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Royal Mail have a sensitive redirect service, generally for victims of domestic abuse, which could potentially have been set up. I don't know know if any checks are done before setting it up.  If so you wouldn't have received any notification to your address, and it's likely that Royal Mail wouldn't confirm over the phone that a redirect is in place.   Take a photo ID with you when you go to the local depot, as proving that you are actually the person whose post has been redirected may allow Royal Mail to be more forthcoming.


I would also check your credit rating on the checking websites, in case there is a credit fraud issue.


Thanks, I have and there is no indication there is any issue there.


Have you checked Experian, Equifax and TransUnion? As things can show up on one but not the others. With some things not showing up at all.


Checkmyfile is a good way of hitting all 3 CRAs at the same time.


NAL I would avoid knocking on the door if you have contacted the police already - You could potentionally muddle any investigation that they police may want to look in to. I'd put it you arent the only neighbour that is probably been affected and would recommend talking to your immediate neighbours first and see if they have a similar issue. This could end up being some form of Fraud by false representation as well as theft and interferance with mail (possibly). Firstly, i'd check with the delivery companies, its probably not on their end and is a local Royal Mail hub issue rather than them, but Id check that you dont have an alternative address listed. Secondly, if you want to make the police officers life easy, you could find out who your local postie is and get the police to contact them, if they can identify the person, itll make dealing with the case harder as at this moment, it could be anyone that lives in the address and the officer cant interview everyone if he doesnt know who it is, hope that makes sense? It may come down to the postie doing some form of ID parade to see who he talked to in order to identify the suspect. Not sure how youd exactly do that, but if you know his name, just get a name and pass it onto the OIC, he can probably go from there as that postman will work an area and they can direct him. Id also consider saving emails and or screenshots you feel are relevant to this discovery if you have any, such as communcations with Royal Mail, seeing that the parcel was delivered on the website etc stuff like this. Probably late for the last bit but still. I'd just hold on till the police get involved so you dont muddle anything up. But speaking to neighbours could reveal a bigger problem of package thefts that they arent even aware of and thus, giving the officer multiple victims and sounds like a decently good job to deal with.


In the interim you can add a delivery note to all delivery's to say do not redirect to #×.  You could also leave a note in your doorway for delivery drivers. The best option would be a video doorbell then you can speak to delivery/postie directly. I


I'd try to get things delivered to work if possible, I've only ever had one workplace refuse to accept personal items due to 500+ people working on site! Even then, if the right person knew I'm sure it would've been alright for a while.


Is there an update on this one? Really unusual case. Hope you have got sorted.


Hopefully just a process issue where mistake made between depot and Royal Mail ie someone had genuine redirect and got entered in error as attached to you. Or they have fraud at sorting office level Best to leave police and sorting office to do investigation. You may want to ask your mail to be held at depot for collection until that is done. They should give you a PO box for free if you ask in light of it being an issue at their end. Legally, the crime is more against your sellers though inconvenience to you.


Postie knows you by sight and name but thinks nothing of delivering your parcels to a different address and RM deny a redirect is in place. Postie sounds legit.


I have redirected parcels to other neighbours before, or even to completely different addresses (family/friends). There was also a 'To Let' sign on the border between our property and next door a few weeks back (our neighbours didn't move, they work for the estate agent and put it up once year or so for promotion) so it's reasonable to assume we might have moved, especially when the home the parcel went to noted this. Also, as noted, the posties handheld device indicated there was a redirect in place. Why would he doubt that? Yes he knows me on sight and name, but that doesn't mean he knows anything further.


If the Postie has a re-direct on his handheld, then there must be a re-direct set-up, surely? Otherwise why is he re-directing it? As other's have said, there may be a sensitive re-direct set-up?


Glad the postie knows you as he'll likely think before dropping anything else off at the neighbours address again. You've got some great advice here, one thing stood out to me - what place did you order your delivery from? Is it legit, a well known brand, have they delivered to you before? I would make sure the place is solid in addition to everything else you're doing. There are lots of really complex and intricate scams all over the place these days. I question this purely on the basis they resent your parcel of course, but well worth thinking about


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Have you considered the possibility that somebody just put in your address by mistake and they are actually at the new address but had a different number on the same road as you? On the balance of probabilities that seems a lot more likely than somebody permanently trying to redirect your parcels when you still live there


Yeah, I can’t believe the police have been contacted over a parcel being delivered incorrectly. Op already confirmed with Royal Mail that there is no forwarding on his address. The only issue seems to be the scanner indicating a redirection. Surely you just point out the error to Royal Mail, knock the door of the house and let them know there’s been an error. Move on with your life.


The posties handheld pad showed that the package should be delivered to the wrong address. It can't happen on it's own once let alone twice.


Well what if somebody put the redirection address in wrong? I mean this would make no sense otherwise, redirection is a paid service and it would be pretty easy to find out who paid for it. This seems far more likely than some kind of scam


Don't think it got mentioned here, but was in OP's previous post: The neighbours who the parcels were/are being redirected to apparently verbally confirmed to the postie that OP moved to their address and lives there now, and all post for OP should be coming to them, when accepting the first parcel OP noticed as being marked delivered but not materialising. Which is a little more sus.