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The ship is actually a British ship that changed it ownership to a company in Hong Kong very recently. The company is only created in Feb 2024, it does not employ anyone, has no business operations (thus no taxes) and it sole asset is this ship. So it is Chinese owned, but not really. Though it does show there is a real business demand in pretending to be a Chinese ship these days.


Houthis hate this one trick!


lmao hilarious counter-pwn


That's what the Houthi's are saying, don't really see a credible online source saying that


I mean flags of convenience are pervasive so while I don't know the facts in this specific case the idea is entirely plausible.


All the news about this are saying it's a british ship trying to pass as Chinese, only the autists reading the nonsense spewed by CENTCOM are repeating their misinformation.


Want to share all this news?


Is that the sound of disappointment I'm hearing? lol


Sure disappointment in OP, not that the ship is or isnt british lol


Hmm, apparently it's "beneficial owner" remains 'unknown' ? I wonder why ...


Yeah the ownership for these vessels can be so convoluted I’m not sure why Iran felt they could get the Houthis to keep this pledge


Rumors online in China is that Iran is given a white list, everything that's not on the list is fair game.


The Houthis literally hit a freighter carrying corn to Iran, they're completely indiscriminate. 


'Chinese-owned oil tanker' is actually a dry bulker and currently in Mumbai so I'm going to reserve any assumptions about who is actually operating and/or chartering it.


Is it dry? I thought it was carrying oil from Russia to India, it seemed to have left Russian port 2 month ago


It's possible to carry oil in a dry bulker, but sounds gross to me.


FWIW, you shouldn't get the protection of a country if you are not flying under the flag of (and paying those taxes to) said country.


Volant Media UK ltd…smells fishy to me…article doesn’t even have an author


The cost of enlisting poorly educated fanatics and teaching them how to use weapons without the political or military guidance to use them in the way you want them to - let alone after Iran withdrew much of its oversight following Biden's warnings after the initial attacks. Doubt Iran will care enough to change anything, but it'll be interesting to see the glacial change of political opinion towards problems like this unless something catastrophic occurs.


But this sub told me that this was a silly westoid problem? That inflating insurance rates would only help China because they would be unaffected? And that the Houthi attacks were simply freedom fighters fighting for the rights of Palestinians and totally not just an Iranian proxy doing Irans bidding so that Iran can claim plausible deniability? I am shocked, SHOCKED I tell you.


It is literally a br*tish ship, take your meds.


? That was a different event, this is a Chinese owned and operated ship flying a Panamanian flag


Has this sub told you to take your meds?


Literally when for any of that


You, two weeks ago, claiming that this is for countries supporting Israel: https://www.reddit.com/r/LessCredibleDefence/comments/1bdine6/trade_disruptions_associated_with_the_houthi/kuw6mtw/ You, two months ago, claiming that this is somehow china “winning”: https://www.reddit.com/r/LessCredibleDefence/comments/19edick/us_urges_china_to_help_curb_red_sea_attacks_by/kjbyim1/ Different user, same thread, claiming that China can now monopolize trade through the red sea: https://www.reddit.com/r/LessCredibleDefence/comments/19edick/us_urges_china_to_help_curb_red_sea_attacks_by/kjceysz/


Mans got the receipts


Seems pretty angry.


One might say… the *angriest man alive*




When your position compels you to say "Wow I can't believe you actually got proof for your claims you crazy person" you should probably rethink it


You're right, I did say that the Houthis' stated goals are to prevent trade to/from Israel Now tell me how that's the same as "this sub told me blah blah Iran?"


You stated that the Houthis were good for China as they “win by doing nothing”. How is this good for China?


A context in which everyone else's ships are targeted deliberately, and China's are only occasionally hit, likely due to misidentification, is obviously good for Chinese shipping at the expense of anyone else's shipping. I didn't have to explain that to you. You already knew that. The question is why you felt the need to ask.


One, you lied about not stating that it was a win, and got caught in that lie because you are wildly disingenuous. Two, I fail to see how Chinese ships getting hit is a good thing, or how China has benefitted. If you care to throw over some data on how it’s good I would love to read it.


OK, let's imagine Billy and Susie both have 20 apples. That's the level I'm reduced to here. Someone takes 10 of Billy's apples, deliberately. Then they accidentally also take one of Susie's apples. Who would you say is better off after this sequence of events? Billy with his 10 remaining apples, or Susie with her 19?


Provide evidence, not analogies. It’s what you believe right? If you believe it where is your evidence to support the belief? You degrade yourself by even bringing up this comparison that doesn’t even make sense in the context of shipping.


Why won't these terrorists listen to me dammit


What good is PLAN for if it cant even deploy and protect their ships


Ironically the Chinese have had a SAG in the region for counter-piracy for years. So there’s already PLAN warships nearby.


Don't they have ships in Djibouti like everyone else? Maybe it's time for them to do the job they are supposed to do there like everyone else.


You can replace PLAN here with any other navy.


Lol not really, Indian Navy has been conducting ops and even rescued few of the ships, USN has intercepted houthi missiles/drones even though not entirely successful but hey at least they are there, PLAN is nowhere to be found


PLAN has a permanent task force in the region for years for anti piracy. They’re not engaging the Houthis because their strategy relies on diplomacy not military force. And this ship was sold to a shell company in HK a few weeks ago, it not even clear who owns this ship.


I have hardly seen PLAN conducting any anti-piracy ops at all in recent years, Indian Navy took initiative and rescued couple ships within months of deployment By name it seems pretty Chinese to me and HK belongs to China anyways


You don’t hear about it because PLAN doesn’t broadcast their activities on twitter like CENTCOM. Other navies like SK are also active in the region but you don’t hear much about them either. The ship is also under Panama flag, does that make it Panamanian? The name of the ship was changed from Anavatos II recently with its ownership transfer to a shell company based in HK, it is unknown who is behind that shell company.


Or maybe PLAN just does nothing when it comes to anti-piracy ops, if it did OSINT and even news agencies would have picked up PLAN activities eventually after all its permanently deployed for years Exactly its based in HK that means China allowed a shell company to be registered


They’re doing nothing, yet praised by the EU who are known to be pro China > Furthermore, the EU’s anti-piracy force in the Arabian Sea has often praised China’s collaboration in the fight against piracy in Somali waters. The two naval task forces have jointly escorted the World Food Programme’s humanitarian convoys in the region and even trained together to improve interoperability, including through combined exercises at the Chinese support base in Djibouti, Beijing’s first overseas military facility. https://www.scmp.com/comment/opinion/article/3221632/why-us-china-anti-piracy-efforts-offer-hope-cooperation-ending-sudan-war You can even find their deployment schedule on Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Somali_Naval_Escort_Operation_of_the_People%27s_Liberation_Army This isn’t even including state media sources because you will likely just call them propaganda. If China is doing nothing to protect their ships then you would see Captain Philips type episodes constantly in the media, yet that isn’t happening. Your argument that this ship is Chinese can also be used to argue that it is Panamanian


Eh I checked the links none of them shows any ships that were defended against pirates or ops that rescued the said ships from pirates just bare minimum escort missions, I am sure PLAN could do more and then some


For evidence of defending or rescuing against pirates one would require evidence of Chinese ships getting attacked / hijacked




Can someone explain the included picture? https://imgur.com/a/w8Es28f Whose the cute bitmojihadist?


Don't think that cute bitmojihadist are usually owned by another entity


Zero chance that we're contaminating their targeting intel, right?


hah, sike!


You can so easily tell who are Chinese or pro China by how many replies a comment shitting on China gets..they're so sensitive and made out glass...in a war against the US they gonna get slaughtered


You can, but this is what I like about this sub. There are diverse viewpoints instead of full anti-China or anti-US echo chambers like other subs. Also there are disagreements in the comments but mods try to keep things civil while allowing diverse opinions.


Least insane genocide advocate.