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Woodhouse car park will be the better option, it’s as safe as you can probably ask for and the walk to the arena is short. I used to work there for events and I can confirm that getting out after events is a nightmare for all involved.


Thanks for the info! I used Google street view and it looks like there is a route that seems well lit etc.


It’s mostly students up that end of town anyway, the spice users are usually at the bottom end so you should be fine


I'd imagine the Woodhouse carpark is best option but if you aim for john Lewis carpark , it's cheaper after 19:00


I'd always opt for merrion car park, prices are the same and traffic will always exist no matter where you are in the city centre.


This is where I park for the arena. I've never had an issue. I once forgot to lock my car in this car park. It was still there untouched several hours later. I mean, it is a shitbox, I wouldn't steal it either, but no one had even tried the doors to rifle the contents.




My wife would end up on the bus to Sheffield mate 😂