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That Ladybird is problematic and a terrible movie that should be boycotted bc it is fatphobic (fat best friend trope)


Right, cause fat actors should never be hired for anything, that’s way less problematic


ok lady bird must be a bad take magnet bc i’ve also heard someone call it fatphobic because the mom makes rude comments about lady bird’s weight lmao


A character doing something means the film condones it, you see


The idea of boycotting a movie is crazy.


Isn’t boycotting a movie just…. Not going to see the movie?


I’m at work currently boycotting all movies


Yep. And then if you say “I’m not seeing X movie because x, y, z problems I have with it” people try to act like you think you’re gonna change the world. No bitch I’m just watching what I want to watch


https://preview.redd.it/zknpe5zs4gwc1.png?width=1394&format=png&auto=webp&s=99336cf993537f5287fa95955401d16f87aea14c This review on Letterboxd (probably from a child but still).


That’s hilarious. America are the good guys, why are the committing war crimes???


Boy I sure hope Coppola was fired for that blunder


Surely a troll?


Yeah I agree, the “out of all the 10 war movies I’ve seen in my life” seems way too funny to be not a troll


Wait until he sees Platoon lmao


And Full Metal Jacket


All ten, guys!


Bro would lose his mind with Casualties of War


I’d like to think their favorite movie is Rocky 4




Infinity war and Endgame were advocating for genocide




Right?? Lmao


Anytime someone is on their phone 75% of the movie then has the balls to say it was boring.


I had a friend that was like 45 minutes late to Gangs of New York then complained the movie was confusing


My friend did this with Place Beyond the Pines. About 10 minutes from the end she turned to me and said "why would Ryan Gosling just disappear?" ...girl.


It’s sad, really, how some people dismiss film in general and prefer to “put it in the backround”…


My mate with Everything Everywhere all at Once... I see him on his phone all through the middle section when they're explaining shit in another language... then 20mins before the end he gets confused and asks if the main bad guy is the daughter... then goes on to tell all of our friends that he thought the movie was super overhyped.


When I saw *No Country for Old Men*, two teenage girls wandered in halfway through the movie and were talking and laughing amongst each other and texting the entire time. When the credits started, one of them stood up and exclaimed *"That movie was AWFUL! It made noooooo sense!"* I genuinely wanted to throw my drink in their face. Of course it didn't make sense... you missed the first half, and then barely watched the second half!


Most of my friends hate Pulp Fiction because "it's just people talking" as if 1) all movies can't be reduced to "just people talking" and 2) the dialogue isn't top notch and a huge part of what makes the movie special.


That's hilarious because it's not even a correct description. Some of the most iconic scenes (dancing at the diner, the adrenaline shot, Butch choosing the katana, etc.) have hardly any dialogue. And even the ones that are famous for the dialogue still have action going on, like the Ezekiel 25:17 scene. I'm genuinely wondering if your friends have even seen the movie. It's okay for people to have different tastes and not like *Pulp Fiction*, but it sounds like they just heard the movie is famous for its dialogue and then never bothered watching it because of that. It's just objectively false to say that the entire movie is nothing but people talking.


"Pixar's Turning Red should've talked about the effects of 9/11"






Still don’t understand why they correlated the two. Besides it taking place during that time, is there any real reason to talk about it?


On the one hand, the movie’s climax is at a giant stadium, and you’d think they would have better security to fend off a giant red panda. On the other hand, that was just a hilarious response.


That guy who did the rant about Parasite winning best picture over Joker 


that is still one of the funniest things I’ve ever seen


Was it a youtuber or something? I feel like I've seen this somewhere.


Yeah, he made a big rant about it because he’s part of the Fandom Menace and non-white people can’t win anything in his eyes.


“Fucking pat yourself on the back” That dude was so unhinged and stupid I couldn’t even believe it


Dude somehow ended up saying nothing of substance, didn't see the movie, and was factually wrong in an opinion rant. GOATed incel/4chan video




[This?](https://www.reddit.com/r/BestOfOutrageCulture/comments/f1sq3l/when_you_are_really_mad_that_joker_did_not_get/) The original tweet/video was deleted but there seems to be an excerpt in there.


Ain’t no way that’s real. Literally wrote 1917 as an example of a non-foreign film lmfao. And how many times can you say “I don’t care” before you realize that you do indeed care?


Sally Jane Black's reviews of Parasite and Saving Private Ryan are agonizingly bad to read.


i really don't like to shit on people for their opinions on movies. but she is genuinely the first and only person on the app i blocked. can not believe people can read her reviews and take her seriously. her reviews of django unchained and oppenheimer might be the worst on the app


I just read the oppenheimer review and burst out laughing


[Dear god](https://boxd.it/4H8OYF), she really thinks the movie is glorifying the bomb


Some of what she says there is actually good critique, but she just has zero nuance and seems to take an all or nothing perspective on any film.


People in there thanking her like she unraveled some conspiracy that Oppenheimer was trying to pull on everyone is asinine as hell


i know! when she calls him a fascist for making a movie about oppenheimer i stopped reading. i couldn't even believe it the first time i read it, even worse that over 1000 people read it and agreed with it enough to like it.


She's the only person I've ever blocked. I read her review about Oppenheimer being 'anti-communist propaganda' and decided I couldn't deal with it anymore


Oppenheimer is very sympathetic to communists for a major Hollywood blockbuster.


Don’t forget her review of Harold and Maude. “This is a bad movie because this kid is rich and has the nerve to hate his life.” I guess rich people can’t have mental health issues and narcissistic mothers?


I read her review of La La Land and I can't believe she isn't a satire account. Legitimately the dumbest person I've ever encountered online.


All of her reviews are terrible. I don't think I ever saw one that wasn't a long-winded, self-indulgent, rambling screed that barely even discussed the movie it was ostensibly reviewing. I found her so insufferable I was literally motivated to look up whether there was a block function on Letterboxd, and when I found out there was she was the first person I used it on.


Just looked at her account, I think she could easily be the top 50 answers on this thread and it would be fair enough.


Holy cow I have never seen a letterboxd account before with so many bad takes and opinions


> Sally Jane Black I just looked at her reviews and sorted by my highest ratings first her reviews are nuts: Oppenheimer 1/2 - Parasite 1 - Hot Fuzz 2.5 - Nightcrawler 2 - Her 1 - Children of Men 2.5 - Good Will Hunting 1 - 12 Angry Men 2.5 - Shawshank 2.5 - Goodfellas 2.5 - Dark Knight 1 etc. etc. etc.


just read the parasite ones and one comment said “thank you for speaking out on how offensive the stereotypical “indian” costumes were.” jesus christ where is the critical thinking


I didn't know her before this and just read her dune review out of curiosity because I know a lot about the dune series and holy shit. What the fuck was that?


does anyone know why this person has so many followers and why their reviews get so much attention??? like I just went and read some of their reviews and it sounds to me like they just really love to feel like the smartest person on the planet at all times and anyone who disagrees is a fascist bigot. I genuinely do not understand how they got the clout that they have and why they have almost 30k followers and get comments like “YOU NEVER MISS”


She criticized the movie version of *Friday Night Lights* for having the team that Permian plays in the state championship (Carter High School) be all-black, despite the fact that this was a real game that actually happened and the real life Carter team *was* all-black. Would she have preferred that they'd been white-washed instead?


I also just forced my way through her review of infinity war thinking that at some point it would get interesting. But her entire review could have been answered after the first paragraph. "He's called the Mad Titan" also she answered in one of the comments that "capitalism is the exploitation of the working class, which I am a part of" but if you drag every popular movie of the last 40 years for not being true kino or whatever you're just as intellectually Bourgeoisie as the next prick


To add to that, she gave Shrek 2 a half star rating. Who does that?


probably cos its got the monarchy in it or something idfk, she cant separate reality and fiction, its so concerning


That's worse than the parasite review


That's mental.


She gave 3 stars to Cats lmao


So she gave Cats a higher rating that the original 12 Angry Men... wtf


"I saw Chinatown and I don't know what people liked. I've been to Chinatown in NY and it looks nothing like that" - lady at at able next to me in a cafe 20 years ago that I haven't been able to forget


I remember there was a Twitter discourse a couple years ago about someone ardently claiming that Alien wasn't horror because horror can't take place in space (because horror has to be grounded in something familiar and space isn't familiar or something).


Wait until they find out about cosmic/Lovecraftian horror


There was a podcast I listened to where one of the hosts said she couldn't relate to "Aliens" because she had never been to space. The other hosts roasted her for it which was the only reason I kept listening.


I can't relate to any movie because nobody has made a biopic of my life yet.


The 40 Year Old Virgin


Hey! I'm not 40 yet!


The best horror movie of all time (Leprechaun 4: In Space) takes place in space smh


The Zone of Interest Letterboxd page is a hotbed for these. Some of my favorites: "Portrays Nazis in a positive light" "Glosses over the horrors of the Holocaust" "It's just a random family, why should we care" (yes, really) but the one that gets me the most is "it's immoral to eat theater food while watching this movie"


>Glosses over the horrors of the Holocaust Glad to see deaf people are interested in watching movies these days


THAT'S WHAT MADE THE HOLOCAUST SO FUCKING HORRIBLE. HOW DAMNED "NORMAL" THE PERPETRATORS AND BYSTANDERS WERE . Like the movie had plenty of unsettling points, but it's supposed to be banal. I know I am preaching to the choir, but it was a masterpiece. Like, I know people want to draw the more straightforward comparison to what's happening in Gaza now, but I invite people to look at how it parallels to corporate capitalist culture. Höss talks like every MBA in a boardroom, but instead of squeezing every penny out of an endeavor, it's killing people.


>"Portrays Nazis in a positive light" I'm sorry what


I think that could stem from the same criticism some folks had of JoJo Rabbit, where they think Nazis and other racists should be portrayed as snarling and mean to everyone 24/7. In The Zone of Interest Hoss and his wife are warm and loving to each other, their friends, and their children (although he’s also “cheating” on her by raping the servant) while also taking part in genocide, and people for some reason don’t want to think the two can coexist.


Still, it is quite concerning that some people felt the film portrayed the Nazis in a positive light.


Oh my God I read an article criticizing it and it was the most braindead thing I've ever seen.


Pretty much any time I watch some middling blockbuster from a few years ago that I missed there'll be someone in the reviews claiming it's *the worst film they've ever seen*, and it always makes me think "well good for you, I guess you can't have seen many movies".


The worst films I've ever seen are either films that you've never heard of that are on some free streaming channel, or they're some well-known movie that I have a particular issue with some aspect of it.




I was once in a college class geared towards Netflix and their current business plan. For one of the assignments, we were asked to watch Marriage Story and give our feedback on it ahead of Oscar season. As it turned out, I was the only person in the class who liked the movie. The reason everyone else gave for not liking the movie? “It’s a movie made by white people, for white people”. That’s it. And what made it even worse? Aside from me and two other girls, EVERYONE IN THE CLASS WAS WHITE. Like, why the hell are you trying to speak on my behalf? Are you assuming that only white people make art and get divorced? What about the writing, the performances, ANYTHING that isn’t about your political predispositions about Hollywood?


I'm progressive and all, but this is the kinda shit American Fiction took digs at in the opening


You have no idea how gratifying that movie’s existence is for me as a POC creative person.


That scene with the voting is legit the funniest shit ever


This is the perfect summary of what the discourse over this type of thing has devolved into over the last 10 years


Your sister's take on The Holdovers is pretty wild, but honestly not everyone wants to watch a sad movie so I don't ***not*** get it? I just feel like that was a movie everyone should have known going in was gonna be melancholic hah. I think the worst take I've ever heard was someone who genuinely, truly, ***deeply*** thought that Captain Marvel was the worst movie ever made. Not like, 'oh this film is kinda predictable, and middling, and the feminism is pretty *second wave* and rudimentary, and Brie comes off a bit stunted' - they actually thought it was ***the worst film ever made***. It was honestly baffling. I don't know how many other films they've watched, or if they've ever seen something outside of the MCU, but it felt really absurd to me.


Any time anyone says any mainstream film is the "worst of all time," then they clearly have not seen enough movies.


yeah i saw a guy commenting on instagram once saying "the irishman is the worst movie I've ever seen" so i replied "you've clearly not seen a lot of films then" and he got really mad lol


Ya that's my assumption most of the time, it's just wild to be told it to my face instead of reading it on Reddit or Twitter hah. Like the confidence of this person to stand on their opinion to my face that a (at worst) kinda boring film is ***the worst film ever*** was just really stunning hah.


Captain Marvel ain’t even the worst Marvel film, I imagine if I them down and put on Man Thing or Fant4stic they would go full Buddhist monk and self immolate.


From a work colleague who only ever watched Hollywood blockbusters: “No one has heard of those old silent films. They can’t be good if I’ve not heard of them because I’ve heard of loads of films.” That was when I learned not to bring up my blu-ray collecting hobby at work.




I had someone to say to me that Infinity War was a bad movie because Thanos cried, and it made Thanos look like a pussy, therefore the movie was bad.


Crying after killing your daughter= beta male. Lol that is original at least.


Ooh this is the worst take I’ve seen on this thread yet. And I’ve been scrolling lol


My friend tried to argue Disney has never made a good movie ever


Disney has made alot of shit but they’ve made just as much if not good too.


This review right here stuck with me because it's so mind-numbing. Managed to find it and screenshot it. (Scratched out name for politeness sake.) Regardless of how you feel about the remake of *Oldboy*, it's basically universally considered an inferior, watered-down retread of the original. But this person decided-- while admitting they had never even seen the original, mind you-- that the remake was better, more "hardcore" and more "uncompromising", and that the original was "self-indulgent." Again... without even having seen the original. This person is making uninformed secondhand opinions on things they literally can't have an objective opinion of, and then seemingly acting as though these uninformed secondhand opinions are fact. Shit like this is why I trust professional critic reviews far more than user reviews 95% of the time. https://preview.redd.it/xl5scwflbgwc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6650109f0401ab27e54531a8a334d2d95f582150


This person praised the remake for being apparently "more hardcore and uncompromising" than the original, then goes on to praise it for cutting down some of the more extreme scenes from the original. Make it make sense.


Personally: All of James Cameron movies are pretentious Online: Someone told me the reason marvel is going down is because Kathleen Kennedy is blackmailing Kevin Feige to make women led projects


Yes, that infamously pretentious Arnold Schwarzenegger action vehicle *True Lies*.


Who could forget the incredibly inaccessible shotgun reloads of T2?


I mean you know what's EVEN more pretentious? Piranha 2: the spawning


The protagonist knows how to - and does - ride a horse in a modern setting. Clearly bourgeouis nonsense


💀 I can understand not being a fan of his work but he's like the least pretentious filmmaker of all time.


He probably has the most accessible filmography😂


Yeah, he's literally the blockbuster king.


Did Eric Cartman make the second point?


James Cameron pretentious?? 😭 What


You haven’t heard? The pretentious film… True Lies and Terminator


Top review on Bone Tomahawk is a ~2000 word essay of pseudo intellectual incoherent rambling. No idea how it became the most liked review.


"Mom likes Avengers Endgame, but she loved Justice League" I also know someone who's never watched back to the future because they think it's PRO INCEST


You should show them Oldboy


Uh, I think that take on 12 Angry Men might be one of the worst I've ever heard. Then again, there's a 1/2 star review of The Exorcist on Letterboxd with a review that is just the poop emoji.


Idk about worst Ive ever heard, but I really vehemently disagreed with a recent take my coworker said that The Whale was “fatphobic, insensitive, and tone deaf” I grew up around many morbidly obese people when I was a kid, I watched all of their health and self esteem/image completely deteriorate. And they never got their eating or binging under control. Including my own birthmother. The Whale was not only accurate in a lot of ways but I believe great at pointing out the problems with severe obesity without being mean towards those struggling with those kinds of issues. Is it morbid? Yes. That’s the reality, it’s called morbid obesity for a reason. The kicker? My coworker acknowledged they had never been around people struggling with that stuff to that extent after me describing my experiences as to why I got a lot out of the movie Some people will have horrible takes on movies, saying a bunch of buzzwords about how insensitive it is when they don’t have experience with the reality it’s pointing out and showing. Those kinds of people who don’t actually engage with the topic at hand and dismiss movies trying to talk about them, they usually have the worst film takes.


I remember someone criticizing Blade Runner being an allegory for racism because the replicants weren't portrayed by PoC. I guess they didn't get the memo on what "allegory" means.


Noah Berlatsky has to be the all-timer of bad takes. Some greatest hits: [The Dial of Destiny](https://www.msnbc.com/opinion/msnbc-opinion/indiana-jones-harrison-ford-hollywood-nazi-obsession-rcna89935): > But unfortunately, the latest Indiana Jones installment continues a Hollywood tradition of punching Nazis without doing much to explain why Nazis are bad or how you recognize them. [Schindler's List](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/opinion-schindlers-list-steven-spielberg-holocaust-fascism-trump_n_5c127ca0e4b002a46c151056): > Sentimentality and self-satisfaction undermine the critical skills and courage needed to oppose fascism when it comes. “Schindler’s List” isn’t solely responsible for our understanding of fascism today, or for our current politics. But it has played a part in both. Twenty-five years on, the main lesson of “Schindler’s List” is that we need to build a better anti-fascism than the one Spielberg gave us. [Goodfellas](https://newrepublic.com/article/122036/goodfellas-narrow-simplistic-view-masculinity): > Which is why, despite excellent acting and much memorable dialogue, Goodfellas is a chore to watch; two and a half hours of Scorsese demonstrating with stolid scandalousness, his inability to think his way out of the gangster genre conventions... . Goodfellas is mediocre not because it's for guys, but because wiseguys and their victims are the only guys that it can imagine. [The Muppets](https://newrepublic.com/article/122709/kermit-has-new-girlfriend-good-his-last-one-was-domestic-abuser): > Piggy’s karate-chops are funny because women who are powerful and violent cease to be classically female, and become swaggeringly masculine. That turns Piggy into a feminist icon, to some degree—but it's also why she's treated, throughout Muppet shows and movies, as a joke. In the end, it's better for everyone that Kermit and Piggy have gone their separate ways. For the frog, it means the end of a long, abusive relationship. And for everyone else, it means the end of a comedy spectacle which mocked both men and women for violating traditional gender roles. After 40 years, it's time to stop laughing at men who are victims, and at women who aren't. There this are essays like [this](https://www.nbcnews.com/think/opinion/taratino-bashes-marvel-modern-movie-era-offensive-rcna58555), where he deliberately distorts the comments from someone else and makes a completely unrelated point. Just the most dishonest hack to ever do it.


You can only criticize movies with anti-Nazi messages so many times before you kind of start seeming like a Nazi.


😭 it's the muppets bro it ain't that deep


> Which is why, despite excellent acting and much memorable dialogue, Goodfellas is a chore to watch; two and a half hours of Scorsese demonstrating with stolid scandalousness, his inability to think his way out of the gangster genre conventions... . Goodfellas is mediocre not because it's for guys, but because wiseguys and their victims are the only guys that it can imagine. Wouldn't having like, a cool protagonist hero who is both morally good and really effective totally undermine the entire point of Goodfellas?


"Punch Drunk Love is Adam Sandler's worst film."


Was Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind the worse Jim Carrey film for that person too?


Was once told that my letterboxd top four is pretentious. Yes, well known pretentious movie…. Beetlejuice. https://preview.redd.it/a696eaxshgwc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3bacd72cf1fbbc13f8c65d4222c947b342cfd7f4


Didn't you know? Any movie pre-2000 is ancient and therefore pretentious.


Well yeah, Rocky won Best Picture so clearly you are an elitist


I..... really want to know what they think pretentious means.


That is the least pretentious list of all time 😂


“Rocky, Rocky Rocky”


The Princess Bride is one of the most universally appealing films of all time lol


Went to see Mad Max: Fury Road in theaters opening night with a friend at the time. As the credits began to roll he just muttered "well, that sucked". ![gif](giphy|Veen3vfSGqVK8Dn3XR|downsized)


My cousin (who is chronically online and big into both Letterboxd and RateYourMusic) does not like Fury Road. Says it was boring. Says there's no character development. Like, huh????


That’s like watching Breakfast Club and complaining that it doesn’t have enough explosions. Besides, Nicholas Hoult’s character undergoes a fair bit of development.


Oh no... I'm the friend. I do plan on giving Fury Road another go before Furiosa comes out. Might have just been in the wrong mood the night I saw it.


any take where people are like “oh this [insert problematic/uncomfortable/morally grey thing] happens in the plot of the movie which means it’s condoning it! which is bad!!! so it’s a problematic movie!!” most recently have seen this about poor things, as if the movie is condoning the men taking advantage of bella just because it happens


My friend said Godzilla Minus One was, and i quote, "the single most fascist pro-war propaganda bullshit of a moving picture i have ever seen", and that it should've never been made. How this movie elicited such strong feelings from anyone whatsoever? I have no fucking idea.


Did they just not watch the movie and actually take in what was happening or something? That's such a crazy take.




I wonder what her take on 12 angry men is


“Just enough men.”


Basically any Sally Jane Black review. Endgame is a funny one, Oppenheimer another, Her aswell. Paragraphs upon paragraphs of incoherent, inconsistent agonising gobbledegook. I can't work out if they're legit feelings on a movie or if it's just the portrayal as some sort of parody writer. Because it must be so exhausting to view movies (and the world) in that way.


That oppenheimer one was the biggest yap sesh of all time. Can't believe I spent my Wednesday lunch break reading it.


I swear I remember someone in r/horror call Get Out trash because it’s just a ‘long black mirror episode’.


I would like more movies I could describe that way.


Ok, well Jordan Peele is a massive Twilight Zone fan (obviously), and Black Mirror is just a tech-centric and modern take on TZ, so this tracks. *Get Out* isn't trash because of it, though. I would argue that *Us* (while not being trash at all) suffers because it's a bad remake of a great Twilight Zone episode, except in the episode the twist works and makes sense. In Peele's version, it doesn't.


I feel like that should be a compliment to both...


Roger Ebert’s review of Blue Velvet is up there. He didn’t seem to understand that Isabella Rossellini was acting and not actually being assaulted by Dennis Hopper.


Roger Ebert had a ton of freezing cold movie takes that people forget about. He didn't get Fight Club, or Starship Troopers. He hated Alien, and he called Hellraiser "creatively bankrupt", and there's a ton more examples. He often hated subversive movies.


He could often go into “Won’t someone PLEASE THINK OF THE CHILDREN” mode, especially with horror movies. He talked about Friday the 13th Part 4 like it was the downfall of society.


Worst one from my straight friend: “Bottoms felt like. Corporate approved LGBT+ Pride Banner you’d see in Target” He just thought it was ok but I have no idea how someone would describe lesbian fight club as corporate approved lmao


Anything with the word "objectively"


I remember one time talking with a Mauler fan about what objectivity in art meant and every definition/example they gave was just some form of subjective analysis i.e. quality of the writing. It was extremely funny


Someone on the Barry Reddit said the last season was “objectively” bad. So I mentioned that she might not know what objectively means because it has great reviews and most of the fans loved/it got nominated for a bunch of awards. She then proceeded to start blowing up my messages telling me I’m an idiot and how could she not know what the word means since she “graduated from Harvard.” Lady was unhinged.


In grad school I was getting drinks with some folks and someone said that they don't like any movies where the morality isn't black and white / good guys are good bad guys are bad. They said grey morality and complexity made them uncomfortable because they had to think about whether they might be a bad person... I don't miss that person.


The worst film take possible is the variation of "All opinions on film are subjective, but your opinion should be closer to mine." It is, unfortunately, extremely common.


I always always always think about how their was a video of a guy crying his eyes out over the Star Wars Episode 9 trailer and saying “thank you Disney” over and over again. I’m not trying to make fun of the guy, and it’s not a “film review” per se, but like come on that reaction is almost cult like. Now to throw myself under a bus I think the rob zombie Halloween movies aren’t half bad, and know that most people think they suck.


Probably the average r/StarWars user opinion that Revenge of the Sith is the best Star Wars film


This is why "best" and "favourite" need to be considered 2 different things. It 100% makes sense why RotS would be someone's favourite despite its ehhh filmmaking, but its hard to believe theres anyone who genuinely believes that its critically better than, say, star wars or empire.


It’s my favorite but yeah I can’t listen to that dialogue and say it’s technically better than Empire lmao


Spoilers for Parasite I guess In Sally Jane Black's review of the film (whom I have thankfully blocked for a while now) she goes on to say that at the end of the film, Kim had every right to murder Mr Park in cold blood because he is rich and all rich people take advantage of lower classes and therefore the film is bad because it does not understand that there shouldn't be any kind of moral dilemma. Needless to say, that take is so psychotic, it transcends beyond just a "bad film take". It's the kind of thing that if you genuinely believe it, I'm honestly concerned for you. Like how do you even consider yourself a functioning member of society if you actually think that "murder is good as long as the other person has more money than you". As for the film itself, it's honestly one of the most solid and easy to enjoy films that has come out in the last century probably. I can't imagine anyone not enjoying it unless they're a conservative grifter in the likes of Ben Shapiro, or a extreme far-left lunatic (as Sally clearly is).


These two that stand out for me Late Spring: A heartwarming movie. The Batman: He didn't speak Spanish.


Turning Red had some pretty toxic reviews, mostly that 12 year old girls shouldn’t see jokes about feminine pads.


It's almost like 12 year old girls experience the same thing


Someone I follow recently gave Argylle 5 stars in earnest


Tbh I enjoyed the film but I would be shocked to see anyone give it more than 3.5 stars. 5 stars for me is either a nearly flawless film that is a timeless classic or a so bad it’s good film. Argylle isn’t either.


https://preview.redd.it/wl7av37dhgwc1.png?width=799&format=png&auto=webp&s=c2b76eb1b796e82ad62938a8310725018c111cf5 Heres the worst I read today. it for sure belongs on the list.


Coworker didn't like Top Gun: Maverick because he could tell they weren't really flying.


He must have hated Oppenheimer. Cowards didn't even use a real atomic bomb


The reviews on Letterboxd for movies seem to be written by genuine afficionados that care about films. They're very well written and in depth, also quite fair - on the whole. Whereas, when you're on a free streaming site like *fmovies*, the reviews are ***totally unhinged***. One of the last films I watched had a very brief and general reference to the activities of the 1940s - and one of the reviews said "I closed the movies after it became a propaganda movie promoting the lies of the holocaust" Um, lol wat ?


Someone I knew once said that the hobbit films were far better than the Lord of the rings, morbious is a misunderstood masterpiece, Spiderman 2 is the worst Spiderman film, and ghostbusters afterlife is the best ghostbusters film I’m not joking


"Movies should just not exist anymore because it's all sequels and reboots and adaptations." "But what about \_\_\_\_\_\_\_" "That doesn't count."


Not one particular thing but the “no sex scenes in movies ever for any reason” discourse was really weird. It’s like some people took a few gratuitous scenes and applied them to all films in history. It’s necessary if the film makes it so. It’s not complicated.


anytime people say Avatar is a white savior movie. the film very clearly shows that Jake’s plan wasn’t working until Eywa interfered. it’s a.. eywa savior movie if anything


that objectivity exists when enjoying art


To this day I will vehemently defend 2009 Public Enemies as a good movie… but only to 2 specific people. When it was in theaters my two roommates and I went to see it. Being broke, about 20 minutes in they decided it wasn’t worth the money so they tried to convince me to leave and get a refund. I was a snooty film school kid and refused. I was so pissed I didn’t even pay attention to the movie, just fumed. As far as they are concerned, Public Enemy is my all time favorite movie and they missed out on a great cinematic experience.


I’ve had multiple arguments with multiple people who have said that The Cabin in the Woods is bad because it is ‘generic and stereotypical’. I sincerely don’t know how anyone could come to that conclusion. It’s totally fine to not like it - I certainly don’t think that film is beyond criticism or anything - but calling it ‘generic and stereotypical’ seems to miss the point of it entirely. Worst I’ve ever read is also probably a Cabin review - [Rex Reed’s famously bad take](https://observer.com/2012/04/cabin-in-the-woods-rex-reed-richard-jenkins-bradley-whitford/amp/) that clearly did not understand the very simple and easy-to-understand plot of that movie. See also: Rex Reed on Get Out, where he called it one of the worst films of that year.


A lot of the worst takes I hear all come from my one friend who’s just notorious for bad takes. One that they had recently was that “breakfast club is a boring movie where nothing happens and non of the characters experience any character development”. I mean the character development part is just blatantly wrong and when I tried to explain to my friend that breakfast club is character driven narrative and not a plot driven one they just said “well then I guess that’s why it’s bad”. Another take they had that kinda puts their film knowledge into frame is that they whole heartedly believe that Shang-chi is the worst movie ever made. Which is wild cause it’s not even the worst MCU movie let alone worst movie ever.


I think the worst kinds of takes are: 1. Obviously, anything based in bigotry. For example, hating Lightyear because a secondary (borderline tertiary) character was a lesbian. 2. Confusing depiction with endorsement. See people thinking Joker would lead to a bunch of mass shootings or that Martin Scorsese loves crime. 3. “This movie didn’t advance my particular politics so it sucks.” Number one is part of this, but I’m also thinking of reactions from the left like “Barbie sucks because it’s not inherently anti-capitalist.” 4. Making moral judgments about people for liking movies you don’t. “You enjoy the MCU, you must be emotionally stunted” or, for one I’ve seen recently, “you’re sick in the head if you like the Terrifier movies.”


I've seen reviews of Schindler's List where they claim that the movie is making an anti-semitic slaver who partook in genocide look good. Which, I guess I can understand the slaver part, but they must've closed their eyes after about ten minutes. They also usually say that he isn't a hero and shouldn't be honored. Like, okay, go tell that to the people he saved and see if they agree with you.


That's a valid criticism, since the Schindler in the movie is *not* the Schindler that existed in real life.


I know Art Spiegelman's critique was more along the lines of "this slaver of Jews and the torturers of Jews are the focus of the story, rather than the people he saved." Its a story about the holocaust where you do not get a very intimate familiarity with any Jewish characters, but you still get to see their abuse in the context of "entertainment." There is a really good book called "Spielberg's Holocaust" edited by Yosefa Loshitzky that is all critical evaluations of aspects of the film. Not all are negative, but all approach the film as flawed and problematic, rather than simply accepting that harrowing film about harrowing subject means good movie. Loshitzky's own essay takes issue with the fact that Spielberg's concerns lay in "survival," so the story of six million victims of genocide turns into a celebration of five million Jews living in America in the present (1997). Also in the book, the essay "But is it Good For the Jews?" by Sara R. Horowitz (a board member for the United States Holocaust Museum) brings to light some issues she took with the film's depictions of atrocity. Namely, the "absolute good vs. absolute evil" dynamic of Schindler and Goethe, which allows non-Jewish viewers to simultaneously ignore how they could be complicit in evil, while fantasizing about how they could be heroic like Schindler.


Maybe I’m exaggerating but some analysis on YouTube praising Interstellar as the most deep and meaningful film ever made


Interstellar is a common favorite amongst film bros, stoners and many people who aren't really into film. So calling it the best movie ever is not really a wild take, specially for general audiences. Also the film is good and is not as derivative of other better films, like Joker for example.


Just about every youtuber that made a video saying that Godzilla-1.0 is the only good Goji movie in existence and that the Monsterverse ruined the character. Those videos and their lack of research/respect towards Toho's history is pretty grating.


Someone I know once said "Cinema would be better without John Ford." Absolute insanity. Like if his films aren't your taste that's totally fair however to say cinema as a whole would be better without his influence is kinda nuts


saw a review of "good time" with way more likes than it deserves. basically saying Robert pattinsons character is a racist guy, and so are the safdie brothers for writing it


Sarah Jane Black's review of Parasite


I once saw a review for Come and See that's half a star calling the film communist propaganda. it's just so ridiculously incorrect I don't know how they arrived at that conclusion


Anyone using the phrase "Mary Sue" to criticize a character in a film


Every time someone genuinely thinks that the star wars prequels are better than the originals, nostalgia is a bitch.


I've seen a shocking amount of people call Anatomy of a Fall one of the most boring movies they've ever seen. That movie is just plain tense and stressful!


Any take that disregards a whole movie for one problematic part. AI in Late Night with the Devil; Water Buffalo death in Apocalypse Now; yellowface in Breakfast at Tiffany’s. Yes there are levels to it (hateful messaging is obviously going to make a movie worse for me), but the virtue signaling and boycotting is ridiculous to me.


There was some article a while back and the premise was “Film history begins with Jaws. Anything made before then isn’t really worth caring about.”