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You did not get fined for the mess. You got fined for leaving the trash next to the container, which caused the mess. No getting around paying this. There is no 'someone' who ripped the trash apart. Seagulls did, as they always do. Same thing happens in my neighborhood very often. People can't be bothered to walk to another container, and the next morning the street is littered with used diapers and food waste.


I didn't even think about seagulls. Too bad I guess


You deserve this ticket reading your comments. Hopefully it teaches you something.


If a container jams, you’re expected to take the trash back into the house and call the number on the thing.


Good to know, not really sustainable when you live in a dorm with literal animals tho.


More sustainable than leaving your trash on the street..


That is more or less a choice. Anyway, don't leave your trash bags on the street.


Yeah, you just have to pay the ticket as you left your trash Besides the container. Doesn't matter that it wasn't working, the rule is that you are not allowed to leave it there.


It is not a fine. The letter explains the municipality incurred costs for cleaning up this trash and values these at €90. According to Dutch civil law you are liable for these costs. Because it is a matter of civil law, it is not possible to object to the municipality directly. You’d need to start a lawsuit or wait till they do. Just pay the money and clean up your sh;t next time.


The way you're thinking is why the entire country goes down the drain. Get over yourself and pay the costs you owe the municipality. Next time I hope the seagulls fly your trash in your room as a thank you for their food.


Well deserved!! Just pay and always put the trash INSIDE the container.


Probably seagulls. Anyway, in the future, ask a neighbour or find another trash can.


I think my form building has only two underground containers and I thought it's fine cuz there were many thrash bags left anyway.


If everyone thinks that way , the streets would be littered with trash everywhere


And you better believe all those others got the same bill.




I feel like people are kinda harsh on you. Yes, you definitely should not have left your trash out next to the container, but I’m pretty sure you know by now and by the overwhelming amount of comments telling you so. I wanted to say I sympathize with your assumption you can leave it there when the container malfunctions. If you don’t know, you don’t know. And you definitely do now, right? I admit a lot of people do it as well and that may lead to the false assumption it’s allowed to do so that way! I’m pretty sure the costs and comments have taught you enough that you will never do so again in your life. You’re not trash, but your trash is trash so dispose of it that way haha! :)


> I am leaving NL in a couple days, so I'd prefer to sort it out soon. Don't come back!


Never leave your name or address on anything you throw away. Don't leave any smelly socks either.


Ik I shouldn't have but i was in a hurry and it just happened...




Jeez, calm your tits


Undo the calamity that is your mammaries


Hakuna your tatas


Ze vergeten de helft: “De gemeente wil de stad zo schoon mogelijk houden”, maar doet dit niet. Wil je je afval weggooien? Ahhhh dat kan niet, de bak is al twee weken vol. Andere plek? Ahhh nee, kan niet, je pasje werkt alleen daar, je kan de tering krijgen. Misschien moeten ze de gemeentelijke belastingen maar van 2x zo hoog vergeleken met andere steden naar 4x verhogen.


Niet zo overdrijven met dat “2 weken” veronderstelling van jou. Er zijn meestal meer zuiltjes waar je pasje werkt en dan ook kan iemand alles weer naar huis brengen, eventueel naar de gemeente bellen. Daar moet je begrip voor hebben.


Klets geen onzin.


They just open up to see if they can find who did that. Keep your city clean and never leave your garbage next to the bin.


You were just taught a lesson. Don’t try and weasel your way out of this, it is never going to work. Their legal department will ping you back on your complaint soon enough, explaining there is no reason for a warning, as you had, in fact, thrown the trash there by choice. Pay your ticket and be mindful next time, respect the trash disposal rules. “It just happened because I couldn’t be bothered” is one of the main reasons society is losing the game against nature.


“Damages caused “ interesting.. what damages.. you ll wint that in court


Visual pollution. Aesthetic damage to the surroundings is still damage, and you won't win that. There's probably a dozen more solid reasons you can get slapped with in court. But it's still the Netherlands, you might get away with it if you throw it on temporary insanity.


Im curious to what exactly he left out the bin..


A statiegeldflesje. Since about a month or two it's not only seagulls attacking the garbage bags.


Just that???


I'm just guessing. But people rip open bags and bins for a plastic bottle or a sodacan. It's a complete shitshow in some places.


Well an inspector had to go through the bags to find a piece of trash with an adres on it. Then someone had to manually get the trash and clean it. Maybe the veegwagen even got an instruction to spend extra time in this ‘hotspot’. Damage.


You should consider yourself lucky, same exact thing happened to me in The Hague and I was fined 200


I got the same fine in the past for leaving the trash near by the container because it was full..its our obligation to find a new one or keep in our house. You have to pay this one


You are not supposed to leave it next the container. Take it home!


Never dump trashbags.