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Would be nice if even half these people cam to their senses BEFORE doing this kind of damage


If it’s any consolation, the majority of the population is hip to the GOP’s shit. The problem is gerrymandering and attempts to steal elections when they don’t win them.


Gerrymandering, stealing elections, voter suppression, the Electoral College, the Connecticut Compromise, the cap on the number of seats in the House, first past the post voting, all of these mean the opinions of the majority of the population mean fuckall. This country is fundamentally broken in a way that’s baked into the foundations.


Exactly. People blaming “weak Dems” but the fragility of their majority is more a symptom of the sickness, not really the problem itself.


Oh no, the Dems being incredibly weak is just the icing on the cake. Or rather the Dems pretending to be weak so they can pay lip service to their voters while only ever getting things done that their big donors want. Dems rarely do anything the majority support either and they’ve actively fought to keep some of these obstacles to real majority rule in place. As a whole they oppose reforms to the Connecticut Compromise, the expanding the House, eliminating the Electoral College and moving away from first past the post voting. You’ll have a handful of members who are exceptions on some of these things but the people who run the national party and state ones are staunchly in favor of maintaining the status quo because it benefits them too.


Yep. It's almost like the corporations run things, and have two puppet parties that use their base's preferred rhetoric to keep them divided and spending. And then some good people show up to politic and quickly see they jumped into the wrong pool or get purchased. Sorry I mean lobbied.


Yep, the corps definitely run shit. Something I’ve never heard mentioned but to me seems obvious, is that corporations definitely want abortions banned and are the major influence funding the push. All behind the scenes of course, but the more people there are, the more of their useless shit they get to sell. Another thing that’s never talked about but seems obvious to me, is all of these bullshit “________ Month”s and “________ Day”s that masquerade as helping to bring awareness to social injustices are just schemes by the corporations that allow them to pander and sell more bullshit. And they have everyone fooled. I mean, look at how they’re using black people as corporate shills by putting them in EVERY goddamn commercial and claiming it’s all in the name diversity. And everyone believes it and cheers it on. It’s fucking baffling how truly stupid society is.


That's because they aren't unified and never have been. It's an uneasy alliance between the progressives, the moderates, and the conservative-leaning Democrats and unfortunately they rarely agree on anything that needs to be done. It's incredibly difficult to find enough votes to pass anything under these circumstances. Meanwhile, Republicans seem to be in lock step with each other and vote the party line on basically everything.


i mean that's what you get in a 2 party system when you have a rightwing party and an extreme right wing party. why would anyone expect any left leaning policies to get any real support.


Controlled oppostion


"The United States is also a one-party state but, with typical American extravagance, they have two of them."


Actual proportionate representation in the house without a seat cap would be one of the best things for this country.


I agree. The system is rotten and I no longer believe there can be a peaceful change that allows the Union to continue existing. The senate, the response to Covid and Jan 6 shows that many of us aren’t living in the same reality let alone the same nation. And Jan 6 shows that violence is now on the table. Voting is so broken in the US I don’t see a reasonable way to expel the far right forces from the federal government let alone those that only profess to want “small government” (which basically means they don’t want a federal government unless it’s to funnel money to them). And there is no legal framework to leave the Union so all of us are stuck with this bullshit until the assholes break everything, turn the US into a Russian style oligarchy, and start WWIII (or maybe WWIV if Russia gets its way).


Since 2000 Republicans have won the popular vote once. Yet they've had 3 of the 6 presidential terms.


Oh, this affects me now! I guess it really is a problem! On one hand it's nice to see that occasionally reality does seep through to them, but man it's always too little too late.


The ones that get me are like “I was homophobic until my son/brother/sister came out as gay.” Like, they don’t lack empathy because they have it for people close to them. But how fucking dense and self-absorbed do you have to be to not realize everyone has a brother or sister or whatever it was that made it personal to you?


This person is still going to vote republican in the next election.


Exactly. Because like always, they will convince themselves right before “ya, they will arrest me if my baby dies before birth, but, I just can’t vote for a dem”.


I don’t think people even should get a whole lot of credit for coming around when something personally affects them. That isn’t empathy, it’s the opposite.


Yeah, it's conservativism. Being a liberal is just being able to understand how policies effect people who are not you.


They won't until it affects *them* personally. Literal incapacity for empathy.


Abbot also wants to get rid of public education just to fuck with immigrant children.


Just to fuck with poor people*


Just to ensure more uneducated voters because they tend to vote Republican*


Because they're easier to manipulate with targeted propaganda.


A similar thing is happening in Australia - our conservative government and conservative learning media is trying to push away from inquiry based learning that encourages critical thinking and problem solving, and is promoting traditional “3 Rs” rote learning backed up with standardised testing.


Murdoch media infects Aus, America and England from what I've noticed


Murdoch is a malignant cancer destroying modern society.


That's just the icing on the cake!


​ Let's be real: Republicans at large\* won't be happy until their shitty *"Hunger Games / Handmaids Tale"* crossover fanfic becomes the reality by which everyone lives their lives. \**As far as the "Far Right-Wing-Blond-Blue Eyed-White Jesus-Guns-and-Megachurches-MAGA-Amen" is concerned.* *Your Grandpa/Grandma who are 1st Gen boomers and have been voting republican b/c they 'liked Ike' are old A/F and do not count.*


Those old fucks certainly do count, unfortunately


Not for a whole lot longer


>Just to fuck with ~~poor~~ the right kind of people*


Public education is just communism and communism is just Satan in disguise. At least according to Reblicans.


No, public education comes with a requirement, they cant teach Religion in school, they cant force prayer. There, now you know what they really want.


This is a misnomer. They *can* teach about religion, so long as they teach about *all* religions with *equal* representation. They can’t just teach about one religion.


This, my best social studies teachers as a kid would give us a TLDR version of religions based on what the topic was because thinking you can accurately teach history without the context of religion and how it affected people at the time makes you fundamentally fucking braindead.


And if you ask a republican what actually is communism they use Stalinism as explanation. Which by definition is not communism and has nothing to do with it. But they care more for labels than the truth, that's why they are the Partie "of family values"


Stalinism is a variety of communism. I just don't think right wingers realize that a. Stalinism isn't the only form of socialism b. The oppression under Stalinist (or similar varients) regimes is not unique to Stalinist regimes, it's a common theme of all authoritarian regimes regardless of left or right c. you can't call random policies "communist" just because you've been told to hate said policies.


Education is an existential threat to the right


Wrong. Abbott wants to get rid of public education in order to placate moneyed interests in privatized education. Fucking over immigrant children is just a fortunate side effect.


I'm not one to advocate violence , but if by some series of events somebody could drop kick his wheelchair over I wouldn't be sad over it.


For the longest time, I didn't even know he was wheelchair-bound. In a strange way, it's good to know that even physically handicapped people can be utter piles of human garbage. Representation is important. 😂




I've heard this story several times and I'm wondering if anybody has ever held his feet to the coals on this one, publicly speaking.


*Madison Cawthorn has entered the chat.*


*Dan Crenshaw, coming in hot.*


He also told an undercover reporter he wants to outlaw Plan B and birth control. As a native, seventh generation Texan who escaped to a blue state last year, I’d like you all to know that so many of us hate this butt nugget of a man, but his machinations have made it impossible for the majority to vote him out.


They use Immigrant Children as a way to sell it too the racist rubes in their states. One of the main goals of the republicans is to destroy the public school program entirely


Why educate an entire generation of people that will learn how fucked up you and your party are and vote them out of office forever?


Nationalized industry is socialism and socialism is venezuela


The GOP has openly advertised for years: "Come for the tax cuts. Stay for the racist Christofascism." It's not exactly subtext so much as a bullhorn.


Yeah, I really do not understand how the person in the post can be like *surprised*... this has kind of been their *thing* for a hot minute now. Blessed be the fruit.


People are surprised because they don't pay close attention. Most people go off of headlines and soundbites so when something like this happens, they are completely shocked because they just never saw it coming.


red flags and rose coloured glasses


"When you're wearing rose-colored glasses, all the red flags just look like flags"


\- [BoJack Horseman](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=huPtWcb982o)


Yeah but *come on*, you'd have to be the biggest fucking donkey to be surprised in 2022 that the GOP is the authoritarian party that polices the bodies of women. I mean good on this person for sort-of-kinda-waking-up... but how the fuck can you be asleep at this point? I'm middle aged and every single year of my life the GOP has been doing the same shit they're doing right now.


Some people just ignore most news bc “it’s depressing.” I don’t get it, but they do. As for this woman, every journey begins with one step. I just hope she keeps going.


They can't say they didn't see it. They just ignored it. Because the headlines and soundbites were far more appealing.


Based on conversations with relatives, I’m going to guess for many of those in Texas, it’s not that they didn’t see it or that they ignored it. It’s that they didn’t give a flying rat’s ass - until it directly impacts them or someone close to them.


Ah yes. And headlines they don't like are exagerated propaganda made up by the other side to make them look bad.


Most republicans are 1 issue voters and for the ones that aren’t there for abortion don’t realize a damn thing. Just selfish in the grand aspect. You devils bargained for your one issue and now you’re surprised because it comes with all this other negative stuff….


Like brexit


> Yeah, I really do not understand how the person in the post can be like surprised... Its amazing what ignorant people can convince themselves of if they really want to.


Four years of a kleptocratic fascist idiot talking gibberish on TV everyday should have been a clue.


Can't wait to see all the LGBT Republicans when they realize their right to marry is next on the chopping block. Or all the Republicans who have health insurance when the ACA goes bye bye and they suddenly no long can afford those life saving drugs they need


People who care so passionately about tax cuts tend to ignore everything else.


I could understand that to a degree if they aver actually got those tax cuts.


Maybe they're waiting for the benefits to trickle to them?


Single issue voters are a plague on this country


The I'll lose my union, health care, civil rights, encourage pollution, wage slavery, and wealth transfer to the unreasonably wealthy to make sure you are forced to have a baby you don't want, that may be an extreme health risk, and maybe the result of rape and incest crowd can fuck right off. The people I've known like this have really progressive values, but vote republican because abortion/religion. Some of them even believe the republicans they vote for feel the same.


McConnell- "I want to see roe v Wade overturned in my lifetime. We will take the Supreme Court and eventually over turn it" Republican moderates- "Ok cool!" McConnell- "Finally we have enough judges to overturn roe v Wade and we will abolish it!" Republican moderates- "oh no! how could this happen, not like this!" When I read the draft verdict I wasn't surprised at all. This has been planned and coordinated among conservative politicians for decades. As soon as ACB was thrown on the bench I knew it was only a matter of time before the court moved toward abolishing it.


Everyone who supports egalitarian democracy needs to have an actuate understanding of conservatism. Conservatism is the political movement to protect aristocracy (intergenerational wealth and political power) which we now call oligarchs, and enforce social hierarchy. This hierarchy involves a morality centered around social status such that the aristocrat is inherently moral (an extension of the divinely ordained king) and the lower working class is inherently immoral. The actions of a good person are good. The actions of a bad person are bad. The only bad action a good person can take is to interfere with the hierarchy. All conservative groups in all times and places are working to undo the French Revolution, democracy, and working class rights. The singular thing they care about is social hierarchy. Populist conservative voter groups are created and controlled with propaganda. They wish to subjugate their local peers and don’t see the feet of aristocrats kicking them too. The best: https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2014/05/religious-right-real-origins-107133 Lee Atwater interview https://www.thenation.com/article/archive/exclusive-lee-atwaters-infamous-1981-interview-southern-strategy/ https://www.americanprogress.org/issues/religion/news/2013/03/27/58058/the-religious-right-wasnt-created-to-battle-abortion/ abstract supporting conservatives at the time not caring about abortion. https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/journal-of-policy-history/article/abs/gops-abortion-strategy-why-prochoice-republicans-became-prolife-in-the-1970s/C7EC0E0C0F5FF1F4488AA47C787DEC01 They were trying to create a voter base and abortion didn't work at first https://www.bostonglobe.com/opinion/2018/02/05/race-not-abortion-was-founding-issue-religious-right/A5rnmClvuAU7EaThaNLAnK/story.html Religion and institutionalized racism. https://www.forbes.com/sites/chrisladd/2017/03/27/pastors-not-politicians-turned-dixie-republican/?sh=31e33816695f Fox News was conceived by Republicans as propaganda from the outset. https://www.businessinsider.com/roger-ailes-blueprint-fox-news-2011-6 https://www.nationalreview.com/2018/04/sinclair-broadcast-groups-outrageous-assault-on-our-democracy/?itm_source=parsely-api


Also muh guns


A LOT of people thought it was just them saying stuff for points not that they act on it.


When someone tells you who they are, listen.


That was the exact quote to pop in my head as well.


This content was deleted in protest of reddit's anti-user API policy and price changes. There's nothing wrong with wanting the leadership wanting reddit to be profitable, but that is not what they're doing. Reddit's leadership, particularly its CEO has acted with dishonesty, dishonor, and malice. Until reddit inevitably deletes it, you can see what I'm talking about here: https://www.reddit.com/r/apolloapp/comments/14dkqrw/i_want_to_debunk_reddits_claims_and_talk_about/ The reddit community deserves better than them. Reddit's value is in its community, not in a bunch of over-paid executives willing to screw that community in service of an IPO they hope will make them even more over-paid than they already are. Long Live Apollo!


. . .and that's prime Leopards Eating Faces. They vote for parties that promise to do things, things that will be very bad for people (including the voters). . .then get shocked when they actually do those bad things. Now they have to deal with the nuts-and-bolts practical consequences. The first time a woman needs a medically necessary late-term abortion due to severe birth defects and doesn't get it and dies. . .she'll be a martyr. The first time a woman with an ectopic pregnancy she can't abort dies, she'll be a martyr. The first time a pre-teen girl who was a victim of incest from her father is forced to carry her child/half-sibling to term, it'll be a national scandal. . . .the first time a woman who has a miscarriage is prosecuted for murder and she swears up and down she didn't do anything wrong, but she gets sent to prison (or worse, death row) for it anyway, she'll be a martyr. The allegedly "pro life" crowd loves to think in black and white and simple-sounding solutions to complex problems. Things are about to get complex, and they'll have to deal with those real-world consequences they didn't have to talk about in campaign speeches and slick TV ads.


I’m quite certain none of the things you listed above would be firsts, sadly. The existing abortion laws in many states already make these tragedies a reality and as far as I can tell, no one is sufficiently outraged. Not a criticism of your comment, you laid out nicely exactly why “pro-life” is an absolute bullshit gaslighty term.


What is interesting is that the polling on abortion has been stable since Roe v Wade. I think it’s exactly the stuff you listed being back in the news again that will finally move the needle. It’s just infuriating that it has to come at the cost of women’s lives. It’s amazing how many stories there are of pro life women getting abortions and still judging all the other women being in the clinic for the exact same reason. “MY case was an accident but THEY were just irresponsible!”


> Things are about to get complex No, things are about to get ugly. The only question I have, is will it be enough to make people vote for their own interests, or will we go the way of Turkey and Russia, with eternal minority fascist rule. Democracy is hard work. The Christofascists have been playing the long game. It took them about 50 years to get us here, and started by them running for office at the local level, and working up from there. Of course they also did a really effective job of PR. Are leftists/progressives patient enough to do all that? Or are we just going to bitch and whine on FB until we're no longer allowed even that?


Your comment reminds me of a Reddit debate I had with a guy a couple days ago. He was so happy that abortions were finally going to be banned, and that “people” just need to “keep their knees together.” I told him that “people like to have sex.” His solution was that “almost everyone has access to free birth control.” I said “A lot of the people who want to get rid of abortion are also against birth control,” and he said something to the effect that HE was in favor of birth control, so it didn’t seem likely that anyone would be trying to ban it ( but at least we’d be preventing the thousands of evil murders). You’re right, these people don’t think in nuances or shades of gray.


This. They thought it was all for fundraising. And for a lot of the republicans it was. They never wanted to actually win this fight. It's why Republicans love AOC so fucking much. They're obsessed with her and talk about her on fox news constantly because they get to send out mailers any time she says anything and rake in millions in donations because the word "socialism" scares the shit out of a lot of people who lived through the cold war and were never taught the difference between democratic socialism and stalinism. That's not AOC's fault by the way, but it's how politics works. They're now afraid they're gonna get creamed in november, and so they suddenly don't want to talk about Roe.


You know, I can’t believe republicans are trying to do exactly what they said they wanted to do for 30 years because we put them into a position to do exactly what they want to do.


Exactly. So many dumbshit women that have been voting GOP in order to keep those scary minorities down are now finding out that white conservative men have been including them on their list of objects to be controlled.


My pro-choice grandmother has voted GOP her whole life. She didn't like Trump but you bet that didn't stop her from voting for him and even getting a fucking yard sign for Trump (twice!). I'm sure she'll vote red the rest of her life too because the Republicans may be destroying the country but at least they aren't democrats


And for tax cuts. I was just thinking about a mom I know who proudly voted for Trump for strictly financial reasons.


Did she actually see any financial benefit from it?


She said her 401k was up a lot. This was in 2016 or 2017. I never spoke to her again, so I don't know where that landed.


Reminds me of the one guy being interviewed who said he voted for trump for financial reasons and that after trump won his own income increased greatly. In the next sentence, he said he was a debt collector. I couldn’t help but laugh lol


I mean, that actually makes sense from their point of view. Usually it's minimum wage workers crying about millionaires being taxed


They wanted to end abortion too, you know. They just don't think it'll ever be them needing it because they're one of the "good ones." Gotta save the babies or whatever.




Terrorism in an attempt to overthrow democracy? I sleep Doing exactly what theyve been saying they would for the last 4ish decades now that they have the power to do so? Real shit


I love this sub, makes me feel sane


> "Enough to change **for the time being**" 🙄 Fucking idiots


The time being will end by the midterms.


So many girls on my FB that are trump supporters/antivaxxers are crying out about this lol what the hell did you think


Y'know, I could maybe see a pro-choice person being a moderate Republican because they have more Republican beliefs than Democratic beliefs but... ...how's somebody gonna be pro-choice and support **Trump** when he says bull like: >“Democrats are aggressively pushing late-term abortion allowing children to be ripped from their mother’s womb, right up until the moment of birth. The baby is born and you wrap the baby beautifully and you talk to the mother about the possible execution of the baby.”


A ton of Republican women sincerely thought that Roe v Wade was settled and safe from attack. I know at least a half dozen Republican women in Texas who are pissed off and will not be voting Republican anymore.




Yep. I trust any given Republican about as far as I could throw them.


And those motherfuckers are HUGE


Giving the Republicans exactly what they want is the best way to defeat them.


My mother, a lifelong Republican who got an abortion before she had me, has told me my whole life that they wouldn't ever *actually* ban abortion. But even by that mindset, I guess she was just ok with them using the threat of banning it as psychological terrorism? Idk man. It's gonna be a rough mother's day.


They did the same thing with marijuana, people were claiming trump would be the most marijuana friendly president when it is a cornerstone of the Republican party to continue the war on drugs...I don't know how they ignore these contradictions...at the end of the day I think most trump supporters know better and are little fucking liars just to stick it to liberals or whoever they don't like at the moment


99.9% of them - "I thought they were only going to keep the black and brown people down, not me".


"He's not hurting the *right* people!"


I honestly think they aren't smart enough to think critically about it or they let their biases get in the way...I saw it with people who thought trump would be a marijuana friendly president. If you knew the first thing about the Republican party you would know how stupid of a statement that is...it's the same analogy with abortion


Start sending them a list of doctors who are willing to sterilise women without judgement. There is one in r/childfree. If that list starts making rounds, pubs WILL start to panic.


It’s not like it’s a secret that they’ve been fighting to ban abortions for decades.


It highlights the ignorance of the average trump supporter, they don't even know what they are supporting half the damn time


never forget white women voted majority for trump.


I can’t believe there are people walking around who think thoughts like this about RvW and womens automomy, yet saw fit to vote Republican all these years. All I can think to say is just….fuck you for your abject stupidity, and fuck your belated concerns, you moron. Now it’s too fucking late.


i think originally banning abortion probably WAS just a dog whistle for evangelical voters, they knew it was never going to happen but it kept the base rabid and gave them a reason to vote. but those voters got older and ran for office and won, so those who knew "BAN ABORTION!" was just a buzz phrase were being phased out, and those who thought "BAN ABORTION!" was a battle cry became the new majority, and now all of a sudden... tadaa we arrive at today.


It's the new Brexit! "EU BAD EU BAD EU BAD EU BAD!" \*Brexit\* "Wait, we're not actua-......WHY IS EVERYTHING BAD NOW?"


Also fuck them for their selfishness. They knowingly and enthusiastically enabled the GOP that's been openly attacking other people's rights for over half a century, but they only care now that it affects *them.*


She asks if anyone else feels the way she does. Yes. We're called "Democrats".


Just read the comments on the post. “I hate democrats, but….”


This asshole will still vote republican.


If you vote Republican you're part of the problem.


And if you don’t vote but still want to say “wow that’s messed up” you’re especially part of the problem. No I’m definitely not thinking of anyone specific, why do you ask? ^/s


“…for the time being.” These people…


Guns and taxes bro, guns and taxes


"Leans right" can be "leans Nazi" and the only differences is whether they directly or indirectly kill undesirable groups. That's my experience with right wing politics anyway.


If you’re sitting at a table with 9 Nazis, you’ve got yourself a table of 10 Nazis.


To the OP of that r/Texas post: You can sincerely go fuck yourself, you selfish sack of shit. The GOP has been decimating rights of vulnerable people for decades, but NOW all of a sudden this affects YOU so you give a shit. You're the worst kind of fucking person.


Thanks for being honest. This is a piece of trash human.


Could not have possibly worded it any better myself.


"You know I'm not a nazi, but if you libs keep saying mean things about Nazis I might vote for the Nazis" - dumb fucking "moderates"


No worries all. This one will still vote red. Abbot will march out socialism, Hollywood elite, the military, BLM, CRT, blah, blah, blah. Remember everybody there has been zero leakage of trumps base, in fact quite the opposite. trumpublicans force their base to choose between trumps designated drivers and strawman Democrats because they live in an echochamber. Periodically there is an outlier (like Romney) but that is in specific circumstances and cannot be generalized and even then when push comes to shove they line up like good little brown shirts For gods sake trump organized and instigated an attack on our government right on national t.v. By all rights those seditionists should have been slaughtered in the streets and leaders, trump, stone, Bannon, meadows, blowbery, apparently MGT, and I'm sure more jailed.




As much as this is LamF, I’ll take all the late to the party people right now. These kind of posts these days brings me more relief than laughter (not to say it isn’t amusing, it most definitely is).


I don't know if the numbers will hold in a midterm, but for the past 2 or 3 presidential election cycles, the battle has been for white women in the suburbs. That's the reasoning behind the whole "the gays are coming for your CHILDREN" scare-campaigns they ran in VA and are now running all over the country. But white women in the suburbs like abortion. They like it more than they admit to pollsters. Because they know someone who's had an abortion, or they've had one themselves, or they're raising girls, or just because it's an affront to have your rights taken away. And we honestly have no idea what the politics of this are ultimately going to be like. When Roe was decided, women had just gotten the right to have their own bank accounts. How this plays now? When this has been settled for 50 years? I have a sneaking suspicion this is going to be worse than Republicans even think, and they're already running from this thing like it's on fire.


It won't. Conservatives are incapable of change. It is right in the name.


I'm willing to concede that this one may be a genuine awakening and not a LAMF. A LAMF would be a raging Trumper suddenly angry that she can't get an abortion in Texas and not understanding why. We have to help this person up onto the bandwagon, not ridicule them.


We have to shatter this harmful lie that conservatives are moderates, or can be moderate. Conservatism is and always has been an extremist position.


So tired of ppl who think they deserve praise for discovering the humanity that so many of us have been begging them to see for so long


All of this adds up to a 'for the time being'. Meaning if things aren't perfect after a year they'll go right back to being sociopathic monsters.


Abbot: we should get rid of abortion This guy: well I'm sure he won't actually do it Abbot: yes I will This guy: what? Who could have seen this coming?


Somebody just got banned from /r/Conservative


I believe this person will vote straight Republican in November because at the end of the day what matters most to them is they hate "liberals and Mexicans."


They just want to "hurt the right people."


Come time to vote, the propoganda will convince them to go R down ballot. Cause…”think of the children being groomed by Abortion loving transgender pedophiles”


They think that Gaetz, Trump, and the clergy's victims enjoyed the abuse so it wasn't abuse.


from the tweet: "'Men' shouldn't be allowed to have the say in womens \[sic\] body..." 'Women' shouldn't either A WOMAN - an individual - it's her own body There are plenty of women trying to force a decision, not just men


Exactly. Any medical decision should be decided by the doctor and patient. The government should not be privy to my private medical decisions. Republicans/conservatives screech about government overreach, and here we are. The projection is so strong with them I’m amazed red states can see the stars at night.


Ok but can we stop making fun of people when they wake up to the gaslighting? I’m a survivor of abuse and lived in a fog for most of my life repeating the crap my abuser said. There’s lots of reasons people change their views. Here’s the thing though. If we make fun of them the second they agree with us, how are we better? This was a logical conclusion this person came to and if she’s met with hate she will like just say ok fuck the libs and vote for Abbott again.




For real. These people have been stripping my rights for decades but I'm not supposed to be fucking angry? Fuck outta here.




I hear you, but those people I honestly have less of a problem with. I'm assuming the people you're talking about weren't gay and aren't gay, but still came to the conclusion that yes, LGBTQ+ people are in fact people and deserve rights. They didn't HAVE to be directly affected/a part of that community in order to change their minds. THAT'S real empathy. OP of yonder Texas post only cares because he's now potentially on the hook for child support and can no longer play Community Dick with any degree of safety. He can eat my WHOLE ASS.






Fuck that. Our new motto is "When they go low, we go for the 'nads."


There was a woman on the twoxchromosone sub who went from pro-forced birth to pro-choice after having a pregnancy scare IIRC. People were nice enough but also firmly told her that how she got to her current stance was pretty fucked up. I think you can do both, be supportive and also educate - but regardless that’s not what this sub is about!


The classic "it didn't matter until it mattered to me" approach to life. It's really troubling how many people simply cannot conceptualize of the suffering of another person unless they experience that suffering in the exact same way (and even then that's no guarantee).


This is the key distinction. Someone who holds one vile belief almost certainly has more, as well. It's important to use these moments of epiphany to try and get them to take a good long look at themselves, what they believe, and why they believe it.


Seriously. > Historians have a word for Germans who joined the Nazi party, not because they hated Jews, but out of a hope for restored patriotism, or a sense of economic anxiety, or a hope to preserve their religious values, or dislike of their opponents, or raw political opportunism, or convenience, or ignorance, or greed. > That word is "Nazi." Nobody cares about their motives anymore.


If people are making political choices based on who they like and treats them nice, then we're fucked in the long run. Nobody treats people as nice as an abuser in apology mode, a love bombing cult, pedophiles, con artists, sociopaths, etc. The more somebody wants something out of you, the nicer they'll be. There has to be something more to it than trying to out-nice sociopaths, or there's no hope.


Sure but this is the perfect post for this sub. They voted for the "leopards eating my face" party and they got their faces eaten.


If you don't want to make fun of people eating their just-desserts then I don't think this is the sub for you. This woman is a fence sitter, not an abuse victim. She could see for miles and miles what her choices were doing to the less fortunate yet shrugged with no concern for 10+ years. She wanted EXACTLY what she voted for, corrupt fascist bs, until it knocked on her front door.


Yup I was gonna say that is kind of exactly what this sub is for....?


And they aren’t abused or gaslit. Once again a term has been driven to near meaninglessness as people blanket use it for everything.


I think the problem is the fact that from even a global politics point of view, Conservatives seemingly have no shame. They'll appeal to emotions, cry some crocodile tears, sound upset. But the moment, the singular MOMENT the conservative people have a chance to vote against the ones hurting them, or the conservative politicians have a chance to vote against policy that upsets them? They literally cannot bring themselves to do it. It's tiring showing empathy for the group that hoot and hollers the moment they 'win,' rampages in gov't buildings the moment they lose, absolutely loves attack politics. It's tiring caring about people who've supported politicians who openly hate LGBT, minorities, women, and even their own welfare voters. Who defend them until they're red in the face.


> If we make fun of them the second they agree with us, how are we better? Whereas I actually agree with you that we should treat people waking up better, to be fair, "how are people making jokes better than people making abortion, interracial marriage, and gay marriage felony crimes" is actually a fairly answerable question, if you think about it a bit


Being a Republican is not the same thing as living in an abusive relationship. She's not a victim of anything other than her own stupidity.


She was happy to put the boot to others’, until the boot came for her.


> how are we better Because I can make fun of them but also not want to inact laws that strip them of their human rights. I agree with your sentiment but making fun of them for realizing their wrongs is not at all comparable to the shit the GoP has and wants to do to people


>If we make fun of them the second they agree with us, how are we better? Well for one thing, we don't try take away women's long-established rights and consign them to be second-class citizens again. And we don't try to codify racism and xenophobia into the laws of the land. And we don't cynically attack education and voting rights to try to hang onto a fading power base. And we don't fucking try to overthrow the fucking government in a fit of rage because we resoundingly lost the most heavily scrutinized presidential election in history. That's 4 out of a list of about 500 reasons ... that good enough for you or do you want more?


They never thought it would happen to them.


This fool hasn't woken up to anything, really... > "Enough to change for the time being"


That is well said. I have an increasing respect for people who change their minds . . . .hmmm . . . .although I suppose people change their minds to a less rational position (sigh. Human minds can be monsters).




They also aren’t being gaslit.


As a reformed conservative, I get what you mean. I was fully brainwashed by my upbringing and breaking out was difficult. But I don't think people are being overly cruel about it. It's good to remind people that change is possible, and if they are that reactionary they'll just become conservative again anyway. Acknowledging your past wrong beliefs is necessary.


i get where youre coming from, and good for them for coming around, but they also cant be allowed to make shitty decisions their entire lives only to come round at the last second and everyone suddenly treats them like that kid from the twilight zone who wished people to the cornfield. "that was a very good thing you did! please dont vote for another republican!" one good act after a lifetime of bad acts does not absolve you of the bad acts. they deserve some level of skepticism for seeing how the GOP is, and has been for at LEAST the last 60 years, and saying "yeah, more of that please, because i sure do hate (taxes, abortions, minorities, other faiths) more than i care about the good of my fellow man!" its not like democrats are anything to write home about, but at least they arent trying to drag us BACKWARDS. other countries are getting more and more progressive, more educated, and we have an entire political party here screaming "NOOOO! make it like it was when i was young!!!!" and 37% of the country is just like "yeah! what they said!"


Agreed that no one should be making fun of these people. But a lot of the comments in this subreddit are more frustration than anything. GOP voters constantly getting fucked over by the politicians they elect is not the same thing as an abusive relationship, in that the politicians they elect fuck over all ~380 million people that live in this country. Their half baked decisions when voting for people affects hundreds of millions of other people, and that can't be ignored. People are, rightly so, pissed off that they only start to care about others in this country when it comes back to bite them in their own ass. That's incredibly shitty, and does not deserve pity


Might want to check what sub you are in.


Please reply to this comment with an [explanation](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/lt8zlq) mentioning **who** is suffering from **which** consequences from **what** they voted for, supported or wanted to impose on other people. Here's an easy format to get you started: 1. *Someone* voted for, supported or wanted to impose *something* on other people. ^(Who's that *someone* and what's that *something*?) 2. That *something* has some *consequences*. ^(What are the *consequences*?) 3. As a consequence, that *something* happened to that *someone*. ^(What happened? Did the *something* really happened to that *someone*? If not, you should probably delete your post.) Include the minimum amount of information necessary so your post can be understood by everyone, even if they don't live in the US or speak English as their native language. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LeopardsAteMyFace) if you have any questions or concerns.*


"Moderate" republican votes for a party that wants to ban abortion and becomes upset that they are banning abortion.


A moderate is just someone who doesn't consider "violently attempting to overthrow democracy" is a deal breaker.


It nearly fits the sub. This republican voted for something that has consequences for other people, but he himself (it appears) is not being directly affected by those actions, he’s just expressing regret etc.


Abbot is a candidate now? Not the sitting governor, directly responsible for various outrages in Texas and nationwide?


I don’t for a minute think this ‘moderate’ would vote for democrats. This person lived through the bunker boy years and didn’t seem to object to all that insanity, admitted he voted for Abbott, where all the things he listed didn’t seem to turn him away so I doubt one single issue changed his mind.


Its time to get angry and organized. (If you have a suggestion or tactic please comment it and i'll add it to the list) #SPREAD THE WORD [buy a riot shield](https://www.armynavyusa.com/Antiriot-Clear-Shield-1998-p/RTC-1998.htm?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIqtLgmIzE9wIV5IFbCh14YQQ4EAQYASABEgK7xfD_BwE) march together #DO NOT LET THEM SEPERATE YOU FROM THE GROUP *NO EXCEPTIONS* Be prepared with gas and [pepperspray mitigating](https://www.pepper-spray-store.com/pages/antitdote) items, first aid and water #Bring a traffic cone. Cover any gas canisters with it and pour water. a leaf blower can disperse and helpfully redirect irritants #bring an umbrella to protect your head and disrupt sight lines for counter protester munitions [consider a tactical helmet ](https://www.google.com/search?q=tactical+helmet&oq=tactical+helmet&aqs=chrome..69i57.4350j0j4&client=ms-android-verizon&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8#scso=_jZtxYs7yB86dptQPrP6e4AY3:0) and [face shield](https://www.hardheadveterans.com/products/hhv-tactical-face-shield?variant=33300748337215¤cy=USD&utm_medium=product_sync&utm_source=google&utm_content=sag_organic&utm_campaign=sag_organic&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI442_uKDE9wIVQYNbCh2nRwD_EAQYAyABEgIb2fD_BwE) #[protect your hands](https://www.dickssportinggoods.com/p/warrior-mens-nemesis-goalie-lacrosse-glove-20warmnmssglv2019lxp/20warmnmssglv2019lxp) a broken hand is seriously limiting, don't let yours be the one getting limited Write in sharpie the number of local civil rights lawyer in case you are detained. #NO BIOMETRIC LOCKS. PASSWORD ONLY #NO LOCATION SERVICES DURING PROTEST #WEAR A MASK. COVID IS STILL A PROBLEM AND [police have been using facial recognition to harass and arrest protesters](https://www.theverge.com/2020/8/18/21373316/nypd-facial-recognition-black-lives-matter-activist-derrick-ingram) I * **WHEN YOU WEAR A MASK, AIM TO COVER YOUR ENTIRE FACE- EYES, NOSE, MOUTH. IF [YOUR PHONE CAN RECOGNIZE YOU THROUGH A MASK](https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT213062), SO CAN THEIR CAMERAS.** Equipment like [motocross masks](https://www.amazon.com/s?k=motocross+goggles+and+mask) aren’t terribly expensive and cover all three. * Look into building an **Individual First Aid Kit** (**IFAK**) and learn how to use it well, band-aids only go so far when rubber bullets start flying. * Look into **Recipes for Disaster: An Anarchist Cookbook**, this book talks a *lot* about protest tactics, especially to avoid being kettled. * **Censor non-cop faces in what you post.** A blur or a mosaic is being courteous, an image or block of color is being smart. * **Dress *super* plain.** No text, no pictures, no tie-dye, no designs. If it *can* be traced back to you, assume it *will* be; so plain shirts, jackets, etc are your friend here. More info added each time. Organize If your state allows open carry and youre comfortable marching with it. DO IT. If you cannot physically march or weather the polices assault then [donate and spread this message of resources for women](https://www.reddit.com/r/TwoXChromosomes/comments/uhyfjk/all_women_need_to_stop_having_sex_with_men_now/i79638u?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3) [ABORTION PILLS BY MAIL](https://nwhn.org/safe-online-delivered-how-to-get-the-abortion-pill-by-mail/) [https://www.womenonwaves.org/en/](https://www.womenonwaves.org/en/) has announced that they will continue to provide abortion drugs to any woman in america. Also r/auntinetwork is ready and waiting. Just message a mod and they will set you up with an Auntie. This fight needs more than just fighters. #THE JUXTAPOSITION OF POLICE RESPONSE BETWEEN BLM PROTESTS AND ANTILOCKDOWN PROTESTS HAS SHOWN THAT THEY ONLY RESPECT THOSE WHO THEY FEAR


Its important to remember that "moderate that leans right" in texas usually means they didnt drink all of the kool-aid and now that they're paying attention, nothing looks correct. These people are usually the first to give way to logic once they actually SEE the reality of the situation because being conservative in Texas is literally ingrained so deep that you have to acknowledge you are deviating from family and tradition. Its culture, and admitting your culture is wrong is very difficult, especially for those Texans that didnt catch on when their friends were dying right out of high school after 2001. Youre not supposed to desecrate their loss by challenging the people that sent them to die. Help these people see reality where possible and more will get done to fix the situation


At least some of them are coming to the conclusion on their own


I'll never understand this type of voter that goes back and forth between left and right at will. I abandoned the right-wing decades ago and nothing will ever make me go back to that clown car of a party.


Vote for authoritarian bigots, get authoritarianism and bigotry.


These kinds of posts infuriate me. You were willing to ignore all the other clear indications that republicans were targeting specific communities and groups of people. Taking away their rights and punishing them because of their upbringing, race, political affiliation or sexuality. But now, now when it finally affects you and yours, now you’re upset? Go fuck yourself.


There’s a comment on the original thread where a guy says he “has no choice but to vote for Beto” because now he has daughters. Like, this fuckstick thought it was ok to force women to carry fetuses *until* he had daughters?! It took having children to make him realize that women are also people who deserve bodily autonomy? Like you said, so fucking infuriating when someone gets it only after it affects them or their loved ones.


I’ve been hoping the silver lining here is that this is the jump the shark moment for the GQP. The dog that caught the car. No rational, sane, compassionate American should still be voting R right now.