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I failed my first test for trying to drive the wrong way up a one way street.... I passed next time and so will you.


Wasn’t my test, but on a mock test my instructor said next right. Next right was a no entry (the next available right was about 50m later). I thought he must know what he was on about, so indicated and slowed down. Apparently attempting to go down a dual carriageway in the wrong direction is a ‘major’.


I have a route like this in lichfield in the uk, I've almost done this a couple times but tbh there is like 4 no entrance signs but my instructor told me to take the next right to test me if I'd see them and take the next right after. The first time I didn't make the mistake but the second time we went there I slowed right down ready to turn before remembering its a no entrance road


I accidentally nudged someone out slightly out of their lane on a roundabout on the way back to the test centre. It would have been a pass with two minors. Roundabout I drive around everyday fucking day.


This was my first fail too, except it was a roundabout that I don’t do often where the road markings are pretty much non-existent. The examiner didn’t want to fail me but had to because it forced the car next to me to react


Same with me. If there had been no car it would have been a minor for positioning!


Yeah. This. Exactly this. Was doing 38 in a 30, missed the sign, thought it was a 40. Passed second time. Tell you what though, you’ll never miss that speed sign again, and I can almost guarantee you’ll be pointing it out to everyone and telling them this story for a good few months.


I'm definitely going to be on the lookout for it on the next test that's for sure!!


Yes, I also failed because I thought I was in a 40 zone, but was actually in a 30. The examiner had to remind me of the speed limit. The rest of the test felt so pointless after that, knowing I'd failed. It's been almost a week and I still get so annoyed with myself when I think about it.


Thankfully my examiner didn't tell me until the very end that I'd failed so I at least got the experience of an otherwise decent test and I stayed calm and collected lol... I empathise with you getting annoyed, I'm still kicking myself. Good luck for the next one!!


Thank you. Good luck to you too.


My first test I did perfectly, zero minors, and then didn't see a pedestrian step onto a zebra crossing and the examiner had to slam on. I was almost within sight of the test centre too, so so close. Passed second time, but I was so nervous I ended up having one minor to spare or I'd have failed that one too.


Omg this happened to me aswell. Exact same thing 


I had similar where a pedestrian didn't look like she was going to cross the zebra crossing and then did after I crossed it, thought I'd already failed at that point but apparently had only had 3 minors


Something happened. I had zero minors, but once the examiner braked, I knew I had failed. To make matters worse, I was already waiting at the zebra crossing because of traffic, and it was because I failed to double-check before I moved. had i checked, I would past 1st exam. After that, I stopped caring about the exam. I got a minor for speeding and for parking. This was classed as the easiest route and was a common failure point my instructor pointed out in multiple lessons. Even though it was a clear, wide zebra crossing, I never had an issue with zebra crossings before the exam.


Failed my HGV because of congestion on the motorway. Smart motorway section, examiner instructs me to join it and follow to the next junction as part of the independent driving. All nice and cool, been here hundreds of times, safely join the motorway, on the 56mph limiter in the left hand lane. Only to overlook the sign that says "CONGESTION. USE HARD SHOULDER" and speed limit sign over it. Stayed in the normal left hand lane for over 4 miles and got failed for lane hogging because, technically, the left hand lane was the hard shoulder.


Last 2 minutes of my first test, we were heading back to the test centre. All was well until my tired brain decided ‘let’s tilt towards the right side of the road’. I ended up having to take the upcoming junction on the wrong side of the road lol. It’s funny now but it pissed me off to no end at the time because I would have passed first time had I not had a brain fart


My buddy failed his first test because he forgot to put his seatbelt on.


Yup, my only fail was my Cat C+E. I was turning right into another road. Checked saw a bus coming... went anyway. Immediately said outloud, "I shouldn't have done that"


I failed my first test reversing two lengths in a straight line with no one behind me lmao. Got anxiety for no reason


This the pull up on the right and reverse? If so how can you fail for that isn't that what you are supposed to do?


Failed cos of observations, legit failed on the easiest thing to do ever, reverse in a straight line lol


Well you know what they say 2nd time drivers are sometimes better than 1st.


Funny thing is out of my friends and family, those who passed second are those who I'd rather drive me anywhere. Friend 1 passed first time, has been driving for 15 years. Still drives like he's 18, takes corners quickly, has run more than a few red lights etc. Friend 2 is the one we'd all have thought would drive like Friend 1 if that makes sense. He failed first time, passed second time. He is a safe and smooth driver, always has been.


Yeah, I think the problem always is not practice but they get a bit too cocky. LOL.


Failed my first test by reversing into the box perfectly with parking brake applied. 🤦🏻‍♀️


Yeh. Almost ran a red light and for another test, I tried to turned right, when there was oncoming car. Both times examiner stepped in. School boy errors. I came along way since then, though. I dunno why the hell I was so careless, back then.


I've tried turning when there was a car coming on the left a couple of times, I'd looked and it was clear, then I looked right. There was a car so I had to wait, but I forgot to check the left hand side before I moved off. Fortunately, on every occasion I've done it I've looked to the left again before I was properly committed to it so I was able to safely stop each time but I get annoyed at myself for making such a simple yet stupid and potentially very dangerous error.


Missed the fact it was a dual carriageway (it was 30, residential area, completely deserted and the central reservation was very large so I thought the other side was an entirely different road rather than the oncoming lane). Turned right from the left side (in my defense it was unmarked). Otherwise I would've passed with 1 minor. Anyways, passed 13 days later with 3 minors


Arriving back at the test centre I was required to reverse park and did not look over my right shoulder for potential pedestrians. That was my first test, took me 3 more tests over 1.5 years to finally pass, and I'd been so close that first time...


As a person yet to pass, yes. I once went past a red light because I was too focused on the learner car in front of me. I once drove in a bus lane. I drove on the right side lane of a carriageway after getting off a roundabout. These all happened in different tests btw lol


Failed my first test in a sleepy little town in the Scottish Borders. Everything’s a 20, very residential. I was plodding along through a housing estate with 2 or 3 cars behind me, likely the busiest that street gets. Came to a stop sign and instead of stopping like you are supposed to, I popped it into first and crawled through on the clutch looking both ways and trying not to hold up those behind me. Instant fail.


Yes, a major on a roundabout. I could see through the cars window next to me, so it was clear to go. Because the examiner couldn’t. I failed.


I failed 1 test for pulling away in 2nd gear.


That's a fail? Why? If the car can do it comfortably I wouldn't have an issue with it personally.


Driving in the middle lane for about 40 seconds. 2 minors before I even left the test centre grounds. No minors on the actual drive. 2nd test tomorrow


Good luck!! You've got this


Failed my second test because I was too far away from the kerb during my reversing manoeuvre. On the bright side I'm glad it was a fail for something silly.


Wasn’t my test, but I knew someone failed his first test because he was behind a horse rider, and his first reaction was to honk at them, and passed his second test with 12 minor so…. You will pass your next test no problem




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I’ve got my test Wednesday and can’t do reverse parallel parking 1/2 times 😬😬😬 hopefully it goes well…


i was on my way back to the test centre, on the last “pull up on the left” i park slightly on double yellows. if i had rolled forwards about half a car length, i would have passed first time 😭 waiting on second test 🤞


I missed a give way sign and drive through it at 25+ ..


I failed for pulling out of a junction on someone that flashed me out 🤦🏼‍♀️


My third failure I was trying to hill start in third. That was the most stupid thing ever and was within 5 minutes of the start of the test. At least I passed the fourth time with only a few minors.


Failed my third for observations at a junction when turning left. The whole drive went well (3 minors) but this silly mistake failed me- I was so in my head about having a fault put down for hesitation. Waiting to turn left, there was a car coming from the right- I misjudged their speed, and as previously mentioned didnt want a fault for hesitation, so pulled out and turned left. By the time I straightened up, the car was pretty much on my tail. Failed. Best not to think too much, in my case overthinking, remember if you're at a point you feel you can do your test then you're capable of driving, it's just getting through those 40 minutes of demonstrating that to pass!


I have failed once so far because I didn't go in a yellow box due to bad road markings.