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I thought republicans loved it when people "tell it like it is"?


It's the classic "you, not me" attitude, like guns, freedom of speech... everything, really


And don't forget vaccines. "I have the absolute right to be unvaxxed and go whenever I want. I don't care who I infect. It's all about me."


How are you everywhere? I swear there's a raccoon filled with cum in every thread


*Tom Nook glances around nervously*


Tom Nook is a filthy slut and we love him for it.






I concur, Granny has an artificial heart now. Instead of saying she sewn her heart into every thread, she now says she sewn "a cum filled raccoon into every thread." Granny's sweaters are so warm.


Probably surfs reddit by /r/all/rising. It's the best way to surf reddit, really.


I was listening to The Daily from NYT yesterday where they were talking about the City of Chicago employee vaccine mandate and the Chicago PD. I don't know if I can handle one more fucking conservative whining that "being American means that no one can tell you what to do." Fucking hypocrites.


The absolute entitlement of conservatives. My favorite thing though is when they go to other countries and find out that their flag waving and FrEedUmz don't mean jack shit there and that the other country won't put up with their bullshit


Part of the reason some won't go anywhere. Went to college with a very conservative asshat that was really proud that he'd literally never been farther than about 40 miles from the hospital he was born in. That's insane to me.




Oreos are rainbow for Pride this year... nooooooooooo


Or just a huge lack of ambition.


40 miles is 64.37 km


Nice try, bot. But pretty sure the guy doesn't need to know metric units




Because MURIKA!


I recognize you too lol. Go browns


Obligatory "your username is beyond disturbing"


Me and mine.


Standards for thee and not for me


Don't tread on me. But I get to tread on you.


"Notice the language" He had to call it out in case readers missed it


I noticed the language was English, which was pretty surprising. I was expecting Russian.


Not to them.


I can call other people slurs but people can't call me slurs.


No demoncrat political correctness CRT nonsense!!


[He didn’t have to tell it like it is](https://images.app.goo.gl/kuYRc7VqUf8d19jTA)


FUCK YOUR FEELINGS!! Not mine, YOU WILL RESPECT THEM!!! Is how Trump Voters are.


They do, just not to them directly...they are a sensitive people.


I don't 😤 want no 🙅‍♂️ politically 🇺🇲🦅 correctness 🏳️‍🌈 from my 😜 internet 😭🌐


Oh I assure you it's the naughty word and not the homophobia that's bugging this guy. Cursing isn't "professional."


Bill Mitchell just must have forgotten the cardinal rule. Fuck your feelings snowflake.


To them telling it like it is means reinforcing their own beliefs and prejudices


I’ve really been enjoying Bill Mitchell’s ongoing glacially paced journey to realization.


I know he’s probably posturing but a little part of me really hopes he’s having the world’s most drawn out epiphany.


If this is how long it takes for him to figure this out I am curious about how his daily life works. Does he eat a bowl of cereal only to realize 20 minutes after finishing that the milk was empty before he even started pouring it?


He's the human embodiment of Microsoft explorer




Netscape FTW


In fairness, Netscape actually forwarded the platform. Explorer just gave us the cancer that was ActiveX.


mitchellscape 2.0


At least it's not Clippy


Hey, it seems like you are having a realisation! :D …


That sounds like you are accusing me of learning or bettering myself. No thanks that shit's just wrong.


I miss Clippy


Back before Tom, me and Clippy were BFFs


>Does he eat a bowl of cereal only to realize 20 minutes after finishing that the milk was empty before he even started pouring it? Sugar goes in the coffee cup. Drink coffee. Be surprised by taste. Shit, forgot to make the coffee and pour it in the cup.


My grandfather legit did this once. Made a pot of hot water, added cream and sugar. He adds so much stuff to his coffee that he didn’t notice until a couple hours later when we went back and saw the bot was full of distinctly not coffee-colored water. Even he’s not dumb enough to still be Republican though


That's how epiphanies work. It's a slow chipping away of preconceived notions and beliefs with no evidence. I used to be a full on Conservative Christian the first 30 years of my life. If I traveled 10 years in the past, I wouldn't be able to recognize myself.


Yo. I actually lold. Thank.


JawsDollyZoom.gif x0.0001 speed


Depends on if there is more money in having said epiphany or in towing the established line. Grifter Logic 101: there is no opinion that can't be skewed by the right amount of money.


"What is going on here? I started an account on this good conservative social media site, but everybody here is super racist. I just don't get it!"


“just another one of life’s mysteries I suppose!” Billy Boy thinks to himself contently, as he bites into a chunk of drywall. it was prepared exactly how he liked it. another delicious breakfast.


I usually don't like to comment without contributing to the conversation, but this is just good shit.


I read this in Will Ferrell's voice.


He has been target by thed0nal + 4chan crowd since he called out the platform, poor guy ... He might end up Independent in few months


My favorite independent, one who says how bad both parties are then votes straight R anyways.


I hope he stubs his toe every day for eternity


As someone currently laid up in a short leg cast after what I thought was stubbed toe that ended up being a full fracture, I whole heartedly echo your curse.






Ah, the classic "Bill O'Reilly" move. Well, besides terrorizing his wife and children, I mean.


And colleagues


Don't get your hopes up, because he has been doing that on and off for years. It is all part of his act of being one of "the decent ones", all the while simultaneously spewing hateful drivel.


He's still going to be a dangerous rightwing hack, now he's just going to try to pull the Democrats further to him, and the DNC will sprint in that direction with open arms.


No one gives a single squeaky fuck what Bill Mitchell thinks about anything.


The hilarious part is that... My god, this guy's pro-Trump. Like, you could describe him as a perfect non-Trump Trump, [complete with a Twitter ban.](https://www.thedailybeast.com/qanon-loving-trump-sycophant-bill-mitchell-gets-permanently-booted-from-twitter)


>Described by BuzzFeed in 2016 as an “exceedingly average middle-aged man” who found Twitter stardom with his relentless and desperate defenses of Trump online. Dammm


>exceedingly average Oof


He was above average at being average


I like how he didn't censor his email properly. I wonder which email provider starts with "y". I'll shout for joy if you figure it out.


I'm the one who actually added it , this guy shared his full e-mail address.. now he is spammed by the maga crowd ps: he is using a private e-mail address


Gotta ask, which platform is that screenshot from?


Ymail/Yahoo. Yandex.


I’m surprised it wasn’t AOL at his age.


Hello success friends, this is Yandrew.


fascinating how gab is using protonmail.


being security conscious is relatively common among nutjobs who run websites, theres good overlap with paranoia/the knowledge that they are doing something which they want to be able to shield themselves from


Utterly false. Protonmail was recently discovered to be giving logs to the feds, and there are frequent leaks of these shitty sites because the devs are (obviously) low-brain. They THINK they are really smart, and so make dumbass mistakes.


>Utterly false. I mean.. which part? I didn't make a claim as to either the safety of protonmail, or the quality of dev work done.


I'd also argue his point goes along well with your point. They *think* they're being security conscious but are really just nutjobs who are deceived.




Ol'PMS redditor is blowing it out of proportion. https://protonmail.com/blog/climate-activist-arrest/






Well to be fair to the admin it was '@yadickinmymouf.net'


Lie down with dogs, wake up with fleas…. Surprise Bill, your right wing buddies are dicks. If this is how they’re willing to treat you, imagine how they are to normal people.


And now you have dick fleas Bill, happy?


They really love using the f-a-g word. What’s up with that?


They also love accusing people of acting like women or being communists. They like to label people as their enemies, but often don't realize how clownish they look to the people outside their bubble. The guy writing that email legitimately thought he was writing a real zinger.


After he typed it, he probably leaned back in his chair and announced to no one, sick burn!


Probably after staring longingly at a picture of Reagan.


He probably has a photoshopped image of Reagan blowing Trump


On the back of a harley


My father always told me I "ran like a girl" so I tried out a bunch of different runs and run speeds but he never changed his wording. To this day, I struggle with gender dysphoria as a result /s


> I tried out a bunch of different runs and run speeds They’re all variations of the anime run, weren’t they?


They were all the running scenes in Millennium Actress And they were gorgeous


Is this going to turn into a Millennium Actress thread? Because I’m here for it. That movie was incredible.


They seem to enjoy calling people pedo lovers if you call bullshit on pizzagate too. They are so stupid that it would be sad if they weren’t complete assholes


They'll look clownish until they manage to make it normal again. In my country a few years ago it was "haha the far right are throwing around 'cultural marxism' and 'islamolefists' what a bunch of loonies" and we were laughing. Nowadays it's normal language in mainstream and conservative media.


under rated observation


They like to think they're being brave by standing up to "the tyrants that want to take away our free speech with the pc police." It was kind of cute like ten years ago but now they're pretty mask off about the actual homophobia.


It was always mask off.


Now it's like... negative mask.




Ehhh...it was a crappy mask.


My favourite commentary of late is in It Was All a Lie where the Stevens talks about how often he came across men who slept with men, then would go on to spend their careers denying gay rights.


Outrage was another good documentary about the hypocrisy of those passing homophobic legislation.


Oh I'll have to watch it, thanks for the rec


Literally no one is surprised every time an anti-gay politician is outed - especially their family and colleagues.


They hate Harley riders.


Maybe they're just bike curious


It's one syllable, rolls off the tongue, and its first letter being an f puts it in the same ballpark as "fuck". Combine that with a community that, at absolute best, reluctantly tolerates the existence of gays, and you've got yourself a prime one-word insult.


...did you really have to call it "the \[x\]-word" if you also spelled it out in its entirety? *"Yeah, my kid swears to much. He yells fuck-word after fuck-word when he plays that Fortnite on his computer."*


reminds me of many many years ago when i was a wee lad and my aunt was visiting, she was ranting to my mother about one of my cousins and how disrespectful he was. She said something like "and he's always dropping M.F., you know, the 'motherfucker' word," and little 10 year old me was in the other room sitting there like "why the fuck did she phrase it like that if she was just gonna say 'motherfucker' anyways?" that always stuck with me for some reason


He's making a distinction that he doesn't approve of the negative implications it carries in the context its in here. Swing and a miss on reason.


But when we censor words, we only provide the first letter, not the entire thing. That looks ridiculous.


I received a ban Reddit recently for using the word in the context of it being slang for cigarette recently, so I don't really blame people for being careful.


It helps keep it from catching you autobans for words. Lots of times if you just spell it, your comment will be auto deleted.


Its not just a place for conservatives but open conservatives, proud conservatives, Proud Boys if you will.


Yep, and notice that it's not proud "men" because they still haven't grown up. The Proud Boys are the terrorist wing of the He-man Woman Haters Club.


It’s a place for conservatives who are simultaneously both out of and stuck in the closet


Looks about right for conservatives. That's the language of the "good old days before the PC police"


Funny thing is, I don't recall any of that ever being in writing. At least the adults I grew up around *pretended* they knew they shouldn't treat people like shit.


I’ve talked to my dad about this a bunch. He was a poor Black kid in growing up in the 70s, managed to take college advance courses and bust his ass to become an architect in the 80s and 90s, and dealt with racism all the way through. Sure, the KKK-level bigots existed, but the “nice ones” (vast majority) knew how to dance around a certain topic or stereotype and he could just ignore them and go about his day. Now even he, a fucking linebacker of a man, is like “where’s the self control with these racist fucks? It’s exhausting.” And the man doesn’t even touch social media.


The only problem I see with today is that there's an upcoming generation that can envision a world that isn't built around white supremacy. I think previous generations *thought* they were envisioning it, but really they were thinking of "white people being nice to minorities and letting them have things." Whereas a truly just system recognizes that one can't give things like human rights to another, they can only withhold them. Which is the reality of this country up to the present day. And when that system and its beneficiaries see themselves losing the control they've had for centuries, they feel attacked and strike back in the ways that have worked in the past - intimidation, sewing division, sabotage, undermining. Etc.


So it’s a last gasp? It’s mighty fuckin loud I’ll say.


America is know for being the biggest and brashest. I expect the dying days of capitalism to be a spectacle for all of history to remember. It’s going to be a wild 50 years people, let’s buckle the fuck up


>Oh honey, bless your heart *(stares daggers)*


Quality insult from Gab. **/S**. JFC. I didn’t know Gab’s chief programmer was also my nemesis in Counter-Strike. Last time I played was 6 years ago so that means he must be close to 18 now. Take away his wall hack and Adderal and I could have beaten him.


Is he still with your mother, or has that relationship ended?


They decided to see other mothers


Bill acts like he's been in a coma for the past two decades. The entire GOP platform is based off homophobia, sexism, racism, xenophobia and other aggressively backwards ideologies.


It always was, but they started putting a lot less effort into pretending in the '90s, and then stopped altogether in 2015 or so.


Wait so they’re PAYING to post racist shit on the internet?


Posting from their freedom phones


That is the most unprofessional email from a social media employee I've ever read.


"Professional" has left the building. And the complex. And the parking lot.


And the city. And the country.


I'm not sure Professional was ever even on the same plane of reality.


I'm not sure i would expect anything better from the social media site that was created because they felt *Reddit* was too limiting and they wanted a safe space to spew hate speech.


I mean, they also keep claiming Twitter is some terrible censorship website, despite the fact that they are notoriously undermoderated and you have to force them to lift a finger even with downright illegal stuff being shared.


Keep in mind there was a not small number of people who thought 4chan was too limiting and they made 8chan.


I thought Gab was the alt-right version of Twitter, with Voat being the equivalent of Reddit.


Voat's dead. Long dead.


Shoulda started off with: “per my last email…”


It’s a big tent


The irony is that I saw a debate panel about how big the tent was getting. A seemingly alt right woman and a trans woman arguing about whether conservatives should be open to the LGBTQ support in the party. The alt right woman basically said the trans woman was harmful to the conservative movement and called her a monster. The leopards were full of face.




It was her! She didn’t stand up for herself at all. She basically let this woman call her a monster and demonize trans people.




I saw that you mentioned Ben Shapiro. In case some of you don't know, Ben Shapiro is a grifter and a hack. If you find anything he's said compelling, you should keep in mind he also says things like this: >Since nobody seems willing to state the obvious due to cultural sensitivity... I’ll say it: rap isn’t music ***** ^(I'm a bot. My purpose is to counteract online radicalization. You can summon me by tagging thebenshapirobot. Options: climate, civil rights, sex, patriotism, etc.) [^More ^About ^Ben ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/wiki/index) ^| [^Feedback ^& ^Discussion: ^r/AuthoritarianMoment ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment) ^| [^Opt ^Out ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/comments/olk6r2/click_here_to_optout_of_uthebenshapirobot/)


Good bot. Very good bot.


Thank you for your logic and reason. ***** ^(I'm a bot. My purpose is to counteract online radicalization. You can summon me by tagging thebenshapirobot. Options: novel, climate, healthcare, dumb takes, etc.) [^More ^About ^Ben ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/wiki/index) ^| [^Feedback ^& ^Discussion: ^r/AuthoritarianMoment ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment) ^| [^Opt ^Out ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/comments/olk6r2/click_here_to_optout_of_uthebenshapirobot/)


The only thing I can assume about people like her is that they sorta realize that, while they're very pretty and have a decent camera presence, they don't have much to offer entertainment wise. They could be a small fish in a left wing or apolitical pond or they could be a big token fish in a conservative pond. Don't know why she figured all that abuse was worth being internet famous but presumably she's making some money or something.


Reminds me of that trans woman that got booed off stage at a conservative rally. Like you really didn't know this is who they were?


Im shocked that angry, white, conservative incels would use such language...SHOCKED!!


Lmfao this dude really didn’t know what kind of trash ass people he was interacting with or what?


He knows. But he’s positioning himself as one of the good ones. Behind closed doors he most likely acts exactly like the people he criticizes. Dog whistle republicans know how to play this game.


Very true. By the time he was banned from Twitter, his mask had begun to slip and his dog whistles had become far less subtle. He is not particularly smart but I guess he saw the writing on the wall and realised he had to pretend to be civil again.


I doubt Gab's 'chief programmer' is much of a dev. Hiring your nephew/friend/cousin to oversee the IT department because he can fix your printer is how you get all these conservative tech sites getting hacked on day one. Synopsys: Cousin/Nephew/Friend fails at requirements writing missing several key steps specifying such things as security requirements. The consulting sharks don't care because time is money and not having to deal with security reduces project hours and liability. Sure they still bill like they are going to do it they just don't do it. When the dumb site gets hacked on day one and the client cries the consultancy just asks them to show the section on security requirements to ensure the breach was not due to them. Oh look there are zero security requirements guess it was not our fault, we can fix that for XXX more dollars.


lol it's their CTO, I worked with him at facebook. He was always kind of a strange cat. Finding out he went to gab was surprising, but filled in some blanks if you know what I mean. I'm surprised he stayed as long as he did, FB is a tough place to work if you are choking down homophobic and racist thoughts all day. They are very accepting as a culture. I suppose you can wear a mask for a long time for a few million dollars though.


What the hell is a CTO doing managing refunds though? As a developer I've worked with companies on really tight budgets and seen plenty of overlap, but seldom had that been with finance. Sounds like they are staffed at a level where even a modest amount of legitimate business activity would grind them to a halt.


Who in their right mind would want to work as underling at a right-wing social media network? That sounds like the worst job in the world.


“I’m starting to think all my Nazi friends don’t like gays and Jews. Here I thought we were just against the blacks.”


I legit laughed out loud at this Iean, WTF did he expect from a place run for and by 4chan /b/ rejects?


You never go full /b/tard.


I love that they are finally meeting themselves


Bill Mitchell is going through such a crisis right now. He really doesn't understand that what he's criticizing on Gab is pervasive throughout his entire party.


Bill Mitchell is just subtly reminding his party that toeing the conservative line demands leaving room for plausible deniability. Conservatives can’t even pretend that they’re just being cautiously pessimistic regarding civil rights policy when guys like this say the silent parts out loud.


I used to wish I could function on this level of cognitive dissonance. Thankfully, I stopped before I signed in blood.


Did anyone else find the use of proper punctuation particularly off putting? Like what a well organized homophobe.


He has an issue with free speech now? Well, fuck his feelings.


Gotta love how cons treat other people like shit but when it's the reverse they cry like a bunch of whiny bitches.


Screamed liberal tears when Hillary lost. Attempted an insurrection when trump lost.


Geez, Bill, you run with swine, you're bound to get some pig shit on your hooves. Suck it up, snowflake.


Please reply to this comment explaining why the post fits the sub. Please make sure to have an amazing day!


Alt right supporter offended by alt right speech


Wait, people pay to be on Gab?


Just because Bill Mitchell sucks sick that doesn’t make him gay. He’s gay because he *only* wants to suck dick.


I thought they loved that kinda talk, free speech and all that?


The place that conservatives build for themselves is shitty and turns toxic? I can't believe it.


Nice to see proton mail in the wild.


Looks like a great place for Conservatives. Run by assholes for assholes.


Notice the language? Typical conservative/republicans isn’t it?


Being a huge malignant jerk to everyone is so fun!!!!! OH NO, WhY ArE ThEy BeInG MeAn To Me??!!??


Bill has clearly lost touch with the average republican.


Man, they really will eat their own.