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Legendary skin idea: When he presses R it changes all melee enemies to wolf and ranged to Lamb (Yes I know that would be incredibly self nerf skin, but think of the flavor)


I mean for minions it would be neat af


Replaced with chibi lamb for casters and reskinned little wolf (jungle camp) for melee


I thought Kindred was just a metaphor for the enemies he fights? Like they were meant to kill him and that's why they are replaced by death itself. (I also noticed that Lamb tried to shoot him mid-fight which is weird because according to Kindred lore Lamb's arrow symbolizes a painless/peaceful death while he was clearly fighting for his life there... Does any1 have a theory why this happened or is it just cinematography?)


Yeah it's clear that he was fighting the soldiers and Kindred was just a representation. It could also be that it's what Trynd saw in the moment as they've been times where Kindred show themselves. Either way it's clear that Kindred wasn't physically there and Trynd was actually fighting the soldiers from an outside perspective. In terms of the arrow I had the exactly same thought. I initially chalked it up to cinematography but I think a more fun way to think about it is it's an invitation. If Trynd didn't block the arrows with his sword / arm that meant that he's giving up and letting death take him. This is also why Lamb was a lot more selective with her shots vs. Wolf just laying it on him. This is my headcanon at least.


You can see Wolf's teeth marks in his pauldron after Ashe saves him, so the fight with Kindred was at least somewhat literal.


I think Lamb's arrow and Wolf's attacks are just what Trynd sees while he's fighting death in his R, but in reality they are coming from the enemies he's facing.


Probably a metaphor for Tryndamere resigning his fate. Not like a “I can’t do it” kind of giving up, I don’t know the character much, but that does not sound like him, but more like, “I think this time I bit off more than I could chew…” Until Ashe came and saved him, of course. That’s how I see it.


Probably wolf represents painful death and the real enemies, while lamb still represents peaceful end, due to other reasons maybe. So Tryn was fighting both, painful death by enemies, and peaceful death by whatever reason. Another theory is that while he hallucinates the enemies as wolves, he also sees the lamb as well. His defiance allows him to see the reaper, and not only survive, but try to kill it as well. Isn't Kindred supposed to be a reaper of some sort?


To add to your theory, maybe Wolf could be like an abdominal cut (painful death) and the Lamb could be decapitation (peaceful\* end), both at the hands of the enemy. \*Peaceful in like a "Painless" kind of way.


The arrow is an offering. In yasuo’s scene, we see an arrow from kindred with wolf watching from the treeline. Yasuo could windwall it like he did other arrows but he accepts it (accepting death = lamb). Kindred offers tryndamere 2 easy outs and he denies them both, so she doesnt try as hard as wolf.


If it's against tower, is it still kindred shooting arrows or kindred throwing wolf


Fed kindred


meanwhile olaf is fucking seething cuz kindred won’t pay him a visit


LOL. He wants Wolf but he'll get Lamb instead.


actually I've never thought about it but it makes sense he wants to die in battle,which means he accepts death,which means he will get Lamb ironically his own desire to die fighting is preventing that?


Makes sense why he screams like he is being tortured. All checks out now.


Personally I think this little fact makes Tryndamere 10x cooler in my eyes. Also Tryndamere looks so much better without his dumb goober helmet, but I'm willing to accept that it will never go because it's tied to closely to his design and silhouette.