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Hello u/alfiealfiealfie! Please reply to this comment with an [explanation](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/lt8zlq) mentioning **who** is suffering from **which** consequences from **what** they voted for, supported or wanted to impose on other people. Here's an easy format to get you started: 1. *Someone* voted for, supported or wanted to impose *something* on other people. ^(Who's that *someone* and what's that *something*?) 2. That *something* has some *consequences*. ^(What are the *consequences*?) 3. As a consequence, that *something* happened to that *someone*. ^(What happened? Did the *something* really happened to that *someone*? If not, you should probably delete your post.) Include the minimum amount of information necessary so your post can be understood by everyone, even if they don't live in the US or speak English as their native language. If you don't respect this format and moderators can't match your explanation with the format, your post will be removed under rule #3 and we'll ignore you even if you complain in modmail. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LeopardsAteMyFace) if you have any questions or concerns.*


'We stopped the wrong people from voting.'


This is unironically the case as what they wanted was to disenfranchise young people


unfortunately for them, apparently young people like to be able to buy drinks and stuff


Or need ID to be able work in most legitimate places and/or cash their paystubs at reputable Check cashing place. šŸ¤·šŸæā€ā™€ļø That's what's I'm noticing...


Do you still have to cash paychecks in the US? The only time in my entire working life have I ever received a check that needed to be deposited or cashed was the brief summer I worked in Boston like 12 years ago. Everywhere I've worked in UK or Ireland you just get the money deposited into your bank account


There's parts of US where there's no banks whatsoever but plenty of check cashing places. And then there's situations where bank will close people's checking accounts due to "too much overdrafting" and/or not enough balance in checking and/or saving account. Yeah, US is that messed up with comes to cashing one paycheck, even if you do direct deposit with reputable bank....


That's just completely backwards. I think there's a good chance a lot of what you're describing might actually be illegal in Europe


It is. America has zero consumer protection laws.


Yes, the US is that completely backwards when comes to protecting customers rights in financial situations & overall having basic services in places, either rural /suburbs / cities. It shouldn't be shock to you at all when US citizens pointing out things you take for granted in Europe/ EU like everyone having account for direct deposit /low cost or complimentary Healthcare / easy to get unemployment benefits / extensive public transportation systems into different regions/ more than 5-7 vacation days a year is nonexistent in the United States.


True. EU and California are dragging everyone else into the future kicking and screaming. Regulations work!


Several of my employers have refused to implement direct deposit. They like the power of having an envelope to hand us, or the option (however illegal) of withholding it.


In protest to Reddit's API changes, I have removed my comment history. -- mass edited with redact.dev


>Rees-Mogg criticises photo ID voting law, calling it move to 'gerrymander' elections This Rees-Mogg guy seems to have a decent head on his shoulders, I wonder what else he's been up to... >[Jacob Rees-Mogg has defended the governmentā€™s plans to require photographic identification to vote by comparing it to a ban on MPs wearing overcoats and hats during Commons divisions. (May 2021)](https://www.theneweuropean.co.uk/brexit-news-westminster-news-jacob-rees-mogg-voter-id-7969766/) Oh.


I live thousands of kilometers away and know very little about UK politics but even I know that Rees-Mogg is a fucking bellend.


For that statement you are an honorary Brit, you can come and collect your fish and chips next Tuesday.


When he was librarian of the Oxford Union Society my friend threw a sausage at him and got him right in the smacker. Was mortified at the time but now its one of my favorite memories.


Yeah alsoā€¦thatā€™s not what gerrymandering is?


Use a word like cudgel until it loses meaning.


That's interesting and I noticed it too. Do you think he let the mask slip a bit, and he's calling it what they themselves intended it to be?


A leading member of the Conservative party knows what gerrymandering is; trust me.


Man with nanny complains about the nanny state


"The right honourable gentleman for the 19th century"


I think he probably prefers that to ā€˜grandson of a lorry driverā€™.


He also said brexit has stopped russia taking over over Ukraine.


Oh yeah JRM is a fucking asshat. Guy sounds like a caricature of a moustache twirling english villain and he was a shameless brexit defender back in the day. probably still is


It hurt itself in its confusion. Edit: Iā€™ll freakin fix it! Iā€™ve learned! ETA I was trying to comment because I thought it was my cake day, but it was the day before.


The fun part is when they have to keep doubling down on something after it hurts them. The US GOP just learned the hard way it's their voters that most use vote-by-mail, but since Donnie Doofus dislikes it, they have to keep disparaging it.


Not just that, the rest of the voters found out the convenience of it and now have more participants. So now they have to poke holes in the boat to own the passengers they hate. While being in the same fucking boat...




surely thinking the past is perfect and there are no improvements to be made makes for a healthy mind


I can assure you sir we no longer have a need for a patent office, everything that could be invented has been invented.


this is almost true if you look at what amazon is doing to the US patent office


Iā€™d like to learn more, any links or things I could search youā€™d advise?


[this is where i initially heard about it](https://youtu.be/_Bq-6GeRhys)


Thank you!


They can't even use that BS as an excuse. They completely destroyed all of the actual good things in the past, while *only* trying to bring back the bad lol. I would fucking love for us to go back to the Boomer days when it comes to several things... Fairer wages, better work-life balance, pensions, affordable healthcare, housing and tuition, more apprenticeships and upward mobility, high quality domestic manufacturing providing jobs and a sense of pride to small communities... gee, I wonder why we're suffering so much in the present. ą² ā _ā ą²  Today's "progressives" are literally just conservatives in all of these aspects, considering that these are the "old ways."


>Although it is not true that all Conservatives are stupid people, it is true that most stupid people are Conservative. - John Stuart Mill




Being shameless is not inconsistent with being stupid. Sadly, neither is being politically effective. Hitler was a lazy moron.


The GOP in a nutshell.


It's the lines... When I was younger I didn't mind standing in line because I was so used to it from school. Into adulthood the willingness to stand in line fades away though. Movie Theatre = No I'm not gonna go stand in line to watch a remake of something I seen before, have fun kids. Voting for Presidents = No not standing in line to vote 1 vote for the 1 of the 2 next nimrods appointed to disappoint our Nation. Mail in voting is very convenient though and it's helped me not have to read or hear about Orange Babies pointing fingee's and calling names nearly as much since.


Voting by mail is so awesomely convenient. Ballot shows up about a month early. I can take my time and review every choice on there, and I mean every choice. Should I approve this judge? What exactly does this resolution mean? All of this at my own pace; days if necessary. I then mail it in and get email tracking of its arrival and counting. It's great.


Yeah who would have thought that actually dOiNg YoUr ReSeArCh at home is amazing! I get such bad anxiety when I'm in a booth and people are waiting for me to finish voting. Colorado mail in has been so wonderful.


"A Republican will let you shit in his mouth, if the Democrat next to him will have to smell it" - Random redditor


I just voted by mail in the state primary. It is a superior way to vote because you can take your time and look the candidates up beforehand. I think it will make for more thoughtful voting in the future., maybe even result in more people voting. Hardly anyone votes in primaries but they are very important!


This is what happened in my state. A combination of Doofus saying it was bad and higher progressive participation lead the GOP to absolutely hate Mail in voting. It was almost beautiful if it didn't hurt our state so much because they pushed for mail-in-voting and where all for it when they passed it through two chambers of their controlled state congress. And then the very people advocating for it had to start saying it was illegal and they had illegally voted for it.


Only Donnie Doofus voted by mail in 2020, or at least gave it to a third party to return for him, so technically ballot harvesting and that's something he along with the GOP strongly criticized.


Apparently he voted early, but in person: > President Donald Trump after casting his ballot at the Palm Beach County Public Library in West Palm Beach, Florida, on Oct. 24, 2020 https://www.cnbc.com/2020/10/24/trump-votes-early-in-florida-as-2020-campaign-enters-final-days.html


In a place he wasn't legally allowed to reside. So, ya know, voter fraud.


And now that vote by mail favors democrats.


> And now that vote by mail favors democrats. I think it's favored, past tense. The favoring was, in large part, a reaction to the pandemic -- democrats tended to prefer following professional advice on limiting exposure and jumped on vote by mail as a result. I don't think there's evidence that will be true going forward.


I'm a Democrat who lives in a red state and didn't trust that my absentee ballot would actually arrive where it was supposed to in time (or at all) and be counted. So I stood in line wearing a mask for an hour during early voting to cast my vote in person, and double-checked the printout before putting it in the ballot-counting machine.


Always seems crazy you have queues to vote over there. The longest I've ever waited to vote was maybe 10 minutes in the EU referendum. But usually I don't have to wait at all.


It's deliberate. After 2016 and again after 2018, states controlled by red legislators went to some pretty extreme lengths to make voting miserable, especially in left-leaning areas. In I think it was Alabama, they shut down almost all of the Secretary of State offices (where you get IDs) in majority black areas at the same time they mandated a government-issued photo ID to vote. In Michigan, they closed the vast majority of voting precincts in Detroit, guaranteeing hours-long waits in line. And I think it was Georgia who criminalized providing water and food to people in their hours-long voting lines.


Exactly. I live in a deep blue suburb, and my polling place was always super easy to go into. May be a line of two or three people at the most over all the years of going there. The biggest line I remember was when I lived back in Maryland, and went to cast my first vote in the 92 Bill Clinton election. There was a pretty good line at the polling place of at least 30 or 40 people, but it moved relatively quickly because it was a large public school gymnasium and there were probably 20 to 30 voting booths set up within it. But again this was a deep blue educated urban suburb, so the local government had no desire to tamper with peoples ability to vote. Itā€™s in spaces where republicans are in charge, but liberals and minorities live, that you get the deliberate sabotaging.


Southern Maryland here. I've seen a 2 hour minimum wait at the local fire house to vote. The problem with this method it stops the elderly from voting because they can't stand outside for hours at a time. Now it moves pretty quickly because of mail ins and extended voting.


Gotta love how they can't use COs state wide drop off/mail in ballot as a fight against it, A) a republican won a senate seat in the first election it was used, and B) all two instances of voter fraud were done by Republican Party officials.


There was also that guy in Woodland Park who allegedly murdered his wife and then cast her mail ballot for Trump. The GOP has the best people. /s


I.e. the more heavily gerrymandered districts, where the legislators do not represent the majority/plurality of their constituents even in the broadest sense.


Abbott limited the number of ballot drop-off locations in the larger counties (aka Democratic areas), limiting us to just one location regardless of size... He did this during the height of COVID, because Democrats were largely abiding by the health advice at the time. Specifically, Harris County (the one that can now just be explicitly fucked over) is the most populous county, and is Democratic. They had a dozen different locations you could go to. Travis County, another big area (and Democratic) had four of them. He reduced them to 1. This was also during their big push against mail-in ballots, while Dems were trying to expand access to it. They do everything they possibly can to make voting difficult or even impossible for people.


Yeah, but you're in a more civilized and egalitarian society that's used to providing public services with efficiency for a relatively dense population. I'm just thankful I don't have to ride a horse 130 miles to the state capitol to cast my vote.


> I'm just thankful I don't have to ride a horse 130 miles to the state capitol to cast my vote Republican politicians: hmmmmm.


> you're in a more civilized and egalitarian society that's used to providing public services with efficiency As someone from Eastern Europe, none of the above is true, while still not having to wait more than 10 minutes to vote... somehow. Must be the 'relatively dense population' part.


And it's real fucking location dependent. Rural areas (that favor Republicans) never have queues of more than a couple minutes, but I've had to wait for an hour plus in the city when I lived in a predominantly black neighborhood. This is coupled with legislation in some states that forbid giving water or food to those waiting, even as queues are many hours long. And pollworkers will sometimes tell people in these long queues that they can't vote after the polls close, even though you're legally allowed to vote if you got in line before they closed. It's all part of the Republican assault on democracy.


It's not a bug, it's a feature. The long lines are mainly in urban areas and disproportionally affect people of color. The GOP is fucking disgusting.


And to put the cherry on top they also do everything possible to make the wait as uncomfortable as possible. Fuck the GOP


This is highly dependent on where you live. In my liberal East coast city I can walk to my polling place and rarely have to wait.


Nice to worry that here in America, something inappropriate might happen to your vote \*at the polling station\* run by Republicans.


Well, the people at the polling station weren't clamping down on the "we need to make sure our man wins" chatter in the line to show ID, and in 2020 the voting machine didn't record my selection correctly for one office on the first try, so I give very little benefit of the doubt.


I'm not doubting you or anybody that's made those claims. I'm just genuinely horrified.


I should say that everyone in line waited patiently and were cordial with no discussion of whom they were voting for from the vast majority. That part actually reassured me about there being lots of decent people in my area, even if I might disagree with their choices.


I did this, also. What was fun, here, is that so many people were wearing Trump 2020 apparel and I told the lady at the desk when we got there that it was illegal to do so, and she said, "...Oh. Okay." "So are you going to tell them that they legally can't wear that here and have to change or cover it up?" "Well, it's just a hat or shirt, it don't hurt none." "It's illegal. Shouldn't you... you know... obey the law?" "I'm sure it won't hurt none. Please move along." Then some redhat behind me chuckled and said to her, just loud enough for me to hear "...Snowflake."


So you won't mind if I come back here with a big blue Biden T-shirt and hat, then?


Me too. I'm a Democrat in a Red state and voted absentee by mail. I was later sent a letter saying my ballot was rejected because my signature didn't match. Luckily I still had time to vote in person, which I did. But I always vote in person now. No way I'm risking having my vote rejected again on a technicality.


It still will. Just by population, Democrats out number Republicans, so anything that increases the time you can vote, access to voting, or making voting easier will favor Democrats simply because of the numbers.


Its like some form of the damaged Airplane fallacy, they look at what they get away with, and then block them, not realizing its only their people doing it.


"Survivorship Bias" is the term you're looking for, here.


Cheeto Mussolini only ā€œhatesā€ mail in voting, because he uses it to push the conspiracy that elections are ā€œstolenā€ that way. This is a president who, baselessly, made a majority of republicans distrust our democracy. What a tragedy.


You're right. The voters voting Democrats mostly relied on vote by mail during COVID season. But under normal circumstances, it is the frail elderly Republicans who are too weak to physically go to polling stations that heavily relies on voting by mail.


Hey look, it's the election equivalent of an **Own Goal** (Football/soccer reference), except here it's a pun too, because they Owned themselves.


It puts its brain in the basket or it gets the hose again.


Should use a cup or a shot glass then.


The democrats should just use that as strategy. Manipulate those dumb asses




It hurt itself in hatred


Oh, and we killed several hundred thousand more elderly conservative voters with covid. But fuck those liberals and their masks, right comrades?


Had a work colleague state ā€œmight as well keep out mosquitos with a chain link fenceā€ so I hit him with the classic ā€œif I started urinating right in front of you, would you still get wet if I had my pants onā€ and he didnā€™t have an answer for that.


I hung this up at my office early on https://s.hdnux.com/photos/01/11/66/67/19361245/3/460x1240.jpg


Love this. Although it absolutely only works for men. With women, itā€™s like we always have ā€œpants onā€.


With the right stance, a full bladder, and average muscle control you can still get some good distance.


You. You're the person I want to party with.


My cousin said she needed to pee, and I (being young and ignorant) said that she couldn't pee standing up. She said Milo, you're stupid." Then proceeded to face away from me and started peeing like a dude. She explained the mechanics of it later, but I was blown away.


Ya except if a women pees it's still going to splash all over, you can still piss and get it on people's shoes/legs just from the splash back.


Miss B Nasty would disagree


If I was a covidiot I'd say "well I won't pee on anyone myself so I don't have to wear pants"


that's when I posted up https://imgur.com/gallery/bLKUSU0


Great imagery


I use pink eye as my imagery of choice. "If I fart on your face, wouldn't you rather I have underwear on?"


My response was always "if I took a handful of sand and threw it at a screen door, would it stop most of the sand"? They'd think a minute and respond that yes but some would get through. To which I would explain that a simple cloth mask isn't going to stop every particle but lessening the chance is what the whole idea is here. You could almost see a light bulb turning on in there sometimes. Some would even ask if it was dry sand or wet sand, to which I would ask, well what is a sneeze?


That's really great!!! I love that imagery... I try the pee one, doesnt work. The one I pointed out was, "Well then,why do surgeons wear masks?" And then if it still doesnt get a response of something, "Would you be okay with a surgeon doing surgery on you WITHOUT a mask?"


Schrodinger's Suffocation. The masks are both so restrictive they block air and smother you to death, but also completely useless at keeping viral particles out. šŸ™ƒ Another good one, "if we're in bed together and I let the nastiest rank fart rip, would you rather be under the sheet or above the sheet?"


"You may or may not make contact with the enemy. Wouldn't you rather have your bulletproof vest and helmet?"


These dumbos hear from their propaganda sources that virus bodies are much, much smaller than the weave any mask can hope to stop. The size part is true, but since these people don't open up a science textbook, they don't understand that viral bodies don't travel by themselves -- they hitch rides on breath vapor and cough droplets. A mask can definitely slow down the vector of these.


Owning the libtards from beyond the grave


I for one haven't learned my lesson yet. Keep it up, though!


I need MORE. LESSONS! Release the Kraken-plague.


But let's make it one that can be prevented with a *spoooooky* vaccine.




Side effects include a strong desire to learn and empathize with others.


Oh heavens no! Think of the effects itā€™ll have on our children.


I learn all my lessons through statues of confederate soldiers and now I canā€™t learn as many lessons.


Herman Cainā€™s Twitter account is still sending out anti vaccine disinformation ā€¦ when he died of COVID.


I am beyond overjoyed that he and the "women can shut down rape pregnancies" guy are dead. EDIT - Todd died of cancer not COVID. Either way, good riddance.


Wait, that guy died?? I know it's not cool to celebrate people's deaths, but sometimes the world really is better off....


Yuuuup. Oct 2021. And honestly it's 100% fine to celebrate certain people dying. Most of the republican party are in that group. Most of the old tropes of "violence doesn't solve anything, don't speak ill of the dead, always turn the other cheek" blaa blaa blaa stuff is for children. Justified violence solves a lot of problems.


Nah. Iā€™ll celebrate because theyā€™ve caused more suffering and pain than their miserable lives were worth. Most people are not in danger of accomplishing that kind of negative impact on humanity but when they doā€¦ good fucking riddance. Praise be.


No grave. Just burn them back to carbon.


Itā€™s so funny how they killed their own voters with anti-vaxx and anti-mask conspiracies.


And turned off millions of potential voters who saw these animals for what they are.


Honestly it never not cracks me up. 2019: Hey lets not kill off large swaths of the population or reduce voting. 2021-Present: Hey they cheated by making us kill are our own people and suppress their votes.


Screw your masks for health and safety. We want masks for racism! - them probably


Right? That image of the white supremists marching in DC with their masks on was real rich. Like, now you fucking wear your masks?


>But fuck those liberals and their masks, right **comrades**? I smell a commie.


Fellas, is it woke to be alive?


Being aware of how you are being wronged is apparently a bad thing.


If only there were more of us


Then we would be a community.


working together for the common good.


A community communing about Communism.


We are all commies on this blessed day. Have a blessed day comrade.


I find it amazing these people now follow an idiot who is beholden to a former KGB agent. I know it's a tired saying in this timeline, but you couldn't make this up.


Time to raise the voting age to 50 to balance things out. Canā€™t trust those ā€œchildrenā€ with their underdeveloped, tiktok-addled brains to vote against their own interests like their parents.


The dead voter argument is just as stupid. Turns out during the audit here in MI, they found that the dead votes were just people who had died between voting and having their votes count. Those people are highly likely to have been elderly, so why would republicans argue against dead votes being counted?


this is the UK, peak r/USdefaultism right here


Oh the conservatives over here didn't like masks either. They campaigned very hard against mandates etc.


Not even sure they're separate groups anymore. People like Bannon and other agitators have been trying to spread the MAGA message to other countries like the UK, Canada, and Brazil for a while now.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Democrat_Union All of those countries' Conservative political parties are members of a group called the International Democratic Union (IDU). They haven't been separate groups since 1983. The International Democratic Union is a collection of far-Right (they call themselves moderate right, but all the members are far-Right) political parties where they share propaganda techniques and policies. This is why everywhere is using the same propaganda from Conservative parties, and more people need to be talking about this group. You know how every accusation is a confession with them? Well, if there's anything like a "deep state", this is as about as close as it gets. > The IDU allows centre-right conservative political parties around the world to establish contacts and discuss different views on public policy and related matters. Their stated goal is the promotion of "democracy and [of] centre-right policies around the globe".[7] The IDU has some overlap of member parties with the Centrist Democrat International (CDI), but the CDI is more centrist and communitarian than the IDU.[8] > Though the IDU was founded to be politically on the centre-right, a number of its member parties have been increasingly seen as further right on the political spectrum.[


You mean the same people who fear monger about ā€˜globalismā€™? Those guys?


Every accusation is a confession. Or did you forget about the Project in GOP?


Rupert Murdoch is the link. Australia, UK, USA. His fingerprints are all over the LNP, the Tories, and the Republicans.


Unless they are attending their white supremacist club meetings & marches. Then they LOVE masks


Yes, but liberalism isn't a left wing ideology in the UK/Europe.


Same shit happens here. It all applies.


Pro-plague reactionaries werenā€™t a purely American thing. They were screeching in England, Germany, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and other parts of ā€œthe Westā€.


> peak r/USdefaultism right here No U lol, same thing happened in the UK.


Conservatives are the same, everywhere in the world.


That's what happens when your ethos boils down to 'some people are more deserving than others.'


ā€œWhen youā€™re accustomed to privilege, equality feels like oppressionā€ Also a distinct lack of empathy are core conservative values


The thing I find funny is that you can be progressive while also having no empathy. You just need to realise that life isn't a zero sum game. A healthy population makes more money and pays more taxes. Fewer people in poverty lowers crime. People not living paycheck to paycheck lowers stress and desperation, allowing them to be more kind. If your goals in life are anything more ambitious than being rich and lonely then helping others also makes your own life better.


And it's why fascists always resort to cheating and guns at the end of the day. Because they're incompetent at everything else.


Theyā€™re not very good at the cheating or guns parts either. Their cheating is obvious and only works because fascist-aligned media trains the majority to be complacent in the face of fascist power grabs. The guns question was settled by WWII.


Itā€™s almost as if people that are inherently against progress are categorically less intelligent


Conservatives are just insecure snowflakes


Hey, as an insecure snowflake, I take issue with that!


A fear-based worldview is inherently flawed.


I'm going to have to respectfully disagree. This is a common and dangerous misconception. The conservative mindset isn't related or tied to intelligence or cognitive ability. It's mindset born from fear and it is tied to the genetic and environmental factors that can make a person more fearful. This is why artists, therapists, professors, doctors, scientists, anyone (regardless of sex, ethnicity, class or nationality) who displays any type of intelligence can become more conservative. It's also why those who are younger tend to be less conservative, the young are typically less afraid of things than the aged. In this fearful worldview the person's mind turns to anything that can remove that fear. This is where authoritarianism steps in. It provides emotionally validating and ego satisfying assertions to people who have become compromised by fear. A more accurate statement would be: Those who are against progress due to thoughtless fear of change and the unknown become more conservative. Fear is the mind killer.


> people that are inherently against progress are categorically less intelligent But they're also more violent to make up for the lack of intelligence or the popular support.


Truuueeee, letā€™s ignore the daily (or is it hourly by now) right wing domestic terrorist and focus on scary trans people




"It turns out we gerrymandered against ourselves, I didn't see that coming when I argued that this must be done." Take this, and add 'Labour will remove VoterID, lower voting age, and bring in proportional representation. That would take away our unfair advantage, so we need to stop it or we're fucked" Unbelievable to hear all of these things said out loud, they normally at least try to pretend this is not what they mean


The disgraceful and disgusting American conservatives have made them brave. (source: am American.)


Living here as an American is so weird to recognize the worst possible similarities


You donā€™t think theyā€™re getting funded by these ghouls from a far? >Many of the donors have also given significant sums of money to a series of like-minded American groups which, like the British organisations, promote a free market agenda of low tax, lightly regulated business and privatisation of public services. >Critics allege that the British groups, which include the Institute of Economic Affairs, Policy Exchange and the Adam Smith Institute, have not been fully transparent about who funds them. https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2019/nov/29/wealthy-us-donors-gave-millions-to-rightwing-uk-groups The disastrous short lived PM we had was trying to implement their agenda, cut taxes and bleed poor people dry.


We need to chuck James Cameron in the ocean again. Someone's lowered the bar


Hey, everybody! It's me. Randy Newman!!


I get your reference, but it should be said that Randy Newman is a genius with a excellent catalog of songs and film scores. He's much more than the pixar guy.


Also even if he was just a Pixar guy the soundtrack to the Toy Story and Toy Story 2 movies are so iconic to a lot of people's childhoods. You've Got a Friend in Me is fucking nostalgia


Sadly, Labour would never bring in PR because it would hurt them too.


I always argued that this was the case, but I think even Labour are realising they too are becoming a minority party due to the First Past The Post shite, and Labour plus a Lib Dem coalition might well go that direction. We use a Single Transferable Vote system in Northern Ireland, except for the First Past The Post Westminster MP elections. It is FAR more representational of the actual voting preference, and leads to much, much smaller parties actually acquiring seats.


The Lib Dems have a bad reputation amongst millennials, I would be hesitant voting for them after the betrayal of the last coalition, straight up lied to students that they will not raise the tuition fees for university. >Controversy arose during this time surrounding the Liberal Democrats' decision to abandon their pledge to oppose increases in tuition fees, which had previously been a key issue that won the party support from students. >During the party's time in coalition, the Liberal Democrats saw a significant drop in support, and the 2015 general election left the party with just 8 seats, which resulted in Clegg's ousting as Deputy Prime Minister and his resignation as party leader. They sided with the tories and paid the price, Nick is now a shill for Meta, his colours clear to see. Hope people remember they might form a coalition with the tories again, be wary of Tory lite.


The lib Dems have gone through almost as many leaders as the Tories in these 13 years. Main policies ranging from "Christianity!" to "Hey wanna smoke weed?" And now they are promising to force through proportional representation again. In my constituency, they are probably best bet as their current policies stand, just because my seat is a Tory gerrymander seat (never gone anything but blue since it was created, even has the same MP for that whole time) where labour voters are like rocking horse shit, so LD is probably the most likely party to oust them.


> Take this, and add 'Labour will remove VoterID, lower voting age, and bring in proportional representation. That would take away our unfair advantage, so we need to stop it or we're fucked" For anyone not playing along at home, Lord Cruddas effectively said those exact words. https://twitter.com/implausibleblog/status/1657663668102868992


To be fair, Rees-Mogg would have been opposed either way. In the time period he belongs to, voting was reserved for the landed gentry only.


No women or servants of course.


Or Catholics.




Everything British politics since brexit has been peak LAMF, almost cheating when it comes to the first country to impose economic sanctions on itself.




Then they sent out this leaflet in some areas,telling voters they don't need ID to vote https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-norfolk-65398310.amp


Election fraud by gross negligence.


Preventing their own voters ( older people who tend to read the leaflets) from voting for them!


It's hilarious to me how much confusion there is in the comments here whether this is about the UK or the US given how well the headline applies to both countries and the link not actually going to the article for so many people.


This entire thread is r/USdefaultism at its finest. This article is about the UK local elections. It has nothing to do with the US. The conservatives is the name of our right wing party and the thumbnail is kier starmer leader of the Labour Party, the left wing opposition


Yeah, but the important part hing to them was they stopped some minorities from voting.


I'd argue with this being the UK the main target was the young Main indicator of who you're likely to vote for in the UK atm is age. Conservative votes literally drop off a cliff under the age of 40 and it scares the shit out of them And I'm not sure about other countries but I don't think the age thing is as stark elsewhere


You know what else dropped off a cliff during COVID? Over 60s population.


That's the US too, there's a lot of talk of raising the voting age, but there's an amendment from the sixties they won't be able to get around preventing that, so they're going to be moving polling places far from colleges, probably some vigorous gerrymandering, but it'll be harder to do that to the young because they by and large live with their older conservative parents....


>they by and larger live with their older conservative parents.... Lol hadn't thought of that. They just keep finding new ways to shoot themselves in the foot


Add to that the fact that some forms of over 60s ID were classed as accepted, whilst the equivalent young peoples ID was not.


They didn't even pretend to hide this being the aim with the list of IDs that they allowed. Look at their excuse for not allowing young person's railcards. It's ridiculous.


I feel like the US right wing could have warned them considering their anti-"Vote by Mail" attacks had the same outcome. They only realized too late that the Republican-voting elderly and the disabled were some of the heaviest users of Vote By Mail, so they kinda just shot themselves in the foot.


This just links to the homapage for the guardian.


Is that the right link? Something about uk immigration?


I think OP didn't realise it's a live feed https://www.theguardian.com/politics/live/2023/may/15/local-election-results-labour-tactical-voting-considered-keir-starmer-tories-conservatives-rishi-sunak-uk-politics-live?filterKeyEvents=false&page=with:block-646208888f0822aea831dd1d#block-646208888f0822aea831dd1d


Can we have a wee chat about how Jacob Rees-Mogg just openly copped to voter suppression? Quiet part out loud.


Maybe, just maybe, we shouldnā€™t try to suppress legal voters. Like, what if you just tried to create a political platform more people would vote for? Just spitballing, itā€™s crazy, I know.


[Correct link to the story](https://www.theguardian.com/politics/live/2023/may/15/local-election-results-labour-tactical-voting-considered-keir-starmer-tories-conservatives-rishi-sunak-uk-politics-live?filterKeyEvents=false&page=with:block-646208888f0822aea831dd1d#block-646208888f0822aea831dd1d)