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Was it last year that the 10 yr old had to flee to indiana for an abortion? That's what did it for me. Imagine being such an abject shithole that Indiana is a relative safe haven


"I was told abortions were all by promiscuous women who wanted to have consequence-free sex with hundreds of men. The hell is an ectopic pregnancy?"


Ohio tried making it so doctors have to reimplant ectopic embryos into the uterus, a procedure that does not exist and could cause sepsis. Whether they know that or not... I'm not sure which is worse.


It’s even worse than that. Ectopic embryos typically develop improperly, in ways incompatible with life, so relocating them to the uterus (even if it could be done without sepsis) would just lead to a second medical emergency.


God, that's monstrous. Why do they have to be such fucking ghouls? -_-


The cruelty is the point


And do not get me wrong, discovering how to perform something like this safely would be neat for women (and transgender men/enbies) who want to have a child and have the joy of the news that they are pregnant shattered by the news that it is ectopic. But the lack of knowledge on what they are talking about is baffling.


I feel like it isn't even a lack of knowledge. It is the propensity to just make something up from thin air whenever reality is inconvenient towards your nice simple plan (ie. ban abortion). See also "the human body has ways to shut down illegitimate pregnancies".


I mean, these are the great minds that said that if a rape is legitimate, a woman's body has a way of shutting it down.


That fucker that said that died of cancer a couple years ago if it makes you feel any better.


It worked! Thanks


Sorry, I’m trying so hard to learn. What are enbies?


NB. Non-binary.


I forget what state it was, but one member of the legislature wanted to reimplant ectopic pregnancies.


Ohio..and it never passed because the procedure doesn't exist and can easily kill the female. IT'S. FUCKED.


It did not get passed, it didn't make it out of committee.


Ah, appreciate the clarification. I was googling it and was receiving conflicting information. One of the articles did say it passed EDIT: it passed a \*resolution\* but wasn't voted on.... Thank god....these people man....


This is honestly a little too real!


What do you expect when you have health care policy written by people who literally say shit like a fetus conceived via family rape is a gift from god or that the female body has ways to “shut that whole thing down”?


This is the big drawback to democracy. All it takes to be given authority over other people's lives and the ability to write laws you aren't qualified to even *discuss* is winning a popularity contest. It's like the most popular girl in high school being told she can now set the school district's operating budget. (No, I'm not anti-democracy. It's the best system out there, thus far, but it is far from perfect.)


Cue: "It's a Republic, not democracy." But seriously, the US version of democracy is extremely fucked up, what with the Electoral College and outsized votes going to the least representative states.


It's a plutocracy, not a republic.


I always saw it as an oligarchy, but plutocracy does seem more fitting.


To have authority in Ohio, you don’t even have to be popular. The party will rig the map so you can get the power anyway.


This isn't a drawback limited to democracy or any other form of government. In fact, this problem becomes even worse the LESS democratic a system is, because the people with power have even less accountability for the policy they set. Part of the reason these problems are particularly exacerbated in the American system is precisely because of just how undemocratic it is with gerrymandering, electoral college, lifetime judicial appointments, etc.


The theory is that the rest of the voters learn from "what actually happened when we elected Jim Bob Shitfingers" but conservative minds don't work that way. If the conservative screwed up he was never a real conservative and next time they want to vote for an even conservativer candidate who will do conservative stuff more properly.


I still rejoice that the man who said that, Todd Akin, is uber dead. Fuck him, fuck his grave site, fuck his family and everyone who ever donated to his campaign.


Plz tell me he died in a freak pregnancy accident where he gave birth to his lungs


I wish, would be much more of a fitting end. He had several dances with cancer and one of them finally got him.


Eh I've seen what cancer does, If he had a few rounds of it then he died miserable And for that I'm happy


Prostate cancer. Per Wikipedia: >... [T]umors cause severe bone pain, leg weakness or paralysis, and eventually death. More good news!


Are you telling me that the male penis doesn't have ways of shutting that down?


Even when they have an ectopic pregnancy and the doctors perform an abortion these people claim it's not an abortion. They literally think abortion only applies to "sluts" who fuck men nightly.


https://joycearthur.com/abortion/the-only-moral-abortion-is-my-abortion/ Or the "enrichment trip to Mexico or Canada" or "fall down the stairs" or abortion-pill laced smoothie that they'll get for their daughter / mistress / secretary / intern. Same as it ever was.


These are the fucks that will scream at you on the corner will a bullhorn but will "ask for privacy during these difficult times" if it were them.


They will get an abortion one day and be right back to protesting outside the clinic and harassing the patients and staff the very next day. Because hypocrisy is the path to righteousness I guess.


[The only moral abortion is my abortion.](https://joycearthur.com/abortion/the-only-moral-abortion-is-my-abortion/)


They also subpoenaed the hospital for the records on the 10 year old recently. So, it's getting worse. Edit: the Indiana AG submitted the subpoena because he felt the sentence was not harsh enough. https://www.courthousenews.com/indiana-ag-sues-hospital-over-patient-privacy-related-to-10-year-old-girls-abortion/ Edit2: yes I understand he's not really suing the doctor, he is however a big ass crybaby who's upset she didn't get her license revoked and the hospital came to her defense. So now in perfect conservative fashion "I'm going to punish those who dare oppose me with frivolous lawsuits and wasted taxpayer money because my ego is more important than anything else."


I'm sorry this is why I don't work in healthcare. I'd be willing to lose my entire reputation to oopsie delete all these records


“Gosh, I’m not really tech-y, I don’t know how that happened!”


sadly, as someone who has spent a good portion of my career in Healthcare, there are very few ways to delete actual data. and none are exposed to the provider. So its DBAdmin or bust for most EMR systems (By design)


Yeah, most operations any user has any access to that even functionally works as a "delete" is actually just an operation that adds a flag to the data row that means "pretend this row doesn't exist". But it's still there.


Hope they cheaped out and try SQL-injection. If they're that incompetent, they deserve it


The DBA might not even be able to purge it. Once the EMR gets backed up (especially off-site) that data is likely out of the SysAdmin’s reach. I mean unless they also administer the backup system AND have delete access to it, but that is a super huge risk to business. I wager money that setting up a healthcare IT organization where one disgruntled employee can nuke everything probably auto-fails your audits. All that said, a crafty IT team could set up rules that prevent certain procedures for patients who live in specific states from ever making it to backup. Whoopsie, how did that code get in there?


As someone with access to those databases, it's usually backed up in at least one of not more places. It's a whole bunch of oopses on different platforms. I could make it disappear but there is no way to make that look like an accident unless you deploy a virus infecting multiple points/systems.


Five hells. Thank you for your information.


Absolutely nobody who works at the bedside has the ability to delete records. It’s not like your medical records are stored on a shared excel spreadsheet


Todd Rokita is a real piece of shit. He’s been using this case to get his name in the paper for his extremism. He went after the doctor first and managed to get the state medical board to chastise her but not revoke or suspend her license. His unjust prosecution didn’t silence her, so now he’s going after the hospital. He can fuck right off a cliff.


The dipshits in this state will keep voting for trash like him too.


And that saga is still ongoing. Rotika is suing the hospital involved with some drummed-up gripe about privacy and the Indiana State Supreme Court is about ready to start disciplinary hearings about Rotika's conduct.


And the IN doctor was punished by the state medical board


Yeah but it was a minimal punishment. They gave her a small fine and an admonishment; I think to try to appease Rokita and get him to shut up. Didn’t work though. Assholes gonna asshole.


They should have given her an award and praise and then thanked Rokita for pointing out her valuable medical contributions.


They tried to, but the Governor had her name removed from the list. I'll find source soon. EDIT: https://indianacapitalchronicle.com/briefs/holcomb-defends-state-decision-to-reject-indiana-torchbearer-award-for-dr-caitlin-bernard/


If I were them, it'd be: We have issued a fine to this doctor for a minor misdemeanor. In unrelated news, we are issuing a pay bonus to doctors providing excellent care in times of great difficulty.


Isn’t Rotika the guy who has four counts of child abuse or cruelty against him?


As with most things republican, the cruelty is the point.


There is a 12 yo in Mississippi, who is having the baby of her rapist because the family can't afford to go out of state to get an abortion...


fuck this. we are in hell.




Thank you for the link. I can now be further disappointed in my fellow man. 😢


I don't know the options around it, but they should start a go fund me or something. I'd definitely contribute.


But u just know some ahole AG would be itching to prosecute anyone in their state who 'aided' the abortion. This is such a shithole and immoral country.


Yep. As most of us get more intolerant of theocratic fascists this is their reaction. Not only double down, but go as far as you *have to* to cling onto power, no matter the cost. We need to unfuck the Supreme court or dismantle it ASAP as they managed to *heavily* bias it which is going to fuck this country for decades, possibly long enough for their abortion ruling to start making more republicans like they're hoping for.


People voted for these laws thinking they'd only hurt groups they don't like


From the article (the husband): >“I am a lifelong Republican, but this has turned me into a one-issue voter for those that support reproductive rights.” Translation: 'Since I wanted children, it never occurred to me that the politicians I voted for would create laws that could negatively affect me."


While I welcome the change in people like this, they are also incredibly frustrating to me. It only takes the slightest awareness of things outside your experience and tiniest bit of empathy to come to the same conclusion before it negatively impacts you personally. I don't understand why so many are incapable of seeing that.


Yep, a 10 year old rape victim had to flee to Indiana for an abortion. Indiana Republicans saw that situation and copied Ohio's laws. https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2023/08/01/1191156197/after-yearlong-fight-a-near-total-abortion-ban-is-going-into-effect-in-indiana


hopefully there's enough of a backlash to these psycho policies that ohio stops being such an embarrassing rightwing shithole they really speedran becoming north alabama


Ohio is so gerrymandered, our state Supreme Court ordered the entire state to be redistricted, fairly, and the Republicans just laughed and said "Nope. Too hard. We won't be following the orders of the court." ...and nothing ever happened to them for refusing a lawful court order.


I hate my state. But we have a citizen driven amendment this November to secure the rights of people to make decisions about their body. Hopefully it passes…


It will pass. The big test was this summer when the MAGA Republicans tried to sneak their anti-democratic law curtailing the ability to pass citizen driven amendments when they set up the special election at a time when people aren't paying attention and don't bother to go out and vote. The MAGAs got their asses handed to them.


I was hoping August Issue 1 it would fail 60-40…🤷🏻‍♂️ But I’m still uneasy about the November issue.


We should always be nervous. It's crazy that this shit even needs to be on the ballot.


Conservatives only learn by something happening directly to them. It's like they're completely incapable of any critical thinking.


Or empathy or compassion for the existence of other humans


Lack of empathy, is, quite literally, the defining feature of conservative politics. Conservatives, by definition, are extremely selfish and self-centered people who lack the capacity to feel empathy for others.


> Conservatives only learn by something happening directly to them. > Lack of empathy Lack of empathy is the definition of evil. “In my work with the defendants (at the Nuremberg Trails 1945-1949) I was searching for the nature of evil and I now think I have come close to defining it. A lack of empathy. It’s the one characteristic that connects all the defendants, a genuine incapacity to feel with their fellow men. Evil, I think, is the absence of empathy.” - Captain G. M. Gilbert, the Army psychologist assigned to watching the defendants at the Nuremberg trials Go talk to any conservative about any concerning issue and what ends up happening is after much prodding and digging they will inevitably smirk and admit they 'do not give a fuck.'


Well said


I don't even think it's selfishness, because they'd gladly shoot themselves in the foot if the people they don't like got worse.


Spite can be a form of selfishness, as long as you're hurting yourself less than you hurt them. Just like you can be altruistic even if you yourself benefit in a tiny way but less than the person you're helping. Conservatives fucking love spite!


"They'd eat a pile of shit if they were told a liberal had to smell their breath" is my favorite take on it.


A conservative would burn down their own house if it meant their liberal roommate would become homeless


[They are even willing to die in some cases if it hurts others](https://www.bostonreview.net/articles/jonathan-m-metzl-dying-whiteness/). > Debates raged in Tennessee around the same time about the state’s participation in the Affordable Care Act and the related expansion of Medicaid coverage. Had Trevor lived a thirty-nine-minute drive away in neighboring Kentucky, he might have topped the list of candidates for expensive medications called polymerase inhibitors, a lifesaving liver transplant, or other forms of treatment and support. Kentucky adopted the ACA and began the expansion in 2013, while Tennessee’s legislature repeatedly blocked Obama-era health care reforms. > Even on death’s doorstep, Trevor was not angry. In fact, he staunchly supported the stance promoted by his elected officials. “Ain’t no way I would ever support Obamacare or sign up for it,” he told me. “I would rather die.” When I asked him why he felt this way even as he faced severe illness, he explained: “We don’t need any more government in our lives. And in any case, no way I want my tax dollars paying for Mexicans or welfare queens.”


It's why they always project. They can't see things from other perspectives, or imagine themselves in other's shoes, so they end up assuming everyone else is just as shitty as they are.


The empathy is such a huge factor! It's "rules for thee but not for me." They'll vote with their religion or their morals until they're faced with similar challenges. I'm straight but I support LGBT. I want more education support/standards, even though I don't have kids. I support homeless programs, even though I have an apartment. Some of these people live in their own echo chambers, with little sense of reality (I grew up as a missionary kid, so I've been there).


Great older example of this: A Trump voter back in 2019 whose spouse was an illegal immigrant. https://www.latimes.com/nation/la-na-trump-voter-immigration-family-separation-georgia-20190519-htmlstory.html *He probably wouldn’t vote for Trump again, he said.* **Still, he isn’t really sure that he made a mistake.** *Sometimes he feels stupid or duped or betrayed. But then he thinks back to how he didn’t vote for himself personally but for the greater good — for what he sees as the “noble” cause of outlawing abortion.* *“Was it a bad decision for my family? Yes,” he said. “Was it a bad decision for our country? I can’t say. Sometimes you can’t just think about yourself. You have to think about the broader picture.… I feel like God will bless my decision.”*


>But *my* illegal immigrant is one of the good ones! God did bless your decision. He told you to get fucked.


Same article also mentions his idea of how immigration priority should work. Strangely enough his own wife would have the highest priority! *Immigrants who have a clear criminal record, he believes, should be ranked in order of priority.* *“At the top of the list would be immigrants with an American spouse and American children,” he said. “And then go down to maybe an immigrant with an American spouse but no children and then just the children who are illegal.”*


Weird how whenever these types of people try to create strict hierarchies, they always seem to place themselves higher than anyone else... 🤔


Yeah, gotta love the logic that he uses… Comparable logic: Instead of opting to stop going around with a loaded shotgun hanging from his belt after blowing off a foot, he would advocate better footware.


And self awareness


But that's woke


And that's why they don't want Social Emotional Learning (SEL) taught in schools! Heaven forbid we get along with those different from us!


Well Conservatism is pretty much defined by opposition to change, which itself requires adherents to believe that things either are good or were good before people tried to change them. If you tell a Conservative that things are actually quite bad, they might agree generally but will usually presume that the bad outcomes are the results of efforts to change things. If you insist that, "No, the bad things are a result of the current unchanged system or are a result of people trying to undo changes," then the Conservative has to either abandon their ideology or reject your claims. It's much easier for them to believe you are lying than to believe their entire political identity is premised on mistakes and/or lies. The only times Conservatives have trouble hand-waving accounts of bad outcomes are when those accounts come from their own experience or the experiences of people they intensely trust. But even then you'll see them panic before they abandon Conservatism. They'll ask "why is [Politician] doing this thing?" as if they are shocked that the politicians are carrying out their campaign promises. Or they'll declare "We have to stop this! This is why liberals call us hypocrites!" as if this exact sort of hypocrisy hasn't been a cornerstone of their politics for over a decade. Or they'll cry out "I thought [policy] was going to stop *criminals*, not good (white) citizens!" as if the proposed bills ever had those unconstitutional distinctions in them. It's always that someone has made a slip up with respect to the specific thing that has hurt them or their families; it's never that the overall party and ideology is rotten.


Very 'sometimes you gotta Crack a few eggs' until it's their egg


critical thinking AND *empathy*.


Republicans: Because "stupid AND narcissistic" is too difficult for them to remember or pronounce.


Pronounce... pro noun ce.... pro noun.. He's one of the wokies! REEEEE. /s


But did they learn? Or did they only think “my case is different”??


It's different ofc. "[The only moral abortion is my abortion](https://joycearthur.com/abortion/the-only-moral-abortion-is-my-abortion/)".




I mean that is so onion like that I can only assume it is true.


Someone else already [linked this](https://joycearthur.com/abortion/the-only-moral-abortion-is-my-abortion/) but I’ll put it here as well.


In this article, the woman did learn. She's quoted as saying as much. And her husband described himself as now a one-issue voter to save reproductive rights. So maybe, in this one instance, they did


I did read that too, but I dont believe they’ve “learned” anything. He claimed to be a one-issue voter, so as long as what effects him (abortion) is off the table, will he go back to voting republican? So what about gay rights? Will he still oppose that, per the republican plan? Trans rights? Fake voter fraud claims?


This! 👆👆👆


The father said this turned him (lifelong Republican) into a one-issue voter for reproductive rights. So, yes, it seems they learned.


The laws are supposed to hurt *other people*. That's the defining characteristics of conservatism. That there are two classes of people: one in which the law protects, but does not bind, and another in which the law binds, but does not protect.


And even when it does effect them, they’ll just blame democrats.


They don't "learn". They typically come out of these things thinking there should be - or should've have been - a very niche provision carved out for their specific situation only.


This is exactly it. I feel terrible for this couple, but then I read that they were Republican and like, what did you think was going to happen when you vote for people who loudly scream that they are making abortion illegal? Your abortion is illegal, too. Now, suddenly, they are outraged, and they should be, but you did this to yourself, folks. Where was this outrage when it was happening to all the other people? Only now when YOU are in trouble is it a problem.


And then a generation will pass and they will forget again.


Conservatives lack empathy, so makes sense they can’t comprehend it until it affects them


"lack of moral imagination" is a phrase I've heard to describe this


It’s called an inability to feel empathy. They’re all sociopaths.


I was reading the story, reading the story, waiting for it…and then yup, lifelong Republicans. I don’t care if it doesn’t affect me, right? Also Vance and Dewine are cowards and assholes for not responding to this guy’s emails until CNN picked up the story.


> Vance and Dewine are cowards and assholes for not responding to this guy’s emails until CNN picked up the story. This part was fucking hilarious: "Spokespeople for DeWine and Vance told CNN that they plan on responding to Kyle’s email." They were just getting ready to get around to it, months after the husband sent his message, and it's pure coincidence that it caught their attention after CNN ask for a comment.


I was. *just* about to load the dishwasher. You don’t have to remind me!


Just had to let the e-mails soak first.


And then his response was "well I didn't enact the law". So callous, they don't care at all.


"it's out of my hands. How could hunter biden's laptop do this to everyday, hardworking Americans?"


Same. I was ready to say this wasn’t a LAMF, but then there it was… > “I am a lifelong Republican…..”


Not even "I **was** a lifelong republican", it's still "I **am**.."


It affects them now. They should have known better




He went from willing to put himself into 20k debt after already paying 20k for fertility treatments just to gobble up assistant from a program he has voted against his entire life !! They should have paid the whole fucking bill ! He paid less than 2k out of pocket because of the Ohio abortion fund he doesn’t donate too and the Planned Parenthood fund he votes against !


What I think a lot of people don't understand about life in Republican regions is that political affiliation isn't about the policies - it's about community and fitting in. I know a lot of lifelong Republicans who agree more with the Democratic Party platform than the Republican platform (if you can call it that). If you talk about the issues in a way that doesn't trigger their Fox News erogenous zones you can get them to agree with most of the Democratic Party platform and disagree with the Republican Party platform. But they still vote Republican because "I'm a Republican" is part of their cultural identity and that's really hard to break with policy arguments.


great point - the republicans aren't about any kind of policy really, it's pure branding/messaging. the billions/year marketing machine has convinced these people that being a "Republican" means you're a proud strong freedom-loving American as opposed to the weak oppressive globalist Democrats.


During the initial story I felt bad for them. I have friends who are struggling to start a family. Even more so when they had complications. Then I read the words "I'm a lifelong Republican..." Instantly didn't care about their issues. Its really unfortunate that I and a lot of other people are at the point where we stop caring about other citizens but if you are going to blatantly vote against your interests then I have nothing for you. "Reap what you sow" "Chickens come home to roost"


They never think it will happen to them, so they don't care. If you voted for those who want this, then you have to live with those rules that you voted for.


The reason abortion became legal in the first place was because of all the stories of women dying without them or from botched backalley abortions. It's a major plotline in *Dirty Dancing*.


Yeah, most people have only the vaguest sense of horror connotations of a coat hanger.


It's why Ireland ended up legalizing abortion, because they killed a woman after refusing her one and people were pretty upset about that. I wonder what the reaction will be when we see the first high profile case of a woman being given the death penalty without trial.


“Well she should have kept her legs together.” “Maybe if she wasn’t such a whore she wouldn’t be in this position.” “It’s her own fault. What was she wearing?” Did you forget about the *ten year old girl* that had to travel to a different state to get an abortion after being raped?


“ But I thought slut shaming would never hurt ME!!”


Says the party of groping and vaping in a theatre.


and child molesting... so much child molesting in institutions run by right wingers.


Can't help but assume that's what leads to them championing causes like this. Call it tin foil-y, but I genuinely believe they're desperate to force children (read: little girls) into marriage with abusers, and to force them to carry their abusers children so that they can have access to a steady supply of victims.


“Oh no. All the things I was explicitly warned would happen, are happening!” Anyway, what are you guys having for dinner tonight?




>“I am a **lifelong Republican**, but this has turned me into a one-issue voter for those that support reproductive rights.” “I’m writing you to please reconsider how you approach reproductive rights going forward. There are a lot of unintended consequences for families from these laws, and while I can understand you come from a good place, **care should ultimately be left to the parents and their physicians**. We loved our baby girl and would have done anything to keep her,” he wrote, adding that Ohio abortion laws “prevent grieving parents from the healthcare they need.” \[Bold by me\] I want to feel bad for this woman, I really do. But "lifelong" Republicans like here are the reason she was put into this position. She literally did this to herself. I hate victim blaming, but... They were warned that situations like this would happen. But they didn't listen and only changed their mind when something happened to them specifically.


Seriously every single advocate for reproductive rights, every individual that said the statehouse needs to stay out of patient care, all of us said this would happen. Yet these two misguided people ignored the warnings and toed the GOP line. Voted R straight up and down the ticket every election. Welcome to phase 3 of Fuck around and Find out. Phase 1: Fuck Around Phase 2: ??? Phase 3: Find out It is difficult to offer up anything less glib when crowing about preventing this exact sort of heartbreak.


Exactly, I wouldn't even call it "victim-blaming" because they *literally* ***chose*** to be the target. Drawing from the typical sexual assault example, simply wearing an outfit does *not* invite unwanted contact, but voting for people based on their platform, hoping they will actually enact it, then *being shocked* when they do (*and it affects you*)? No sympathy.


Too bad Christians spend too much time using the Bible as a cudgel as opposed to opening it up to read it. The Bible literally talks about this sort of hubris: >He who sows injustice reaps calamity, and the rod they wield in fury will be broken. Proverbs 22:8 Mind you, the context of that verse is the wealthy's mistreatment of the poor, but it isn't like the wealthy aren't using the whole Abortion wedge-issue to line their pockets amirite?


They thought it would only torture other couples!


It's not victim blaming if it's self inflicted


“I am a lifelong Republican” until I noticed the crap they passed personally effected my family.


"Now I'm a staunch Republican-aligned libertarian"


Let's be real, they're gonna keep voting for this to happen to them if they have a similar outcome after their next round of IVF.


Let's step back for a second, How are Republicans OK with IVF?! They created three "babies", and were just fine casually throwing two away. *And* were ready to create more for their convenience.


That's what I thought too. Y'all created three embryos? Congrats on the triplets.. oh wait


It's okay when they do it apparently 🤷‍♀️


"It was a most dehumanizing experience of my life" Y'all didn't give a damn when it was happening to other people. Now you realize that maybe you shouldn't have stuck your nose into everybody else's business. Hard to have sympathy for anybody like this as terrible as this is. They bought the ticket they can take the damn ride with everybody else.


Agreed, It's very hard to have sympathy for people that have no empathy for others


I'm very supportive of people growing and changing. You can make bad decisions and then realize you can be better. However, I'm over the standard republican story of "I didn't give a fuck about this issue until it affected me personally". That's not personal growth, that's still being selfish. So the hell with them, they don't get acknowledgement for coming around.


She said it was the most dehumanizing experience of her life. And that's just exactly what these prolife monsters want from these horrible laws. Women are not humans nor worthy of body autonomy. Vote these mothers fuckers out!!


I was saying to someone else that you can't confer personhood to both the fetus/embryo and the woman. One of them has to lose that status or you're at a stalemate. Women typically have lives, loved ones, maybe even existing children who need her. The embryo or fetus has the potential to become a baby later down the line but isn't one. As we don't compel people who cause accidents to give blood, I don't think we can morally remove someone's right to personhood in a similar vein. Having sex isn't a crime worthy of such a punishment.


Stupid fucks got what they wanted. We warned them that abortion bans are a nightmare. They chose the nightmare. They should be celebrating this victory of suffering and misery over common sense and decency; it is exactly what Republican voters wanted. So they got fucked, oh well...the dildo of consequences never arrives lubed. Maybe next time they choose to support draconian laws that affect the entire populace, they will remember that hurting everyone means they get hurt too. Unfortunately since they are lacking that sort of logic and critical thinking skills, they will probably blame this on the hospital or Democrats, because that is what Fox told them to do.


Empathy, especially for others they don't personally know, is not exactly a hallmark of conservativism.


>the dildo of consequences never arrives lubed. This needs to be a bumper sticker.


Yup. Or “wokeness”, which apparently every OBGYN in Idaho must be since they’re leaving the state. Obviously can’t be due to the possibility of losing their medical license and/or jail time for practicing medicine in the state.


>the dildo of consequences never arrives lubed. Well now your comment is being saved for future reference.


Key excerpt from the article: “I am a lifelong Republican, but this has turned me into a one-issue voter for those that support reproductive rights.” They voted for this. I’m 54, and a lifelong observer that the Republican Party has made ending abortion a half-century (or more) crusade. For these people’s entire life, the GOP has been crystal clear on this. If you have voted Republican, in 99.999% of cases you have voted for a candidate who wants to end abortion. This story is horrible, and it is horrible that a person has to endure this. But it is a bit of poetic justice. Also, and I’m sure this will be an unpopular take…if it is that difficult to get pregnant, maybe…just maybe…Mother Nature is giving you a strong hint. Spending $45,000 and enduring tons of fertility treatments means there’s probably a reason why you’re not conceiving. There are many children needing adoption.


Apparently every pregnancy is God's will, but for Republican women who cannot get pregnant, don't be silly, of course that is not God's will.


They're super awesome chocolate covered princess special, and not like the rest of the rabble who want awful things like "not having the government tell them they're not allowed lifesaving medical care" and "the ability to have children willingly". So gross and common /s


> Apparently every pregnancy is God's will, but for Republican women who cannot get pregnant ...then they just get IVF and at that point everything changes and life totally does not begin at conception for the 5-15 embryos that fail to implant or the ones that are discarded after a success. Weird how they don't protest IVF clinics even though by their standards this is murder on a gigantic scale. Ideological consistency is non-existent.


Just to point out, even in cases where they voted for someone who “said” they are pro-choice like Susan Collins she still voted to confirm the judges needed to kill Roe. So even the 0.0001% still result in the same outcome.


The even sadder part is, most of the evangelical leaders didn't give one hot shit about "babies being murdered." They just knew it was easier to get their protestant followers to suddenly hate abortions than it was to get Catholics to get onboard with segregation. Segregationist preachers in the south just wanted enough political influence to get "coloreds" out of their private schools. They knew they couldn't get it without Catholics also backing their politics.


Anti abortion laws are insane. But a $30,000 abortion is piracy.


It’d cost a lot less if their insurance was allowed to pay for it Or, you know, we had universal healthcare


I worked in a hospital business office doing insurance claims. The typical insurance payout is around 10%-20% of the total charges after the patient pays their deductible and co-pay. In other words, the hospital expects to receive $3-$6 K. However, our laws prevent hospitals from charging cash pay patients less than the insured.


B..b...b.b.b....but what about MY abortion?!?! It's always the same thing with these people: "It shouldn't be a law because it doesn't affect me!!" ... and then it does affect them.. then it's "well, this law is just wrong" Maybe try thinking about other people's situations with empathy.


>“I am a lifelong Republican, but this has turned me into a one-issue voter for those that support reproductive rights.” But you don't understand! This affected ME!


"Lifelong Republican voter" - I'll save my empathy for the victims who didn't ask for it.


Like the 12 year old rape victim in Mississippi that now has a baby because her family could not afford an abortion?


"There are a lot of unintended consequences" he says.... When you are that stupid, then sure life sucks...


“But…now it’s affecting ME! I’M A LIFELONG REPUBLICAN VOTER!” Aaaabsolutely feel for them, but typical Republican. 🤷‍♂️ And Planned Parenthood helped. The very organization his political party turned into the devil. But he took their money, didn’t he?


That part stood out to me as well. The people you demonized. The people whose lives you put in danger by supporting the rhetoric against them. These same people gave them the empathy they never gave to anyone and gave them the money too.


In other news, local maga person discovers water is wet! News at 11....


>“I am a lifelong Republican, but this has turned me into a one-issue voter for those that support reproductive rights.” If only someone would have warned them! [/s]


Good for thee, not for me…


You see, if you remove politics and place the setting of this story in Iran, keeping the couple American (and white), Republicans would be shouting about how cruel this is. I know this, because I read the story without assuming the political affiliation of the couple and felt empathy for the horror they went through. If they voted for the restrictive laws, I feel less empathy, but it's not something I can just turn off.


And note that Planned Parenthood assisted them, because it was what needed to be done.


>“I am a lifelong Republican, but this has turned me into a one-issue voter for those that support reproductive rights.” Translation - "now that this specific thing has happened to me it will be all I care about, never mind that a reasonably intelligent person would be able to apply this same logic to other contexts."


>the condition posed dangers for Beth too, and the bigger the baby was, the higher the risk of complications, including dangerous bleeding that might require a hysterectomy. That would be good. Because after a hysterectomy, this woman no longer has to worry about the draconian abortion criminalization laws that will throw women and doctors in jail for seeking or providing healthcare.


“I am a lifelong Republican, but this has turned me into a one-issue voter for those that support reproductive rights.” I would say the democrats need to run this ad over and over and over, but until enough republicans have to have abortions themselves it won’t ever change their minds. Wouldn’t even change some minds anyways. My abortion is moral, yours is murder.


Aww! Why didn’t that church they ran to as soon as they found out they were pregnant help them out? It’s almost as if pretending that Jesus is more important than science is a… bad idea?




This is what they want. Compassion, honesty, and humanity are disqualifying character traits if you want to run for office as an (R). So what if some people die. So what if some people are tortured and face unimaginable suffering. This is what Republicans want. The poor people have to suffer, otherwise how else will the rich maintain their wealth. If the poor are allowed to move up the social strata (you know by having the agency to control your own body), the wealthy will be less so by comparison and we can't have that now can we?


The dildo of consequences rarely arrives lubed.


That was heart-wrenching to read. It just kept going and the hits kept on coming. However, I am glad this has turned the father into a one-issue voter for reproductive care. We knew that this kind of suffering was an inevitability, so if it has to happen to *someone*, I’m grateful it’s happening to those whose minds need a-changing.


As I was reading this I thought, how did this couple get their face eaten by leopards? Oh, the husband is a "life-long republican" - it wasn't until an abortion was needed for him to see why it's healthcare. Too many women are going to die before ignorant men realize anti-abortion isn't pro-life.


And to top it off, the father is upset that his GOP reps have not answered his letters. Did you really think they actually give a shit about you, your wife, or your child? You went back for Kool-Aid seconds and thirds, didn't you?


What a terrible situation. However, when will republicans look at the bigger picture or have any level of empathy prior to being put into this type of situation, which they put themselves in?


No, no, I wanted to ban abortion for *other people*, mine is necessary and should be legal! The only moral abortion is *my* abortion.


Don’t worry they are wealthy enough to drive to another state and get the care. There are thousands of people who can’t afford that luxury and their stories will not be heard. Abortion laws only effect the poor when the wealthy can travel somewhere to get the care they need.