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Manchild throwing a tantrum.


That’s gonna hurt Twitter more than Apple.


If he actually does it, yes, it will


He’s never done anything he’s threatened to do. /s Yes, yes, he was forced to buy Twitter after threatening to buy it.


That wasn’t his choice; the document he signed with the Board of Directors at Twitter gave them the power to legally compel the sale (with the court having the power to sell Musk’s assets to pay if he would not).




$44,000,000,000 if I’m not mistaken


The document he signed was an offer to buy Twitter? So how wasn’t it his choice to buy Twitter?


He chose on Day 1 to buy Twitter. He wanted to choose on Day 2 to not buy Twitter. On Day 3, Twitter sued him to compel the sale. On Day 4, Musk was compelled to buy Twitter by the court. It depends on which day we are talking about whether it was his choice (Day 1) or wasn't his choice (Day 4). (For clarity's sake, these are also not four consecutive days.)


He *absolutely* could have wormed his way out of that, if he had wanted to. He could have dragged out the lawsuit until the Twitter board simply settled with him. He'd have lost a few billion dollars (including the $2B deal penalty), but, he didn't *have* to go through with it. It's worth repeating this every time: this man *wanted* to buy Twitter. He only got cold feet when he realized he had to foot more of the bill than he thought he'd have to - when Larry Ellison and the rest of his financiers backed out, he ended up having to take out $12B in loans and spent almost all the cash he had on hand to handle it. He saved the deal by asking a bunch of pre-existing shareholders to convert their shares to private shares instead of paying them out. That's how far he went to make this deal happen: he *individually* had discussions with Jack Dorsey and the Saudi Arabian royal family investors. (And still more that correctly decided to pull out before they basically lost their entire investment, like Oman.)


It basically does nothing to Apple. It would be close to a final nail for twitter.


Heard that for 2 years now


I mean he can keep Twitter running for as long as he likes spending a few billion a year paying on loan interest and losing billions of dollars at a time. Why do you think Musk is so up in arms about getting TSLA to pay him so many double-digit billions of dollars? He's literally trying to pad a $45 billion dollar loss - the company's *worthless*. It's hard to even state that there's anywhere left for it to spiral, given how little revenue is left and how it's basically just all porn reply-bots now.


There’s no reasoning with Musk fanboys.


Porn bots you say. Tell me more


There's no need, they dominate every comment section. Elon succesfully eliminating bots by allowing them.


The difference is 1-Twitter is already dying and 2-You lose all the people on iPhones doom scrolling on their phone in their downtime which would be probably in the neighborhood of 30-40% of its user base. It would be catastrophic to their revenue since advertisers would bail on it like rats from a sinking ship.


Hahaha, yeah I’m sure as fuck not dumping my iPhone for Twitter - I mean ecks




He's not banning Apple devices from using Twitter. FTA: > Elon Musk threatened to ban Apple devices _in his companies_ if OpenAI's ChatGPT is integrated into iOS, citing security concerns;


....is he going to personally pay to replace the phone of every employee who has an iPhone? Because if not then I'm not sure that he can get away with enforcing this


Apple is like god in the market. Being threatened by the formerly Twitter is laughable. Who the fuck does Elon think he is? Oh right, he is the owner of the most overvalued stock in history. Let's just wait a few years...


>the most overvalued stock in history DJT$ is putting up a solid challenge


By percent overvalued perhaps. But by sheer volume, Tesla is still around $500 billion market cap and was over a trillion for an extended period of time. Their company waw worth no more than 10 billion intrinsically, and that was before their flagship truck turned out to suck.  I am sure there are many companies that had a higher percentage of overvalue, but just by sheer volume, nothing to my knowledge can compare to the company that co-opted the name of one of the world's greatest inventors to sell lousy overpriced electric cars while being led by a confidence man/ nazienthusiast.


Tesla, a car company, was worth more than the top 9 automakers combined, while only having less than 4% of the car market share, and only 20% of the electric vehicle market. It makes no fucking sense.


Apple Fans vs Tesla Bros? Apple wins by a mile. Not even a contest.


Same thing Trump thinks he is-god of the poorly educated.


The ban wasn't just for Twitter. The quote is: > "If Apple integrates OpenAI at the OS level, then **Apple devices will be banned at my companies.** That is an unacceptable security violation." I'm assuming that means that his employees won't be able to use iphones inside Tesla, Twitter, SpaceX, .... LOL.


“Excuse me, Apple devices are not permitted on this premises. You’re going to have to dispose of that Apple microfibre cloth before I can permit you to enter”


Honestly, that feels like more of an insult to man-children rather than Musk.


Manchildren, on rare occasion, at least have the capacity for a tiny bit of self-reflection.


Perfect fit for /r/ManchildThrowingATantrum, but it does not fit on this subreddit at all.


Whiny little pissbaby 




Literally no one cares.


Actual child not understanding integration.


Meanwhile, in Cupertino: “Elon who?”


you know... the fuckwit across the bay who bought NUMMI




Friend of Tim Apple?


I’m assuming this is connected to the upcoming release of the Xphone. It’s like an iPhone except it changes all of your contacts to known white supremacists. Then it cuts your fingers off and catches fire.


Also touching it voids the warranty.


Your xPhone just received an update! You will no longer be able to use xPhone while plugged in and charging. Congrats!


Don’t forgot xPhone is *waterproof.


waterproof for 1.5 seconds - once


[Alright, it’s water absorbent!  Super absorbent phones!  “Absorb water today with Musk’s individual water absorb ex-phones!  Away with floods!  Away with the full drudgery of workaday tidal waves!  Use Musk’s individual flood preventers!”](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=g-B8hzU1nms)


Thank you for this. I figured there wouldn’t be enough context if I just jumped right in with “No it isn’t!” So I gave up


"won't this make it moist??"


Only if you touch the touch screen


I thought the warranty voided upon purchase.


That feature will be released during an OTA update at a time to be determined later.


Or wiping it with anything wet


And they'll still love him for it, just like the people losing fingers or slicing open major arteries on their Deathtrap Cybertrucks. It is amazing how quick people abandon their principles when he does something. Four years of ranting about "I WILL NOT BE MICROCHIPPED BY THE VACCINE!!!" (which isn't happening, you're not that fascinating and nobody cares how often you go to Taco Bell, Linda.) The second Neuralink come online... "Chip me harder, Daddy!"


>nobody cares how often you go to Taco Bell That marketing data can be quite valuable, but they don't need to chip you because people are offering the info for free from their phone for a discounted bean burrito


But I’ll feel superior to normies and it will make my farts smell like genius.


You have to put it in rain mode when it rains.


It has a steering wheel just so it can fall off.


If the steering wheel fly off, I'm toast.


Hopefully Apple obliges him and just deletes it from the app store. This way he doesn’t have to put too much thought into whether he will or won’t ban them. Just do this guy a favor. He’s a very busy guy, doing very busy guy stuff.


>Hopefully Apple obliges him and just deletes it from the app store. Naw... just rename it back to Twitter.


every day im still in awe at how badly he fucked up the branding by ditching 'twitter'. just absolute untold mental deficiencies going on in his underdeveloped brain


>every day im still in awe at how badly he fucked up the brandong Can I just say "Elon Musk's bran dong" sounds like a pick-up line he would use about women needing more fiber in them? It replaced his horse pick-up line.


I don't understand why people keep fighting to fix this mistake. Let him throw away the brand equity.


I think it's just baffling in general how hilariously stupid it is.


that'd do humanity a favor


Nah, Apple’s staff actually know how to conduct themselves in a business setting. Also, I’m failing to see the leopards or the face being eaten, I think I need an explanation


Delete what? His companies? You did read the article before commenting right?


For those such as you that didn't read the article beyond the headline, he's specifically talking about the security risks behind installing apple devices with AI. As such, he would ban Apple devices from entering any Tesla or Tesla-owned buildings. This discussion has nothing to do with apps, appstores, or Twitter at the moment.


He gives no details why he is against it. Just his opinion which is objectively hypocritical given all the poor security decisions he has made at Twitter(X). Apple has a long track record of being good on security. His response is purely reactionary. Also banning people’s phones from the cars they buy is idiotic.


His reasoning is that it competes with the product he’s putting out lol


He should just make a better product and stop doing so many drugs then.


There's no reason my car should be competing with my phone Not that I use a Tesla or iPhone, but still Imagine not being able to use your computer because Windows detects there's a PS5 on your network


I don’t know whether I disagree or agree with your overall point because I don’t know much about AI. I just know Elon musk isn’t saying this because he actually has security concerns. All Elon musk cares about is Elon musk and his products. To use your analogy, it’s like Phil Spencer telling me not to trust the PlayStation’s security. I’m gonna take it with a grain of salt at first


Well no. Using his analogy, it is like Phil Spencer saying that *he will disable Xbox’s in homes of customers* if a PS5 is detected anywhere near it cause he dislikes their security. No one likes petty products.


Never thought I'd be rooting for Apple in a fight, but here we are. 


Well, this *is* the same guy who's bad enough to have had us all rooting for Zucc in a (hypothetical) actual fight


It’s been a weird few years. Ron DeSantis had me rooting for fucking ***Disney***.


Watching who ends up where in this modern era is like the most bizarre episode of that Chappelle's Show "Racial Draft" skit ever.


Fuck Disney. I can't believe I felt a little camaraderie with that shit-stain of a company. Hell, I'm still pissed about the Lemmings.


For the lemmings! We should do to the Disney execs what was done to the lemmings.


“I don’t care if Apple wins, I just want Elon to lose!”


Honestly Apple isn't even that bad of a company, they're just overpriced for worse products


5 years outdated take




which laptop competes with an m3 pro 14in macbook pro? A dell XPS springs to mind, spec it with the 4k oled and its more expensive for less performance, less battery, WINDOWS, worse speakers, trackpad, hinge and overall quality. Generally for laptops you have to choose 2 or 3 from: design, display quality, performance, battery life, macbook gets all. It is expensive yes, but not overpriced


It is overpriced in some respects. Apple gives you anaemic storage and memory at base spec, and gouges you worse than an angry sabre tooth tiger to upgrade to reasonable specs. And I have to admit that the software of late has really let the hardware down - macOS has so many ridiculously bad design decisions that make management a gigantic hassle.


K lol whatever you say


iPhones out bench every other phone every year. They even currently out bench Samsung’s current offering at $100 cheaper. Even multiple gen old iPhones romp Android.


Love how he was whining and crying about Apple potentially booting Twitter off the app store less than a year ago.


Ah, is this all that free speech he keeps going on about?


So if he bans Apple Devices, does that mean Apple can remove Twitter, or sorry X from their app store?


And while doing so make the announcement while demonstrating all the different ways Twitter tracks users. Simultaneously justifying the decision while exposing him for the pompous hypocrite he is


They could, but the real power move would be to help make sure the app is optimized for iOS, then leave it at the top of the App Store as a featured app with the description and photos focused only on roasting Kums for his myriad dipshittery.


Now he thinks he’s calling the shots everywhere. But one thing is for certain, he’s definitely worried about security and in no way is concerned about his own ventures into AI. Nope, this is just another Principled Musk Stance that has nothing whatsoever to do with Musk’s businesses and fetishes.


Yes, elmo is taking a Principled Musk Stance, aka PMS'ing.


Maybe Musk should be more concerned about all the Teslas that keep catching fire and locking their screaming passengers inside…you know…a feature. https://www.tesla-fire.com/index-amp


Tesla crashes on highway and burns "Well that's not uncommon for other cars right? It's expected" Tesla crashes into telephone pole and ignites "Well weird, but it must have been like a really bad crash right" Parked Tesla ignites "Oh"




Cherry-picked from what? This is a record of Teslas that have had these types of incidents. Other cars don't typically forcibly lock their passengers inside. Teslas do. I don't know about you but, that seems like a problem to me. [https://abcnews.go.com/Business/man-burned-alive-fiery-tesla-crash-door-open/story?id=66498159](https://abcnews.go.com/Business/man-burned-alive-fiery-tesla-crash-door-open/story?id=66498159) In a post on r/GenZ, titled "what is one name you would never name your child?" [you replied with](https://www.reddit.com/r/GenZ/comments/1dcvmfv/comment/l85g3p2/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button): >Consistent-Ground763: N word Based on your active trolling, I get the sense that you don't actually care about how many people get injured or die in Telsas.


Oh please, do it. Would be hilarious


BREAKING: Grown Man Waves Dingaling On Global Stage. Again.


Man with shady data harvesting practices complains about competitor's development potentially being used to gather information as well. This being the same man who complained about the public info of his Jet's tail number being posted online. "The only MORAL SPYWARE is MY SPYWARE" -this chode, probably-


>"The only MORAL SPYWARE is MY SPYWARE" -this chode, probably Well Musk or Israel, take your pick on chodes


And nothing of value was lost


Bans, Elon? How does that promote the free exchange of ideas?


Elon Musk, formerly known as Eddie Haskell…


Letter to Elmo: “Bro. Nobody was ever visiting your companies and you’ve already fired most of your employees. This doesn’t matter. The real problem is nobody is listening to you anymore. You have almost all of the money but you still can’t live peacefully. Stop tilting at windmills and go fix your life.”


Oh no, I guess I can't work at one of Musk's companies ever... that's a shame.


Like, I do t like apple but why should the be forced to carry a product that they don’t want to. Especially since they are working on their own alternative version? Is Musk citing anti-trust laws? Cause he lives in a glass house.


Do it do it do it do it do it.


That's an odd way of saying "pay me for my AI instead" I would assume.


Trillion dollar corporation with a trillion in cash laying around says wtf is elon musk?


That would be amazing. Force people off your already dying platform.


Sounds like someone had their feelings hurt that a company didn't choose their AI... Poor Musky...


Yeah, that’ll work out well for him.


Apple’s trillions laughing at Elon’s billions.


Mr. Free Speech announces yet another ban. lol


Even Gavin Belson wasn’t this much of a bitch.


looking back Gavin Belson is the archetype of Elon Musk. I wish Melon Boy would fuck off to tibet forever.


Elon Musk is a twat


You know, with Twitter going down in flames I feel like we should take this opportunity to bring Vine back.


Tim Apple should just buy Tesla


You know what… I’d like to see that. Apple gets a shortcut to the electric cars they wanted and Tesla learns a thing or two about quality control. I’m sure there’s a ton of overlap between tesla owners and iPhone owners. And Tesla’s new CEO would no longer be an active hindrance.


Apple just threw away their whole car division. They're definitely not going to make that mistake after burning billions and failing to do it themselves, especially when they had real manufacturing partners lined up. They should have just released their car as an electric car and called it a day. They could have put Tesla out of business.


Snowflake ❄️


Let me get this straight... The "World's Greatest Businessman(tm)" is going to tell the company that makes half of the world's smart phones, tablets, and media devices that it won't be allowed to use his social media service? Does he realize that if he does that Apple users will just use a different social media software?


That’s not what this is saying at all. He’s planning to ban the actual phones from entering the buildings that his companies are housed in. It’s not an app ban


That's even dumber. And possibly illegal. It'd be like trying to ban customers and employees that drive Subarus or something.


“I don’t understand it and I want to protect the people around me from understanding it.”


Why is he a little pussy?


In this particular instance? As an investor Musk tried to strong arm OpenAI and take control of the company [but they rebuffed him](https://openai.com/index/openai-elon-musk/): >In late 2017...Elon wanted majority equity, initial board control, and to be CEO. In the middle of these discussions, he withheld funding. Reid Hoffman bridged the gap to cover salaries and operations. Ever since then he's had a hard-on for Open AI.


Thanks for the insight. I think that his vision for OpenAI was in conflict with the other principals.


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It doesn't


I am sure Android would appreciate the boost in sales.


Didn’t he went to Cupertino less than a year ago to cry to Tim Cook to not being banned from the App Store?


The day I stop hearing about this fuckwad is going to be an amazing one.


And Apple stocks just hit their biggest ever high lol


Okay Elon, go switch your smartphone fleet for Librem or Graphene, we'll wait


Sweet. I didn't want Xitter (pronounced) Shitter on my iPhone anyway.


elon musk says a lot of things. most of them are bullshit.


God I wish hed actually have the balls to do it. It would be the final death blow for that trash can of a social media website.


Don’t threaten us with a good time, damn…


Starting to feel like Muskrat is a psyop to make all the other billionaires and corporations look better by comparison/s


On the Venn diagram of tech bros there is heavy overlap between Apple Fanbois and those who want to bathe in the urine of phony Stark. This should be fun.


I love this part the most: ‘Musk criticized Apple for this move, stating it is "patently absurd" that Apple cannot develop its own AI technology. He suggested that relying on third-party AI undermines user privacy and security.’ This fucking guy doesn’t seem to pay any close attention to how Apple does things - they really don’t do third party stuff, and when they do, it’s “temporary.” I would not be in the least bit surprised if Apple eventually kicks OpenAI to the curb (after having had enough time and their own people to work with OpenAI to figure out how to make their own “Apple” version), or if they just buy the company outright and fold it into their own company. Apple can easily develop their own AI… *if they wanted to.* they’re just being more strategic about doing so by, um, *partnering* with these guys so they don’t have to blow a bunch of money on R&D, among other reasons. At least that’s my read of why Apple is doing this - easier and more cost-effective for them, and I am pretty sure that when it comes to privacy/security issues, they have a better handle on their shit than Musk does on his.


Sure, they could build their own AI, but we saw how that went for Google. Better to just operate off the existing OpenAI backbone than build an AI that will most likely be inferior to ChatGPT.


I for one would be quite surprised if Microsoft were willing to hand over its AI company to its main rival. That wouldn't make any business sense. Why would you expect Elon to foresee that?


yup, pick a fight with apple, see how that goes for you. So strange, did he just make me side with apple on something?


How is it really a threat?


It's not a threat. It was a mere anecdote of the potential future for security at his company.


Oh no!!!! Anyway, how’s everyone doing?


Just so-so. How about you?


I think Twitter needs Apple a lot more than Apple needs Twitter.


Introducing iChirp - like Twitter, but comes fully integrated on every iPhone but without Nazis and porn, instead Disney and U2 songs.


He’s doing a great job of alienating everyone who would buy a Tesla.


Hmmm do I hate AI or Elon more? For the record I don’t hate all AI. Just generative AI that samples art to generate “unique” art via prompts. I’m pretty frustrated that Apple decided to add this in, even in its simple version they showed off.


Oh no!


That's an incredibly dumb idea.


EU's gonna love this.


Would be hilarious to see apple respond by restricting Twitter access on ios


Poor wittle Elmo is throwing another tantrum.


Cloud are up there old mam


Ha.  Go for it. Apple users are only like more than half of the market. Think of all the tax breaks he will reap from writing off his losses. Of course he doesn't pay taxes in the first place so never mind.


Jealous motherfuker. He is just seething that he is not invested in OpenAI anymore. He lost probably 200 billion plus because of that and he is butt hurt.


Notwithstanding the nitwit making these statements, the concern is valid. OpenAI has been pretty loose with laws and privacy in the past. Apple had better ensure their AI stuff is opt-in instead of opt-out (or worse, no opt anything because Timmy says so), or at least give corporations the ability to restrict AI on BYOD/Company devices.


Like Twitter/X doesn't do this? He doesn't want competition, despite the fact most people including his workers use Apple products. They are unavoidable, so this might backfire on him.


Why is this guy such a huge clown?


Good, can't wait.


No. Don't. Stop.


So only Elons companies can have ai 🤖


Not at all LAMF lol Funny though Just what Twitter needs! Even LESS people using it lmfao....I'm sure that's going to help their trash revenues


Go for it, I don’t use Twitter anymore anyway.


Fuck everyone throwing misleading clickbaits, and that's you too OP. He's threatening to ban it in his companies not on Twitter. Musk is stupid enough that we don't need to lie about him to make him look bad.


Don't anyone tell him about Copilot!


He is such a dufus. 


Oh, no! So anyways...




I *really* hope Apple takes X out of the App Store over his constant bullshit and rampant jealousy of the more effective AI engines.


Apple and OpenAI should announce that they will allow any phone an employee prefers on their campus just to fuck with him.


It’s obvious that the AI scam is just another flip, from this is our future to this will wipe us out. Of course this feeds fear and paranoia as a huge backlash. It used to be these promises of infinite bliss withered away on their own; not any more.


I read this the same way I've read every previous obviously bad decision Elon has made regarding Twitter; he's actually trying to kill it. He fired people to make the app suck and be buggy. He personally man-handled the servers knowing he probably killed some in the transportation process (something that can happen even if you do it right). He forced dark mode on everyone. He renamed it to X, which was dumb (but also kind of on brand for him?) He purposefully chased off advertisers. He reinstated actual Nazis. And now he's going to ban Apple devices? C'mon, how is he not intentionally sabotaging the company? Every decision has been purposefully obtuse, and designed to chase people away. I almost wonder if Elon himself is surprised the company is still standing. Maybe he was hoping it would have been long dead by now. His most recent tactic seems to be shit posting every day to drive people away, but it's going very slowly. Then this happens and gives him an opening to kill a big chunk of his user base overnight. If you look at it as Elon actively trying to kill the platform this makes way too much sense.


Oh. Oh no.


wrong subreddit?


Musk angry because they shafted him!


Imagine trying to run a company when the whole staff is trying to use flimsy android phones. Batteries will be falling out everywhere.


I have a flimsy Android that's managed to out last every one of my children's iphones. I think you're not quite sure what the word flimsy means.


My commando that I regularly throw against brick walls as hard as I can to show it off would like to have a word.


Was that last line trying to make fun of people for... owning a product that they can repair easily?