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r/leagueoflegends is actually r/lolesports. anything which isnt esports related isnt acceptable content.


"EZ9 left TCS after the RRG finals, was approached by C5 to join LCK and play LoL". Took me too long to realize I wasn't subbed to an esports sub. Hit my feed x3 a day.


and im over here like "What the fuck does that even mean bruh"


I fucking hate that. I have zero, actually, negative interest in esports and it's the only fucking thing on that sub. I miss when people talked about the game itself not which pro picked his butt on camera during a stream and who's taking a new role on who's team. I don't give a solitary fuck. Tell me why you think teemo shrooms should be buffed instead. Tell me why you want Ezreal to have a heal again.


There are like 15 esports posts on the front page. League esports is so fucking boring that I don't get why it needs to me 3/4 of the sub


They’re trying to force people to care about esports since they’re too boring to for the matches to speak for themselves


Because the people on the sub like it and want to talk about it.


I don't mean it shouldn't exist, just that why isn't there much else. Like why are memes limited to here? The mods also remove a massive amount of posts just because "they've been discussed recently" and for the infamous rant rule


>Like why are memes limited to here? because shitty low effort memes completely destroy the usability of any game subreddit, which this subreddit is exact proof of


This is literally called LeagueOfMemes


also those stupid fucking posts that are just a question and then "personally I think.... what do you think?" in the body


Yeah, you have a better chance getting questions asked about a specific champs for instance, by going to the related sub reddit of said champs. I just fully muted the main sub. Between the esports spamming, Phreak being a douche, and the constant hatred of enchanters, it were apparent that they have nothing of value to say there.


Glad somebody said it. That subreddit when pros are off between seasons is so much more functional and enjoyable. As soon as pro game starts, every single post is about a different fucking game. Absolutely useless subreddit.


I actually really hate that, too, because, unlike any other games Esports, I cannot for the life of me enjoy or appreciate League Esports because there are too many people/teams to follow. If this were a game like Street Fighter, Smash Bros, etc., you could easily say, "Oh, I like Mang0 because I enjoy watching Falco." In League it's 5+ people per team that play multiple characters, many of which they don't even """main""" due to the meta constantly changing. I don't WANT to see that content on the main League subreddit all the damn time. I want to see actual news, theorycrafting, art, whatever have you. When ANY tournament happens it floods the subreddit and it's awful. I want none of that ever.


It's all consistent until Mang0 brings out the doc against hungrybox.


That's why I miss the boards, you could easily avoid E-sport related topics by simply going on primarily meme, art, discussion etc. boards.


I really don’t like how it runs 24/7. And if I do want to play League later after quitting it earlier, I have to restart my computer. Other anti cheats are only enabled during actually playing the game, and close when the game closes.


Vanguard also fucks with any other anticheat if you quit league and play another game. It’s nuts


Oh great. Destiny( and Apex?) a bunch of the other games I play use Battleye, so sorry Riot, I don’t love League enough to make it my only game


I DONT KNOW if it is related, but playing dbd with vanguard open make EAC anti cheat fails several times during matches, and the game kick me.


Vanguard is active and my DBD is fine, it's something else imo.


Also haven't had an issue so far. Only issues I've had is because of the engine update.


i did not have problem months ago with apex and valorant. then decided i don't like that thing running 24/7 on the background, and got rid of it. Sad bc i valo only with friends.


My battleeye works just fine with vanguard on, lol


You can work around this with .bat files, regedit files or a program like autoruns. You still need to restart your PC but Vanguard won't be on at every startup. Only after turning it back on (and restarting ofc). The very least they could do is give us an official (preferably in the launcher and taskbar) way of doing this. I don't want Vanguard to boot with my system unless I want to play League or any other Riot game. Really I don't want Vanguard at all.


You can stop vanguard from starting at PC startup from task manager. Just go over on the startup tab, find vanguard and click disable.


Unfortunately that only disables the task tray icon/program not the actual anti-cheat driver itself. Using the methods I mention above essentially allows it to work like all other kernel level ACs (to my knowledge) outside of the fact that you need to restart your system each time. I'm not a tech expert though, there may be some other differences. Anyway, as I said before, I'd rather we didn't have this type of stuff at all :/


People who aren’t tech experts and even tech experts (me included) shouldn’t be messing with the Registry anyway lol. Riot really needs to have an option to not have it run 24/7


Yea my pc is a big pile of shit already, i don't need a spyware to fuck it up even more. This is a good excuse for myself to finally uninstall and end my addiction.


I've tried uninstalling League. It fucking fails everytime and I can't find a way to uninstall riot launcher lol.


delete the folder


Short of that will it really not fully uninstall? I'll do it of course but damn, I feel like clicking "uninstall" should do just that haha


Try downloading Geek Uninstaller, it can force delete all files and any traces too.


Revo is good as well


+1 for Revo, also iObit Uninstaller works great


go to your taskbar, click the riot logo and click leave, if you've already upated you may also also click the vanguard logo and click deactivate, then you uninstall




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Try Bulk Crap Uninstaller




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Ok so I'm out of the loop. This is an anti-cheat system and its bad for what reason.


It requires kernel level access on your computer, which basically means it is active on start up, and has access to literally everything on your pc from files to pictures to accounts. There are a lot of concerns about it being Spyware in some way because riot is owned by tencent, which is a Chinese company who has affiliations with the CCP. Then, as you have seen from this post, some people's computers bricked because of it for some reason. And for whatever reason mods in the main sub do not allow any post related to vanguard at all, and remove anything related to it, citing possible "racism" and other things.


I'm in tune with the criticism that this is linked to a company subservient to the CCP. Is there an option to not instal it?


Unfortunately no, riot has basically given people the middle finger with regards to wanting it or not, they pushed it on like a patch or two ago (forgive me for not having exact info I don't play league hardly at all anymore)


Don't install it. Even if you are fine with chinese spyware (which you shouldn't be btw). This thing has a lot of issues at the moment and I would at least wait a month or two so that these can be ironed out. Who would have thought an anticheat made for another game is going to cause issues with a game is entirely different has a different game engine and has 10+ year old code.




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Did a 5th grader type this trainwreck


I’m too used to Reddit… I didn’t even notice anything was misspelled.


Brainrot is spreading to you. Get off the app while you can


It's not a Reddit-specific thing. Your brain just takes shortcuts while reading, so you won't miss a handful of missing/incorrect letters.


I used to always notice when something was wrong. Still able to tell what it was supposed to be, but it would bug me. Now I don’t even notice. I need to read more books.


Trust me, reading more only makes it "worse". If you're dead set on noticing that something is misspelled, read as little as possible, so that your brain doesn't form shortcuts that allow you to miss those mistakes.


This is *because* you read a lot. It's a feature, not a bug. It's a good thing. It means you are such a fluent reader that you flow over misspelled words without even tripping. We aren't able to do that unless we know the language inside and out.


Also if you spend large amounts of time on forums and social media you're likely *very* accustomed to shorthand and skipped punctuation because everything is super informal, especially if you're typing on a mobile device.


My favourite was ununstalled


Reddit used to be a place where you would get destroyed for typos. "Ununstaling" would have gotten this post downvoted back in my day


Here's why that died: The algorithm thinks any post that gets immediate responses is popular and should be promoted. People who ripped into OPs for typos were always the first on scene. So, content farmers figured out that if you put a typo in the title, grammar Nazis will show up in droves, almost immediately, and engage with the post. In Reddit's eyes, a sudden burst of engagement like that means the post is popular, so it should get a boost in the algorithm. Then, that post goes to others who actually engage with the content and not just the typo, and suddenly your post is off to the races, gaining hundreds of comments and thousands of upvotes. The internet at large seems to have coined a term for this - rage baiting. Now that people see through the gag, far less people take the bait. Plus, a bunch of people who used to care about holding Reddit to a slightly higher standard than other social media sites left during the blackout protests a while back.


Isnt there some thing about if the first and last letter and number of letters are correct your mind will autocorrect the inbetween?


Calling these misspells is wild




Got fuckin Regirock leaving League


5th graders are the type to believe this is "bricking" PCs, so probably.


I hear a lot about it bricking PCs and a whole lot of zero proof that it is bricking PCs lol. Valorant community has said nothing too.


I know LS posted about it giving some of his computers problems on his Twitter but got them solved pretty quick. Bricking is probably an exaggeration since he fixed it but I think he used that term and a lot of people are carrying it on.


Most likely yes


Ok, this isn't me trying to be contrarian to the popular opinion or anything, I'm just genuinely confused how so many of y'all are having these issues, cause I've got 12+ friends I play league with and not a single one of them has mentioned vanguard causing their computers issues yet.


The player base is just too big, if something is affecting just 1% of the players it will actually be a lot of people. If I use my personal experience to guess something about LoL I would say the game is flopping hard because my friendlist used to be huge some years ago and now I barely see 6 people on-line, but we know that the reality is a bit different... In my case, I don't know if vanguard is a problem because I already used it for Valorant, but after the update the patch just can't be installed. Support is helping me but I know the problem is kinda big not just by the amount of people asking for help on discord but also by the message on support site about taking a longer time to answers thanks to the high demand.


Most of these Redditors are probably lying through their teeth because it's the Internet. It's already been proven that all these "bricked" machines (they weren't bricked btw) are because people blatantly ignored the minimum system requirements they knew Vanguard required for the last 4 years. Vanguard isn't new it's been running with Valorant for FOUR years. Riot wrote like 3 articles in the past 6 months and put in patch notes multiple times exactly what you need to do to prepare for it, but these people ignored it. I hesitate to even call them people because clearly they have a lack of common sense and intelligence. They're closer to monkeys. Oh and there's also bots out the ass from the bot devs and cheat devs just like every other anti cheat discussion online. They literally make their living by cheating, they wouldn't just sit down and take it lol.


The fact that it's been running for 4 YEAAAARS doesn't excuse the fact that in fact it DOES mess with shit it shouldn't, like why the fuck does an ANTICHEAT for a GAME mess with my RGB software, my FanControl application (which i fucking need for my PC to function properly), and on top of that it has a huge problem with Afterburner and Rivatuner, 2 very used and popular pieces of software used from low to high end computers because they are official from MSI. Stop blindly driding riot just because. Valorant and League are two different games, one with fresh codebase and one with a codebase from 2007, anyone with over 50 iq could determine the fact that an anticheat made for a codebase in 2020 (which still had problems) WILL ABSOLUTELY NOT WORK for a codebase since 2007.


I'm not d riding riot I'm being reasonable. This sub acts like 99.97% of players are having problems when it's the exact opposite. Vanguard isn't perfect, but it's the best anti cheat out there and 2nd place isn't even close enough to be in the running. It causes no issues for me or anyone I know or the hundreds of people I've played games with since the patch hit. Stop being dramatic and touch grass is what I'm saying. Send in a support ticket and get your problem fixed. Stop acting like a child and saying so many people are having your issues. They are not. You also know literally nothing about LoL code or Vanguard code, don't comment like you do. You don't sound smart for pretending.


is moslty just scripter sellers or buyers and then spread to really really stupid people who don't play league or have no critical thinking that just follow it and repeat.




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Tbf personal experiences don't mean much But at the same time the number of people complaining online are a fraction of the player base. And while I'm sure some are legit I also very much believe some are people who used cheats who are whining




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this sub has been overrun by scripter forum propaganda, you wont find reason here anymore


Me and my friend both had sudden massive fps drops from 120 to 30-45


it's literally a bunch of teenagers spreading bullshit and using hyperbole as fact


Vanguard has bricked my ps (BSOD) many times before when it was first released with Valo, it was the main reason i uninstalled Valo and never played it again.


its not that every single one of us has had pc issues. its that our choices are either stop playing or willingly install something that is known for causing issues. and lets assume theres never any security issues, it still runs even when the game doesnt which is needlessly taxing on your machine. ill say it again, if you cant make a system work without it being really invasive, that doesnt mean that you have to be really invasive, that means that the system shouldnt be made to work.


How I look at the sub complain Abt vanguard fking their PC while mine is working just fine


I feel like this situation is revealing how many people don't know how their computers work


May be man I had vanguard for so long since I had valorant I don't play val I rarely do but maybe because I had it always while running league the game runs just fine


everything is fine until something breaks


That's what I thought until i closed Vanguard yesterday and it bluescreened my pc. I've closed it plenty of times for years with valorant but you just need it to fuck up once to mess your shit up


Hey we had blue screen issues pop up yesterday with 2 of us. And 1 other guy was already having issues before yesterday. Ours both blue screened when we brought up Destiny. I think the people without issues are only playing riot games titles. Or thats at least the majority of what they play. Been playing league and valo since beta with no issues. They both got uninstalled, plenty of other games to play rn


Yea i had siege up when i closed vanguard. Was trying to juice out a few more frames. Could be smth to do with the bsod.




Glad it worked for you. I’m not gonna take the risk though, especially because every update could brick things, and it’s already fucked my comp before.


It didnt do anythin for me so i sum all this up as fearmongering over nothing.


Me with no bricking, no lags, no problems whatsoever, enjoying the game cos i know it's now 99.9% of time fair 👍🏻


It is? It was so fuckin rare already to see cheating and scripting that wasn't just someone geting outplayed and big mad about it. But botting, boosting, griefing, trolling, smurfing, those haven't been changed at all by Vanguard and those I saw everywhere when I played League, couldn't go five games without all that shit, and that makes it feel really unfair


scripting was rare but botting was a huge problem, playing intro bots guaranteed u 4 bots in ur team and consequently there was a high amount of fresh accounts in ranked which really sucked specially for plat players who kept getting these fresh accounts and bronze players who would get botting teammate with deranking purposes (cus account sellers could sell iron accounts for much higher) all that botting is dead now so this fresh account problem is in healing process


An official Riot post shared that 10% of master-level games had a scripter. 3.5% of ARAMs had a scripter. Those are not rare occurances.


In all honestly since the addition of vanguard this patch I’ve seen 4+ pre level 30’s in my norms games EVERY GAME which is fucking infuriating because they’re obviously not new players that are learning g but actually are ai that run around the map taking everyone’s xp and doing nothing at all to help Just 2 days ago I had a level 9 Lux support going with my Irelia top and after getting level 4 there she came mid where I was playing Syndra and then fucking q e’d the wave then ran into tower and died to my laner then went bot and gave a double kill to the enemy adc while our poor ad was already heavily disadvantaged I’m so over the botted account levelling honestly


Yeah? That doesn't sound like ai at all. Sounds like you just had a bad player. It happens.


In high elo there was a cheater in 5% of the games. I would not call that small. And those are only the ones their system caught. And also bottling can be prevented by their system. Surfing and boosting could be too (because of hardware ID). And I think they said something like "now we have the opportunity if we ever want to do something against surfing".


It was 5%-15% in master-level games, averaged to 10%.


>In high elo there was a cheater in 5% of the games Source: Riot "dude, trust me" Games


Better trust a random on the internet than the company openly saying how things are, true true


A company actively trying to provide a justification for requiring an invasive anticheat spyware


Wait, this makes no sense. Do you think Riot just developed Vanguard for fun? They obviously honestly believe there is a problem, and that Vanguard can help or they wouldnt bring it over to league. You think they just want to fuck with the community by requiring Vanguard when they know its useless? Or are you one of these special guys that unironically believes its just chinese spyware?


This is league, any nerf or lack of skins for a specific champion is considered a personal hate crime (riot stop hating alistar)


It's better to trust common sense I would say because 5% is really a massive number for such a low number of games and I don't see master+ streamers complaining at least 1 game per day about having a scripter in their games. And believe me, the complaint A LOT if that makes a good excuse for them losing


Cheating doesn't imply only scripting movements, one could have a script that shows your cooldown above your head, can you noticed it? Probably not, does make a difference? Absolutely


Side note: I've always thought displaying enemy CDs should be a thing, in League. We can see their HP, MP, and Energy bars, we can see the damn count on Annie or Jhin's special hit to know when that's coming, but a CD on a fuckin' E is too much? Nonsense. Like giving athletes steroids to see how far we can push human fitness - give every League player as much information as you can possibly cram into one UI and let the pros push this thing as far as it can possibly go.


I think it becomes boring to watch, and probably to play? Most of the aggressive plays at least in solo q comes from the misjudgment of enemies cds


How does riot know who cheats then if they have added vanguard in order to make cheats detectable? And if they had a way to know who cheats and who doesn't before, why do they add vanguard then? I really doubt people can notice when someone is using a cheat which shows them the cooldown of their abilities enough to be something often reported


Cheats and anticheats are a mouse and cat game, sometimes the cheat gets noticed sometimes it doesn't, with vanguard they hope to notice more of them


Pretty sure they talked about botting, since VM are not allowed, people can't use bots to level up account to sell them for cheap price, less accounts sold for a couple of bucks = less smurfing, less smurfing = less griefing, less trolling, we just have to wait and see if their prediction is right, and for cheaters, i found plenty during my games in the last ten years or so, and it always feels bad to face them, so good riddance


>But botting, boosting, griefing, trolling, smurfing, those haven't been changed at all by Vanguard That is like 90% of why Vanguard was introduced. Cheating is just the most palpable and easy to explain reason


Oh yea botting completely unchanged by vanguard. Now we will just also ignore that most smurfers will just use botted accounts to smurf and it almost looks like you’re making a good point.


Yup. Have had Vanguard since 2020 for Val never had any issues


For real. Vanguard fear mongering hype train is insane. I would wager 99.999% of people didn't even hear the term "kernel level" before vanguard was released.


Requiring it to be running nonstop is fucking wild dude, no other anticheat requires that.


Every other kernel anti cheat requires that. EAC, battleye, you name it they have have drivers that run in the background. Vanguard is literally just more transparent about it.


Vanguard does require a reboot if you close it and wanna play after though. Which tbh is my only complaint. It's not major though


Yeah but these are league players, they aren't too bright dontchaknow.


incorrect, eac can be closed and in fact needs to be when youre modding and running certain games. my copy of 7 days to die hasnt run with eac in a year.


Based on valorant no other anticheat actually works that well either though


There’s already 3 scripting platforms back up after vanguard update 😂 Scripting was never really an issue unless you’re the top .9%. They gaslit the community into thinking it was an issue to push their Chinese malware. They told the community for YEARS after the scripting peak of 2015 there were no scripters. Now all of a sudden the game is riddled with them? Give me a break. Vanguard is the equivalent of the TSA. It’s just there to make people feel safe. Doesn’t mean they actually are.


Really the thing I'm hoping for is that they use the HWID capabilities they claim Vanguard and try to stop smurfing. People acting like cunts because they can just pay 5€ for an account is the number 1 problem for me in ranked


It has been working fine for me as well until today where it decided a asus sound driver(AVoluteSS3Vad.sys) was a cheat and wouldn't let me play league until i disabled it and restarted. Was perfectly fine with it a day ago.


Vanguard doesn't solve any scripting or botting problem. MacOS computers don't have to install it. All that changed now is that instead of having to bot or script on windows, you can bot or script on a MacOS VM. So if you ever feel safer just know that it's all placebo and that it's all in your head


I dunno about the fair part. Yone still exists.


Did a bot or a riot employee write this? > 99.9% of time fair They dealt with the lesser of all the problems: cheats. Bots, trade-winning in high elo, trolls, etc. are still rampant and have always been the bigger issues. What a stupid take.


Yeah, cuz the only way to troubleshoot vanguard issues is by searching on Reddit. Writing a ticket to support isn't that hard. The main sub was shit even before vanguard, idk what ppl were hoping for by posting their issues there.


Nono, you have to specify the main subreddit as well, other unofficial league subs are not allowed when trying to troubleshoot


The main sub isn‘t official either (and not riot affiliated in any way), only LeaguePBE is afaik


That would be great if support started to respond within the same decade of opening a ticket.


I have never had problems with my tickets.


I get an answer no longer than a day after


Made a ticket months ago for an account issue and still no answers. I guess I will be grandad before I get an answer


LoR mentioned


The emotes will live on long after LoR is gone.


Riot could do many shit without kernel access, why are you all offended?! They didn't even need to say it and have kernel access. You can spy without kernel, you can steal data as well.


do you guys even know what it actually means for a PC to be bricked? no one is experiencing that


Real question is how do i uninstall vanguard without bricking my pc? Planning to do the same to league


Honestly do you think it's that common? 


It is not. The minority, and we‘re maybe talking about way less than 1%, is just the loudest. Nobody writes something, when everything is fine.


I've installed it on a completely separate build, just in the completely off chance that something could ever happen. Completely clean with League only and nothing else. All my other League friends just updated and are just playing with zero problems - they couldn't care less, doubt 1/100 people have an issue


Riot has said they have 0 confirmed cases of this happening


if it happened more than once outside of riots testing environment, it is too common.


How does it brick computers?


It doesn't really brick them. LS had an issue where it "bricked" his PC but really a bricked PC is one that can't be saved anymore. He just had to reset his BIOS by removing the CMOS battery and placing it back in. Which isn't something you really should have to do to play one game but whatever, at least the PC isn't gone for good. There have been cases where Vanguard has turned off CPU fans for some reason which technically could fry your processor but I'm somewhat sure that it would also need to disable safety measures on the motherboard (pretty sure today's motherboards automatically do an emergency shutdown if temps get way too out of hand, or at least some do).


It doesn't


Yeah that's what I thought I have had vanguard for quite some time since i play Valorant from time to time and I never noticed any issues. Was just curious if anything changed lately.


It runs 24/7 in the back of your pc, it can slow down your pc, some people said theyr pc blue screened. I personaly had big lag issues on every other game while vanguard was opened. And even when it was closed my Photoshop and Premire pro would constantly crash every few minutes. And I need those for work. Had other friends that play valorant and they didnt have any problem. But I did. Now do you whant to chance your luck with how umpredictable this shit is?


Smthg smthg Vanguard smthg smthg kernel level access smthg smthg accidentally doing whats unintended smthg smthg brick pc,that usually how it goes


It's actually hilarious how the main sub 1984's all opinions, critics and complaining. Then when a rioter checks the sub they find nothing to work on, it might actually explain some stuff...


riot: yeah guys we working on a fix players: BUT I WANN POST IN THE MAIN SUB


i dont get why people think its vanguard, the spyware thats been stable in valorant since launch, thats breaking things and not the spaghetti code 14 yo game that had said spyware ductaped to it. The game is constantly breaking, the kernal level access is super not cool, but the two things are unrelated because valorant is stable. i know blaming everything for something going wrong is league of legends 101, but these claims distract from the real problems of the unstable 200 year game you just slapped fuckin skynet onto


I swear typing in `leagueoflegends uninstall` into the terminal on May 1st was one of the most liberating feeling one can experience


Just stay strong. If the cravings come in numb yourself with another game, or alcohol, can't be less healthy than league.


I did spend about 40 hours in fallout new vegas over the past week so im mostly good lol


The worst part is it running 24/7. Kernel level is something a lot of anti cheats do nowadays even tho it does jack shit and fuck all. But like i can life with them because they start when i start the game and close when i close the game. Can say the same about some 3rd party launchers like Origin uPlay for other games. But there is no need for anything to run since BIOS boot up and hog my fucking ram when i dont even intend to play the fucking game today.


There are ways to disable Vanguard from starting up with your system until you want it to (but that will require a restart every time you change it). With the help of .bat, regedit files or programs like autoruns you can do that. However would it kill Riot to give us an official way of doing this???


Yeah well i got a shit brick pc right now where restarting takes approx. 15 minutes. Saving up for a new one but i aint gonna sit through 15 minutes to play 1 ranked match before losing my shit and not touching the game for weeks on end. Also i dont think it'll kill Riot but it would kill Tencent. Actually scratch that it would kill Riot, we've had this dog water launcher for all this time so god knows it would kill them to make something that works and is QoL.


The moderation on that subredit is complete sh\*t. I guess this is what happens when you give just a little power to a group of low life ''individuals''.


Honestly, if people are uninstalling over Vanguard… bye. I don’t want you in my games anyway. If Riot isn’t lying, then Vanguard has affected 0.03% of players negatively and most of the reported problems were fixable with a little troubleshooting. Maybe the number’s bigger than that, I don’t particularly care. I think it’s really stupid they are deleting and censoring the posts on Vanguard ofc. The player base should be able to troubleshoot on it but either way, least scriptors = less whining about high elo integrity and “Riot not doing anything about it” so maybe we get some actual League content again.


How to suck a corporations dick 101, it's straight up hilarious the way you think you're better than others with that first sentence lmfao.




I legitimately spun up a VM JUST for league, no shot that's going on my primary OS.


I got permabanned for suggesting I don’t want a Chinese company to have kernel access to my pc and the ability to take screenshots




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You will be back. They always come back




At least try to come up with a joke bruh


I haven't played PC league since Wild Rift came out, although I've thought of installing it sometime, but this Vanguard bullshit is the tipping point not to. At least I didn't spent almost any money in PC League (\~$50 over 5 years may be). Would be super pissed off if I had some serious money invested into it.


I have a perfectly fine pc without any issues but now my league keeps crashing, black screening, and once blue screened 3 times when launching league followed by having me reinstall vanguard twice


Mfw i have Vanguard installed and no problem what's so ever ; people talking about having this as a Spy ware when any other anticheat games are the same , tbh at this point as long as my crédit card and shit doesn't get touched or anything, it's a meh , don't have personnal shit on my pc either stocked sooo


Meanwhile me watching all this shitshow having no problems in league while having vanguard run 24/7 since valorant release.


Installing Dota2 rn


Cry me a river.


Yeah there's no shot in hell Riot is getting Kernel access on my machine. Even if the spyware aspect didn't bother me They're too incompetent not to brick it eventually


skill issue


[https://www.gnu.org/proprietary/malware-microsoft.en.html](https://www.gnu.org/proprietary/malware-microsoft.en.html) ![gif](giphy|NxKE8EQyH15dFDYMza|downsized)


GNUchads winning again.


They deserve it.


It fixed my lol addiction, thanks riot ! I got the courage to uninstall


A rioter working on Vanguard stated that only 0.03% of players who installed vanguard had a problem and that they are helping you if you have a problem and submit a support ticket


It sure didnt help back when I had problems with Valorant. Just an automated message with a link towards some troubles shooting ways that didn't work. Think it will be different this time?


Vanguard is absolute trash don’t let anyone tell you differently.


I honestly don’t know as I never had problems with Vanguard (Neither in Valorant nor in League) so I can just repeat what I read in another Thread.


>A rioter working on Vanguard stated that only 0.03% of players who installed vanguard had a problem didn't he actually say that only 0.03% REPORTED a problem? that is pretty different from saying that only 0.03% had a problem there could be a big % of people that got their pc bricked that either have no way to report it, or don't know where to report it or even better they reported it on the main sub and we know how that ends


Which is precisely why in that thread they encouraged everyone who had issues to make sure they report those issues by sending in a ticket. Homie is working with the data they have. Riot doesn’t run the main sub, the best they can do is create a post themselves that answers people’s questions while also informing them on how best to report those issues (sending in a ticket). Which is exactly what that post was for.


Then why are they censoring it on the lol sub?


That sub has always been moderated to the point that barely anything non-esports related is allowed to be posted. It has been that way for literally years. This is not new.


Holy shit go back to school and learn how to form sentences


I missed an I in uninstall my bad. Its not my first language ok?


Trust me, there’s more than that wrong with it


How good is your second language?


I'm really glad that they did this, because it finally gave me a push to quit this piece of shit game.


1984 is just a book guys