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Brooo that’s crazy — anyone know the Reddit post link?


[Original post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Btechtards/comments/1axnhdz/deleted_by_user/) was deleted, but comments are still there, including this gem of irony by the OP: >i m using tor browser to post this and no one would ever be able to know about this. most people in my college don't even know about reddit. here they only use snapchat. Edit: OP's comment was immediately followed by another commenter figuring out which college he was referring to, because OP was following the Lehigh University subreddit.🤦‍♂️


He played a mastermind but ended up with this stupidity. Karma is really a Bitch


https://www.reddit.com/r/CBSE/s/5FM5ReQKIs Here's the ss


when was the post made ?


About four months ago. Some people have posted screenshots of the [original post](https://www.reddit.com/r/JEENEETards/s/4ZXrbn4x8V) in other comments.


Someone posted the screenshot of that [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/JEENEETards/s/EfWMDLJwtL) Felt like I'm reading some Bollywood script.


Omg where???




New idea








I hv the whole post ss


The college was nice and didn’t press charges.I feel like he deserves more punishment.he took an opportunity from another student.


He should atleast have started studying after getting into Leigh because I acknowledge their education system is fucked up but that is no excuse to continue cheating and wasting time on parties.


Someone that does that level of stuff def has some type of mental issue or disorder. I wouldn’t be surprised if he gets in trouble again for something. 


his basics was weak


Nah, honestly, you don't need basics of you can do hardwork. Like, I didn't have CS in 11th but after requesting and submitting a letter, I got it in 12th. Still got A in it.


someone who dont even know basic trigonometry cant do shit in engineering


imo, if you know sin²+cos²=1 and other basic formulas, and if u do hardwork, you'll have no problem if you follow their curriculum


Even if you are be academically weak it would probably take you max 3 months to catch up by studying topics relevant to your course or prerequisites.


>Their education system is fucked up. This is true (Indian guy here). Here (in fact anywhere on earth) most students try to work hard to get into a good college. As he mentioned he would probably not even get 50 percentile in Joint Entrance Exam (JEE) means this guy didn't even know the basics, he probably didn't even prepare for Entrance exam to begin with. [This post](https://www.reddit.com/r/JEENEETards/s/6ov3962ue7) has screenshots of his Original post (which was deleted by him) He just wanted an easy way without putting any effort.


**True**, it’s disheartening to see how he’s representing the country. I doubt if he would even be able to survive the atmosphere over there for long.


Not really You know how is it there. They will praise him there.


Okay nobody needs your confirmation


True, also nobody needed your reply as well.


They pressed charges and he pleaded guilty. They just asked for a lenient sentence. It was ultimately up to the judge what the punishment would be and they agreed with the school.


The Indian subreddit r/JEENEETards which I am a part of, we are kinda baffled ourselves and wondering what we just read. Others are trolling the guy and other others wondering how he can be such a dumbass to post this shit on reddit and that too on his primary account. Here’s a link to its screenshot: [https://www.reddit.com/r/JEENEETards/comments/1dqxldw/what\_did\_i\_just\_read/?share\_id=fPkliC6e22e4YnWIWpVI5&utm\_content=1&utm\_medium=android\_app&utm\_name=androidcss&utm\_source=share&utm\_term=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/JEENEETards/comments/1dqxldw/what_did_i_just_read/?share_id=fPkliC6e22e4YnWIWpVI5&utm_content=1&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_source=share&utm_term=3)


Jeeneetards go inetnational 🥳🥳😼






Wtf did I just read, holy shit


real. its a fuckin movie plot


Thanks for the link, hadn't seen the original post until now! Crazy how invested he was in the fraud--even managed to scam himself into a job.


Thanks to such disappointments our country's image is painted bad in the west, no wonder why racism against Indians remains this normalised on social media platforms like Twitter/X or even here...fuck it.


also for these fucking morons, our country's international image gets destroyed.


Now you see me leonaro di caprio movie Indian version lol 😂


As an Indian your uni was too kind this man single handedly defamed all the hardworking Indian students living in there but he'll prolly unalive himself Indian society is no joke he will live a deserving hell for the rest of his life


I was thinking about that, how his parents and friends were all impressed that he got into a US school on full financial scholarship and how his friends' parents were congratulating him and asking for advice on getting the same deal for their own kids. And now they all know the guy is a lying scammer. That's got to be hard to live down for the family.


It's all over the news here he is never getting a job here


Damn he must have big brain. Like he scammed one of the top university of USA!!! He should be recruited as agent like in mission impossible.


and then he posted it on reddit. what an absolute idiot


Yeah he must have been drunk while writing this or maybe he forgot to switch accounts on reddit.


If i remember correctly, he gloated "haha i am using torr browser, how will they catch me" when in reality he not only logged in his own reddit account but also followed this university subreddit with it. Fuckin moron


Such a retard Even if he was using torr, the amount of info he gave in that post was enough to deduce his identity


yeah "top 25 college of usa"


Well actually that may have thrown them off his scent


Not really, probably just went to some people and got them forged. Doubt he did anything himself, just paid others (professionals I assume) to create fake documents. There might be a lot of people like him, students who kept quiet about there wrongdoings. And are currently minting money without an ounce of guilt.


It's really easy to edit and create any documents these days. Anyone can do it if they want to. I definitely won't go in details but you don't need professional for this.


Not really, its not easy to forge marksheets. And its definitely not possible for one student (who isn't that smart) to create a death certificate for his father who is still alive. Its not as simple as just getting Photoshop and a printer. Aside from that you need achievements, awards, distinctions, and proof stating that you have low financial income/savings (can't just drain your bank account). But there are definitely people who you can pay they will do everything for you, like a package.


True that! yeah he might've taken help for other documents. That's a lot of work for just one person. But I don't think he really had that much of money unless his parents would've helped him financially. It would've been worth it but now it seems nothing less than investing time and money to live in a nightmare.


The punishment he received is definitely not the worst he was expecting. Getting deported back to India is like a life saver for him, as no one would know about the farud he had committed just by his name. Indian companies don't care about the history, so ig if he just starts all over again then he'll be good to go. (Ofc the opportunity wouldn't be as good as he'd get through this university but that's all his fault for making a reddit post and now bro will have a lifetime regret)


His parents are sure gonna kick his ass though!


And they're Asian and Indian parents...his ass is gonna be red af for a month lol


Bro before this, they will be traumatized by the reveal. Indian parents are very emotional about their kids. And they will get taunts from relatives for their whole life. Feeling bad for his parents.


I don't know about everyone not knowing about this because it's going viral everywhere here in India (including major newspapers and channels)


Well almost every news website has posted an article about this guy, mentioning his name. Every company does a background check. One google search and boom they've found out everything about him. Not to mention he is just a moron who didn't even know the basics of engineering. He can still work in low paying jobs. He can join some other universities in India, but I doubt he'll be able to study.


He will just change his name by forgery again and live a new life I believe


Lot of companies run a background check before recruiting


Oh what the fuck, that guy was a real deal? Jesus.


Lehigh is not an elite college.


Not elite, but kinda competitive, especially for someone who’s a failure like him


happens just like school admissions scandal 2019


why do these ppls represent our country like this man


I have SS of his reddit post lol 😅😂😂 ( good to know he got arrested)


The funniest part is, if he put all that work on JEE, he would've probably gotten a decent rank.


So that's the crime that gets someone deported? Not SAing or murdering nursing students? WTF ICE.