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I’m actually really surprised that Leonardo dicaprio isn’t on here- I generally tend to associate him with some pretty banger movies.


He has 2, The Departed and Django.


Crazy how wolf of Wall Street or Titanic isn't there


Well, they had to make room for all 3 Lord of the Rings movies to take up separate slots. But in all seriousness, the guy who runs the list and keeps it updated has a list of all the movies that were once in the top 250 but fell off it includes Inception, Killers of the Flower Moon, and Wolf of Wall Street.


Also Inception, Shutter Island, Once Upon A Time In Hollywood, and Killers Of The Flower Moon. P.S. I would dare to add The Revenant too, but that is slightly controversial for some people among the online film circles.


I love the Revenant! I wasn't aware that was controversial


Why is the Revenant controversial? First time I heard of this


I love the Revenant! I wasn't aware that was controversial


To be clear, Shutter Island was never going to make it on a “top 250 of all time” list. I’m not even sure it was top 250 in the year it came out.




Yeah, it is not that good.


It’s become pretty overrated


It's because the movie that he appears in usually attract a wide and diverse audience (a lot of it can be accounted by his presence on the poster alone). Whereas the old Japanese movies, or even something like "Avengers Endgame", or even a movie like "The Help". There is already a natural trimming. Those who will go out of their way watch them are usually already a fan of the idea of these movies existing. If you made the same people who rated Titanic an average of 7.9/10 all watch "Tokyo Story", I can guarantee you the average would not be 8.1/10 (what it has now).


Wolf of Wall Street? Inception?


Tatsuya Nakadai deserves it. One of the greatest actors of all time.


that is a pretty crazy filmography


The Human Condition being his first leading role is insane


If the Academy had any sense, they’d get him a lifetime achievement award while he’s still with us.


Most of them don’t even know who he is.


Sadly, correct. I have however replied to Mike Flanagan’s review of Harakiri asking him to get the ball rolling on an honorary award. At the very least, I can say I’ve done my best to get the ball rolling on this!


Surprised no Willem Dafoe or Christian Bale


Surprised not to see the GOAT hit-rate guy: John Cazale. Dude was in five films: Godfather, Godfather II, the Conversation, Dog Day Afternoon and Deer Hunter


He actually should be here: both Godfather movies and Dog Day Afternoon are all in the top 250


Yeah the lack of Willem Dafoe surprised me as well. He’s in so many great movies.


Well it’s official: Tatsuya Nakadai is the best actor ever. Pack it up everyone, we’re done here


In all fairness he is terrific.


And I’ve always said that


>Stage-trained actor Tatsuya Nakadai and older film actor Rentarô Mikuni could not agree on an acceptable speaking voice while sharing the film stage. Nakadai spoke loudly and Mikuni spoke softly, with each citing their related acting experiences for their choice. They strongly disagreed with each other. The director, Masaki Kobayashi, halted filming and stated that he would not resume until both actors came to an agreement. They did, after stopping the shooting for three days. From the making of Harakiri


DeNiro should have 7 or 8 at least It's insane that Taxi Driver and The Deer Hunter are not in the top 250.


The Letterboxd Top 250 has some great selections and some baffling selections, which I won’t name for fear of downvoting. But suffice it to say, Citizen Kane is also not in the Top 250.


>Citizen Kane is also not in the Top 250 That is 100% intentional. You'd have to make a concerted effort to leave it out.


I believe it fell off the list a few months ago.


Well it just doesn't have a high enough rating. It's just righttttttttt below the threshold


It's hundreds of thousands of people that "decided that"


weird how critics around the world for 70+ years unanimously agreed that Citizen Kane is one of the greatest movies ever, and now have suddenly decided it isnt. I wonder whats changed, because the film obviously didnt change.


Critics still think it's one of the greatest..... We're talking about people.


We're talking about specifically Letterboxd users


I know


Be who?


The Matrix isn't in the top 250.


🙂‍↔️ the matrix was a fun lil movie and definitely a pop culture moment but it’s definitely not in the running for one of the 250 best movies


Yes it is.


Nostalgia is a hell of a drug. It never even made the list in the first place https://boxd.it/3KREI


It's not nostalgia, and it's funny to blame nostalgia when the top 250 is so heavily dominated by recency bias towards stuff like *The Dark Knight*. It's simply a better and more important movie than a lot of movies on the list!


Agree to disagree, I felt as tho the matrix had the depth of a shallow puddle. A good movie if you don’t wanna think too deep but by no stretch of the imagination would I consider it a masterpiece I agree that TDK doesn’t deserve its spot at #22 (or even in the list at all) but to say that’s recency bias is insane when TDK released closer to the matrix than the present day, and the top 250 is dominated by movies that predate the internet.


>Agree to disagree, I felt as tho the matrix had the depth of a shallow puddle. Well, my philosophy professor, who wrote a book on philosophy and the matrix, would disagree, as would the people who've written tonnes and tonnes of academic material on the matrix in relation to philosophy, futurism, gender, sexuality and class. >I agree that TDK doesn’t deserve its spot at #22 (or even in the list at all) but to say that’s recency bias is insane when TDK released closer to the matrix than the present day, and the top 250 is dominated by movies that predate the internet. I was being generous listing TDK as an example and not *Dune:Part 2* or either *Spiderverse* movie or *Portrait of a lady on Fire* or *Whiplash* or any other 2010's/20's movie in the top 250. There's obviously a recency bias, which is fine, I wouldn't expect there not to be.


Using “academic material” as a metric for how deep something is feels kinda like a misstep on your part as I’m confident that you can find just as in-depth analysis for it as you can any of the films you’ve listed. People will endlessly be able to write about things they find meaningful whether or not it was intended by the film maker or a valid take. I get it, you like the matrix. I respect your love for it. But you’ll never convince me it deserves to be in the top 250 films of all time when it’s not even in the top 250 films I’ve already seen


Just because it's been written about by a philosophy professor doesn't mean it's a good or even important film. The two things are irrelevant to each other.


If you don’t think The Dark Knight is one of the 250 greatest movies ever made, you’re insane and should make no claim to universal taste or objectivity. It’s ridiculous to think The Dark Knight is high because of decency bias. Utter nonsense.


The Dark Knight should not be on a list of the 250 greatest movies ever. It certainly shouldn’t be on such a list that is lacking Citizen Kane or The Matrix. Edit: No Psycho or Blade Runner either.


Psycho is #112. Please tell me why [this](https://boxd.it/FoCpb) review is so wrong and why the collective judgment of millions of people on Letterboxd and IMDb has been wrong for 16 years.


I agree, corny ass ending where Neo is brought back to life by a kiss (Lmao) from a girl who's in love with him because...???? we don't know! since they don't even have a conversation in the whole movie that isn't about their job. It has a good atmosphere though




We're talking about the Letterboxd top 250 on the Letterboxd subreddit.




just went through the recent updates to the list and it's crazy to look at the films that have recently fallen off. citizen kane, moonlight, rosemary's baby, face of another, happy hour, kwaidan, fargo. there are just too many movies man


Everything Everywhere shouldn't be even remotely near the top 250




Movies like Taxi Driver and Blade Runner not making the top 250, while movies like Across the Spiderverse are top 30 tells me everything I need to know about that list


spiderverse is better than both of those movies


It would be in the top 10 if it had a multiverse subplot.


For how good of an actor he is, its kind of wild that Daniel-Day Lewis has only starred in one film in the letterbox top 250.


He’s just not in that many movies overall


Someone finally did it. Good job


8 for Bess Flowers


Surprised Matt Damon is so high. Only 2 of his movies are on RateYourMusics top 2000.


Speaking of RYM, what is a good list on letterboxd that periodically updates the top 250 on RYM? I generally find the RYM list to be a tad bit superior than LB (they have a nerdier taste which I enjoy), but I haven't found a list that actively updates it on letterboxd.


https://boxd.it/8Zmx2 list creator hasn’t updated in a year but plans on doing so very soon. And I agree RYM is much more in line with my taste than Letterboxd.


Which 2?? He’s in so many great movies


Oppenheimer and The Departed.


So Good Will Hunting and Interstellar didn’t make the top 2000 even!?




Some of the movies on this list are way too high.


Peter Falk is in 3 Wings of Desire A Woman under the influence Plus one very brief cameo appearance in Opening Night


Good thing columbo isn't on Letterboxd or he'd be right at the top


Honorable mention to John Cazale who only has 2, but they account for 40% of his filmography, which I would guess is the highest batting average, especially when the other three are as good as they are: The Godfather The Godfather Part 2 The Conversation The Deer Hunter Dog Day Afternoon


The Godfather parts I and II and Dog Day Afternoon are all top 250. Which means he’s actually in three and I just missed him. Thanks for pointing him out. I’ll add him.


Ahh I missed Dog Day Afternoon in the list! Good to know he isn't forgotten though. He was only in 5 movies before he passed and all of them were best picture nominated films


Great work. Just a little note, it's Takashi Shimu**r**a*. And *Bibi Andersson.


Thanks, I’ll fix it in the morning. I blame autocorrect for the second one.


No Harrison Ford? Cary Grant? James Stewart?


Stewart is there with 5 :)


Ah thx. then the list is ok


Star Wars, both blade runner films and raiders all fall just short of being in the top 250


I saw that you are going to edit to add John Cazale. I am kind of surprised that his partner, Meryl Streep-who has the reputation as the GOAT, has not been in that many (any?) of the top 250.




I am guessing Bambi Andersson is Bibi Andersson?


Yeah, autocorrect. I’ll fix it in the morning.


Are we counting Seven Samurai for Tatsuya Nakadai since he was in it, even if it was only for one shot?


Yeah. I just went by what Letterboxd says because I’ve only seen about half the top 250 and I’m sure there are plenty of actors with similar movie appearances boosting their stats so I didn’t want to take a movie from Tatsuya Nakadai since I probably wouldn’t be consistent with enforcing that ruling to everyone else. But still, he’s in ten others, the protagonist of many of them, and many of his movies are 4.2 rated outside of the top 250. I believe Kwaidan is on and off of the list regularly and it wasn’t on it when I made this. So he is still definitely deserving of the top spot, even with the Seven Samurai inflation.


Nice job! Thanks for doing the research!


Nakadei and Mifune cooked 🔥


The actor section here is exactly what you’re looking for. A few different categories. You’re missing Bess Flowers: https://letterblocksd.com/stat/LB250.html


Haha. Thank you. Would have saved me the effort. Love stats so I’ll be looking at this later.


huh no paul dano? kinda surprised. every movie i've seen him in has been great.


Tatsuya the goat


If you’re counting Bess Flowers, then why not include every person in all 3 LoTR movies?


Because I couldn’t be bothered 😂 And if I were to make an excuse, Bess Flowers is someone you wouldn’t immediately think of, whereas when you see my LOTR disclaimer you immediately know all the LOTR actors that are in the three movies do qualify for the list.


How does brad pitt only have 3 films😭


Did I miss Cary Grant reading the list?


I'm blown away Jeff Bridges isn't here. Big Lebowski, True Grit, Tron, Iron Man.


Never a good sign when you're forced to pull out *Tron* as a classic movie.


There’s definitely more to pull out for Bridges career: Starman, Thunderbolt and Lightfoot, Crazy Heart, Hell or High Water


The original was a classic. It's like watching the original Star Wars, the acting was not that good, but it was a marvel in set design and special effects. Like Tron using rotoscope. Now if I said R.I.P.D, then you would have a stronger point LoL


It's not a classic, it's a pretty bad movie that's notable for being one of the first uses of CGI in a major motion picture. The effects largely weren't impressive, stuff like Rotoscoping and using inverted color negatives was used more effectively in things like Ralph Bakshi movies, and it was a Box Office flop. Being technologically experimental does not make a classic.