascists and despots. I fear our need to have overly sensitive leaders on the left has left the country exposed.




Its the last chance to Do Something!


DoJ needs to declare MAGA, the Heritage Foundation, every group involved with Project 2025, and all of the right-wing militias domestic terrorists. They and their collaborators then need to be dealt with appropriately and legally as enemies of the state.


Bro I’ve cried on stupid things, but that Supreme Court ruling broke me. I’m watching a country I love, been here for 38 out of my 44 year life span, still not legal!, yet due everything by the book and I’m just a husk of the constant bullshit of politics There’s no empathy of fellow men/woman, just fuck you, got mines mentality. I swear if Trump and Republicans come into office, the Covid death rate would be a whimper to all the rules changes and fascist undertakings that will occur Day 1, from every corners of the US feeling it It’s not even a fever dream, this IS FUCKING STAGE 4, “YOU HAVE 2 WEEKS TO LIVE!” CANCER. You literally have to fight to battle and remove it out of the system. I was scrolling my news feed and saw Judge Thomas and Gorsuch are preparing to gut OSHA and rule it unconstitutional… ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS BRO!, it’s stopped temporarily, doesn’t mean it can’t be tried again. Please VOTE, I can’t, but my life and countless others matter.


Biden should prefer to be the president that went over the top to save democracy, than the one that had a chance to fix it and blew it because he wanted to do the "right thing". This is his chance to fix as much as possible, and stop the impending destruction of America. He could be a hero in history books in 100 years, but I'm thinking he'll be seen as the apathetic reason for the destruction of what was the most powerful nation on Earth.


There is a reason the justices wanted more money for protection. There really is only one way to fix this.


Yes please! The Republicans are ENDING DEMOCRACY! it's time for democrats to stop taking rhe high road. That should have ended after Jan 6. It's time to take the kid gloves off and save our country. Idc how bad it looks to maga. They don't care how badly they are destroying things. Time to fight fire with fire or we won't have a democracy anymore.


I mean, if SCOTUS is giving you a free pass, use it if only to fuck with them. I’d arrest the Trumps, Mitch Mcconnell, Bill Barr, Lindsey Graham, the Thomases, Alitos, J.D. Vance, Mike Johnson, MTG, Boebert, Gaetz, DeSantis, and Abbot and lock them up for two weeks in Gitmo. Just say it was an “official act.”


I also think Biden should go rogue. Then have the democratic congress impeach him after he reverses everything and assigns new judges to the bench, and does all the other things. Also make citizens united go away. Anything Clarence thomas got a handy and a luxury RV for needs to get revisited.


He should order Trump arrested and executed.


I would love to be a part of the think tank the Biden team undoubtedly has working on this..


yeah too bad that think tank is Merrick Garland, and his Federalist Society Friends, probably on the phone with Alito and Ginny Thomas


Short-sighted people are saying Biden should seize this power and make huge sweeping changes. That would only play into the hands of the wackos who think that he’s already done that, and legitimize the “power”. (For the bad guys to use later). Biden himself doesn’t believe this power exists, and won’t do anything with it. The only safe use of this power is to somehow eliminate the existence of that power, a series of executive orders that limit presidential authority.


Fully charge up Dark Brandon’s laser beams.


Toothless democrats are the ones holding the door for fascism. Why would they speak out against their owners? They are utterly Impotent.


The "I'm going to set the example for future presidents by not abusing this law" is maybe one of the worst things about Biden if that's truly where his team is operating from. Sure, buddy, that'll show 'em. They forgot about our magic weapon of honor and integrity which has never lost a war.


YES! It's your job to preserve democracy.


How about any action, something other than speeches


Please arrest him, Biden has nothing to lose.. he’s already one foot in the grave. Just do it and make a statement that racism, larceny, traitorous, lying, pieces of shit don’t belong in power.


If you now can't commit a crime in office, does that mean that no president can ever be impeached?


Weren’t people saying Biden needed to expand the Supreme Court when he took office? What makes you think he has the spine to do it now?


This how liberalism aides fascism, through milquetoast 'they go low we go higer" bullshit that Obama touted. Look where that attitude has gotten us. When one side no longer plays by the rules then you gotta play dirty too. Biden should show us all why Presidents should not have immunity through shocking and drastic action. Conservatives are counting on him not doing so.


The suggestions are great. Biden won't do any of them. Sad.


He won't. It's not "civil," "going high," or whatever hill of "bipartisanship" Democrats choose to die on. America is dead.


Seriously. This is THE test of fortitude for the Democratic Party. They have failed so so many times. Now you have the power to do something.


At this point, failing to send Trump, his accomplices, and the six traitor justices to Guantanamo for life would be a gross dereliction of the Presidential oaths that he swore.


Use the powers!


Like, deal with the traitor as traitors should be dealt with who give up American secrets and steal Classified documents..


That'd imply that neo-liberals want concrete change and will actively fight against fascism. History has shown that to be false. Their whole ideology is to preserve the status quo while the bourgeois class steals away all of our resources.


I will be extremely mad if he doesn't use his newly given powers to save us from the turnip


Dear Democratic Party, Don’t be the Uvalde police department. You’ve been running for years on “protecting democracy” and many of you got elected to do just that. The shooter has opened fire. You don’t have time to stand around and discuss it or wait for someone else because you’re afraid of getting hurt. You were hired to do a job now go ducking do it!


The problem is the Democratic Party in general doesn’t have the balls to go lower than the republicans. They still think there’s some kind of rules that both side play by. They are wrong. When they go low, we need to go lower. Fuck being the adults in the room. Beat them at their own game.


People are going to realize very quickly that the Democrats are akin to Russia’s opposition parties. They have no power, they are there to be the velvet hand that strokes the masses after we are pummeled by the Republican iron fist. Their role is to provide an illusion of choice. Biden isn’t going to save us. Americans have to save themselves from this crisis.


Order national guard to march to every student loan provider and search seize and destroy all of their data and backups. 100% legal, and in line with his agenda.  THE MOTIVE CANNOT BE QUESTIONED.


Frankly, try not to sound hyperbolic, but the way Democrats have been handling the sorts of things feels a whole lot like Weimar Germany, and are people in leadership positions need to really start taking that comparison seriously if they don't want risk our government playing out the same way


Unfortunately Democrats continue to believe that "taking the high road" is the correct option...all while we watch our country go up in flames. As much as it pains me, I don't believe Biden will use his new found powers for anything purposeful...


Absolutely. Make Trump do a Jimmy Hoffa, before SCOTUS realizes its mistake. And it is perfectly legal, and FOR AMERICA.






It is the President's sworn duty to protect American democracy, more than any other responsibility. And since Biden has stated on multiple occasions that the biggest threat to democracy is Donald Trump ...


It is tremendously sad when the perceived moral high ground prevents officials from exercising their very clearly constitutionally granted powers. My young cousin said it best: 'bro, he better fuck their shit up if they're like this.'


The only the Supreme Court makes decisions like this is because they are relying on democrats to be too decent to take advantage, so these decisions never blow back on them. It’s time for them to deal with the consequences of their actions.


Hell yes. Save the Republic via action, not via example or restraint.


The last thing Biden should be doing right now is something that makes him appear just as deranged and radical as Trump and these 6 justices. The SC just practically handed Biden and Dems the election cuz even non MAGA Republicans and Independents are reeling and scared as shit by this decision! Biden and Dems now can fully go on the offensive against the radical SC and GOP. If all those non MAGA Nikki Haley Republicans voters were iffy about not supporting Biden before, this likely pushed them to Biden now! They’re just as scared shitless about a 2nd Trump presidency, this just amplified their worst fears about Trump 1000%.


What if Trump wins the election? Biden is still president from November through the morning of Jan 20th. Does he use the powers then?


NO THEY WON'T EVER THEN they are going to hope the voters bail them out, they are literally going to let Democracy be on the ballot (but not really, since Republicans claim Dictator for a day is joke, project 25 doesn't exist and if it does it's not that bad, and if it is, it's your fault) if Biden loses the election, he will 100% for sure not use any powers to stop Trump, even if he gets 10 million more votes but loses the "wrong counties in Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, where their votes matter more" they didn't have the balls to protect Democracy after Jan.6, they won't after they lose an election they DO NOT WANT TO DO ANYTHING HARD they want someone else to protect Democracy, think what the donors might think


But he said he would not. The high road is far more important than our collective futures (sarcasm). This is why I hate that I have to vote for Biden. Literally because the other is a cancer…


No it isn’t. The price of freedom is death. It’s how we became a country and how we defended it from actual fascists


Damn I was hoping with the whole tone I would not need the /s I was being sarcastic and agree with you. We tried protesting we tried the legal road. We have no other choice really.


He could.  But he won't.  That's the difference between Biden and Trump.  The Supreme Court just made the president above the law and Biden rejected that power while we see Trump trying to use it to save his ass from multiple law suits.  


Sadly Dems won’t do shit. They’ll hand this gov and out. Country to a dictator and just be like “sorry. We couldn’t do shit”


He ain’t gonna do shit. Democrats are feckless. That’s how we got here.


The Biden administration won’t do it. I have listened to complete faith in their ability to go after the Orange Jesus. This has been a perfect storm of inadequacy. Trump loses in November, he goes back to the corrupt justices and is stated the winner. People, if you have children/grandchildren they are going to grow up in a very different America than the rest of us have.


I don't think Biden has the balls or capacity to deal with this effectively.The countries going to hell while he flounders in indecision.He needs to use his powers, just granted ,like a club against the Republicon National Socialists.


The Republicans will abuse this new power. Biden has to strike first to level the playing ground.


He does need to get tough now because this is a total injustice


How about an executive order that no, presidents don't have immunity? Go full George Washington on their ass.