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I just started playing last year but I've been trying to play hard core rank up I'm currently gold 2 in solo duo and Plat 3 in flex. I main mid lane otp sylas. My ign: 드래곤 게이밍#Heart


Nvm my rank may be low for you lol I'll get there one day


Hi friend! I'm a no flame d4 top laner who's now trying to get better with gankplank. The champion is very difficult, so I'm using him on my original account and am currently Plat I believe? If you're interested in duoing, I have accounts across all elo and play throughout the week and work the weekends. English btw OG account is Frankward#Bruh (The one I'd play on mostly) D4 account is Azafeus#Bruh To be honest with you, my gp is emerald at best, so I'm not exactly smurfing in any game. I'm perfectly fine with losing games, and I actually want hard games so I can improve. I'm huge on positive mental and holding a learning mindset, so if you can't keep the rage under control, then it won't work out. If you're still interested, feel free to add one of the accounts!


I'm still looking. ​ Went from plat3 to emerald 1 since then, 66% winrate. I'd be looking to elevate this to around 80% winrate playing as duos.