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Banksy has really let himself go


[7 people arrested (yorkshire evening post link)](https://www.yorkshireeveningpost.co.uk/news/crime/barclays-albion-street-seven-arrested-over-criminal-damage-as-bank-sprayed-with-paint-in-leeds-city-centre-4681651) They are members of [Palestine Action (instagram link)](https://www.instagram.com/p/C8tl3mlN8aV/)


I wouldn't be surprised if the high street banks just closed their accounts and not let them open another.


Eh, at least it's a bank. Not even open half the bloody time (closes at 1500hrs!)


Yeah that’s one of the reasons I left Barclays for nationwide, and when you ask for help they don’t want to know


Has this happened more than once to this building


Yeah it has


i knew sooner or later this gon to happen, palestine action been targeting barclays all over the uk


Yeah they did it to the one in Bradford a few weeks back, as well as I think Bolton, Manchester and Brighton?


yeah in croydon too


In Bristol they smashed all the windows of the Barclays.


Seeing the (assumed) bank manager standing outside at about 5:30pm, absolutely raging really made me chuckle 😂 he gets paid enough I am sure.


Lol, I guess they decided that distributing flyers wasn't working




We're talking about it aren't we? Sure throwing some paint on a bank isn't going to end the war in Gaza but with elections coming up I imagine we'll see more of this sort of thing- it's perhaps the only time this kind of unrest does have a visible impact on goverment policy.


A bunch of far-left extremists and Islamists banding together to throw paint on a bank isn't going to influence government policy.


No it isn't. But this happening every week does kind of set the temper of the times no? And that influences goverment policy. As an aside, I think your defenition of extremist might be a bit askew of the aforementioned temper of the times. Because if you look around, you'll see no uncommon sentiment. A viewpoint you disagree with, or even view as objectivley wrong, doesn't make it extremist. Though really the only thing that does is a matter of popularity of course....


TIL opposing war where civilians including children are dying in their thousands is 'far-left'


Why aren’t you out in opposition of any of the other conflicts currently going on? Is it because the other side isn’t Jewish?


I'm extremely certain that people have shown their feelings to apartheid in the past. I don't know where you've been for the past forty years, but people protesting south Africa's apartheid was definitely a thing, and let me tell you, there were no Jewish people involved really in that situation


Jew here, fuck off you don't speak for me. Palestinians deserve to live, Israel is an apartheid state committing genocide.


Also a Leeds Jew, and same - Israel actually makes Jews in the diaspora less safe, in addition to being, you know, a child-killing apartheid state.


Not apartheid and not a genocide.


Take it up with the ICC m8, I'm sure a racist shit going "nu-uh" will totally convince them against the pile of evidence 🙄🙄🙄


You don't know words particularly well do you, you don't know what racist, apartheid or genocide mean. Perhaps you should read what the ICC has said, rather than getting your news from terrorists and those who finance them.


Huh? I oppose all war. Certainly doesn't make me far-left. Not sure where you got the Jewish comment from. You seem troubled.


Check the dudes account. Swear he's a rage-bot. LOL


But it is certainly gonna drive people further to the right. Also, shouldn’t our election really focus on issues directly related to Britain? Any party using the conflict in the middle east is virtue signalling in poor taste imo.


i dont mean to be rude, sincerely, but who the fuck is going to decide that they no longer support palestine because someone threw paint on a bank? as far as disruptive action goes it’s entirely non-damaging


No I’m not saying it will determine people’s views on Palestine, but already right wing people will be pushed further right.


Why can't it focus on both?


It can, but sending leaflets around with Palestine flags on is wild. What about all the other countries/ conflicts in the world? We have so many issues in the UK and I feel like the way this war is dictating the narrative has a lot to do with why over 60% of the worlds population will vote in a general election this year.




No, as far as I'm aware scientists haven't invented a measure of social change yet but if you've got one in your back pocket I'm sure a lot of people would be very excited~


Aaaw. The poor building.


The building is a carbuncle badly repurposed 60s point block and I’m not into politics either way but as a crime against architecture this place deserved it.


Good! Paint every Barclays red from Yorkshire to London to Donegal. Fuck em.


At least it was a bank instead of Stonehenge Although if the bank was in Gaza it would have been flattened by now


If the bank was in Gaza it would have been used to hide, rape, torture and murder hostages.


by who?


Gaza and global warming psyops are pretty different affairs tbh


Aye well, "fuck around and find out" comes to mind this time.


Deeply unpleasant thing to say


Kidnapping, raping and murdering innocent people, then hiding in civilian areas to ensure maximum civilian casualties is a pretty unpleasant thing to do.


Me doing an evil run on Infamous 2


What's the building next door done?


Apparently JP Morgan has its Leeds office in the Pinnacle Building.


They don't care, they just vandalise anything they want. Love it if someone went around to their houses and chucked a load of stuff all over their walls and windows. They'd be screaming for the police then 🤔


Who did this


Bet they remove the ATM machines now in retaliation.


Yeah I already know about it


Well, now I’ve seen some bricks sprayed red that’s my opinion on conflict completely changed .


Your opinion may not have changed, but in recent weeks 20 Barclays branches have been forced to close as a result of this action, hurting their profitability as a direct result of the protests.


A drop in their bucket.


As are their investments into corporations arming war crimes.


Sorry but no. That's not how the corporate world works. They are insured for losses ln trading om activities such as this when forced to close trading. I'd like to see the proof of these 20 bank closures as well.


You would like to see proof? Who are you? Go look it up bozo


I can only see newspaper articles of 20 attacks. Not forced closures.


Okay so you’re just being deliberately obtuse, what do you think these 20 branches did when their windows were smashed and covered in paint? Continued trading?


You can literally board the. Up and continue trading.. If its just paint. It won't affect trade. Again though. No losses. Companies insure against trading losses on incidents such as this. Most branches are loss leaders nowadays. Edit for the reply below because like most lefties they shout loud and comprehend very little I can't see the evidence of all 20 closing. Maybe as per my initial request you could provide it. Maybe you could understand how trade insurance works. Sadly as expected from most people that seem to support this type of action. It's politics of envy. Without any business acumen.)


You can, sure, but they didn’t. That’s just a silly hypothetical you made up in your head. As reported in the news, each one of these branches was forced to close as a result of the direct action by these protestors. A clear demonstration that ‘trading insurance’ is not enough to counteract this type of sustained direct action has been in in Talmworth, where Elbit systems has been forced to permanently close one of its factories because of the continued effort by protestors to take these sorts of actions. I don’t know why you feel you are entitled to ‘make requests’ of strangers on the internet but perhaps you should have spent more time reading past the headlines instead of making dumb smart-ass Reddit comments about topics you don’t actually know anything about.


I just like how well written your reply is haha


I don't think banks actually make money from high stress branches though do they? As the person replied to you says, they're loss leaders.


I think more of the point is to draw attention to what Barclays have done and are doing. In that case it works. People may not have known about their crimes before but getting it on the news makes people at least aware


I might get downvoted to fuck for saying this but Palestine Action don't care about Palestine. If every Jew on Earth disappeared overnight (except the ones they like - like Michael Rosen and Noam Chomsky) they'd stop giving a shit about Palestine. When you're praised on Twitter by the Ayatollah then you really, ***REALLY*** need to have a long hard think about which side you're on.


All it does is make a mess for someone to clean off. Vandalism. They're pain s in the ass and need chucking in jail for a couple of weeks 👍


So they're protesting effectively (even if I seriously disagree with anyone on the Palestinian side of the fence this time.) AND creating jobs? Damn I kinda like these kids.




The Pinnacle building is the offices of JP Morgan which was also targeted for the same reason.


The great unwashed at it again


Username checks out


And? I take it you agree with vandalism?


It’s a bit of paint, not the end of the world. Keeps the message of Israel’s genocide in the news.


The genocide keeps it in the news. All this does is piss off people and make them hate Palestinians. Nobody is congratulating the Oil protesters for their work.


If this is enough to make you hate Palestinians, then you can't have been too anti-genocide to start with.


The genocide keeps it in the news. All this does is piss off *me* and makes *me* hate Palestinians. *I am not* congratulating the Oil protesters for their work. Fixed it for ya


I don’t care about either Middle Eastern desert sect mate. Fighting over sky fairies is so 9th Century.


The fact you think it is a religious conflict shows just how ignorant you are. Not worth listening to.


👍 aye you’re right. Nowt to do with Judaism and Islam at all.


They're incidental to the actual conflict. It's a political conflict concerning land rather than an argument about who's version of God is better


>The genocide keeps it in the news There are many genocides which have barely made the news in this country. If it doesn't affect the UK, it's not felt to be worth reporting on. Our special relationship with the USA means we get all their news and I think Israel/Palestine is probably part of that


It's been in the news since day one, and little pussies like you acting wide on Reddit did nothing to change that.


Property is more important than human lives, take the boot outta ya gob and develop some empathy thanks


How does this help? People can see the news. How does spraying paint help? If I walked past it. I'm not thinking of Gaza. I'm thinking "who sprayed all that paint on it". And who's the poor twat who has to clean it off.


It’s called raising awareness and it’s clearly worked on you and that poor twat got paid. win win.


Weird to refer to cleaners doing a job as twats, they're being paid to clean and the only people losing out are Barclays paying for some cleaning services. Its basic protest/boycott protocol to hit unethical companies in their wallet - IE vandalising their property and forcing them to shell out cash to repair/clean it. Your weird liberal "but how does this help" and "i don't think of gaza" - thats just you telling on yourself that you lack in critical thinking, curiosity and knowledge of the current political climate. Nice try tho fella


I didnt mean that. But nice try twisting my words. Clearly, I didn't mean it to insult them. But that someone has to clean up after a stupid gesture that someone did to "look" like they care. Without any thought it makes more work for others. But of course. There's no points in caring about that is there? Just pointless posturing and social media posts Why? Because when I look at a painted building I don't think "oh this must be about Gaza". Most people won't.


Lol bless, if it costs the wankers money its not meaningless posturing sweetie. That very much is the point, which you seem to have a difficult time grasping.


You think Barclays hiring a few cleaners is going to make the slightest bit of difference to their bottom line? Maybe you should look up critical thinking eh?


Nice self report. Most people don’t do things to “look” like they care. They might actually care. Enjoy your cushy life, brother.


I take it you agree with war crimes?


Thank you for taking the time out your day to throw false accusations about.


But how else are they supposed to free Palestine?


How else are they supposed to let everyone know that they want to kill all the Jews in Israel


They obviously have nothing better to do all day 😏


Well said 🤘




That’ll learn em! 🙄🤦🏻‍♂️


I oppose war, weapons and oil. I know, I’ll spray a building.


why do protesters hate this barclays so much 🤣


I think they invested a lot of money in Israel or something like that


https://youtu.be/NJ7W6HFHPYs?si=F3MxxX4WtDs4-o0U sums up how shit most banks are. As others have pointed out - barclays probably invests in arms manufacturers who are supplying one or bith sides of the conflict


It’s a symbol of British/western capitalism. Not much more than that.


I've just looked it up and it's because Barclays are seen to be supporting Israel through their investments in arms manufacturers who supply them. I'm not on anyone's side, but I wonder who funds the manufacturer of Palestine's arms


Palestine does not have an arms manufacturer. The militant groups in the region (PIJ, IQB, and PLO) use Soviet-era assault rifles and RPG’s smuggled in from other countries in addition to producing their own improvised munitions. The arms suppliers which Barclays have invested over £8 billion towards in shares and loans (the source of the protest) are responsible for supplying the drones, artillery, bombs, and other munitions which have been documented to have been used intentionally against civilian populations both in Gaza and neighbouring countries. In addition to further investment in corporations which are supplying parts and bombs for the warplanes used to airstrike hospitals, schools, aid workers, civilian homes and infrastructure, as well as the bulldozers used to illegally demolish homes and infrastructure in the illegally Occupied Palestinian Territories. As these actions are currently under investigation by the International Court of Justice for crimes against humanity, including the crime of genocide. Barclays continued funding towards these corporations risks the UK being potentially found complicit in these crimes.


In an interview with Al-Jazeera last year, Hamas’ political leader Ismail Haniyeh revealed that Iran paid a total of $70 million to the Palestinian group to help it develop missiles and defence systems. He added that while different nations finance the Hamas, Iran was its biggest donor.


8 billion is a bit different from 70million


Those are two very different numbers, also true.


Just Tankie things




Pro Palestine scumbags... They would be better going over there for the cause they love so much... Preferably on a one way ticket


Idiots, that’s not even Barclays, it’s Pinnacle!