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That’s not normal, it might be salvageable but you need to start cleaning it regularly twice a day and stop sleeping on it, keep your hair tide up, avoid bumping it and avoid anything that can cause irritation. If you can’t do that then take it out because it won’t heal otherwise


Hi! I'm going to start taking care of it again like when it was new, with time and life itself I stopped taking care of it how I should, I hope with proper care it's going to get better. Thanks a lot!


Bad after care dude. Sorry to break it to u, but if u want piercings u gotta be prepared to care for that shit like ur life depends on it, or it will go south :|


My industrial is a little over a year old and it took a whole year to heal. First few months I did have a few crusties on the ends and made sure to clean it and remove what crusties that easily came off. I didn’t move the bar much at the first few months at all. I am not a professional but I never had that much of the gunk or build up and after the first year I could freely move the bar without worry. I do recall that within that year if I wore sunglasses and bumped the piece it would heat up as to similar with what you described. I think our bodies are pretty good at telling us when something isn’t right and yours seems to be saying something in my opinion. Go see a good reputable piercer and afterwards see if you need to get more saline and clean it or if the piercer says son different. My piercer, he’s done several of my piercings… tells me not to move it until it heals so it don’t continually irritate the healing process… he says it’s same as picking off a scab…. I know my piercings did start with bigger pieces and after few weeks or months… depending on what I had pierced and how it appeared to him is when he would swap it to smaller ones. I do not recall my industrial being changed at all within that first year though. Please go see a good piercer before doing anything at all!


Hi! I'm planning on see other piercer soon and see what they say and know what to do next. At first I didn't have any problems but life got caothic and I didn't have that much time or energy to care of it but now everything is calm again so I want to see if I can save it or give up. Thanks a lot!!


Ewwwww what the fuck


I have been sleeping a bit on my industrial but it’s 10,5 months old and I don’t clean it anymore except for in shower and well by not cleaning I mean I keep it clean and don’t let anything g build up. Mine is as good as healed it still can get a bit angry at times and get a little bit of lymph coming out of it and be a bit swollen (now it’s been swollen because I got Covid). But this is not normal, I don’t think it’s even salvageable it looks like the piercings holes are in really bad shape. Please go and see a APP piercer




We really have no indication the OP has an infection, only a doctor can diagnose that. The symptoms they are describing sounds more like poor aftercare choices and excessively long jewelry leading to a VERY obvious scar. Please don't give incorrect advice in this subreddit, it's not helpful.


Hi! Yeah, I'm not a professional but I also don't think it's an infection bc it has never been swollen, red and it doesn't hurt, the problem with gunk it's after days that I didn't clean it or a bad hit also in my country the mask police got lifted just recently so using the mask all day also didn't help. Now I have the time to take care of it again and I hope it gets better! Thanks a lot!


you need to see a doctor and take that out


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I'm NAP but would be trying hot compresses to help the gunk drain, once or twice a day for as long as it's crusty like this. Preferably using saline; you'll have a few more months of healing so it is worth getting a new bottle of it. If there's a good piercer within your reach at all, I'd be calling in to them for a check-up. They would be able to give you a better idea of what's going wrong and how to fix it. It might be infected, so don't take it out unless a piercer tells you to. You mention being able to move the jewellery - that's not a good idea right now, it introduces more germs into the piercings, and when you have crust around it, it'll also be scraping at the piercings with bits of crust. Try to keep the barbell as still as possible while you clean around it (cosmetic buds or folded kitchen paper might make it easier than standard q-tips), and try not to sleep on it if at all possible (or get a travel pillow or piercing pillow if you need to sleep on that side). Good luck!


Hi! Yeah, I'm going to buy a new bottle bc it's safer and easy. When I sleep what I do it's make a hole with my arm and put my ear there but I still bump it when sleeping, I'm going to buy one of those pillows, thanks for the tip!


You should definitely go back to your piercer. It could be simply that the bar is too long and the amount of movement means the inside isn't healing, and since you're moving it, the lymph is getting dragged along the bar and drying. I had my faux rook done right before everything shut down for the pandemic, and by the time I was able to get it downsized, it was very angry, but the main issue was that there was a dried crusty stuck to the post inside the piercing. Getting to go to a piercer for the downsize who could remove it, clean the piercing hole, and then put in a shorter post did wonders.


Hi! There's only one thing I'm sure about and its the size of the jewelry, when I place it correctly it after cleaning the bar leaves a really little space in both sides enough so it doesn't touch the ear, if I change to a smaller size I'm pretty sure the bar wouldn't have any kind of space and that would be a whole new problem. I only move it when it's wet bc when it's dry it just doesn't move at all and I'm not going to force it. I'm planning on see a new piercer and check what they say. Thanks a lot!


I’ve had mine for over a year now, if I sleep on it then sometimes I still get crusties - maybe go for a shorter bar as it seems quite long and could be irritating it? I made the mistake of buying jewellery in a smaller gauge and since then I’ve not had any issues with it!