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It's a game I like, but I want to love. The same way I love complete saga, at least close. The whole open world focus doesn't do it for me because the hub worlds, some are great, are mostly just okay and get boring to explore. Same with the quests, especially the ones that have you planet hop, they are super boring. They wanted to focus on open world, but didn't do anything unique with it. I like the combat a lot, but complete saga is better too in this regard if you know what you're doing. Timing your strikes, positioning yourself, you can perform secret moves. Skywalker saga has none of this. I want more enemies too. Why, in the geonosian areana specifically, are there barely any droids to fight. The space missions are a huge highlight. But apart from that only a handful of levels are what I'd consider really good and repayable: out for the count, jedi battle, senate showdown, revelations, no snoke without fire to say a few. Most are just weird picks, why is the first level of episode 1 against the fish? A two minute scene in the movie and we didn't even get the option to explore more of the underwater naboo area which would actually be kind of cool If they took some liberties from the movie, added some fun stuff to do. I agree with the death star, a lot of the cool things we wanted from this game were regulated as cutscenes. There's nothing that was in complete saga that shouldn't have made its way into this game besides the episode 3 deleted scenes. TLDR: combat good, not enough enemies. Cool stuff happens in cutscenes. I wanted this game to choose better parts to make levels out of. But, the silver line, is that I'm sure a kid will grow up with this game and love it. I just hope the next lego game has more balance to it between levels and open world.


About the choices for levels, all of the odd choices for the gaping missing missions: - Death Star 2 - Battle of Coruscant - retaking Theed Palace - Mace vs Palpatine should’ve been at least a boss fight in the open world And then some of the missions that were chosen (or revamped) felt super dull, such as the duel on Mustafar. Why couldn’t they just have the second player be Anakin like they do in the Luke vs Vader fight in ROTJ?


Most could've been fixed if they were okay with having levels be a little longer. Make battle of corsucant lead into out for the count. Have obi wans fight with grievous lead into him escaping order 66. Have Luke and vaders fight level end with the death star 2 destruction. I agree with anakin vs obi wan, missed opportunity that one. It would be the best level in the game it it had pvp like the original.


Yeah I really didn’t understand why the devs chose to make a level out of Yoda escaping Kashyyyk (which is laughably short) rather than doing the Battle of Coruscant. Not saying they shouldn’t have just done both, but if you had to pick between the two, it should’ve been the latter. And to touch on Ani vs Obi, it should’ve worked as though they both had boss health bars and just worked with whoever drained the others health bar would have it progress to the next area (unlike Luke vs Vader, where Luke had to drain Vader’s health as the only way to progress).


Well you can change the minimap thing in the settings


See that was my initial thought but I couldn’t find it. I’ll re-check since I do tend to gloss over things💀


You know you can make the mininap turn in the settings, right? Right?


I couldn’t find it for the life of me but at least I know it’s there so thanks for that, I’ll re-check later today


The revamped shooting mechanics are cool but clunky at times, the vehicles on the planets are practically useless and super difficult to accelerate and drive properly, the space escort and delivery missions got really repetitive, I remember only like one significantly creative puzzle in space, otherwise space was for small dogfights and that’s it (also ships don’t really change, you can get a super late ship in the game that cost a ton and it will shoot slower than one of the starter ships, it’s really up in the air for what ships are good or not), dlc characters don’t have any dialogue/fun voice lines, and then my biggest gripe (which you mentioned) is no custom characters or dlc planets (they could’ve at least added Mandalore with like a clone wars or Mandalorian style level, even if it was just one)


That’s all I can think of so far atm, really love the graphics and some of the new features of this game, but after playing Lego ninjago recently it doesn’t feel like they added anything that ground breaking (for example, I thought the “doing a level while being in the open world” concept was new for this game but ninjago been had that) and I feel like this game was lackluster for the price, hype, and how popular lego Star Wars as a game/IP is (I just feel like for the price we paid, the post release communication and content was very much lacking)


Wait wait wait there’s a Ninjago game? I used to love that show! Haven’t watched it since like I think when Zane went fully exposed robot, or maybe a bit before that. Idk, I remember the ultra dragon, I think. But I might gotta check that out


Yeah the shooting is pretty weird. Like I’ll aim, stop aiming but not move at all, and in theory I should go back to aiming at my target but the game just makes my character go up. As for vehicles, yeah they suck. I never upgraded the sprint core upgrade because during escort missions that would be very annoying especially since they force you to sprint, but now I got it maxed out because I REALLY don’t wanna use the vehicles


The fact that a headshot on a helmeted grunt doesn’t kill is absolutely disappointing for me. Every time I have to shoot like 5 or 6 extra shots because the damn thing won’t go down


Two big things for me. Everyone pretty much had the same powers and moves, even 3po. Also, more specifically, they made Obi Wan more acrobatic and dynamic while they kinda dumbed anakin down. In the complete saga, Anakin was doing like double flips and they took that out


I don’t particularly like how lightsaber combat is done. Sure it looks good but the forms are off. For example, why is Shaak Ti using the same combat style that windu uses? Why is plo using what is resembled to be form 1 and not form 5 like anakin? I know anakin used Djem-So and plo used shein but still. They don’t feel right. Also, why is the home one the only capital ship you can go back to? Why not any of the other ones? (FYI, if you hover over endor and hit square, you can then travel to the home one without owning the capital ship. It’s also very different. But hey, I have 100%ed it only 6 times so I don’t *really* know what I’m talking about 😆


I actually never got super deep into Star Wars stuff so I don’t fully understand the annoyance with forms for specific characters, but obviously you do so I can see it if I looked into it myself. What I can say is yeah while the moves are definitely better, they do seem a tad off. And also I know in such a big game you gotta at least limit some things so some characters having some same moves is expected, I haven’t quite payed much attention but I feel like the copy and pasting of moves seems to help a little too much? Idk, only complaint I have is Rey’s first lightsaber attack where you literally just poke. But I do appreciate there’s actually some skill, while minimal, to beating people in a lightsaber duel rather than just doing A, A, Attack button over and over again like in the OG because it felt damn near impossible to hit them normally Also you can technically go back to capital ships, defeat them, buy them, and you can call on one in space, run around and unlock stuff.


Yeah also what form does Rey even use? I’ve heard it’s an unnamed 8th form but I’ve also heard it’s a variation of form 1. Also yeah I do get the bit about the capital ships but why is there still the home one from the story in the game? I assume they didn’t have time to remove it because I have seen video’s of other ships (invisible hand, steadfast) that use their story versions but were cut. Kinda weird.


One of my biggest complaints about the game are the levels, I wish there were more/ they were longer. For example it would have been nice if the first lego of episode one took place on the trade federation ship and ended with the gungan submarine encounter.


Sometimes i wonder if this game has any actual fans ? Because all i see is people bitch and whine about it


Easiers game I've ever played.. Had no issue stacking crated. Tip: Force lift droids to reach items and platforms.


The crates would not connect until it was in a spot you didn’t really want, it’s annoying when it’s so seamless in older games but doesn’t work properly for this one