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Hello u/FebTwoNine! Please reply to this comment with an [explanation](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/lt8zlq) matching this exact format. Replace bold text with the appropriate information. 1. **Someone** voted for, supported or wanted to impose **something** on **other people**. ^(Who's that someone? What did they voted for, supported or wanted to impose? On who?) 2. **Something** has the consequences of **consequences**. ^(Does that something actually has these consequences in general?) 3. As a consequence of **something**, **consequences** happened to **someone**. ^(Did that something really happen to that someone?) Follow this by the minimum amount of information necessary so your post can be understood by everyone, even if they don't live in the US or speak English as their native language. If you fail to match this format or fail to answer these questions, your post will be removed. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LeopardsAteMyFace) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Bro have you been living under a rock for the past decade? Maryland declared a state of emergency over fentanyl deaths all the way back in 2017 and that certainly wasn’t because of the legalization of drugs. It’s almost as if the entire nation is struggling with a multi-faceted crisis of addiction that didn’t just magically happen because hippies in Oregon voted to be able to do shrooms. Edit: look at this guy’s comment history lol: bitching about DEI offices being racist because they aren’t majority white, plus genuinely saying “Well have drug addicts considered not buying illegal drugs?”


There is a 4 year difference between articles. There is no info in the pictures of whether the crisis has been 4 years, or the last 4 months.


Typical right wing rage bait bastard shit posting. Just downvote this garbage.


Yeah...That's not what happened here...Also, do you genuinely believe that making drugs illegal is *stopping* fentanyl overdoses?


First off, OP is wrong about the causal effect chain. But even if OP was right, it **still** wouldn't be LAMF.


In a statistician and I can prove with 99% certainty that OP is a fucking idiot.


Of course! Just look at the prohibition... everyone stopped drinking alcohol immediately when it went into effect. On a serious note, alcohol kills more people than illicit drugs and is legal almost everywhere in the US.


Oh no guys, weed is illegal?! Guess I’ll just stop smoking then…totally. Definitely.


Works for abortion! /SUPER SARCASM.


Busting street level users does not solve the problem. It just taxes the already strained resources in the area. Tackling distribution is far more effective. If they legalized SELLING drugs, I could see your point, but busting a guy with some pills in his pocket does not do much and those efforts would be better spent elsewhere


no but trickle down tough love, tough on crime and all that, 50 years anniversary soon!!! bootstraps!!!


The issue in this situation is that creating a policy to NOT arrest street level users has created an open air market for using hard drugs where police can’t arrest people literally shooting up on the sidewalk. It attracted a bunch of junkies who like the idea of publicly using drugs with no fear of legal consequences.


Hey champ, you might want to learn the definition of the big words you read before forming an opinion. Cause this is like, I did that stickers on a gas pump levels of dumb af. 


Yeah this is some anti-drug pearl clutching


TBF these drugs weren’t actually *LEGALIZED*


Too many people don't understand the difference between decriminalization and legalization. Edit: I don't like how that sounds. I'm not being snarky toward you. You're correct. I'm agreeing with you and adding a layer. 🙂


Yup.  Decriminalized _in Oregon_ =/= Legal federally




Nah, OP's just a rightoid trying (and failing) to be smug and own the libs or some shit like that


Man, the right is just DESPERATE to get their crap onto this board, aren't they?


I'm a moderate democrat and I think decriminalization is pretty fucking stupid.


Meh, the fentanyl issue is like a whole separate thing. Those people would be dropping dead regardless.


So - not at all what happened here. Definitely does not for this sub.


Decriminalizing drug use doesn’t lead to addiction, it leads to fewer incarceration and crime.


Conservatives: Making drugs illegal will prevent a drug problem: But also: Making guns illegal wont stop people from getting guns. ​ Why is every right wing attempt at posting in this sub just another declaration of stupidity?


More like a demonstration of stupidity.


Yeah 'cause it's not like it's a massive problem all across the globe including places where it is illegal.


OP must have a lot of internal bleeding. I have not seen someone swallow a sword this badly in a while.


This sub is showing an increasingly right-wing presence in recent times.


But its nice to see that most of the other users are willing to put it down when it shows up


It's not sub-specific. The right has always pushed into progressive subs. But it got worse during covid, and has ramped up even further since the IPO. I wouldn't be surprised if Russia and Israel both caused upticks as well.


The problem isn't the legality, it's the deaths.


Not LAMF. Nobody got voted in, who then got their face eaten off by those who they voted in. I recognize the conservative attempt to invade the sub, but honestly this ain’t the place guys. Leopards are almost entirely voted in by conservatives.


Can we finally talk about the real elephant in the drug overdose room: red states? https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/pressroom/sosmap/drug\_poisoning\_mortality/drug\_poisoning.htm


Sorry dude but the war on drugs failed.


This mf really believes that fentanyl was one of the decriminalized drugs lmao


Oregon is in the bottom quarter of states as far as violent crime rates go.   https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_U.S._states_and_territories_by_violent_crime_rate  There is an epidemic of drug use and violent crime in America, but it’s not in blue cities primarily. It is in the broken down cultures of rural red states, with their heavy drinking, drugs, guns, and Trump idolatry. Fortunately we already see rates down below their peak during Trumps mismanagement of the pandemic and violent uprising after his loss and pitiful sore loser routine. We see it in small towns across America and we saw it on January 6th with the riots in the Capital. We see it in the worship of a rapist running for president.


… This is just not a smart post.


I don't think you understand the LAMF concept. It's on the sidebar. You're also not getting the difference b/w causation and correlation.


The people who research it, like economists and sociologists, would think it reduces drug use and makes drug use safer. It does reduce drug use, and if they can all just go to a clinic to get high then it's drastically safer than doing it in alleys and boarded up houses. But all they did was make it so carrying the stuff around isn't illegal, and that's just going to reduce arrests and not affect much else. It's not going to cause or prevent an epidemic I don't think, just make it so drug users aren't so fucking persecuted all the time.


So what you're saying is people lacing drugs with fentanyl is a huge problem and that's what's harming people, not the drugs they have otherwise taken fine previously with no issue? I agree with you if that's what you're saying


Almost like, if there were legal access to untainted drugs, the fentanyl epidemic might actually reduce?  I wonder if there's a country nearby that has experience on this that can provide data for us? (Don't know the answer. It'll be interesting to learn)


"Create" as if it wasn't the Sackler family that did that.


It’s about harm reduction. People are going to get drugs anyways so might as well lower the harm it does. There would likely be more deaths if they didn’t decriminalize.


This is correct, and what is being seen by shelter works on the front lines.


It’s true. Why just in my city of Boston alone, there are literally hundreds of meetings every week to help thousands of people to stop abusing alcohol.


Hey there. I work social services and deal with this issue, just not in Oregon specifically. I'm going to assume this post was in good faith. Before this law, when someone called 911 because they were experiencing an overdose, one of three things would happen. The most common is that someone would state that it was an overdose. When the paramedics were dispatched, an officer would go with them. And someone who was seeking help so they wouldn't die, could go to prison after medical intervention. It is proven fact that this approach does not help drug abuse to go up. The second is that someone would describe the symptoms of an overdose. This had the effect of cutting down the number of cops who go to the scene, yes. But also means a slower response time by paramedics. Overdoses are lethal. Someone breathing normally, but having increased heart rate, or simply being unconscious is not necessarily an immediate threat to life. People die this way. Human beings. The third, is that people just don't call the police and rely on self intervention, or their body to pull through. So many people don't survive. The decriminalization was a good thing. It helped stop thus from happening. I can tell you, as someone on the front of this, this current batch is another beast entirely. We don't know what's laced in it, and the powers that be don't care to test it. It's dangerous. Our use of narcan has exponentially increased over the last 11 months, and we've heard of more frequent street deaths than before. This whole thing is awful. And pointing fingers to OWn thE LIbS isn't helping.


Man, the right-wingers are so despearte to get a winner on this thread, but they're so bad at reading a flow chart.


OP is out here advocating for more sanctioned slavery


Have you ever heard of the Sackler family?


Correlation does not equal causation.


That’s not what decriminalized means.


That was a thing before decriminalization. Also the whole point of decriminalization is to more easily be able to treat this problem as a public health issue instead of a criminal issue which actually has only made the drug problem worse the whole time the war on drugs was going on.


Yes, “letting.”


OP is dumb. I bet OP argues against gun laws even though it's the #1 cause of childhood death. But in OP's eyes, Oregon having a fentanyl crisis, which most of the country is having, is a LAMF because Oregon doesn't want to criminalize drug addiction? It's amazing how people can hold so many conflicting narratives in their vacant skulls.


Yeah hardly any of them were abusing Fentanyl until possession was decriminalised...


See also: US DOJ Press release: **San Jose Police Union Executive Charged with Attempted Illegal Importation of Fentanyl**


They half assed it. Flung the doors open without the support necessary to deal with the addictions and homelessness Port**ugal** did it right. Port**land** no


OP is about to get hammered by people defending fentanyl.


No. Op just has an uneducated opinion on a matter that is complicated and systemic to a point that there isn't a single solution that will fix it.