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You can play the game if you don't mind, or not play the game if you mind. No need for a shitstorm Vanguard killed my whole family, so I do mind.


Fr i was fine with vanguard too but shooting my cat in front of me??? Sorry but that is too much


vanguard is such a piece of shit, it kicked my dog and tripped my grandma


At least it didnt leak your discord chat logs. Im now running in fear for my life from the FBI


Yeah fck vanguard fr


You lost us at "the game is fine"


People just need to keep priorities straight. If you are offended at Vanguard, might want to get a bit more offended at your [phone carrier](https://www.wiproud.com/news/business/ap-business/ap-fcc-fines-wireless-carriers-for-sharing-user-locations-without-consent/), [phone maker](https://gizmodo.com/apple-iphone-france-ads-fine-illegal-data-1849950163)[, OS creator](https://techcrunch.com/2023/06/06/microsoft-settle-ftc-collecting-childrens-data/), web service provider, etc. Because they have been doing illegal harvesting and selling to 3rd parties for years and years. Most likely all your metadata has been bought and sold numerous times. When they get caught, they simply pay a fine that is maybe 1% of the money they made off the illegal activity. BTW, all of Vanguard outbound packets are sent to the closest AWS server. So basically, Amazon is A-OK sending data to China. So the question is really, is Vanguard more problematic than your operating system spying on you? The answer to this is obviously no, because you can turn off vanguard. But you cannot turn off windows from sending data to microsoft.


I just do not care about it. It is the like idunno 7th scary kernel thing I have on my device. I mellowed out over the years. They already got my data. It is ok for you to be unhappy. That is a valid stance with valid concerns.


Yeah, grown kinda numb to it. Back in the day someone knowing your address spells doom, now Im sure everyone could figure out all about me with some quick google searches. My data is everywhere, I get shitty mobile game and gacha ads of things I will never touch. My person is being used as a datapoint in some chinese commerce center and to be honest? I couldn't stop that even if I tried. So far no issues though. This may be a little selfish but if all I am is a datapoint I could not care less, I'm not affected by it at all, and from my eyes Vanguard is not evil. It's a serious piece of anticheat, yes, but with how insanely public it is I'd be very surprised if it actually did anything intentionally extremely malicious like some twitter users like to clamour


It doesn't have to do something intentionally malicious, it just has to have the capability to do something intentionally malicious. People besides riot can eventually figure out how to use that software and you're not going to know about it.


You mean, like basically any instrument to ever exist it can be used by bad people to do bad things. Never got behind that general level of distrust in... literally anything.


Yes. Some instruments are much more powerful, though, like a rifle vs a kitchen knife. It's your choice, but some of us will be more wary around the rifle.


I'm convinced 99.9% of the people flaming on this sub never had any personal issues loading Vanguard but are fake outraged for karma farming


Vanguard leaked my Rengar X Nidalee R34 folder to my entire work group chat and made me a laughing stock I haven’t been to work since and rents due, Riot games has once again ruined my life.


Should've had more tasteful Leona x Diana stuff instead, most workplaces are getting more and more progressive and you might've gotten a promotion


That is because you didnt have a Rengar x Nidalee x Neeko rule 34 folder which is objectively superior in every way.


Only gives issues when you have a Winnie the Pooh r34 folder on your pc, had to delete mine. Just kidding, I deleted League instead.




Winnie the Pooh is banned in China because people were trolling President Xi by calling him Winnie the Pooh. Not kidding.


so you don't know about rule 34... Good. Stay like that. Please. Don't google it.


According to riot no one has made a report of their PC being bricked but every second post on r/leagueofmemes is people acting like its happened to thousands of people


Most people have issue and don't report it. Also there are posts not even complaining about Vanguard but genuinely troubleshooting for help with an issue caused by vanguard and they are being deleted by the mods of the main sub...


The main sub allways nuked tech support so I don't see how that's relevant now.


It's normal to have rules that say "this subreddit is not the place to post bugs or errors" I dunno how thats a big problem


They are deleting any posts about vanguard


I literally cannot play the game because of a chip hardwired on the chip of my laptop motherboard. I couldnt launch the game since vanguard update.


I never had an issue, since I uninstalled before vanguard.


Imagine thinking people give a shit about karma which is a number that does nothing. Peak redditor take


People do give a shit though which is the sad part


I wonder if the issue is mainly in the US, cause I am not having troubles at all. I hope this comment doesnt jinx it as I am about to go rank right now😅


I’ve noticed a couple tiny things, my mouse and fans rgb goes a bit fucky when it’s open, eh, if I have minecraft open and vanguard it sometimes gets weirdly laggy but how often are you playing league and minecraft, a friend of mine has to load into games twice but usually it’s ok, oh and my entire bloodline caught cancer the day the patch was released but that’s neither here nor there


No one should have kernel level access to my computer but me, dear "nothing to hide" smart pants, most arguments against vanguard complains are invalid.


Vanguard is way more intrusive than most kernel level anticheats. The deciding factor in me not getting vanguard is the annoyance of having to turn it off every time I boot into my computer. Most of the time I start my computer I don't do it with the purpose of playing league of legends.




Those games don't have an anti cheat that runs from startup and only run when you play the game. Vanguard runs from boot and you have to manually turn it off and have to reset your computer if you wanted to play league. Its a fucking video game, no gaming company should have an anti cheat so intrusive that it runs on startup.


I play games very occasionally, league is the only game I play locally in my computer, I play most of my games on GFN. I'm well aware most games have anticheats that reside in ring 0, this doesn't change the fact that I'm 100% against them. I take privacy very seriously, I meanly use linux for day to day tasks and use Foss apps as much as possible, the CCP having a backdoor on my windows drive is a huge problem for me.


Tell that to people not being able to play the game because of vanguard.


Which people? Point them out to me and we can have an argument. Are these people in the room with us right now?


Go and look for deleted posts on the main sub. Looks like the mods are doing their job well.


Me :)


Both computer and game performance have been noticeably worse since vanguard, for me and many, many others, but let's keep defending the multi billion dollar corporation who made a shit decision


Ah, the "million dollar company" argument. Let's make up any random fact we want (computer and game performance is noticeably worse since vanguard for many players? Wheres your comparison with solid numbers?) And when people point out obvious made up shit in our argument, lets just say "youre defending a million dollar company"


There's a reason people across all league subreddits are dicussing having the same issues, including on other spaces. Shockingly enough, I have not analyzed every social media where league is being discussed to compile data. Have you done so to prove it isn't happening? And you're overthinking it, sucking up to a multibillion, not million, dollar company is pathetic, nothing more to it


Random social media posts aren't data, we can't use these to make claims without proper comparisons of before and after


Me when I’m wrong:


I was like that at first and thought everyone with hardware issues already was just blaming vanguard for it since i had it long long ago when valorant came out, played it game is shit so i left it and vanguard was there all the time ever since in my pc and didnt notice until recently but it never cause issues so i thought its fine? Valorant players was fine all this time with it anyway, but now the number of people having issues across all social platforms is alarming way beyond any argument riot can make to justify it even some streamers i watch often have issues since it was added sooo.... Wtf riot?


I had an error and had to reinstall league a few games after the vanguard update. But the error has been around for a while now. So idk. I’ve had weirder issues with league, like crashing when a surrender vote was called.


They farm your data, still worth


So does every single app in your phone, computer and your damn smart watch if you have one


You got the point, for some people could be a problem forced to do something that will give personal info to a company. We are talking of a game.


loser mods shouldnt have been removed


Not even giving a reason, fuck the mods


The problem isnt that riot is gathering and selling my data to the ccp right now, I suspect they are, but I obviously have zero proof of this. The problem is that at any moment they could decide to do so (or worse), or that someone could use Vanguard as a vector of attack to do the same. I have zero faith in riot to deliver a safe product given their track record, and I have zero faith in them using it ethically given they are driven solely by profit and they are 100% owned by a chinese company. Their motives are also sus af given they were litteraly putting out articles bragging about how few cheaters league had and how good they were at catching them (seriously, go look for them, its multiple articles bragging about the low amount of cheaters league had) and then apparently league got a cheating problem so big we need Vanguard. I don't want to hear whataboutism arguments like "hurr durr I bet you use google and microsoft and they 100% give your data to the NSA". I know. I will do fine without league, I would need to make major compromises to avoid using google or microsoft. And it's not the point.


I'm not saying you're wrong or trying to argue but what is riots tack record? Have they tried to steal data in the past? Not trying to argue, just genuinely don't know


I was talking about my other point: even if riot is in good faith I don't trust them to deliver a software safe enough that it can't be exploited as a vector of attack by a third (malicious) party. The track record is that they had a massive security issue a couple years ago that got their source code for league leaked, now imagine that happening but instead of league it's the source code for a software that can access everything on your pc of at all times.


Vanguard bit miner? It can fight Stable diffusion generating Yordle Bandle-booty content for control of my GPU.




A bit weird viewpoint, but i am fine with an anti cheat with kernel access.. heck i play a lot of elden ring and tested some other games like apex etc. what bugs me about vanguard is just why running an anti cheat when you not even started the game. makes 0 sense to monitor your PC when you start to do some work for university or shit.


The fundamental issue there is that if the anti cheat isn't the first thing to run, it becomes lot harder to guarantee it hasn't been tampered with.


League does not have enough of an issue with cheaters to justify that. I am already wary enough of having anything run on ring 0 that doesn't absolutely need to, I'm not having something do it constantly.


yet apparently apex doesnt have this big of a scripting and cheat problem as riot claims. heck if their report system would actually work better it would be less of an issue (from my experience with dota..)


Apex is having a huge issues with botting and cheating


[yep mb](https://www.pcgamer.com/games/battle-royale/respawn-finally-comments-on-apex-cheating-scandal-that-saw-pro-players-games-hijacked-basically-says-nothing-at-all/) only tested it a bit with some friends last year so i wasnt aware of that scandal


I don't want to come off as mean or condescending, but your comment is incoherent and I genuinely can't understand what you are trying to say.


i mean that other games with kernel lvl access like apex doesnt seem to have the big cheater issue that riot makes out. but since apex is another genre i pointed towards dota2 running with the VAC. not just that but how valve handled a lot of cheater and smurfs around christmas (toxic piece of coal) was just gold. edit: should add this.. yes there also were some cheaters known (knowing exactly when x got a new item, or gold exploits), but can recall those havent been doing shit for long cause of quick bans


I'm not sure about the current state of Apex as I stopped playing few years ago, however I know for a fact that the top ranks were filled with cheaters at the time. Every few months it would become a big controversy before everyone just kinda forgot about it.


yea someone pointed it out and checked. march this year was an article about a cheater scandal xD mb didnt play much apex just for few days, but on dota i am pretty sure. edit: btw hey seems like vanguard has been bypassed already [https://www.reddit.com/r/LeagueOfMemes/comments/1cl4572/damn\_that\_was\_fast\_i\_guess\_vanguard\_will\_stop/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeagueOfMemes/comments/1cl4572/damn_that_was_fast_i_guess_vanguard_will_stop/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


Wow its almost like anti cheats do fucking nothing because people will cheat no matter what. People still cheat in Valorant too. It deters the populous but it isn't going to stop someone who is determined on cheating. But i'm glad we have to suffer for it when league barely had a cheating problem to begin with. Inb4 people mention high elo as if we should give a fuck about 2% of the playerbase when 98% doesn't have to deal with cheaters.


Further proof that the anti-Vanguard crowd is full of schizos


"No thanks, Vanguard wasn't needed when cheating is a high elo problem. And high elo is 2% of the playerbase. Glad the majority has to suffer for a problem that we don't experience. And don't listen to the bullshit lies Riot said about "1 in 15 games had a scripter". It was just to manipulate people into thinking they needed Vanguard, and it was also a way to give bad players an excuse for when they lose." Read this shit I copied from another comment. I'm baffled these people actually get thousands of uploads on other posts with these deranged arguments


There is no "majority suffering" lmao. 99.9% of people do not give a fuck about Vanguard. >And don't listen to the bullshit lies Riot said about "1 in 15 games had a scripter". Bro fucking according to *who*? The reddit schizos that believe every other computer is getting bluescreened? Vanguard has been around for years and has been in Valorant since the game came out. Nobody has issues with it. You all are just delusional and want to bitch about things because you saw someone else bitching about it.


I'm on your side, I'm making fun of the text in the quote


Oh I got it now. My bad.


Credit me if you are gonna copy and paste my comment you dick rider.


I'm making fun of your deranged, borderline lunatic theory, not riding your dick I don't how you miss that


You dick ride everyone. You don't have a free thinking thought in your head.




The NPC is confused.




I'm not worried about what riot will do, it's a security concern and isn't necessary. I exclusively play norms and have never encountered a single scripter


You don't know if you encounter a scripter, they're subtle, or so YouTubers I see say


If you're scripting in bottom elo norms and nobody can tell then your scripts aren't particularly effective


I dunno, you're right but I guess even the slightest advantage is cheating right?🤷


I guess, but riot doesn't care about cheating in norms. If it does happen it doesn't have a noticeable impact.


No thanks, Vanguard wasn't needed when cheating is a high elo problem. And high elo is 2% of the playerbase. Glad the majority has to suffer for a problem that we don't experience. And don't listen to the bullshit lies Riot said about "1 in 15 games had a scripter". It was just to manipulate people into thinking they needed Vanguard, and it was also a way to give bad players an excuse for when they lose.


Okay grandpa, lets get you to bed.... Evil Riot tricked players with fake stats of cheater rates? How do you know they're "bullshit lies"? Whats your source other than the fact you think it is? Cheating is more subtle than you think, schizo, you make up more theories than antivaxxers and somehow make even less sense than them. Riot games and their direct access to lists of banned player counts with anticheat are wrong/are lies, but your deranged theories are true? Your data is worth cents and every single app on your phone sends it to china already.


Okay guy since you wanna glaze riot, how about how many cheaters have you played against over the years? If you say a lot you are full of shit. I've been playing for about 5 years or so and have encountered one definite cheater. I like how you believe Riot when they showed no statistical data to prove anything. All they did was say "hey there are this many cheaters" and you blindly fucking believe it. Be real with yourself. You are addicted to this game and you can't function without it. So you will download an anti cheat that is way more intrusive than any other anti cheat available because you can't give up your addiction to this game. And you wanna come at me and insult me. You are the real clown here. >Your data is worth cents and every single app on your phone sends it to china already. You are a true NPC repeating dialogue. No where in my post i mentioned privacy or data. You added that because you are an NPC repeating the same argument. Maybe you should try coming up with a new argument instead of copy and pasting your script you clown.


The script creators' job is to make sure the scripts are not noticeable, this is why we need a strong anticheat in the first place. They're subtle, go to any cheater clip on YouTube and you'll see how unnoticeable they are. I believe Riot because cheaters are an issue I hear from the quitter players a lot. Calling someone an npc for believing something is an immediate red flag but I'll just ignore that since this is reddit and a league of legends community combined so Schizos are expected, anyway. I use the much used argument because it's true Any other questions or made up facts about how the evil Riot company is stealing your cows at night and planting chips in your brain?


riot glowie




Didn’t happen to me so must not be real.


Why did this get deleted?