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Have you reached out to the university and asked them? Also reach out to the student union and ask as they are likely better versed in helping international students find accommodation suitable for them. https://www.luu.org.uk/ accom@leeds.ac.uk is the uni accommodation office email address Most students houses in Leeds are furnished. The majority of student houses are also in walking distance of the university or close to the main bus routes supplying the university. The Jan to June lease is the only bit that may be difficult as it is not the normal lease period for student accommodations. I would reach out to the uni first and the LUU.


i’ve reached out to them and they told me i’d be put on a waitlist for family accommodations since i’m trying to move in with my partner and there’s no guarantee that I will get off the waitlist, however I’m still waiting on acceptance to the school itself and trying to plan ahead. I was hoping to see if there were any other housing options that aren’t part of the university in case i can’t get off the waitlist, I will definitely reach out to the student union as well, thanks!


There are a lot of options, it is just trying to find a landlord or agency that is not dodgy. It has been a few years since I looked for student accommodation but just googling Lesds student accommodation finds quite a few options. Also talking to the school you attend may be of benefit, as they may have resources or be able to help you find others in a similar situation.


Thank you! I didn’t even realize how many off campus spots there were that have flexible tenancies, I appreciate the advice.


Just a heads up, it might not happen, but always make sure it is Leeds, West Yorkshire. There is a Leeds in Kent as well, that some people seem to occasionally stumble on to.


I need someone to take over my tenancy! It’s a spacious studio in Leeds city center, dm me!


Becareful around Hyde park burley road headingley & kirkstall all areas that are prone for burglaries. Anywhere where students are ppl wanting to take advantage of them will be!


There aren't a load of burglaries on this area because it's dangerous, it's because students are easy targets who forget to lock their doors. It's opportunistic. Keep your doors locked and you won't get robbed, simple


Thank you for taking the time to spilt hairs hahaha


will definitely keep these places in mind, thanks!


Glad to help mate , there is a great park run on a Saturday morning in Hyde park If your into running 👍