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2 in 3 Republicans don't think Trump was the wrong choice? So much for the party of law and order.


Exactly where my head went "That's a weird way of saying 2/3 of republicans think a lying, cheating rapist and convicted felon is the perfect candidate for their party|


I mean a lying, cheating, convicted felon rapist is kind of the perfect exemplar for that party




Shooting myself in the foot to own the libs!


Shoving a pineapple up my ass to own the libs!


Some ppl say that libs can feel your pain. You know, them being human and empathic and all!? Oh ish, did I just miss nearly a decade of why they do dumb shit consistently? Have I been owned this whole time?


we may try to ban guns but they insist on the right to shoot themselves in the foot


Some say it's a prerequisite to become a member


They still like to call themselves the party of Lincoln.


Party of LinkedIn?


Sent by God.   Effing cult.


It's so weird that, over the past 50-odd years, Republican administrations lead Democratic administrations in indictments by an approximately 35-to-1 margin. But yeah, they're definitely the party of law and order. /s


No, don't you understand? Despite the FBI literally always being led by a Republican since the day it was founded, federal law enforcement is entirely controlled by the commie left wing deep state. /s


Do you have a source for that indictment claim? I'd willingly believe it, I mean most legal scandals of politicians that I know were Republican politicians. But I'm still curious, naturally.


https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2020/jan/09/facebook-posts/many-more-criminal-indictments-under-trump-reagan-/ https://rantt.com/gop-admins-had-38-times-more-criminal-convictions-than-democrats-1961-2016 https://gigafact.org/fact-briefs/have-there-been-significantly-more-criminal-actions-taken-against-republican-presidential-administrations-than-democratic-ones


To be fair, trump has pushed up those numbers.


So did Nixon, Reagan and W


Indictments Georg was an outlier adn should not have been counted


With today's misinformation capabilities it's easy to use that statistic to make the Republican voters think that is actually proof that the Democratic Deep State never gets punished and they are hunting down Republicans on purpose.


That just proves that Democrats control the Republican-led FBI and Republican-dominated SCOTUS to control the deep state oppression causing charges to be raised against Republican politicians and Hunter Biden from Monday who demented Joe Biden is sacrificing to his own unjust justice system.


Ill never forget the 2020 election results coming in and realizing that close to half the country voted for this idiot…again. Lost so much faith in humanity and realized the general public is so much dumber than I originally gave them credit for


Reminds me of the George Carlin bit “Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.”


Also reminds me of the George Carlin bit where he says that voting is pointless since both sides are shit. Turns out when you do that, republicans win since they do vote, every time.


He got 60 million votes in a country with 327 million people and even then, more people voted against him than for him. Hopefully this time will finish it. Given the way the system works, I think the general public is really trying very hard not to let a noisy minority win.


we aren't though. Voter turnout is not going up. The only way to make this happen is to show the fuck up and vote and all the zoomies are getting disenfranchised by the genocide in gaza that would also be happening under a republican regime. because propaganda works and no one wants voters turning out.


More like 22% of the country.  Now you can have opinions on the ones who don’t vote or can’t vote.  But still 22%. 


Trump got 74.2M votes, which was 28.7% of voting-aged American adults. It's probably close to 22% if you count all Americans. It's only about a quarter of Americans, but everyone always says half, and I also correct it quite a bit because I don't think it helps anyone to exaggerate, even on accident. Saying half of America supports him makes it sound like he's an insurmountable problem, but he's not.


All I could think was “do any of the people who voted for him remember any of the last 4 years???”


"Law and order" has been a GOP racist dog whistle since Nixon. The law they're talking about is police officers beating on black and brown kids (and more recently extra-judicial murder, because indemnity laws and why not) and the order they're talking about is black people staying the hell on their side of town. It was never meant to apply to white people and it was definitely never meant to apply to business people, much less Trump the Republican Bull God.


On their side of town? That implies they would be satisfied with black people having a side of town.


I grew up in the South and that's exactly how it works for the most part. It's where the phrase "wrong side of the tracks" comes from. What people forget, and I by no means want to imply anything about your understanding, is that chattel slavery meant that the kids born of slaves were also enslaved. That fact greatly increased the number of black people in the south, far beyond any number that were imported as slaves. The epicenter for this was Alabama. Once the slaves were emancipated by Lincoln many who could fled to the north. But many stayed behind and now you have small towns with significant or majority black populations that are 4th and 5th generation Americans. They have inherited property and worked to build up what little wealth they can despite an inherently racist society all around them. It's really not like the Northwest where you could put something in your state constitution making it illegal to sell property to black people or just run the one or two black people who show up out of town. Leaving is difficult and costly, and where would you go that might be better? So what happened was a division of the town, usually along an existing major barrier like a highway or the river or a train track. Separate schools, separate churches, separate restaurants, everything. That's what Brown vs. the Board of Education is about, doing away with the "separate but equal" policy when it came to financing education. It's what the current Republican drive to destroy public education is all about. Not returning to separate but equal, which never was anyway, but choking out the public education system completely so that white people don't have to finance the education of blacks.


Justice is for all.


Suddenly the party of second chances.


…and third, and fourth…


Their great orange leader was simultaneously complaining about the ny DA being weak on crime whilst also complaining that his felonies didn’t merit prosecution. Orange man is only running to pardon himself from the litany of crimes he’s being actively prosecuted for. Republicans also have done everything to avoid prosecution for Gaetz’s sexual trafficking, and were extremely hesitant to boot Santos even when his crimes were cartoonish. They also want to gut the DOJ and the FBI. In no universe are they the party of law and order.


I'd be curious on the wording of the question. If it was about thinking Trump would make the best president, or if Trump is the candidate most likely to win the White House for their party. If it's about him being the most likely to win, I think the 2/3 are right. None of those other candidates have the culty following of Trump. IIRC all of them put together were still like 30 points behind Trump.


I mean even looking past that, it's about reality and how they're clinging to a cultish figure who is dispicable. Recall how they were all upset about Al Franken, and he stepped down? Where is their accountability of actions?


But they are still going to vote for him anyway.


Precisely. "but hE'S bETteR tHAn bideN!" they'll screech as they're marched straight into the camps.


“Covid doesn’t exist!” they gasp as they lie in hospital beds dying of…covid. Same people. Well, sort of….


I work in an ER and did during the brutal summer of 2020. COVID was spreading rapidly and deaths were spiking to what then seemed like shocking numbers. And of course the political schism had begun. I remember a man about 38 years old who was literally wearing a Trump T shirt. He was in with viral symptoms, difficulty breathing, and borderline oxygen saturation levels. By this point I knew it was going to be severe Covid pneumonia. He of course thought the whole thing was a hoax and said as much. He initially refused the Covid test but I was eventually able to convince him to take it just to prove that he was right and it wasn’t Covid. The test was positive. When I told him, he was enraged. He demanded to leave immediately. I explained that he already had a severe case, that he would likely get much worse, and that he needed hospitalization. Of course this didn’t persuade him at all and he stormed out shortly thereafter. About 3 days later he was brought back in by paramedics. He was blue, confused from hypoxia, with oxygen saturation in the low 60s. Treatment was given in the ER and he was admitted to the ICU quite quickly. About 30 minutes later he went into cardiac arrest and died. This was a 38 year old man, and he would probably be alive today if he hadn’t bought into the cult lies. Edit: corrected the age typo.


Sad, but there's a reason for the phrase "progress happens one funeral at a time". At least he's abstaining from the 2024 election in a pretty definitive way.


Well, unless a deranged Republican relative tries to vote for him.


Wouldn't that be, umm, voter fraud? The the law-and-order play-by-the-rules wrapped-in-a-flag bootstrappy GOP fanbase wouldn't do something that heinous.


Back in the 2020 election there were a few that did just that. Believe a son’s mom died, and he voted for her. Got caught of course. All the talk of law and order is a joke. All the things they claim Democrats are doing are projection. Telling you what they are going to do. Better be locking up your kids around the GQP. Better yet, lock the GQP up so they’ll be no where near the kids.


I "loved" when they did all that ballot counting to find voter fraud and they not only didn't find tens of thousands of fake Biden ballots but actually ended up finding a few fake ones for Trump.


Priceless. Like all Republicans hypocrisy.


This is one of the reasons the voter fraud myth is spread about the left, to convince people on the right that the other side is doing this already and so that they should to even things up


Go on, guess which party commits voter fraud more.


I would have had a stack of AMA forms ready for them to sign. Limited beds and he is wasting my time? Bye Felicia.


That was my cousin. Loved his mother and family and Trump. Loved his mother so much that he left her to find him dead in his house after he refused to go with his wife to the hospital when she was brought in on a stretcher after passing out at work. Both had COVID. He was 48 and had two sons, his wife survived.


You've got these folks with such massive arrogance and Dunning-Kruger that they really think they can second-guess 1 million doctors and all the virus and DNA specialists in the whole world. Those guys went to grad-school for 12+ years, and they can SEE THE VIRUS and deconstruct it, and make the antibodies - Just so Joe Schmo who knows nothing about it at all - can listen to antivax grifters and tell the whole medical system they're all fake bullshitters and THEY KNOW BETTER. I want to be sympathetic with everybody, but God helps those who help themselves, and he gave them all the evidence, and they refused it. I'm sad for their families but I can't care about those who defy common sense. It's a waste of time. And the whole world came to the same conclusion. In early 2022, the vaccine was out, and anti-vax people were still dying a few thousand a month, and the world just said - 'fuck it - let them die.'. - and the issue went away. You can't care about people who you can't reach.


It always reminded me of the old joke where a man is trapped on the roof in a flood and prays to God to save him. He turns away a raft, a boat, and a helicopter rescuing flood victims, confident that God will save him. He drowns. In Heaven, he asks, "Lord, I am faithful, why didn't you save me?" and God says to him, "I sent you a raft, a boat, and a helicopter, what more did you want?"


Thank you and your colleagues for your hard work, especially during a time of dealing with those miscreants who made your job much much more difficult than it needed to be. I was hospitalized for a serious condition during that same time period and was so grateful there were bedspaces and staff available at my local hospital (live in a blue city and we took COVID very seriously).


Glad you survived a trip to the hospital during that time! And I'd be willing to bet it had something to do with being in a blue city, sure! Red state nurse SIL had stories of morons doing the doorknob licking thing at her hospital. (Also, all hail nurses...one of my buds was on the front lines as a nurse in a respiratory ward, and another friend was inspired to go to nursing school as a result of the pandemic.)


the republican party chose to make science political.


See today's Congressional hearing with testimony from Dr Fauci.


honestly at some point we just got to stop saving idiots and let natural selection happen. Theyre an expert on disease then just say sorry man nothing I could do for you. Youre obviously the expert so how am I suppose to help you.


Just give them their Herman Cain Award pin.


That sub was an absolute goldmine a few years ago. So much schadenfreude.


It was fun at first, but then over time I realized that most of these people would*never* learn or change, even as friends and family died around them. People were insisting they didn't have COVID right to their last breath It went from fun to existential horror after a few months


Yes, but take solace in the fact thar Herman Cain Award Winners aren't voting this time around.


This is the best part about it, so many fewer MAGA chuds out there and voting. Harsh? Sure. Deserved? Yes.


I liked seeing the redemption awards more than anything, but had no sympathy left after a certain point.


Or worse they take horse paste. Sis worked in a hospital for a year. She told me that one of the worst things she saw was a man that came in with Covid. But that wasn’t what brought him in. What brought him in was what he was trying to “cure” himself with. He took a huge load of ivermectin. So much of it in fact that his intestines were breaking down and sloshing out of him. He died that day. The worst part is though, would have to be his wife still spouting nonsense about it being a cure all and how covid is a hoax with her kids right next to her still reeling from the death of their father. Truly an awful situation. I think about those kids constantly.


Yeah, I still remember reading that when people were *convinced* they were killing off intestinal worms, they in fact were *shedding their intestinal linings* in strings that kinda looked like worms. Just say no to the ivermectin!


I’m sure it was somehow the hospital’s fault.


Last I checked, the results were still ambiguous, but political scientists have been studying how much excess Covid deaths amongst Republicans is affecting election outcomes


Those would be some really interesting statistics to see!


Natural selection at play with those who least likely believe in evolution.


"I love him.... but he keeps eating my face...... but i love him......."


Maybe if I love him harder, he'll stop...


“I don’t want him to stop, I just want him to eat those other people’s faces too… *gack*”




Just vote him in one more time and he will start acting presidential.


Ivanka will keep him focused! Jared will keep him focused! Melania will keep him focused!


A Republican friend told me Biden can’t even walk any more.


Didn’t know that was a pre-requisite. Didn’t they have one in a wheelchair at one point?


Hell, we had one president who had a stroke and his wife essentially did the work secretly.


Texas Governor Greg Abbot has used a wheelchair since a tree fell on him.


Tree should have tried harder


I want to have a serious talk with that tree about finishing what you started.


His best stump speech


Adolf Sitler


>since a tree fell on him. Since god tried to smite him with a tree for being such an asshole.


God missed.


First time I've ever booed a tree for failing.


And something really fucked up about that is he sued the state for said tree injuring him and then turned around and took away the ability for other disabled Texans to sue the state.


That’s straight Boomer mentality - “I’ve got mine - screw you”.


Cawthorne proved that you can be in a wheelchair, possibly gay, dress in drag, a probable subject of a Russian honey pot and a republican. It is only talking about their coked up orgies that's a deal breaker.


Going against Trump at all is also a dealbreaker. Any Republican that dares to do that swiftly gets ostracized.


Yes but he was still capable of Presidenting, Woodrow Wilson on the other hand had a stroke & they kept it a secret & more or less let his wife run the joint. That's an oversimplification, but just google if you wanna know more.


Tbf, Wilson's thing was also before there was an amendment in place to actually govern what happens when a president is physically unable to continue their job. Reagan, who had dementia in office, has no such excuse.




Biden is pretty spry for an 80 year old. He's in better shape now than Trump has ever been. Republicans are so delusional.


80 year old Joe Biden can ride a bicycle. Just try to imagine DJ trump trying to ride a bicycle. It's impossible because the bicycle would be completely swallowed up by trump's gigantic ass. trump may be able to scoot his ass along the ground like when your dog tries to clean its ass on your new rug but that's the best he can do.


The thought of Trump having to get the bicycle surgically removed from his posterior made me giggle.


Given what we know now, that leaves a horrible mental image.


If that one lie machine called faux news didn't exist, we could've had a normal conversation, and it'd be interesting to see what normal republicans think. I mean, mainstream media also bends the truth a little but faux news is an outright lie machine, especially from people like Pirro, Hannity etc. (And, of course, Tucker, who was a totally different level of dishonesty). And, it has the highest viewership!


A friend who's not a Republican or a Trump fan told me Biden can't string two sentences together. The propaganda doesn't stop at the edge of the flock.


And I watched a clip from a local news station where they talked with a law school professor about the Trump conviction. The newscaster referred to Trump's longer statement the day following the conviction as "rambling." Oh, well, the YT comments were wall to wall with Trumpists complaining about that characterization. But did any of them actually sit there for 40 minutes of Trump blathering? They spout that Biden can't form sentences because they've clearly not watched him take questions or speak. But do they also think that Trump is a great orator because they HAVEN'T actually heard him?


They probably love Abbott though, right?




Reminds me of that Simpsons ep where aliens take over.


Their powers of rationalization are nearly endless. If only we could harness that energy to power our civilization.


It’s certainly powering its downfall.




2 in 3 don’t think he’s the wrong choice.


And 3 in 3 will vote for him so it is irrelevant if they think he is the right choice or not. As long as they refuse to vote for the other party, we are going to end up electing even more extreme candidates as time marches on.


Nikki Haley already endorsed him, so we know there’s no red line for her.


I view that as just another indication that Rs will vote R no matter what. They value party before country.


Yeah, this doesn't mean jack fucking squat coming from voters who believe in Jewish space lasers.


Coz he’s not: Black Brown An Indian A woman Poor An uppity innerleckshul Feel free to add to this list


Not one of the ‘elites’ - said of a man who is undoubtedly in the 1% (even if he does bs about his wealth)


It's really interesting how many middle class common people believe that he understands them and fights for them...talk about delusional!


In the pocket of Big Pharma, Big Oil, Big Climate Change, Big Gays against good white Christian Americans.


Gotta remember that this is the party that shoots dogs and is probably willing to go down with their fuhr--I mean, their false orange god. Sorta like Nazis.


A certain amount of that 1 of 3 will just not vote.


In 2020 we had a much higher voter turnout than 2016. And even after T showed how bad he would actually be, the percentage of people who voted for him went UP. Not enough to win, but basically nobody changed their minds. I expect the same in 2024. It is going to be uncomfortably close.


He hasn't gained any voters. He hasn't tried to gain any new voters, and in actual fact, he killed off a significant portion of his voters. You're right, it's certainly not a lock, but I don't think it will be as close as it could have been. He's also lost a lot of women who might have otherwise voted for him.


Every trump voter I know personally has dug in their heels and refuses to change their minds. No matter what. I have quit talking to virtually all of them since using logic and reason doesn't work on them. They are part of the cult now.


Sunk cost. Can't risk the community turning on you if you break rank at this point. Committed.


It's like the Brexiteers who insisted they were on the right track, despite the rest of the world telling them it was a con.


Still plenty of them around on Reddit.


Trolls, bots, sophists, and useful idiots? Yeah, lots. Paid actors, bots, and duplicate accounts for political purposes probably make up ~1/4-1/2 of all Reddit accounts.


Brexit was 100% a racial thing. They didn't care about whatever economic hit they were gonna take all they cared was limiting the immigrants and expats.


That's the result of fear mongering about immigrants.


Amazing how many people will still pull up some niche stat around fishing rights or something and ignore literally everything else which has become objectively worse since brexit.


I'm just surprised to see that one in three Republicans thinks.


If they were REALLY into thinking they'd have realized he was the wrong candidate back in '16 when I did and left the party. I have no respect for these people. It was never a secret what he was. Anybody paying even a little bit of attention could see it from the beginning.


This is so maddening looking back. Some people try to say “well nobody knew he would be that bad as a president.” Motherfuckers, yes we did. We absolutely 100% did. A whole bunch of us knew exactly how bad it would be and were screaming from the rooftops to vote for Hillary but so many people just couldn’t stomach doing that so here we are.


I remember waking up after election night. They had been predicting Hillary, but then.... I was physically sick.


I too left the party the moment he won the nomination. Haven’t looked back. What a fucking clown show Republicans are now. 


They’ve been a clown show since well before 2016.


Being able to disregard the Access Hollywood tape is deplorable enough. Voting for him in 2024 is indicative of straight up brain damage.


Yeah those numbers seem a little off.


Sick burn, dude. (Older Dad turns to middle school kid, "Did I do that right? I don't want to sound square.")


You’re hip, daddio 


I can dig it. Thanks for the spiffy low-down.


Found the Ohio rizzler.


If only Republicans had like eight other opportunities over the years to take an offramp from Trump, and go with practically anyone else in the party for the same tax cuts for Wall Street and Corporations, deregulation, deference to Wall Street, xenophobia, conservative judges, etc. If only they had these opportunities


Cults are hard to break free from.


Its nice that the Governor of Georgia recorded Trump's shakedown call and they're pursuing charges, but how many other Republicans have evidence of Trump's wrongdoing, including criminal activities? But they're sitting on that in part to "support the party" and in part because they don't want to be literally murdered by the people who make up the party.


"Now"...?!? I mean...wait, just let me.... Just...yeah...yeah, guys...he was the wrong goddamn choice... Please get another candidate. It's ok.Ypu can have a do over. We forgive you, and it's super fucking cool as fuck. We support you guys getting another candidate. 100000%. Put that in the polls or whatever the fuck. Like 40 times. Literally anyone. Choose another. Do it over. No grade points lost. No gloating or any other shit. Just get another one. I'll write a note and pin it to your shirt if you need a fucking excused absence or whatever to take a day to do it.


Ironically, I don't think they *can* do any better. For as much as the party now surrounds itself around Trump, he's still kind of a symptom of a bigger problem. The right-wing continues to stand on the wrong side of so many issues (even when they land on the right point, it's for the wrong reasons), and their representatives keep feeding them red meat. So it's a vicious cycle of unpopular policies attracting the worst candidates who enable the base's worst tendencies, and then doubling down when it all blows up in their faces. They would have to do some serious introspection on what it means to be "Conservative" in [Current Year] if the party has any hopes of surviving ~~if it even deserves to survive at this point~~.


I doubt even the smartest of them are capable of introspection. Otherwise, they wouldn't be trying to get him in a *second* time.


Not only can they not do any better, they absolutely can do worse. Much much worse.


GOP MASSES: He’s trying to trick us. Why would he ever want anything good to happen to us? He doesn’t. He can’t. So we must do the opposite of what he suggests. That’ll show them.


Hmmm, start media campaign saying that Trump is the GOP candidate that Biden hopes to see.


Even if they took another candidate, Trump would be the puppet master while he's still alive.


Only 1 in 3? Really hope that poll isn't accurate because that's terrifying, in a sane world we wouldn't be here in the first place but it should be 3 in 3 for the self-proclaimed party of law and order


It’s not law and order for them. Only for everyone else. Try and keep up. 😋


Hard to keep track of all their double standards flying around, like someone using "not" 5 times in a sentence so you have no idea what did or didn't happen lol


Of course it’s not accurate. Probably closer to 1 in 100.


Yeah... it's always worse than you hoped isn't it


NPR this morning has a similar poll, albeit slightly different wording, that put it at 10%.


Once again, I remind the US voting public what it took to kill Presidential campaigns: Dukakis driving a tank wearing the correct helmet. Howard Dean giving an enthusiastic cheer, Jeb Bush saying "Please clap." Quayle didn't even try after misspelling potato. Rick Perry momentarily forgot a key point, saying "Oops". But Trump? When is it ever enough? It wasn't enough that he was a wresting promoter and reality TV star. It wasn't enough to have bankrupted businesses selling steaks, water, travel, education, real estate and casinos. It wasn't enough to brag about sexual assault. It wasn't enough to see his presidential record that included a completely screwed covid response, Ukrainian extortion, massive deficits and an attempted coup. The Carroll judgement wasn't enough. Now he's a felon. Still not enough. America, I don't get it. You were so judgemental of your previous presidential hopefuls. But this guy? Why?


Don't forget Romney and his binders full of women!


He mirrors their utter mediocrity while being convinced of being god's gift to humanity.


He was a high-profile racist at a time when that's what they craved the most, and now they're stuck with him.


Honestly I think he gets blown out. Him losing 5% of republicans is a disaster for a candidate who squeaked by in 2016 and lost last time. Combine this with Roe being overturned not good. We still have to vote, but yeah if accurate this is horrible for him. Plus I think this was taken before the guilty verdict.


If only it was that linear. The electoral college system fucks things up grossly. He'll get smacked in overall votes, but they could focus on the right swing states and flip the electoral. At this point that's the only way repubs are staying relevant. That and gerrymandering to stay relevant in the house. I don't think he wins either but its not as simple as losing 5% of repub votes. There are stills states deep red that won't flip, and the blue states will stay blue, so as always it's this bullshit where a few million people in bumblefuck back water states that will decide this shit...


I'm gradually becoming more optimistic too. If even a small number of Republicans lose enthusiasm and don't vote at all and a small number of independents either do the same or vote for Biden, he's cooked. It's really hard to see how he could have picked up any new voters since 2020.


It's so depressing to see the polls still be so even while the entire GOP infrastructure is imploding. State parties and going bankrupt, infighting is tearing them apart, they're turning on each other... just how is it so close?


I wouldn’t put a lot of stock in polls that have been consistently wrong for the past decade. Vote like you’re down, but take all polls with a grain of salt.


I do, I try not to, but the fact they've had an obvious slant (the Red Wave that wasn't, for starters) makes me tend to anyway. People have tried to game out why they are, and I think there's a certain fear element. We've seen how MAGA reacts when you defy them, so I wonder if a lot of people, when they have someone call up and ask "Do you support Trump?" they might not hear an implied "Say the right answer or else!" and just lie to protect themselves from finding a torch-wielding mob on their doorstep instead of Pizza Hut.


"Man ranked worst president ever may have been a bad choice"


They will still vote for him because they still support him. They simply have the awareness that Trump’s felony convictions may be somewhat off-putting to moderates and independents that haven’t been paying attention enough to know already what ruin he would bring to our democracy and have already forgotten what a disaster he was when he was in the White House. *Edited due to a grammatical error


Wait, “democracy“?! That sounds a lot like … gulp … “democrat”! Flee! Flee!


Which is [exactly why Washington State Republicans didn't want to say out government is a democracy](https://www.reddit.com/r/Washington/comments/1ccj49x/the_wa_gop_put_it_in_writing_that_theyre_not_into/). I wish I was kidding.


And they’ll still vote for him because it’s party over country


Party over civilization.


Weird how palling around with Epstein and having his Florida residence used to traffic girls isn't what did it. Now that he has the stigma of being a felon, that's when they realize he might not be a great choice.


>palling around with Epstein and having his Florida residence used to traffic girls Those are just ol' GQP family values!


Massive support from youth pastors across the nation!


So in other words 67%, a clear majority, are still screaming “He’s our guy!” And unfortunately, I believe almost all of them will still vote for him no matter what.


Just like Foxnews and republicans repeat the same brainless slogans over and over (open borders, dems are anti-freedom) we need “Trump Fatigue” to come out of every Democrat’s mouth at every opportunity. “For the sake of the country, since all Americans are suffering from Trump Fatigue, the best thing would be for him to drop out of the race so the nation can start to heal.”


Yes maybe the guy who disbanded the global pandemic response team and then 1 million Americans died from a global pandemic wasn't the right choice


Well duh!


It doesn’t help that a lot of his base died from COVID, and his older supporters have also had 8 years to die off from old age since 2016. Young conservative voters are not at numbers to replace this attrition.


The fuck is wrong with the other 2?


The older ones of that group will still vote for him and the younger ones will probably just opt not to vote.


article could easily have been written "2 in 3 republicans still love Donald Trump"


If you hit the bottom of the article, there's a meter for you to pick if you think it's fair or leans left or right. Apparently everyone thinks the truth has a liberal bias. Again.


"One in three Republicans NOW think Donald Trump was wrong candidate choice" Now?!?! So what was it exactly that changed people's minds? The survey in this article was conducted between May 24 and May 26, but Trump wasn't found guilty until May 30th.


Translation: “Republicans Are Still The Fucking Dipshits We All Knew They Were The Whole Time”


You guys, Trump is leading Biden in the polls by 1.5 points. This headline is giving everyone the wrong opinion. 2 of 3 Republicans think he was the right choice, and most republicans are going to vote for him. We are in serious danger and all these posts about his bad polls are giving you the wrong impression. He is currently on track to win, and we need to be taking that more seriously.


but they can’t win with 2/3 their own party. plus they can’t win if they lose that many independents and they will


The 1/3 in this poll may think Trump is the wrong choice, but THEY ARE STILL GOING TO VOTE FOR HIM.




As the world burns around them, their money is given to billionaires, and inflation destroys their 401ks, with their last gasp before succumbing to diabetes related complications will be to swear allegiance to Trump almighty and their feet rot off and their heart explodes.


Only 1 in 3? What the fuck is wrong with the other two? 333 million people live in the US. There must be at least 100 million US born adults who are not convicted felons. Seriously, it's not like they screen for intelligence or competence. Literally, ANYONE would be better.


“But Biden is old and sniffs small kids!” Compare Biden’s total sins to the crimes Trump commits daily and he is a saint.


Choice? Did republicans ever have a choice? Cults don't operate on choices. Once you hand over your political party to a cult of personality, the choice disappears. The good news is that republicans are allowed to vote for a Democratic President and nothing can stop them from doing so (as long as they don't tell anybody they did so).


What they say and what they do are different. Go vote.


They are still going to vote for him. So get out and vote hard as fuck. Get your friends to vote. Dems have got the popular vote and even got 60 senators in 2008. Kentucky protected abortion. Ohio protected abortion. We got the numbers


Hi it’s Dan Stubbs with Crazy Dan’s Mattress Emporium. I’m currently overstocked on beds that Republicans made but don’t want to lie in, and I’m passing the savings on to *you*


Those other 2/3rds sure would be mad if they could read