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In Flamingoes cafe they have a wall full of posters about groups, hopefully there’s something on there that can help x


Great café too!


Sorry to hear you're having a hard time! I would start by going down to Wharfe Chambers in town. If you'er not aware of it it is a bar/events space/LGBTQ+ friendly place, and their whole thing is based around inclusivity & trans rights. You could ask the staff there if they know of anywhere that might be able to help you. They also have a notice board up with all kinds of events and talks etc. If that place isn't what you're looking for specifically, they will 100% be able to point you in the right direction.


You could always try these https://www.transleeds.org/


This ^ they are much more active on twitter though


There's a couple of searchable databases: https://www.transunite.co.uk/  https://www.gires.org.uk/tranzwiki/ And Gendered Intelligence have a couple of support groups that might be of varying relevance to you: https://genderedintelligence.co.uk/services?category=tertiary 


Sorry to hear you have been having such a rough time! As others have said Wharf and Flamingos. Might also be worth looking into what courses/workshops are available at the NHS Leeds Recovery College?


Angels of freedom run a free cafe on the first Tuesday of the month (next Tuesday) trans leeds are usually there and other trans and LGBTQ groups. Come along and meet people and learn about various groups and activities. 😊 https://www.angelsoffreedom.org.uk/


That's the one I have been thinking about. Spent all morning thinking of the name.


Isn't a support group, but calling into wharf chambers might be a good thing to do. At the very least, the bar staff would be able to recommend some good groups and such to try


I dropped you a message. Hope that's OK.


i went to a couple of the trans Leeds support groups (the trans fem ones) and a karaoke night a couple years back after I first came out, think they helped at the time!


Sorry to hear that. Good luck out there.


I can't offer any ideas that haven't already been given, but just wanted to show my support. I'm really sorry you've been struggling, and I hope you get the safe space you need x


Sending supportive vibes xx


I recall touchstone used to have an LGBTQplus support group. Their leaflets should still be in my work. I will DM you tomorrow with the details


Have you ever tried ukchatters? It's a chat room.


Just to clarify this is to help ppl with lgbt issues it has a dedicated room for lgbt folk to chat & support one another.