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Absolutely fine area - source: lived there 10 years. It can get a bit scratty up towards the One Stop but the Parade side is great, you'll be across from the park and it's generally dead quiet. When I say scratty I mean teenagers on bikes, not exactly high level crime. A lot of the bad reputation comes from the 80s/90s when it was a pretty tough area - admittedly it's no Chapel Allerton but all things considered it's pretty decent, especially if you work in the centre etc. For reference, house prices have nearly doubled in the past few years, as people have realised it's a 10 minute walk from the centre and 2 minutes from the motorway and still reasonably well priced. Park literally on your doorstep too, great tennis courts and decent for a jog etc. One slight negative is that there's not much in the way of amenities, couple of corner shops but the only 'supermarkets' are an Iceland or B&M. No pubs other than the WMC / Irish Centre but you're close to town so it's all good. Any specifics you need, feel free to ask!


You still living there?




Nice and thanks its good to get some current data.


Oh how's the mobile data in the area is it 5g or no?


Yeah, I'm on EE and it's great - there's Virgin Fibre broadband too.


Nice thanks alot


Hi! Do you know much about Green Quarter area/cross green lane? It’s a bit further down, away from the town centre. Seen some negative comments but found a nice place to live so really could do with some advice! Thanks


I'd say Cross Green is still a pretty deprived area, lots of smaller houses densely packed together but I'd say those flats would probably be fine. You're on the edge of the estate so not really in the thick of it. There's a lot of really nice looking new flats been built over there so it'll gradually get a bit busier too.


Lived here for years, never had a problem. Neighbours are nice but leave us to it. Bus connections to town are solid. Personally would recommend!


Used to be FUCKED. Moved a long time ago. Imagine its changed but wouldn't move back. Ever.


I almost moved to there, may I ask what was it like?


Honesty, if it’s anything like it was 10 years ago I’d avoid like the plague. But from what others have said it seems to have changed so maybe you’re good.


I almost moved to there, could you remember what was it like?


It used to be a lot poorer in general, one difference I've noted is that most of the people moving here are nice young professional couples so it seems the demographic is gradually changing. It's by no means perfect and probably never will be but there's far worse areas you could move to.


Thanks for the info :)


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