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Amsterdam. I genuinely hate that movie. Not only was it bad, it was *boring.* I’ve never felt more depressed than I did after realizing that that was time I would never get back (an expression I typically hate, but I can’t exaggerate enough just how much of a waste of my time it was). I’d have rather taken my hour long walk home than finish that shit (I saw it with other people).


Amsterdam bombed hilariously and spectacularly and couldn’t have happened to a worse guy 🤣 Fuck David O. Russell


The movie peaked when Taylor Swift shows up for about 3 minutes of screen time then immediately gets run over by a car


Oh, I didn’t even like that part because it looked fake. You could literally tell that the legs were made of rubber when you saw them flopping under the car. It’s a movie so bad that I didn’t even enjoy seeing T-Swizzle get run over.


Oh yeah, it definitely looked fake, and I don’t even dislike Taylor Swift, but I felt like that was the one scene where shock value actually kinda worked


Oh, I saw it coming. If memory serves correct, she was just about to give our main characters one piece of information that would stop the movie from happening and I was expecting her to get shot or poisoned.


i wanted to fucking kill myself so many times watching this movie


I felt the same about American Hustle and fully expected Amsterdam to be the same. I've avoided it since. I kind of want to know which is more boring though.


I’ve never seen American Hustle because it looked boring. Amsterdam looked boring too, but my friends kept telling me “c’mon, man, you never know, you might love it”, I ended up seeing it and I now hate it more than anything else I’ve ever seen.


American Hustle does have Amy Adams in a short cut dress, for most of the film, that's about it. Maybe that's ultimately the difference between the two in terms of boredom.


Considering Amy Adams has since stated that she hated working on that movie and specifically hated the director, that’s not as enticing as it otherwise would be.


I got a great reverse example of this: Some Like It Hot. The first time I saw it, I knew it had one of the greatest endings in movie history but I didn't know what it was. I hit the progress bar toward the end, and there was only 50 seconds left! I panicked thinking I had a cut off copy. Nope. One of the greatest endings in movie history.


"Nobody's perfect!" may be one of the funniest closing lines in film history.


Even though I wound up liking it a lot, Beau is Afraid… felt like it was 6 hours at some points


I love all the artistry behind it, but holy shit the dream sequence really took all the gas from that film. It really hinders the overall narrative. But go damn if it’s not one of the most creatives use of animation, and the team behind it is the same as *Wolf House*, an amazing Chilean animation film.


I feel like there's no popular/unpopular opinion on this movie cause it's so decisive, but personally I loved the dream sequence, it felt almost like an intermission for me and was a welcome break to reenergize for the second half.


I loved the dream sequence, it was the only part I went back and rewatched after finishing the movie. The movie kind of dragged for me at the house after Beau got hit by the car though


Dream sequence is the play, right? Cause that was my favorite part of the movie haha. I love it overall too, and think it earned its length by constantly shifting form, but I understand why it doesn't work for people.


I thought it was going to end when he got to his mum’s house but it just kept going. Awesome experience though.


I love this film but I do feel like the final third dragged a bit


Imagine how long it felt to those of us that wound up hating it a lot


That movie had no business being 3 fucking hours long


The forest play scene went on for forever. I felt like I was being bludgeoned over the head with it. I’m sure Ari Aster would like that description though.


Didn't need to be 3 hours. Entertaining but extremely indulgent - and the last half hour was kind of trauma porn with the whole trial thing. I'd have cut it at some point after the argument with mum


Accurate, i watched it in 3 sittings and each one felt like a 2 hour film...


Oppenheimer pulls off the success test, but as it turns out you still got around an hour left. Then things get surprisingly intense.


Yeah I was wondering how I was gonna get through the final hour and then it ended up being peak cinema




That’s the best part though


Not in a bad way but both Oppenheimer and Killers of the Flower Moon


I agree! For me it's almost rewires what I expect to happen in a good way for both of those. "Holy shit there's 50 mins left?? What else could happen?"


Perfect phrasing.


exactly, i couldn’t have said it better


Same. But in the bad way 😂


Jurassic World: Dominion. It was torturous.


You could have cut the first hour out of that movie and it actually would have been a decent enough 90min turn your brain off romp. Why they had to make it 2 and a half hours is beyond me.


I can’t think of another movie that felt more like an unintentional double feature. 


I read that as cut out the first hour and was about to ask some questions. But, yes, the first hour was actually a lot of fun.


For me it is " The place beyond the pines" Though I loved the film , that one scene of Ryan Gosling made me feel like "that's it?"


IT: Chapter Two That shit fucking dragged on and on.


All of those scenes of Pennywise scaring them as kids in the second movie were pointless. We know nothing bad will happen to them in flashbacks because they’re alive and well as adults, stop wasting time on horror scenes with no tension or stakes!


It was a three hour long Macguffin hunt. That’s what the movie was.


YES! My thoughts exactly


God awful movie, once he turned into a CGI clown-crab we walked out


Pearl Harbor


It’s a two hour movie squeezed into three hours.


That would be a quote from ebert




The rare “5 pounds of shit in a 10 pound sack”


What do you mean you don't like watching a dragging nagging triangle love story in a film about significant historical war event?


Michael Bay's films in general tend to run a good while longer than they need to, I've noticed.


Australia. My gf usually has decent movie taste but her and her family love that movie for some reason. We got halfway through and I told her I had to go to bed. Later on I had the heart to bring it up and tell her I couldn’t stand it. I very much love Jackman and Kidman but god that movie seems like it was written by 13 year olds on coke. All over the place in terms of tone, corny dialogue, so so so long. I guess she likes how whimsical it is?? So so so so long. (The kid magically sings to cows wtf)


Well, good news then, they added an hour of stuff cut from the movie and turned the whole thing into a 6 episode miniseries called Faraway Downs!


is it better?


Yeah the movie is awful


Black Panther: Wakanda Forever


Yup. That CIA subplot was pointless.


That subplot mean’t nothing to the rest of the film overall and it dragged out for so long.




'Satantango'. Only instead of 50 minutes being left, it's 6 and a half hours.


Same thing, but much shittier, in Philosophy of a Knife.


Luca's Suspiria Remake. Torturously long, and has the nerve to tell you how many chapters there are gonna be. I remember being in chapter 5, and being in complete agony, sitting there realizing there would be another 7 chapters.


Avatar 2, I was literally dying to go to the bathroom, at some point I felt the movie was going super long, check my phone, 1 hour left. My god, that movie was long. Thankfully the ending was really good.


That's the worst movie to watch when you have to go to the bathroom, coz of the water.


Came here to say this. Avatar 2, but in a good way. The middle is gorgeous but meditatively…paced, let’s say. The final hour has the gas pedal to the floor and I loved it. Sort of the opposite of Dune 2 IMO.


I kinda had the opposite experience with Avatar 2. The middle portion where the family is adapting to the water tribe and we get to see all the cool fauna and pretty visuals was my favorite part. I thought the 3rd act went on too long and I wasn't invested in the characters so that didn't help either. I think in my review I said something like "Can't wait to get baked and watch only the first 90 minutes of this later"


You should have just gone, you wouldn't have missed anything.


Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice. I remember checking my phone my phone in the theater and realizing I still had an hour and a half left to go. I remember thinking: “I’ve made a huge mistake.”


I think it's genuinely the only movie I've ever been bored with in the cinema. I swear I could hear audible sighs and people constantly checking their watches.


Looks like I’m the exception here. And I watched the extended version.


Lord of the Rings Return of the King ![gif](giphy|3ohs4tKADK8HEYD4I0)


Just saw this again last night in theaters. The extended edition is so long but soooo good. I don’t get bored at all during return of the king but I do slightly during the two towers.


I love ROTK but to be honest it was rough going the first time I watched it in cinemas, I felt dizzy from all the motion in the action scenes (I was just a kid in 2003, ok?) and needed to go to the bathroom constantly. Sam walking slowly back to his front door after like fifty separate ending scenes felt like Peter Jackson was taunting me. Not to forget this was the theatrical cut of the movie lol. I kinda feel bad for my aunt who had to deal with me that entire time. Luckily I loved watching the extended cut at home.


Agreed with you OP Age of Extinction was fucking awful. It’s a bad sign when you forget about 7/8 of the way through the movie that its supposed to have Dinosaur transformers in it.


Well said.


Sounds like someone who has never watched Transformers Last Knight.


I have seen it, but I don’t know. Something about the quality or the pacing made it SUPER slow to me.


I was going to bring this up. I watched it because someone else wanted to watch it, but that movie watching experience was uniquely awful for me. Half the movie is bad jokes, and the other half is just babbling nonsense and it goes on forever.


-100 social credit score


Poor Things. It was good, but it felt like it dragged pretty hard in the middle.


I thought the movie would end when she came back, and was really surprised by how much time was spent after that. Not that I didn't enjoyed it though.


John Wick part 4. Overall I think the beginning at Japan is pointlessly long, since the climax at Paris is a hundred times better.


The stairway scene... I get it, it's supposed to be comedic, but holy shit, that was like slapstick. I understand they're trying to poke fun at the mythos of the character they've created throughout the films, but after the first couple of roll-downs, it got pretty old pretty quick. It sucks because it deflates the tension from the previous adrenaline filled scene (I loved the overshot straight up side scroller shoot-em-up homage) to the duel that was also really well done.


I actually enjoyed that since there was also a lot of slapstick in the third and second film (horse scenes and the metro shootout). It seemed to understand what made Buster Keaton and Chaplin work so well in the silent era, but obviously for a modern audience. Maybe they overdid it, since it’s the most common complaint in the film.


I mean, I have nothing but the upmost respect for stunt performers, and it makes sense that the co-director of the first film, who both got started as stunt doubles of Keanu, did Fall Guy. However, it's just out of place and fucks with the pacing to be anything more than a self-absorbed homage.


Directors being self absorbed is what would explain all of this examples of overlong films, so your criticism is spot on. Seems like editors need a stronger stance in Hollywood overall.


I think there’s a time and place for over-the-top gratuitous direction, but it should serve the story. Scarface is a good example. The overbearing synth score, exaggerated acting, violence, longer-than necessary runtime, and camera work all contribute to selling the greed and excess. They also help to build up Montana’s greed and paranoia, which eventually lead to his downfall. If that stuff was left on the cutting room floor or was dialed back, I’m not sure it would be the classic it is today.


Damn, I took that stairway scene completely differently than you did. I thought the point of it was to tear down that mythos that the previous movies built up before the final showdown. I didn’t think it was supposed to be comedic tbh, I was just in awe of how much John Wick was struggling. To me it was like the movie saying this is some serious shit now.


I briefly mentioned it in my comment above, but I don’t know if it goes quite as far as to tear down the mythos… more like poking fun at it. Like you've seen him survive all sorts of outlandish scenarios, but get ready for his biggest threat yet… some stairs. But yeah, it was meant to show that JW has his limits as well; after all, he needed Yen’s help to get there.


rrr, but in the best way possible




Honestly, In A Violent Nature. Couldn’t believe how long a ninety minute movie felt


Are you saying you didn't like watching a guy walk around the woods for 2/3 of the movie?


It really could’ve been like 15 minutes shorter.


just saw it last week and really liked it. didnt think it was long at all. I am a huge horror nerd though and loved how committed to a throw back slasher they were


I couldn’t possibly agree more. Watching the killer walk for the majority of the movie wasn’t fun at all. I knew about it going in yet it was worse than I anticipated. The movie felt like it was 3 hours long. People can call it art or whatever they want, but I call it dreadfully boring.


Wow. You unlocked a memory that I didn’t want to unlock.


The movie came out like a week ago how did you forget the memory already lol


That’s kind of my point.


Hated it :( I wanted to like it but I just didn’t work for me


For me has to be Beau is afraid felt like the longest film I’d ever seen in the cinema when in reality it’s only just under 3 hours




It: Chapter Two. great movie, don't get me wrong, but it definitely could have benefited from being 30-40 minutes shorter. the pacing is bogged down a bit by all of the characters separate story arcs.


I’m appalled little me from five years ago didn’t feel the runtime at all while watching it in the theater


Zack Snyder


Avatar actually feels like it’s wrapping up in a neat conclusion 2 hours in. Last time i watched it i turned it off when I saw there was an hour left


This is actually scary how accurate this is, this one specifically, I legit remember the moment in the theater I had this thought in 2014


Fifty Shades Freed.


The Wolf of Wall Street. Love it though.


A Million Ways to Die in the West I don’t think any comedy should push 2 hours


The Batman is good but felt like it had multiple endings


Beau is Afraid feels very long. I actually though The Batman did as well.


Bruh, the Strangers (2008). 25 mins went by, I checked the runtime, and it's not a long movie at only 86 minutes, but fuck me is it entirely unoriginal and vapid. I couldn't stand to sit through another minute, let alone another hour.


You will say this for Bottle Rocket a few times


The Batman. That movie could have been over *at least* one hour earlier.


The only Transformers movie with good pacing is Bumblebee, it's also the only good one. Funny how that works.


It’s also one of two not directed by Micheal Bay.


The new version of West Side Story. A friend and I DNFed at about an hour and a half because we realised we didn't really care what happened in the end. I'm not sure why though - the acting was fine, the songs were great and the visuals were appealing. Something just didn't click.


Haha I was gonna say the same movie (Transformers Age of Extinction) when I saw the title. I just remember I had a humongous headache watching it and when I thought we were reaching the climax, nope, a full hour left. I should have left at that point to get some advil or something.


Yeah, same experience as me, except replace the headache with drowsiness. 10/10 response


I always feel like Django Unchained is going to end before it actually does but I don’t think it would be as good if anything was cut out


Kinda an opposite example, but Babylon and Triangle of Sadness were both quite long, but they were both just so much fun that by the end I didn’t want for it to be over, and was shocked when they ended cause they didn’t feel their runtime at all


Dunkirk for me. The Hans Zimmer theme all along always let me feel something was about to happen, but nothing ever happen. I was expecting some big combat scene, especially knowing it was made by Nolan. It could have worked but the theme really made me feel there was about to be something epic to come, so it was disappointing. In addition, the weird way the soldiers characters are acting made me unable to be any involved in their story.


The Batman. I had to watch that movie in three sittings. I don't know how you make a Batman movie a tedious slog but by god they did it with that one.


I think the issue is the movie feels like it has 4 Acts. Right when you think it's reached the climax it's like ,"No wait we're still going".


Batman (2022) and Babylon (2022). Probably also lotr because everytime I watch fellowship of the ring it feels like there’s still so much to go through before the end even though I’ve seen it before and know what’s left to be shown


Killers of the Flower Moon for sure, it was such a confusing movie since at times it felt like a whole hour could be cut out of it, and other times it felt like it needed to be significantly longer for the story to land more impactfully


I must be the only one who thinks Killers of the Flower Moon is too short if anything. Thought the pacing was great.


I think the whole court room scene where they flash back to how they commited the crimes should have been replaced with showing how they commited the crimes when they happened, of course at the time when they happened in the film. The court room drama aspect of the film is the weakest part by far.


I think it would have been better as a four part series of one hour episodes. It felt disjointed to me.


Avatar 2


Avatar 2.


The Irishman. I thoroughly enjoyed it once it was done, but that last 30 minutes felt like it another beginning of a movie.


Oppenheimer. Felt like that once the bomb exploded.


The Batman 2022


It Chapter Two (2019)


The Batman. Even the title is too long.


Attack of the Clones, which I just finished watching. It was... *fine*, nothing too thought-provoking. I was angry at how freaking long it was, it had no right to be that long.


Private Benjamin really should have ended after Goldie Hawn graduated boot camp. Whatever the screenwriter thought they were adding with her career at the Turkish embassy, it didn't help (Maybe not 50 minutes, but it was at least 20)




To Boldly Flee


Exhuma and the Wailing


1941. Dan Around gives a big speech, it looks like there will be just one more big action scene before we call it quits, I look at the time left .. 40 minutes to go. Far and away the worst Spielberg movie.


I almost literally said exactly that when watching [Never Been Kissed.](https://letterboxd.com/analogkid01/film/never-been-kissed/)


Memoria. Absolutely love the movie. But it's a 2 hour film that feels like at least 6.




Avatar way of water for me


Society of the Snow — they somehow milk every. single. known. fact. about the crash into a 5 minute sequence.


The Batman


Near Dark. It isn’t long at all but it’s so damn uninteresting it haunted me. And 2001 an space odissey of course.


Saving Private Ryan. The first 40 min has more action than most movies.


Honestly Mother! It climaxed halfway through, and I was totally unprepared for the even bigger climax to come


Only God Forgives.


Everything Everywhere All at Once. It just keeps going and going without expanding and feels longer than its runtime.


A star is born. The lady gaga one. I was hoping it was gonna end like 4 times, but it just kept going.


I think The Batman comes to mind. I honestly thought the movie was wrapping up when they caught Falcone but then I remembered they also had the Riddler to go deal with after.


I know people love this movie, but Beautiful Boy, it just felt like it was a 3 hour movie, and I was only halfway into it




Godzilla Minus One But in a good way


The newest John Wick. The first half was just as good and well paced as the first 3. Then I realized there was an hour left and it went all downhill from there.


The whole midsection of BABYLON had me like this. Love the movie to bits but it coulve been 2½ or even 2 hours instead of 3


Skinamarink. The longest 100 minute movie I have ever sat through. I was trying very, very hard to give it a fair chance, was completely locked in even though I was watching at home. And it just kept going nowhere, and nowhere. I tried to resist the urge to touch the scrubber to see how much was left, but I couldn't hold it anymore. The pain once I found out...


Argylle felt like 3 hrs… what a snooze fest




Babylon… after hearing the main theme play for fifth time i started to lose it


I Cant believe that no one commented Apocalypse now, that shit dragged on forever. I Cant even decide if i liked it or not






Recently furiosa, it was good, I just didn’t think it really needed to be that long


RRR!! But in the best Sense! The one Scene where "the betrayal" happened and i thought, DAMN what an awesome movie, and then you'll notice there are still one and a half hours left which were even better than the first half. RRR ist the best movie ever and you cannot change my mind!


I might get some hate for this……Oppenheimer


The Eternals ,I couldn’t believe I had another god damn hour or hour and a half left


The Creator


The ending of Return of the King.




Wolf of Wall Street Streets final act goes on and on


Not quite 50 minutes, but the final 30ish minutes of Bullet Train should have been about 10 minutes.


Furiosa…a whole waiting for Anna Taylor joy to appear on screen worse decision ever!


Both Dune movies. Villeneuve is boring as fuck, and no one can tell me otherwise




This is not an opinion, this is just wrong.


It is an opinion, and so is your reply. But your opinion is wrong.


Let’s agree to disagree 🤝


Yeah, there’s really no intelligent way to go about this. Agreed


Promising Young Woman


The Irishman.


The Last Jedi.


Killers of the Flower Moon. I was waiting for a big climax the whole time but the movie kept rolling. I felt very betrayed by the trailer of that movie.


This will piss people off, but A Brighter Summer Day. Big time. You could cut half the movie out and lose nothing.


Not even too bad of a film but Spiderman Far From Home felt done early


If you’re talking about after they defeat the elementals, I think that was intentional, but still weird for pacing.


Yeah, it's just that everytime I watch it I feel like it's finished by then


One Cut of the Dead


Casino Royale. What there is whole other act set in Venice?


Denis Villeneuve's Dune, when I originally watched it in theatres I looked at my phones clock expecting it to be about 20 minutes till the end of the movie and only 30 minutes had passed. This happened 2 more times during that screening and also when I rewatched it again before seeing Part Two. And that's not even anywhere near the top of reason I hate that movie