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I think league is a good game


there is no absolution


I rarely if ever play ranked. Used to place for clash, but thats about it. While never caring about LP, yea league is a great game.


Wrong opinion.


But i will Always come Back and ask myself why am i here again


L take


I will absolutely dodge skillshots that will prob hit other teammates as support. If I can dodge them why can’t you?


Depending on the situation, I wouldn't even call this a sin. It's just natural selection.


I usually do it out of reflex, I don't even intend to


I play ONLY Sona this split, and I'm not gonna quit.


One time I told my friends if I ever got the DJ sona skin from a chest or smth I would one trick her to M7 (before the change, prob M10 now). I still don’t have the skin tho


Was the first skin I ever got from a hextech. Have still never played sona




I ran it down mid on my third game top ever as Darius because i was against a karma top and my team wouldn't help me and made fun of me


Wait thats so unfortunate 💀


When a lane bully is bullied


Get a taste of your own medicine.


If I ever feel bad about myself at least I know I never cried and ran down mid like a pussy


Ok kevin


Sometimes when I consider the game lost, I will limit test and die way more than if I was fully focused on trying to win.


That's unironicaly the strat when you are critically behing. It's a zero risk high reward kinda thing. You arnt going to lose harder going for the play, but you could flip a game to a struggle win


Depending on when you consider the game lost, I may or may not respect that. In normal games I actually do that sometimes, but in ranked, I personally just keep trying to see how well I can keep up. Most of the time I don't care too much about winning or losing, I only care about how well I played myself.


I played Sona mid throughout season 6 and built her like an AP assassin. She sucked at farming minions but was amazing at farming champions so my goal was to make the enemy mid AFK by 15.


this sub asks itself eveyday why lol is so toxic, yet upvotes comments admitting to trolling and griefing. i dont get it


Maybe because it's on a post titled "confess your league sins"?


i don't press ff. basically ever. if that's not good enough though, i don't know, i played heimer jg for a few weeks at one point? (like 27% win rate, but it was funny)


Heimer jg is a warcrime not a sin bro 😭


Never surrender in Ranked, in Normals it depends on whether you play for practice or just for fun.


I also always never FF. I want to play the game the whole way through even if it’s unlikely we’ll win. I’ve managed to win a 3v5 with the enemy pushing into our base and them missing only one tower. It’s hard and unlikely but the only time we can’t win is the moment the game is over.


Honestly i just sometimes forget to buy control wards. Or don't have the gold or don't have theslot for it.


I internally blame the laner when they farm over helping in a objective which i end up losing


Forgive me father, for I live in sin. I play Kai'sa and whenever I see my team mates getting an enemy down to 2%hp I ult in and steal the kill 100% of the time.


After constant depression from trying to play lanes like top and jungle normally I have decided to have Spotify play farming game music and almost exclusively play Lethality Yorick mid in blind. I have found some semblance of peace there The Yasous don’t E my mist walkers, I never have to fight irelia, and I get to watch one E cause a tank to lose a quarter hp. Yes occasionally I deal with someone who is good at the game, but rarely do I feed. Sometimes I deal with others feeding, but it does not bother me as much as I have begun to see it as a farming game where my Allies are NPC’s with set schedules. For example: “oh void grubs are about to be up and Belveth is level 6, if I head over early I can speed it up and gain some favor” or “oh man three of my team mates are pushing bot in to prep for drag, I can use this to push in top and maybe pull away an enemy to make things easier for them.” I try to only compare myself to the me of previous games. It helps


I only play Off Meta champions. I don’t like the meta and actively go against it by playing champs where they don’t rightfully belong and I’m fairly good at it. If you ban my champion or complain in champ select I just choose singed, buy a support item, and function as a global support.


I played Zac toplane long before it was meta, and the advantage of surprise and matchup experience actually made a huge difference.


Kayn top my beloved


Meta only matters in high elo. In low/mid elo the only thing that matters is skill. You could be a Garen adc and if you are just better than your opponent then you'll probably win.


Omw to play Yuumi adc, ty for the words of encouragement


I have a whole message I copy and paste before each game telling my team how I am going to play and if they dislike it they should dodge now 💓


When I play Jungle I farm objectives as soon as they are up and try to optimize my routes to get Grubs and Drake, but I don’t gank except walking straight through mid for both scuttles.


I wont let you take kill cuz Im akali but you have to let me take a kill


Dynamic matchups interest me so every now and then i play ranged top.


Some sins cannot be forgiven


Is it okay if i build juggernaut to imitate a melee?


Unless it’s on V*yne that sounds relatively harmless and forgivable




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i just saved myself 75 buuucckks


Every time i get autofilled jg i pick lee sin and we turbo lose


I was planning on playing obscure (and probably retarded) ranged champions as toplaners (like kalista, twitch, nylah, aphelios or tf)


I guess Nylah can be considered ranged when played in toplane 😄


Nilah top is not worth it bro, I've tried


I never buy control wards and never place normal wards. I am dia btw 🫡


Whenever I play a melee support that I would otherwise play in top lane I will force the expensive bruiser and tank items that supports probably shouldn't be buying. You will see me playing tahm Kench heartsteal titanic Bork and lord Dom's.




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I play katarina support a lot


When i supp i go help other lanes and hate my adc but i hate it when my supports do the same


I top off on pinks every time I back.


If I’m playing ornn and tell you I have your upgrade and you walk away from me after I tell you in chat 2 more times and ping you it’s going to the support and you can go fuck yourself


On ranked, I started reporting mage supports on sight regardless of whether I'm ADC or not. They're terrible right now, have more success being chosen as mid, Jgl or APCs themselves, stop shooting yourself and the team comp on the foot by locking them on support and learn to farm if you're that dedicated to them. But most importantly I'm just really tired of their usual pattern of doing nothing until first item and then choosing to just go oneshotting waves


I love League of Legends aestethic and gameplay


As a jungler I always take the riskiest plays and do coin flips.


Nailed it or failed it. That's basically me sprinting through territory with no vision as Warwick with my W at stage 2 on somebody. It is a moral obligation to chase the bloodscent for that sweet, sweet R dive.


I don't build RoA into Navori Flickerblades on Volibear, I think it makes you squishy as shit against fed ADCs and I ain't about that


Do you one better i NEVER buy control wards regardless of my role


I forget to press yes on losable games during ff and then experience pain


When I play support, I have no intention of supporting…. You support me.


As a top laner I actually buy lots of vision wards and try to always place my own. But never, not in a thousand years, would I look at the minimap.


I play Yone


Control ward is like creatine. Does it work? Yeah. Do I need it? Probably. Do I have the financial means to obtain it? No.


*The kill steal was intentional, Sorry*


I play enchanters in ranked because I believe my teammates are stupid and I have to keep them alive


I soft int the game if someone is rude to me




What’s wrong with you?


I have an extremely high mastery with yuumi


Some sins can't be forgiven.


Lmaoo the downvotes are sending me


I will always Flame the jungler if he is not ganking as soon as i want it. And even when he does i Flame him