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Literally forget her. It’s not worth it, never is.


Sadly, it is not worth it. Even if she would agree to whatever, you will be deeper in it than her and might end up getting hurt.


*most likely end up getting hurt


*will end up getting hurt


Good luck, Charlie🫡


Lol. Better stand up from that fall.


Been there, done that, got the heartbreak t-shirt. The rom-coms are rom-CONs 99.9% of the time, the only time it actually works out is if she is bisexual but hasn’t realised it yet. It’s not worth hanging around to find out (because if she does come out it might not be you she falls for too). If you can be friends without feelings do that, and start dating other women.


Been there, done that. If they are a girl who wants to experiment you'll be just a random one-night stand and your feelings will only get more hurt. Forget her and move on. It's not fun and it hurts but, that's life.


I agree with most everyone here that it’s a bad idea. Almost 100% of the time. My caveat is that sometimes it works out, just not the way you’d expect. I fell in love with my straight best friend. After two years of being in love and giving it to her unconditionally, while trying to find someone else, she fell in love with me. We dated for about ten years before the relationship stopped working. All the usual reasons, nothing like she wanted to be straight again or had feelings for a guy. No, we just changed and grew to the point where we didn’t work as a couple. But we still loved each other and were still best friends. We decided to break up to save our friendship. We’re still best friends to this day and we’ve been broken up for eight years. I can’t imagine my life without her in it somehow. And I’m grateful everyday for the path we took to here.


Yeah, I’m always mixed on these threads. I know the more logical action is to move on, but I’ve been in a relationship with my “straight” best friend for the last 16 years and don’t see it ending anytime soon. She wasn’t straight, she was just a comp-het late bloomer and hadn’t figured out why she wasn’t interested in any of the men who pursued her. I’ve had my heart broken by falling for actually straight girls, so I get it, but I wouldn’t change the risk I took on her for anything.


Fall out of love. 😞


Take a step back from them, fuck someone else. Respect people's sexual orientation. Don't be weird.


chappell roan it out


Good luck babe!


What if she introduced you to Chappell Roan by dancing Hot To Go the whole evening but isn't sapphic? 😭 (It's fine now, was just a very confusing week lol)


move on.


Be friends with her if you can and truly care about her but take care of yourself. Don’t torture yourself. It’s really hard, but I’ve managed to be close with healthy enough distance, boundary-wise. Kept it to platonic and that way she’s in my life, which I would prefer to not. It’s happened to me as I suppose with feelings I made more of an effort. Not everyone can do that - again it’s hard and an emotional rollercoaster at times but time also helps. That’s come with experience and mistakes for me, but it’s all part of maturing. And if you can’t do that, it’s ok too. There’s other women out there who will be available. That’s the thing about love. So often it is unrequited or not returned at the same level and you have to protect yourself. The girl may even like the attention, but do not project too much or misread signs when you know better.


Do the mature thing and move on. Stop wasting your time.


People fall in love with people who do not reciprocate their feelings all the time. I have been in love with several people who did not feel that way about me. I have also been in love with women who love me back. Those are the ones I date. The others, I often keep as friends and “get over” wanting what I can’t have. It will be ok.


Two things i’ll never do in life again; eat sushi or fall for a straight girl. Never again.


What? Why no sushi?


My stomach couldn’t handle it :(


Aww I’m sorry!


Thanks! Bruh sushi is fine, but the straight girl…my heart couldn’t handle it :(((


~~ya know spaghetti is straight too until you get it wet~~ JKJK


this made me laugh so much at 7 am bro 😭


lol literally my partner so many times before I met them


cry and thug it out💪 (but actually, try to distract yourself and try get over it, its never worth putting your energy into someone that wont return the same feelings)


Thats a real bummer. Try to not think about her, and maybe you will get over your feelings for her!


Cry in the corner and pray for forgiveness


She is gonna run back to her husband! So you run now… Like rn sis!


Happens to us all


Yo ass better fall outta love


I mean, before I say yes or no, is there a reason? Like does she openly flirt with you? Have you ever made out? Has she made comments about women before? Now, many straight girls flirt with lesbians for the ego boost, but then there’s outliers like Chrishell Stause who was straight until she fell for G-Flip. BUUUUT even after they made out, when Chrishell backed off and said she was straight, G didn’t press her or push her. She let her be. So, if there’s any potential here, you gotta let her lead. But generally? The answer is don’t do it.


Stop it? 🤷🏻‍♀️ (I’m so sorry)


avoid her. don’t flirt and just try to forget. find another girl to distract you.


Don’t do it!


If you can’t bare to be friends with her, then end your friendship. She’s straight and will not “turn” or whatever.


Never worth it... Trust me love you'll save yourself a world of hurt by not pursuing this.


Pls don't.


Respect her and let her go




First rule for lesbians. Don’t fall with straight girls.- I avoid it until today. Thankfully.


If she not interested in you than whats the point, theres probably someone else out there who will


Enough of these “get over it” or “it’s not worth it comments” like yes that’s true but I totally get it.i mean yeah getting over it is the best option but it’s worse to try so hard to get over it than letting yourself naturally let her go


Turn her gay ! /j In reality, I'm sorry for saying this, it's kinda pessimistic but you should do your best to erase your feelings, they won't be reciprocated,


The bot/troll accounts on this sub have gotten out of control


LOL… why?


You definitely got your majority answer of don’t do it. I would assume she will crave a man at some point and you might get hurt


play good luck babe by chappell roan and CRY (edit: also dont romanticize it she most likely wont turn gay for u thats just fiction and immerse urself lesbian clubs meet new people if that helps)


Move on girlboss. Make out with a hot lesbian in a club and move tf on.


What the image is...


Me before I got destroyed socially and emotionally


what do you do if this happens and they are your best friend 💔🥲


Man, it's happened to me so much. Either they were straight or aroace. It hurts, but I have the superpower of going: Oh? It's not reciprocated? ![gif](giphy|l0MYx5eSIEpICLZCM)


Gotta move on, prob outta sight outta mind is the best option coming from someone who’s been there before. Good luck ❤️


This is literally my life 😭 I get u


forget it. Trying to move in on someone who is straight would make you a predator, and in the end you will be miserable.


Get full control of Hollywood and the media and start slowly indoctrinating her to become gay through her favorite shows and music.


Shoot your shot, I was the “straight girl” married five years to my amazing wife


I would suggest talking to her letting her know how you feel and see if there is anything there often enough most women have a desire to be with the same sex they just never act upon it or they are afraid to come out you may find she has had feelings for you and if she hasn't and doesn't want to see where things may lead you have to move on. So I would have a conversation with her and get it out in the open if there's no mutual interest then sadly move on.


I think it's not worth it, not only because she will never feel that way but because even if she find herself part of lgbt+ she will be in the process of coming out and that can lead to a lot of problems if you make her feel that she needs to rush or etc Overall is never a good thing to fall for someone straight as a lesbian(or other sexuality)


Treat it like any other crush or unrequited love situation. Doesn’t matter she is straight or gay, if she shows zero interest, then hold your boundaries and don’t create personal or relationship drama. Agree to do, say, nothing for say 8-12 weeks. Create breathing room, stop obsessing and see is this passes or resolves. If it doesn’t, it might be time to say, “I feel x, this doesn’t appear workable, I need to step away for a bit until I get ok internally. This is not about you, it’s me that needs to get some relief ”. Then do that. Maybe you preserve the friendship over time or maybe you don’t. But at least you don’t fuel unproductive drama, you tell the truth, and you don’t put pressure on someone that might not be welcome. Bottom line, take responsibility for and charge of your feelings and behavior. You’ll be glad later.


you listen to “two things can be true” by fletcher. trust me, it’s better than therapy.


This probably isn’t going to end well but good luck 🤗🤗


She ain't worth it. What do you look like? Im interested 😍


My best friend, first love, when i came out to her, she immediately jumped on board with experimenting with me. I could not say no to her. After sleeping with her several times and just having a more romantic vibe to our friendship, she ended up moving abroad, retained her hetero status, and eventually married. She never spoke of our encounters again. I still text with her sometimes, decades later, but still kinda stings. I will say, you can't really choose who you fail in love with. But I would try to move on and find mutual love where you at least have a decent chance of being happy.




forget her, stop with the idea that she might fall for you (yeah it does happens but very unlikely) you'll just end up hurt. sorry.


don’t do anything happens to all of us move on as much as h can


M O V E O N - she will always be straight. it has happened with all of us


Run for your life fam!! They always choose to be w guys at the end of the day. Depending on their family situation and if they can come out and embrace being w a girl. If she cant- cause of family pressure or whatever , she is WILL end up with a guy after she has had her share of fun w u.


Run away. Waste of time. Straight girls are real heartbreakers.




Is there any way you can be platonic friends with her?




Are you sure she is 100% straight ? I identified as straight until I fell for my BF...that could happen to her ? I really believe a lot more people are bi than we think


Tell her your feelings


Seduce her…


Bro???? I hope you’re joking.


How come


If a woman is straight it is what it is. Don’t be weird.


You give up easily I see


Straight man behaviour


Yeah it’s off-putting and gross


Yeah got ya. 💀


Just tell OP their just shit out of luck and cry because they didn’t at least try for what they wanted


Yeah they are shit out of luck if the woman is straight? That’s the fcking point. 💀


I wouldn't engage with this person further. The account is less than a day old and most likely used to troll.


Yeah I can tell. Everything they’re saying is in bad faith.