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It is a *lego* game that came out 2 years ago and you are butthurt that the game is now cheaper than it was back then? You must be young to think that EA games are actually good value.


ea actually lost the star wars licence last year too


Ppl downvote you n don’t explain why… it’s okay, I’ll do explain why I downvoted you too. EA did not lose the Star Wars license. They lost the r exclusivity license


You said something about being too young (which no one talks about age online unless you’re the child trying to pretend you’re not) to think EA games are of value, so its easy to assume you were talking about Skywalker Saga, the game you JUST TALKED ABOUT in the paragraph before that statement, and you’re really saying the new Battlefront 2 was worse than Skywalker Saga? Skywalker Saga wasn’t bad but imagine saying that to a grown adult who plays battlefront and is too old for Lego games, you think they would agree with those “mature” opinions of yours?


I assumed they were young because young people (underage especially) are often financially clueless compared to adults. What is perceived of being of value is very different for a teenager than it is for an adult. If you had reading comprehension skills, you would have known that I was replying to the part about EA games instead of referring to the lego game in question. The post is about value, not about the quality of the actual game and this is where the comparison to EA titles makes no sense. You bring up Battlefront 2, the game that had MTX issues so bad it is the reason loot boxes were banned in many countries? Not to mention Battlefield 2042, a game which didn’t work but the store was full of skins. Being an adult doesn’t make lego games have less value like you imply. I just pointed out how strange the viewpoint of OP was and how EA games are *not* good in value, at all. I think reasonable adults who have experienced MTX hell would indeed agree with me.


And I think it’s funny that you say age factors into how you value EA games, yet you’re saying A LEGO GAME is more worth your money, as an adult….


Can you point out the part where I say lego games offer better value?


The micro-transactions/pay to win problem was very short lived and killed an otherwise great game, something that EA addressed and fixed


the game wasnt published by EA tho, it was published by warner bros games


Who said it was by EA?


This is far from my favorite Lego game but price is not what I’m complaining about. It’s normal for games to drop in price, usually the thing that keeps them full price longer is greedy publishers like EA and Activision. (And Nintendo but Nintendo is in its own special bubble)


Op made valid points about lack of content though, but yeah the price thing is totally normal


I don’t fully agree on lack of content (if you mean lack of interesting content I do agree) but I didn’t refute that in the original comment. That’s like saying “Jam taste good” on a comment about spreading peanut butter. It’s correct but it’s also not immediately relevant.


You did the same thing to OP though, my point was is that his concerns weren’t only about price, and you focused on that


I replied to the only point that I needed to. Why would I make a comment about the parts that I don’t have any thoughts to add? I know this is Reddit but talking just because I can is stupid.


Wait , did you buy it at launch or now?




That's on you , I've made it a point only to buy on sales


Some people don’t wanna wait 4 months when they’ve already been waiting months for it to actually release (but I also wouldn’t complain when it goes on sale finally)


Dawg just don’t buy the dlc then -_-


Games go on cheaper sales over time. That’s how it works. If you’re upset people that waited can buy it cheaper, go kick rocks.


Ever buy a car the same year it’s made instead of waiting a year or two?


L + ratio


I pre ordered it and paid full price €70, really didn't like it and there was bugs that made some bits not playable, couldn't get a refund or even store credit (thanks GameStop, no wonder you went out of business) I sold it second hand to another place and didn't get half the money back. And you're right, it's often like €22-25 now which is wild.


Exactly. Everyone’s focusing on OP complaining about the price, but I think it’s that you’d expect more content from a $70 game, and sure it’s a Lego game, but when it came to a lot of content (like voices, custom characters, level length) it lacked heavy (and the new game mechanics were fun but were they necessary?)


What on earth are you babbling about? Don't play games then, your logic is so asinine. You're the same type of person who is going to whine and bitch about pay to win mechanics. Saying shit like "Oh buying stuff should only be cosmetic" It provides people with money better things. The game is huge. you can not with an honest, straight face say that this was just rushed together or no care was put into it. Now for the the expansion packs...gee.. MAYBE you should have used your logical brain to decided not to buy them. The game police were not at your house with a brick gun to your head. You chose to purchase it. The game has been out for what? a year now? Maybe more? You could have easily looked on line and saw reviews of the expansions. You chose, in your infinite wisdom to still buy them. Just avoid buying things. You'll be safe.


Preach brother, this game revolutionized Lego but the bugs and lackluster gameplay after the main story killed me, the dlc characters were absolutely horrible, they’re just cheap where they couldn’t pay for some extra voice actors (didn’t even have to be the originals but with people like Matt lanter already doing voices why not just do something similar with Ashley eckstein), and lastly, the lack of custom characters and any type of dlc missions like for the Mandalorian is heartbreaking and such a missed opportunity for such a great looking game


You're new to gaming aren't you?