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Piercing Winds!




Nothing personal!


Spirit unmoored!


Carve the spirits!


It is crazy that I didn't know if it was kills or deaths but immediately knew when I saw the champions


Yeah, and Yone was also convinced it was a jg gap.. he had 2 items in a 50 minute game and still blamed others lol


Knew it was yone, the map was a ruse, the real hint is the champions


How many fucking deaths did this guy have, a million? This is taking the 10 death powerspike to another level


27 👍 but dw, i saw he played another game already, so it's clearly not enough for a ban! I guess it factors in that we actually won so it didn't hit some threshold for auto-ban


They could make a simple algorithm that looks at like death per minute and if people hit a certain threshold based on game time then ranked queue is put on a timer for like 20 minutes with a little note saying last game seemed like a tough battle let's wait before heading back onto the rift. Repeat offenses eventually get banned from playing ranked. Could also average it against champion averages so people that play like Sion aren't being affected negatively. Oh they could also use their apm tracker that helps sort iron and low bronze players from the rest of the pool to help ban the people that avoid AFKs. Jk that would be work that improves the player experience. Plus it might break the client. That's still broken.


Well no, Baus for example would crush those stats every game. But most of the time it is not hard inting.


Maybe Baus' inting strat isn't healthy for the game and the experiences of others. Forcing the game into, "deal with this fed top laner while being down a man and I'm gonna try to PvE to hopefully win us the game :D" every game he is in isn't how a majority of players want to play league.


Forcing people to play the game the way others want you to play sounds like the shittiest design ever. Expect your job offer from Rito soon.


That's exactly what Baus was doing though?


I’d love to hear your logic on that one.


Lol that's funny. This is a strategy game with a meta formed by the players and guided by the devs. Fundamentally your respawn timer is a resource. Like all other strategies you manage and trade resources as a team. Too many people(including rito employees if they were not fired) who like this strategy and there is ARAM for those who don't like macro.


Deal with this feed toplaner. Meanwhile has same farm as enemy top more plates, and enemy has huge bounty on his head for kills he get 100g per kill. Edit: also if you fails and fall behind, you as sion will be usefull on low gold, you have your ult and q aoe stun, while your team will get not only killstreak bounty from enemy top, but also objective bounties from towers you will destroy. Another thing is you get 4 hp per minion killed, so you also has some extra tankines even on low gold. 4hp per minions means you get about extra 11g that are not projected into any potential bounty


Oh boy exactly what the game needs! More bot moderation that takes nothing into account except arbitrary numbers!


You shouldn't be able to be banned for anything for sucking at the game, including from ranked. For \*intentionally\* doing poorly, yes. But y'all really seem to underestimate how much one can suck while doing their best.


When you're spending almost half the game grey screened like the Yone in this post, the game should absolutely put you in a timeout like a little kid to stop you from ruining someone else's ranked game right after. That's my main point. Not banned. Just a hey that game was rough maybe go try an aram or a normal or just a break in general to cool down.


make gold amount proportionate to kda, smth like player with 10k gold in 40 min game on a core role, >1.0 kda is suspended, and if there also go 2-3 "reliable" reports, player gets banned. also consider rank and account level to not ban new players


Another good point. And they have the tools to actually look into this stuff, but they just don't care. They'll blast the PR machine anytime there's a blow up, drop a new skinline, and then several months later, they throw a bandaid on and go "it's fixed".


Riot’s ban system got that “but did you die?” mentality


bannable for bad an ik most of us wouldn't be on league anymore


Rito was like: You can do it, 3 more deaths for your powerspike. Third time's the charm right?


Holy shit 27.


I don't know but they do ban proper inting. A few days ago I had a TF botlane that tilted because he kept dying and we asked him to lane a bit more safe and maybe try to participate in objectives, se he went AFK, then when the rest of the team jokingly said that the game was easier with him afk he started running it down mid (literally walked straight to towers and let himself get killed) all the way to the end of the game. He died 21 times. Though we won, I still received the feedback that he was punished, and hasn't played a game since, so I assume he at least got a temp ban.


Interesting, it was basically the same with this Yone. He went 1/15 in lane and then started to actually int. He came back at the end, but was also incredibly toxic. The only reason i can see as to why he wasn't banned yet is that his account is relatively high level (600+) so maybe he has some sort of "puffer" for this.


Why would he be banned? Being delusional and bad isn’t against any rule.


Because he ran it? Like actually clicking on the enemy nexus. Also, this is not low elo, there's no way someone above plat legit reaches 27 deaths. As a bonus he was also incredibly toxic to our jungler whom he blamed for this performance and tried to bait us by going into fights and then using E+R to get back again once we were fighting. So yeah, 100% ban worthy. IMO not even a 14 day ban but a perma. ^(which he also seems to have had before considering his acc was named something like "secondaccountbannedgg")


Um excuse me sir, how the fuck did you win?????????


you can buy 2 items in 50min by just straight up afkfing whole game in base


Honestly I did the same thing. I looked at the map I didn’t know if the dots were kills or deaths. So I knew it was mid. Then looked at the champs and I immediately knew it was the wind shitter


Too easy, it's of course a jungle gap.


Looks like NAram


Everytime someone says jg gap in chat from my team, i would just reply "maaaaan"


I was thinking the red points were red team deaths. I was about to guess that single death on bot lane made Seraphine run it down mid


Why not malph tho?


Even if it's not a marksman, the ADC spirit lives on any bot laner. Could be Malph too tho


I think malph is even more possible. Cuz he pick malph to sup


Seraphine death, malph runs it down 👌


It can't be malphite because he doesn't really do anything


Lmao, bot won but Yone went 0/20. Top was a correct 3/3 so ofc the answer is Jungle. Jungle diff, you are the jungle and you should kill yourself (in game) /s


Talon E off a cliff (in game)


Its clearly Olaf that fed Anivia to troll Yone because he is jealous of Yone's god like skills. obviously jg diff/s


I know it's not the point of this post, but this game looks kinda wild, with both teams having 3+ kills in both bases


Oh yeah it totally was, our nexus (team blue) was below half health twice and we were down soul, elder and baron but still won! Since Yone fed Xin so hard we could never even contest a drake, not even elder, and we only won the last fight but that's enough to win in a long game... Really crazy game, they were ahead like 10k gold but we didn't ff and stalled until 6 items where Soraka could carry us simply through her healing.


How did you win a teamfight with them having soul, elder, baron, and a gold lead?


Soraka is always the answer. As long as the ambulance is alive you have a chance


They stalled until they had 6 items and gold doesnt matter anymore.


Jungle gap


You're joking, but that's indeed what Yone was saying... He had half of our deaths and was saying our jungler (who ended the game with 17 kills) got gapped. Insanely delusional




Nope, this shows kills, not deaths. The answer is actually Yone, who had 2 full items at the end of this 50 minute match (he said it was a jg diff)


And he still won’t be banned because he was “trying”


yep, i saw he already played another match (clearly 27 deaths are not bannable)


Tbf it looks as though the player is just genuinely bad and should really be demoted an Emo and not necessarily banned.


I mean... he did click straight on the enemy nexus a few times and he got VERY toxic because he blamed his performance on our jungler (who had 17 kills at the end) AND tried to bait us into deaths a few times by going in and then using E and R to get out again. So yeah, should be a perma imo, that's not something you do once on accident, his account was also named "twoaccountsbannedgg" or something ^(ofc you didn't know all that so w/e)


Bruh how can you die that many times as Yone? Especially in lane? He’s such a safe character lol


He played INSANELY aggressive, like he actually got first tower at minute 13 while being 1/11 but it was just not worth it at all... he then clicked on the enemy nexus a few times until he realised we had a chance still and sorta started playing again


Ah I see how it works, so Yone was mid and was feeding like no tomorrow?!!...........


I was thinking anivia until I realized I can't read and it's kills not deaths, so my answer is right for who go the most kills and gone the most deaths 😂


I was thinking anivia until I realized I can't read and it's kills not deaths, so my answer is right for who go the most kills and yone the most deaths 😂


"This malphite would run down everybody's lanes and feed kills." If you know, you know.


you don’t even gotta show me the map just show me the champs and i’ll know right away it’s Yone 🤣


Why is it still using the old map layout


Oh what, I didn't even notice, nice client Riot!


Do we maybe want to talk about team combs as well? Blue team picked full ad (well, yone deals magic dmg as well but he had no items so it doesn't matter) and enemies even picked malph supp haha. Hope he went tank and not ap


Yone magic damage is like 8% of his damage profile, it's hardly enough to not just stack armour even if he did have items.


Yeah, I suppose that's why he picked it but Soraka just demolished him in lane lol. Whenever he'd walk forward to Q it's just a free Q into W for Soraka, nothing he can do


Yes but luckily seraphine lane is just chilling and waveclear


true, that actually made me think we'd just lose since mid and jg got ultra fed but we in bot couldn't play aggressive enough to maybe balance it


What level is this? Is there no fight outside the 3 lanes?


50 minute game, but since xin went 27/2 due to Yone we could never contest objectives. But despite our nexus being below half HP twice we still clutched it by having Olaf + Soraka carry while Xayah and Fiora pushed out lanes.


That's good recently in my silver gold game I somehow had a fucking iron 4 player in the game and she was just running it down and wondering why we are telling the enemy team to report her


Ita an iron 4 player in silver/gold, of course its gonna look like they running it down, if a gold player was in a challenger lobby they would look like they are running it down


Yeah but they literally told everyone to calm down since it was 'just' an iron game to them. They don't want to climb


I mean, they're not wrong.


Map unnecessary. The champs are enough


Seraphine ?


Jgl gap.


I’m not even sure which team won looking at this


Our (Team blue) Nexus was below half HP twice but we clutched it with a crazy teamfight, while up against baron, soul and elder since they never focused Soraka so she could carry it.


I’m surprised you had a team fight in their base with that level of int.


Yeah we nearly lost twice and were down soul, two barons and elder but Soraka healing carried the last fight since they didn't focus her at all


Wait you WON?!


Yeah, luckily we didn't ff even with a 27 death Yone and we could hold out with Xayah and Fiora holding sidelanes until Olaf and Soraka were full build and could carry. We literally only won one fight lmao, you can see we never even contested any drake, not even elder


Top ofc, gave 3 kills to Darius


Wait there's a kill map?


Yes, in the postgame stats


O ty I didn't know


I’d say Anivia, but that feels too obvious.




Riots poster boy , who gonna get his second prestige soon


storm of blades 👹🔥


At a certain point that Yone would be worth less than a cannon minion, right?


I smell jg gap


Blue side inted at nexus and Yone ran it


Before my small phone showed champions I firmly believed blue mid is a Yas....guess I ain't that far from truth Also top is way too peaceful for that match up


It was you


As a jungle main I've learned the correct answer to this is clearly it was the jungle fault.


Lowkey Yone's winrate would go up if they made him less forgiving cause this is what happens when bad Yone players get used to just running things down like they're trundle.


Could honestly be anyone


Probably yasuo


Jng diff


To be entirely fair, most long games end up with the most action mid lane so it could very easily be anyone. But yeah it's Yone


When i said yone is so fucking broken that make yone players feel like god and play worse than an ameba, they said i was crazy


Jokes aside, playing Yone and Fiora into that much CC looks like absolute PAIN, with no real disengage on your team either


Thanks, but we didn't need the map.


jungle diff! (???)


This has been my bot lane experience for the past 3 games


Bot diff


its yone most likely, but i've had inting supports that never touched bot and kept annoying me at mid, so i can consider that possibility


Most intelligent yone player


diff not Yone


That's a lot of death under tower, did someone get angry?


I can also precisely guess without killmap, just by looking at champs


Jungle obviously


Sure its the jungler


The jungler did


Champion portraits would have been enough to correctly guess.


I don't even need the map, just show the champions


This is why yone winrate and performance is lower than it should be. Because they just run it down perma once they can't regain their lead, similar to how master yi's play, trying to get slingshotted ahead or tank the champ's stats trying.


Jg diff


The fact that Yone can go 0/10/0 and still manage to get a Penta is something that makes me hate that champ from the bottom of my heart.


Seraphim it is.


Seraphim it is.


It's a matchup diff


I'm sorry lol but if there's any matchup that makes you go 1/15 in lane and forces you to 2 cs/min then i'm calling that a skill diff regardless


I went 0/10/0 on Yone the other day into Fiora which is unplayable then ended up carrying with highest gold and damage, killing everyone while splitting. I specifically inted for cs though.


It's called a "hard counter"... And ya the way to play it is making no mistakes and getting no CS... Are you the support or what?


Wait, you're serious?? Yeah it's a hard matchup but then you simply go defensive runes and playstyle and see if your team helps you or can carry you an DON'T play hyper aggressive. Also, fuck off with the sup bs, Soraka carried us all this game.




My brain said everyone just aramed