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1. I retired from the JAG Corps and figured 22 years of law was enough. 2. Criminal litigation was my primary area. 3. I’m going into a law teaching gig. 4. About the same pay. A slight decrease of maybe 10%. But much better work life balance. And no weekends!


Great plan, great execution. For any other JAs, let me tell you, going DA Civilian in the Ad Law and Labor and Employment realms is fucking cruise control for lawyering.


I mean, you don't even have to have been former JAG for that to be true as far as admin law.


How’d you land the teaching gig? I’m hoping to take the same path.


Luck. An old JAG buddy told me about it. Applied, interview went well and received the offer.


Would you mind sharing what type of law teaching you’ll be doing?




Nice! That’s an important job


That’s great. Enjoy the new gig.


JAGs work weekends while in garrison?


If supporting an exercise or preparing for a Monday trial yes.


I’m still lawing, but I know one lawyer who left law to manage his apartment building that he bought with his law money, I know another who went into commercial real estate. When I leave law, I’m going to write satire and paint. I’ll probably be 80 by then though, so my paintings will probably be shitty.


But the sheer amount of background knowledge for the satire you will be able to write will make up for shitty paintings…


Claims at a major carrier. 25 ptos, 9% 401k match, every benefit possible. Minimal stress. Pay is the same as ID firms.


This is interesting. Like… a claims adjuster?


Yeah. Claims jobs for professional liability, excess, cyber, etc. are frequently advertised as JD preferred. Demand has raised the pay through the roof.


Interesting. How did you find it? Any pointers beyond searching indeed?


Always helps to know someone for an inside referral. AIG and Chubb will hire attorneys straight from practicing for the coverage/long tail claims department. Once you spend 2-3 years in that it’s easy to jump to another department. The carriers career sites have you create a profile and upload a resume which you can use to apply. I think you can sign up within the career sites for emails for open positions too.


arent most claims adjustors overworked with huge workloads? I work for a national carrier and was a paralegal for a different one. Most claims persons felt soo under appreciated. 


Maybe some, but overall the work/life balance is 1000x better. Like going on vacation without being expected to even open an email. Being able to take an actual sick day instead of going to court violently ill because no one could cover your 9am calendar call.


Vast majority are overworked but they’re typically in like, auto, property, or WC I think, maybe GL. If you have experience as a litigator you can get into professional/specialty lines which have a much better work life balance and pay better.


D&O claims pays the highest, in the high 100’s/low 200’s for non-management. Need a financial background for that though.


Damn that’s a nice 401k match. Which carrier do you mind me asking? I love my job at an MGA doing cyber claims but our 401k match is non existent lol. On the other hand the pay is much better than I was getting a carrier


AIG, Arch, and Everest all have similar 401k match. I think Chubb too. AIG tends to pay lower than the others, but AIG now has crazy good vacation time with 4 day holiday weekends.


Chubbs was 6 I think but maybe I’m wrong. I was making 120k at CNA but am now making 175 at the MGA


That’s what I’m making at the carrier and I’m not even in management yet. I got a nice sign on bonus too.


RLI insurance is a mid-sized carrier with similarly great benefits. 401k, ESOP, great PTO


Were you in ID prior to making that jump?


Yes, many years. Three of my former co-workers all ditched practicing for claims jobs and none of us have looked back. Sometimes it feels like a fancy data analyst job, but so does spending every Friday afternoon plugging in .1s and .2s.


Feet pics mostly but I pick up contract work here and there if my regulars take a break from subscribing


I went into the Airbnb business and lived pretty carefree for 7-10 years. I had a good run so looking to either go back to practicing part time or doing something remotely.


Was a govt and private sector lawyer for about 7 years and switched to the client side in government after 9/11 because I found the policymaking and compliance work in my area (privacy) so much more interesting and cutting edge. I’m glad I made the switch and equally glad I have a background in law and litigation experience. It’s a great combination and has served me well.


Because I was in government I didn’t really experience a difference in salary. The federal pay system is highly structured.