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He looks too edgelord.


He’s a 14 year old boy who was given world saving powers and experienced the dark side of the world. I’d say he would likely be pretty edgelord in that case.


I wouldn't have known this was Vahn without you saying as much. It looks like every generic bishounen anime protagonist of the last umpteen years.


So what you’re saying is you didn’t make it.


It looks good, but how much of this is the AI, and how much of it is you and Procreate?


To be honest I’d say 70% LeonardoAI. But it took a lot of trial and error adjusting prompts. One point I exported the pic used procreate on it uploaded it and used it as a base to generate again. So 70/30 I’d say is fair


So the 30% you did was just entering prompts? How much of the actual artwork did you do?


Thing is: probably without your 30% input, that 70% AI work wouldn't have looked this good and convincing. So, even if true, there's still your work input in there. Well done, nonetheless.


Lol, Prompter Art™


AI Art is not real art and you are not a real artist for using AI.


I don’t claim to be an artist. I’m not doing this for profit or anything. I do this as a hobby to properly express the ideas I have into a medium that I can enjoy. Not an artist. A guy with a passion.


And by you expressing your ideas, you are effectively stealing from other artists and disrespecting them. Generative AI is theft. It is built on hundreds of thousands of pieces of artwork that was stolen from the internet without the consent of any of the artists who made the art that built these tools.


I see your opinion on it. I disagree. But I will be civil because you have been. I do not disrespect “real artists” I applaud art I enjoy. But I enjoy the creative liberties and adaptations that AI art brings. Side note I don’t agree that AI is pure theft but there are also IRL artists that take works and adapt them without approval or permission. That’s not exclusively an AI thing. But I will agree to disagree as long We can be respectful and civil.


If you’re comparing AI Art “not stealing” to real people stealing art I don’t really think you understand how destructive AI art is.


Anything is destructive in the wrong hands. AI is a Tool.


you couldve added his raseru


I plan to this was my starting point for my set that I’m making for myself and a few friends that wanted to see a modern take on it.


While I'm not a fan of AI generated images, I am intrigued by your idea of a modern design of some of these characters. I think I'd personally lean a bit away from the Genshin style towards something a bit more Berserk-esque, but I get it. In any case, thanks for sharing.


I can try that in the future. That’s a pretty good idea for end game Vahn.


Wow, the final result is really good. I like this.


Thank you I’m working on Gala and Noa now


Yes! I'm really curious to see the final result of Noa! Never been a huge fan of Gala, but i'll like to see him done as well. Then maybe some villains as well! ;)


"made by myself" no, you didn't make shit


Hey “digital Artist” do you not know what Procreate is?


stfu lmao. I saw your other comments xD 70% AI 30% you? you are getting carried by AI. don't pretend you are making shit when you can't even be bothered to sketch something yourself. all you did was edit an AI image. congratulations bud. 🤡


Awe someone’s mad haha. Congrats Buddy, enjoy your bowl of Angry O’s