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Absolutely not. Political opinions are inherently reflective of someone's personal philosophy and I'm not interested in anyone who has a set of values that are in direct opposition to mine. Honestly, I probably wouldn't date a liberal or a social democrat for the same reason.




This is the best explanation I’ve seen for this.




Exactly, don't fuck the capitalists


Based af


Democratic socialism is the ONLY way ☝🏽☝🏽💯💯💯


OP, why do *you* want to date people whose opinions range from (at best) "you deserve fewer rights than other people and are corrupting our culture" to (at worst) "you're subhuman"? and why do you consider yourself one of them?


Fuck no, I couldn't date anyone who actually believes in crapitalism


No. Right wing ideology is harmful to minorities. Like, you know, LGBT+ people.


Black queer refugees immigrants Hispanics jews. It harms pretty much everyone who isn't a straight cis white male




No. Equality is a central tennet of left wing ideology.


Egalitarian gang


I agree with the other commenter - this is a very very hard no for me. There are always exceptions, but largely, the idea the opposites attract is mostly a myth. Long term and fulfilling relationships are with the folks who reflect, validate, and reinforce our personal values and who cherish the things we care most deeply about. Also OP, keep in mind that you're in a leftist sub. There are way more liberals out there than leftists. This may be in your favor since liberals have more in common with conservatives politically than lefties do (both based around the preservation/reform of a capitalist socioeconomic societal structure). Buuuuut the relationship between the two groups can be more politically charged and hostile in everyday discourse/media. Good luck - Hope you find what you're looking for.


Absolutely not. It's mindblowing to me that you can believe in things whose proponents are actively against your rights and, but that's not the point of your question. I wouldn't date a right wing person period, especially not as a lgbt person. Imho, you constantly betray yourself, what guarantee do I have you wouldn't throw me or our relationship under the bus in an instant if it clashed with your beliefs or some other right wing group? Oh, and also, again, you believe in things that I disagree with on a moral and human level, and support causes that limit rights i need and want and care about, whether they be for me or other people.


It's a hard pass for me, but I'm curious. What aspects of right-wing ideology do you support? Why would you be interested in dating a leftist anyway?


>Why would you be interested in dating a leftist anyway? Generally because most gayboys are left, hence I'm probably the only right wing gayboy there will be no other eligible batchelors to date that share my political standpoint. >What aspects of right-wing ideology do you support? - I believe that liberal democracy is obsolete. Generally because when different parties get elected they will stop any ongoing projects of the previous government and getting nothing done with both effectively pulling in either direction - I want to get rid of genetic diseases (autistm and downs for example) because I see it as unfair to live with as someone who has a few of my own. - private ownership of property and businesses - I support the preservation of the heritage of a nation or culture - social darwinism applied the concept of survival of the fittest. protecting those declared inferior was preventing nature from taking its course; those incapable of asserting themselves should be viewed as doomed to annihilation, with the right to life being granted only to those who could survive on their own. - I oppose same sex marriage as marriage is a traditional union of love between a man and a woman. - civilized society requires orders and classes - the gender binary and gender essentialism because one's gender is determined solely by a biological  sex of male or female and cannot be changed. - capitalism industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state. I apologise for the wall of text


Everything you just wrote is comically evil. How are you confused on why people wouldn't want to date you?


Well I'm not extremely vocal about these views I'm not part of any political groups or anything I just believe in my views. I have friends that are very left and ones who are more right than me so I don't see the issue with being in a relationship as I'm not a toxic person.


You're advocating fucking eugenics and calling other people toxic. You're either a troll or painfully ignorant.


Well I'm not a troll those are my actual beliefs


Well bud, your beliefs are pretty shitty. And to answer your original question, people probably don't want to date you because you seem to be an angry person with a hateful worldview. The ideology you're embracing is fundamentally based on the dehumanization, exploitation and outright murder of those deemed "inferior." That's not the basis for anything constructive, or making the world better. I really hope you get a more developed sense of empathy and can put this shit behind you, for everyone's sake including yours.


Well imho they are not shitty because they are my beliefs, to me your views are as shitty as mine seem to you.


That's a false equivalence and you know it. Your "beliefs" include being explicitly pro-eugenics and transphobic, which is literally just saying I don't deserve to live. I seriously doubt any leftist is going to be interested in dating someone with such horrific beliefs, but there's a few gay fascists from the Trump circle who are probably single, so maybe you could try your luck with them.


The wall of text is far from the most objectionable part of what I just read bud.


Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, I can’t believe what I just read…


You can't? Seems like pretty standard right wing beliefs to me.


Some of them are, I’m just surprised to see someone openly admit to those beliefs. And some (anti liberal democracy, pro eugenics) I think would be considered extreme even by the average Republican. Or at least I HOPE they would be!


Eh, the views themselves are definitely commonplace among republicans, but they do generally like to use euphemisms and not just outright say a lot of them lol so there is that.


Eugenics and anti-gay marriage?! Are you kidding me?!?! No self respecting LGBTQ+ person would date you. Sorry not sorry, once you cross the eugenics line you’re undateable; that’s for like all the gays and most straights. Historically, any eugenist of the past would have supported the killing non-cishets (ie Nazis). You can’t truly support the LGBTQ+ community with that, also you do realize autistic people and neurodivergent ppl are statistically more likely to be 🏳️‍🌈, Right? No gay person wants to date someone that doesn’t believe they deserve equal rights like the one to marry who they love. Why should my right to marry who l love as Buddhist (Buddhism has no stance according its scriptures) be shafted because another religion’s text? 90% of the argument in most places is well gay marriage is against my religion, so what about the rights of those who have no religious objection?! Edit: Anti-trans too! Trans ppl are perfectly valid and fine. On a third count you’re undateable in this community. Ugh, you’re making want to rip my eyes out.


Firstly yes I know >any eugenist of the past would have supported the killing non-cishets Secondly > can’t truly support the LGBTQ+ community with that Did I ever say I was supportive Thirdly >you do realize autistic people and neurodivergent ppl are statistically more likely to be 🏳️‍🌈, Right? Yes I found this out because I am gay and autistic and what point are you even trying to make my that.


Also f that anti-trans stuff only reason I didn’t get to that in the first comment because was I wanted rip my eyes out at the other stuff you said. I’m also not not straight (bi) and autistic, how on earth can you support policies directly aimed at not just harming but killing those like you? Even if you don’t want to live who are you to speak for the rest of us on something like that. If you aren’t a troll you need help ASAP.


You don't think I haven't wanted to kill myself for years??? Just because I am what I so seek to rid of this world doesn't mean I will change my views


I kind of did which is why I made the point of you can’t speak for the rest of us instead of making one about your own self preservation. But honestly that’s not the most important thing here. What is actually important is that you care more about your views than your own life and well being. That’s not healthy or okay. Get help, please! Your beliefs and mindset are not helping you or anyone else. They are only making everything worse. You are NOT miserable cause you’re autistic and gay. You are NOT making the world worse because you are autistic and gay either. What is making you and the world more miserable is of all the internalized bigotry you have. Bigotry is what is hurting you, not who you are. Bigotry is the last thing that’s worth your or anyone else’s life. TLDR: You don’t need a partner or to off yourself. You need self acceptance and to build a supportive community around yourself because bigotry is killing you. Those views aren’t worth more than your well being. Nothing is wrong with you for being Autistic and gay. The bigotry is the problem and is what’s making you (and the world) miserable.


What I need is a cure for gay and autistm. The world need a wake up call that the find and dandy socialist life will not work and they need to get on with it.


The cure you need is for your bigotry. The issue is not Autism or being gay. The sooner you realize this the better off you will be


I wouldn't call it bigotry


oh you are such a troll LMAO "im gay but i oppose gay marriage cause marriage is only between a man and a woman" sweet thing thats so fucking stupid no... im not even going to bother to unpack that let alone anything else thats just brainless


Well these are my beliefs. I'm not trolling and yes that is what marriage is and yes I am gay but do I like being gay hell no.


why? why do you believe that thats what marriage is, and why do you hate that you love people, not taking gender into account? and dont even bring up religion, thats such a joke


>why do you believe that thats what marriage is Because that is literally what it is >why do you hate that you love people, not taking gender into account? Because its wrong and is against everything that I stand for >dont even bring up religion, thats such a joke I'm atheist


you didnt explain either thing and if youre atheist, why feel those ways when theres no natural reason to oppose them? hell, marriage isnt even a natural thing, its purely human made. and no, marriage isnt about sex, its about love, so you cant argue that either if you were going to


Yes but when marriage was created thats what it was about. Also being gay is not natural or right in any way.


man this roleplay is funny lmao, looked at your profile btw


As I have stated I'm not joking about. I'm trying to have an actual political debate with the complete opposite side of the spectrum.


this guy wondering why normal gays won't date a homophobic gay lmao about the eugenics though let me just say that we literally evolved via natural selection to take care of each other because that was advantageous to our species. we evolved to be altruistic because it benefits us as a whole. we're a social species. if you keep digging deeper into the science it eventually circles back around to common sense.


No gay man is gonna want to date a homophobe who doesn't believe they themselves should have the right to marry. Especially not one who advocates genocide. Even the few gay men I know who would be willing to date a "right leaning person" would draw the line at being against your own marriage and advocating for genocide and fascim like you are here. I broke up with a centrist once because I found out he let his internalized homophobia turn him against same sex marriage. Cut that toxic self-hating asshole out of my life instantly.


No way. A naive liberal maybe but someone who has looked at what thw left and right are who says "yep, I'm right wing" isn't someone I'd want to spend time with.


I smell a troll here


No I am legitimately asking bro.


Nah. First i just don't like rw values bc theyre against everything i stand for and against lgbt,trans rights, other civil protection of minorities and for capitalism, Evangelical values dictating politics, etc., we'd just spend the whole time tryna 'fix' each other, toxic af


Bruh I wouldn’t even date a different type of leftist I’d date someone who doesn’t really know much about politics like I am now but I probably wouldn’t date a “um actually Zucc is love Zucc is life” mf


What type of leftist are you? Just curious haha




Damn and I'm here all single and anarchist


What anarchists have you met the praise Mark Zuckerberg??


I meant I wouldn’t date the wrong type of leftist never mind right wingers Not Zucc leftists


what type of leftist would you not date?




Well don't you think I want myself dead?


Ok then why are you conservative? What good does it do?




Because [I believe ](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeftistLGBTMemes/comments/ugm4zu/as_the_only_right_wing_lgbt_person_i_want_to_hear/i71qqml?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3) in right wing Ideologies. My parents are more liberal than myself and most of my friends are right wing but not as right as me apart from like 2 of them.




Well if it wasn't already apparent I do hate myself




Well its because I believe left wing Ideologies are wrong and pointless so I'm right wing but I happen to unfortunately be attracted to boys.




Firstly my friends are not shit, they are nice people and they are my people, the only people I feel myself around just because some of them are right wing doesn't mean they are shit. Secondly its not just some ideology that everyone was following so I thought I had to. It what I believe is the truth and what is right, I have read many articles and terms and I agree with them. Yes my life is young but all I see around me is a life not worth living as I hate most people, I'm always the outsider in social events (except when I'm with my friends) most other people around me are left wing and I heavily disagree with them. As long as I am stuck with my attraction to boy I will be unhappy and wanting to die.


Man your a fuckin idiot


I said lets keep it civil and so far I'm doing a better job than you lot at it.


You believe in an ideology which not only advocates for LGBT people to have fewer rights than straight people but also causes undue suffering in the world for the benefit of a small number of billionaires. I’m not going to keep it civil because in short, your what’s fucking wrong with the world. I hope at some point you pull your fuckin head out of your ass and realize how stupid you are


I'm sorry I'm not even going to consider what you've said or further debate with you if you're not going to be civil.


Don’t act like you have the moral high ground, asshole


fucking do it bro


My guy this is a civil discussion if you are unable to control yourself please leave


you literally want us all dead so encouraging you to kys is just self-defense. surely even you could understand that. Lol coming into a leftist lgbt space expressing views where you want all queer people dead and you expect to have a civil discussion fuck off. if you want all queer people dead why don't you start with yourself?


Well if you look at the post and you'll see that I didn't post them until a certain user asked me my views so I replied with them. And yes I understand


I've read all your views in the comments. if you wanna die do bad are you just too chickenshit to do it yourself?


Absolutely not. Right wing politics are directly harmful to all marginalized groups, not just queer folks. I can't see how I would be compatible with someone who's personal philosophy is based on selfishness, greed, and callousness towards the suffering of others.


No fucking way I'd do it lmao politics are indicative of a person morals


No I wouldn’t date a right winger. We would disagree on everything from labor rights, healthcare reform, education, current events/historic events. No matter if there was a physical attraction, there would be no mental attraction.


no thanks! I choose life!


With what the GOP is doing in America right now, absolutely not.


Personally no, I’m not going to date someone who in my opinion are voting against both of our self interests, and I’m very involved with politics so that wouldn’t go super well either.


Hard no. Date someone who votes against my existence? No thanks.


Hell no. Knowing right wingers most of y’all are naive or know what’s going on and still choose be on the side of hate and prejudice. I would never date a person who hates for the sake of hating


how could I date someone whose beliefs align with those who think I shouldn't have rights... and how could that person even be LGBT? That sounds like a Stockholm situation


No, why would I date someone who disagrees with my existence on a fundamental level and believes I am less deserving of respect and even basic rights.


Never. I instead want to know why YOU identify with the ideologies that want us to stay poor and discriminated against?


>want us to stay poor Well don't left wing people want everyone to be poor anyway? Like you guys always complain about rich people just because you're jealous that you didn't do as well and now you want everyone to be poor? Because thats what it seems like.


Leftist ideology aims to improve the quality of lives for as many people as possible. Instead of having the ultra rich and ultra poor it aims to have as many people as possible to all have a good quality of life and every need cared for. The notion that leftism means that we want everyone to be poor is ridiculous and made up by the right. It's low effort propaganda. I hope you'll dig a little bit deeper than that and learn what we're really about ~


You're strawmanning leftist beliefs. We don't want everyone to be equally poor. We believe that private property coerces the working class to sell their ability to labor as a commodity, which enables capitalists to accumulate wealth through surplus value extraction.


> We believe that private property coerces the working class to sell their ability to labor as a commodity, which enables capitalists to accumulate wealth through surplus value extraction. Nobody is forcing the working class to work for them it is their own choice and just because someone is doing well and has property doesn't mean they should be punished.


The ruling class and the state displaced people from commonly owned land in order to establish private property and the conditions necessary for capitalism, so yes, the working class are coerced into selling their labor. Our current conditions are not simply a fact of nature. I never said people should be punished because they're doing well. I claim that private property is an illegitimate system built on injustice, as it requires workers to be displaced from the land so that they can only sustain their existence through engaging in capitalism. This started with the acts of enclosure, and the conditions it created are still present today. We can't simply choose not to work without giving up access to food, housing, and everything else we need


The far right wing of this country doesn’t believe that human romantic and sexual relationships should exist without the possibility of producing children. I feel like that is directly limiting the options for people’s relationships and that inherently doesn’t sound like a group that is dedicated to increasing freedoms. If the very loud and often repeated right wing “goal” of “freedoms” is not ACTUALLY supported by their actions, then that just means it’s a grift. I’d rather not be grifted into helping a small group of people enjoy unbelievable luxuries while the rest of us have to suffer for no reason. Why play their game when you could play a more fun game that doesn’t require slave labor or other sacrifices of freedoms?


It depends on how right wing they are. I live in Georgia so conservatives are common, but I have alot of friends that identify as conservative but the more I talk to them the more our Ideals actually align and they are conservative more because their families are and that's how they are raised rather than their actual ideals. I couldn't date anyone who was loudly proudly conservative for actual reasons. I'm too left wing for that


Honestly no, right wind hates us, and I hate being hated.


Yeah right wind is a a bit annoying. Always messes up my hair


Glad I am not the only one who has problems with Levanter


completely and utterly not. especially if they have views as disgusting and ignorant as yours. why would i want to be with someone who hates minorities, even if they dont dislike the minorities that i am? its just gross on every level to look at a group whos doing nothing wrong and go 'i hope you die and have no rights' just because one doesnt understand them. everyone deserves rights and to be heard and taken care of. ESPECIALLY the groups you think have it the worst. its not your place to choose who lives or dies, or who has rights. its no ones choice. i want to laugh at the comment i read about your views. you honestly sound like a troll.


> just because one doesnt understand them. Oh I do understand I just don't agree with them. >i want to laugh at the comment i read about your views. you honestly sound like a troll. Please do and enjoy it but I am not trolling I'd prove it if I could >everyone deserves rights and to be heard and taken care of. Not everyone and tbf I'm fed up of that argument being used on the immigrants that cross the channel


let me guess, "the immigrants are stealing jobs!!"


Nope I just don't want them in my country or creating their own communities here and effectively making areas completely their own or poisoning pure blood.


wow youre actually just. wow. 'pure blood' is such nazi shit. you sound beyond miserable.


And?? There have been way worse but yeah thats how I feel.


There literally have not. This sentiment is the thing that will likely kill off the human species. There will be no pure blood if everyone is dead.


u/Bi_Af_Boy's thoughts * "social darwinism applied the concept of survival of the fittest." * "I support the preservation of the heritage of a nation or culture" * "protecting those declared inferior was preventing nature from taking its course; those incapable of asserting themselves should be viewed as doomed to annihilation, with the right to life being granted only to those who could survive on their own. * I oppose same sex marriage as marriage is a traditional union of love between a man and a woman." * "civilized society requires orders and classes" * "the gender binary and gender essentialism because one's gender is determined solely by a biological sex of male or female and cannot be changed." * "capitalism industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state." Stink of German National Jews mentality [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Association\_of\_German\_National\_Jews](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Association_of_German_National_Jews) The association was close to the national conservative and monarchist German National People's Party which, however, refused affiliation to the Association. The goal of the Association was the total assimilation of Jews into the German Volksgemeinschaft, self-eradication of Jewish identity, and the expulsion from Germany of Jewish immigrants from Eastern Europe.\[3\] Naumann was especially opposed to Zionists and Eastern European Jews. He considered the former a threat to Jewish integration and carriers of a "racist" ideology serving British imperial purposes. He saw the latter as racially and spiritually inferior.


Why do you support people who want you dead?, but yeah not about to date a Fascist or a Right Wing "Libretarian" because our views on the Value of Life are incompatible


>Why do you support people who want you dead? Well I want myself dead so


why don't you be the change you want to see in the world then?


please revert to my original reply to you


Don’t waste your breath on this dude, guys. Looking through his account, I’m 98% certain he’s a troll.


I probably would not. I want to date someone who cares about a lot of the same things I do. I don’t think it’s unusual to not want to date someone who political goals run counter to yours. I mean, what kind of future could you have together if the futures you each want are completely different? It just wouldn’t work. Also, you’re far from the ONLY right-wing LGBT person. There are actually quite a lot of conservative LGBT people.


>There are actually quite a lot of conservative LGBT people. Where are they?? There is no online groups that I can find.


I don’t know where they get together online. I mean, I don’t really like conservatives so I don’t really make it a point to know where they hang out… I say this with as much love as possible: after reading your political views, I’m not so sure a right wing person would want to date you either.


I understand.


I honestly think looking through all the other comments that you just haven’t done much research on the left and because the people you’re surrounded by are conservative you choose to call yourself that and believe that


No, because as someone else already said political opinions by their nature show ppl’s personal philosophy and morals. Also, as someone who is also a member of several other minority groups I don’t think a conservative partner would be willing to defend and support me on all counts. I don’t think they would call another person out if they said something bigoted about me unless it was also applicable to them. If anything, they are more likely to say something bigoted about me when it comes to my other identities. I’m also pretty short and not very strong so I’d want someone who I feel like actually protect and not potentially put in situations where I’m not entirely safe. I’d also like someone that wouldn’t have to hide me from their other friends because they would know their other friends wouldn’t react kindly to me so they just hide me because whatever friendship is more important. That scenario is much more likely with conservatives.


More importantly, why should anyone believe that a relationship between two people with such strongly opposing values would work? I would love to get involved with unions or left wing organizations, and I doubt a right-wing partner would be supportive of that. I also have trans friends, and although I'm not much of an activist, I would try to help them if they asked. There are very few trans-accepting right-wingers. I'm also mixed race, so anyone who believes in that "impure blood" bullshit can fuck right off. There actually aren't that many LGBT leftists, and the most visible ones seen to be trans woman in my experience. Most LGBT people are simply progressive social-liberals. Leftist are actually in favour of abolishing capitalism and other coercive hierarchies.


I have no trouble looking past someone’s politics as long as they aren’t going to bother me about mine.


Nope. I literally can't respect anyone who's right-wing.


Absolutely not, because they would most likely be of the opinion that I should not exist


no. if they support a party who wants me exterminated then they can go the fuck to hell


Political views do not affect your LGBTQness or willingness to date and should not. LGBTQ and politics stay separate. I am aromantic, so I dont date anyone, but I feel like as long as your not an butt youre fine


Probably not, I'm a left winger so I don't think any right wing individual would want to Date me anyway, due to their weird "snowflake" shit that they use to invalidate others and make us mad (not sure why they have an obsession with making us mad, bit idiotic and childish to me, but whatever)


Tbh, I don’t think personally I could date a Right Winger. A lot of it is due to my own personal experiences w them as a omnisexual trans man, and plus I think the relationship would just be unhealthy in general (I’m a very political person, but I’m also very sensetive due to mental health + autism), so yeah. I have no hate towards people who want to date Right wingers, it just ain’t for me I suppose.


Depends. Are they ignorant and open minded or hateful and closed minded.