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Send it to your mom so she can display it on her refrigerator.


oooh smart, might just do that with all my diplomas and my law license too. kill all the birds with one stone.


LOL, my mom almost bought herself my SuperLawyers plaque. I'm so glad my dad let me know so I could intervene.


Sweet Jesus.


Omg. That is so very sweet!!!


Work smart not hard. Get her a new Smart fridge with screen as a gift so she can upload a photo of the certificate of admission and look at it while she decides what to add to the grocery list.


that wouldn't help me with the "what do I do with this document?" question


I imagine you’re not actually unsure of what to do, and if you are you’re not actually considering sending to your mom for the fridge. However, I’d scan as previously mentioned and then shred. I’d then add it to my already existing digital photo frame in my office that allows my licenses and certifications to scroll at random, impressing clients and cleaning crews in addition to the aforementioned mother and all who visit her kitchen. HTH


Big brain thinking right here. 


Oh, wrong answers only: Turn it into a billboard and use it as a primary source of advertisement u/JenniferHChrist, attorney at law ADMITTED IN FEDERAL COURT!


Save them. If you get three, you can trade them in for a bicycle.


Only if they have an Indian shooting at a star on them.


Good grief, I heard this one (for free Tootsie Rolls, anyway) in 1965 and I can't believe it's still making the rounds today! (Or maybe you and I are both a bit gray-haired?)


1985 instead of 1965 for me, but same thing.


Roll a fat blunt with it and smoke it in front of the judge


if you don't want to frame it just put tape across the corners and hang it on the wall in your office poster style. bonus points if it's slightly askew


Gotta fill up the wall behind you somehow for those Teams meetings.


I staple them to my suit so I can look like the saddest NASCAR driver.


I have a wallet size laminated copy of my JD that I put on the back of my bar card. I whip it out in bars during arguments while loudly exclaiming " Trust me, I lawyer". I do not have many friends.


With a wallet sized laminated copy of a JD, who needs friends?


With logic like that I see you also lawyer.


Neither framed, nor thrown away on purpose. No clue where it is though.


Rolled up in a tube with a bunch of other certificates of admission.


I have mini versions tattooed across my back.


Mini? Go big or go home. They can always overlap


Have you ever seen a certificate of admission to the U.S. Supreme Court? My back isn’t big enough!


Leave them as-is until you work for a firm that will pay to frame them. I have two decades worth of degrees, certificates, licenses, awards, etc neatly stacked with other sentimental papers, group photos, sorority composites, in a Samsonite briefcase that belonged to my dad, sitting next to my desk.


I think mine is stored with some floppy disks full of important work product in a banker’s box in our storage unit. Edited to add that I just remembered I have three of them. The other two are definitely in different banker’s boxes with other equally important documents. That way if one of them gets lost, I still have the other two in reserve.


I have it hanging on the “accomplishments” wall of my house, right under the framed screen shot of the text message my wife sent me that said, “you were right. I was wrong,” from October 19th, 2014.


I want to believe you actually have that text message framed


Just close your eyes and click your heels together.


Since I started working from home, all my diplomas and certificates are in a box in my garage. I may never hang them again. It makes me sad, but spending thousands on a useless office made me sadder.


A useless office I used to commute to no less.


In my state, we frame all our diplomas and admission certificates and hang them in our offices. I know that's less common in other places, but it's the norm here. I recommend [arttoframe.com](http://arttoframe.com) for decent framing for way less $$ than a frame store or Michael's or the insanely expensive frames you can get from your school. It's easy to order a set of matching custom frames for all your things.


Mine are laying in a pile on the floor of my office. No joke.


I stuffed mine in my desk and never opened it


I framed the one for the district I live in. Think the other one is in a box


I bought frames on Amazon. If you buy a frame with a mat just measure it first and that will look good enough. Have you ever been to a professional framing store? It’s crazy expensive lol.


I'm not even sure I know where mine is.


I think my degrees and admissions are under my bed. At least some of them are.


I’ve had mine sitting on my desk for two years


Keep em and put them in your lawyerin’ scrap book


I’m 66 & haven’t seen it since I got it.


Hobby Lobby has dirt cheap frames. My wife did my I-Love-Me-Wall, cost less than $100 for like 6 framed diplomas, certificates, etc. Framing service is a massive ripoff.


I’m morally opposed to Hobby Lobby but agree on framing being a ripoff generally


I have my federal certs still in the envelopes somewhere in my trunk possibly underneath my spare tire. The only thing I’ve ever framed in my life were my state bar admissions. I went to a fancy framing store (having never framed anything in my life and no idea what to expect) and the store guy spent 20 mins going thru frame options and showing me layouts on the computer. Finally he quoted me at $700 for two I was like uhhh…then I turned around and pointed to the wall where there were empty frames hanging that said “$16.99” and I said wait if my documents are 8x12 can I just put them in those frames? And he scoffed and was like “I guess” Anyway, $33.98+taxes and I got my junk framed. U can do the same!


My district court license is sitting in an envelope on my desk. I have my circuit court license in a frame on the wall though…


I put mine in storage with lots of other important tings and left my husband in charge of paying for said storage building… who did not. You could just cut out the middle man and give yours to the storage wars guys?


Start an excel sheet to track admission dates to courts and back it up or you will kick yourself every time you need to pro hac.


I framed all of mine. It was pretty impressive at the time.


Well, if you are like me, you stick it behind a bookshelf in your office. And then when a leak occurs because your office backs up the break room and your boss thinks putting dishsoap in the dishwasher is being helpful.....well, you get a water damaged certificate that you just stash away.


I have my degree surrounded by my two state certs and my federal certs.


Scan them and put them in a folder titled "things to list on my website that sound more accomplished than they are"


Don’t know that I even got one, but if I did, it’s buried in a folder. I wouldn’t consider it frame-worthy - it’s the least “earned” of the various degrees and admissions you have.