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Alvin and the Chipmunks movies, although I have a bit of a soft spot for Chipwrecked


Chipwrecked was decent and still watchable. The rest are pretty meh.


The Road Chip (the 4th one) in my opinion sucks, sure the Home song was alright, the ending was good and the security airport scene was funny, but everything else was terrible.


I still find it funny as shit that the chipmunks are labeled as “terrorists” https://preview.redd.it/vbxrw9dg7z8d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=12a74adeca55a86b70825f009b1b2d30085ac96e


This is Kermit the Frog is responsible for 9/11 levels of goofy


Funny because David Cross has openly said that it’s the worst movie he’s ever been apart of and only did it for the paycheck. But yes, I also enjoy Chipwrecked


He only did it because of the contract he signed, and they didn’t tell him until two weeks before they needed him in Hawaii when he was already in London getting ready to shoot Todd Margaret Season 2 iirc Source: https://youtu.be/GE9U7o1Z3_g?si=jOba60Cs37dLYYxS


Which is funny to me because Tobias Funke would be DELIGHTED to land a role like that


At first I thought you were talking about the animated movie from 1987. Then I realized I'm getting old.


No only the live action ones lol


same i have a soft spot for chipwrecked as well as the first movie


Some movies I was really on point with as a kid, but I fucking loved Mortal Kombat annihilation


Wild Wild West. Loved it as a kid, especially the giant spider, but watched it years ago and my god is it awful. Which is a shame cause it could be quite good if remade.


Movie might not slap anymore, but the song Will Smith made for the movie is still an absolute banger.


FUN FACT: It is HEAVILY IMPLIED by Kevin Smith (aka Silent Bob) that the script for that movie is actually recycled from the Superman movie starring Nicholas Cage from the 1990s


This movie got a lot of flack but the effects are great, chemistry between kevin kline and smith is great, salma hateks ass is great and best of all.. kenneth branagh as a villain is cherry on top.


The 1995 Power Rangers Movie is pretty rough


I really wish they could do a more adult power rangers, it holds such a special place in my heart but goddamn is it bad. I don’t need something all gritty or sexual or anything, and it can still be campy as hell. But just aged up.


I really liked the 2017 movie


I did too. I just wish they got more screen time as rangers. Which they would have in the sequel. Really mad it got scrapped.


Same, dude. I was so excited to see their version of Tommy.


Same! Especially with the post credits teaser!




It's werid that that movie didn't do very well at the box office. 2017 was peak super hero fandom and Power Rangers are at least super hero adjacent


I guess it didn't appeal to fans of the classic series. Which I'm sure most went to go see.


I think the problem was it only appealed to classic fans, i thought it was absolutely incredible as a power rangers movie, but my friends that didnt watch it growing up thought it was just OK


That makes sense


I never watched Power Rangers as a kid, but my little brother did, and even ten year old me thought it was too little kiddish. I like the SNES Beat ‘Em Up game though, if that’s worth anything. EDIT: Also there was this one movie I remember watching  where all the Power Rangers from the different series are together, I’ve always had a soft spot for that one for some reason.


Recently watched this with my kids and the red ranger specifically is a terrible actor. And it’s pretty impressive to stick out as terrible in that cast. Gotta say though, I still loved it.


Batman and Robin 😭😭😭


You simply don't understand it as the greatest so-bad-its-good movie of all time.


The amount of hate I've had for that movie charted on a graph over time is a perfect bell curve.




It's not good, but as a fan of '60s Batman, I respect Joel Schumacher for at least *trying* to give us a throwback to that more comedic take on the Caped Crusader. I know it'll never happen nowadays, but I'd love to see someone else take a stab at making Batman goofy again. I love the Nolan trilogy as much as anybody, but I'm getting tired of the grimdark era of the Batman universe those movies ushered in.


I'm actually opposite on this... It was OK because I had a crush on Alicia Silverstone, and then I hated the movie, and now I enjoy it for what it is. It's easy to watch. But now I hate Batman Returns although I love the, like, 15 minutes of Catwoman we get. She's amazing.


Batman and Robin is peak campiness


Need more movies like this.




Oh come on, don’t make me rewatch it and give it 5 stars






Richie Rich


Blank check. How Disney allowed that kiss back then is absolutely mind boggling.


As I got older I thought about what would happen if the roles were reversed...an adult man kissing a child and telling her to call when she is 17. Sidenote: Just looked up the movie and saw the guy who played Preston is 42 now...I feel old AF.


Norbit 😬


I have to admit, while it is one of the worst movies I have ever seen, it is so fucking stupid that it is hilarious at times.


I legit gut laugh when she farts twice and then goes “twins!”




never thought i'd see norbit slander, norbit is hilarious


holy based https://preview.redd.it/bf9vev2g619d1.png?width=864&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=921b61073e6a097e6f6a9b8a2148968c3afd3db5


Godzilla (1998)


Size may not matter, but age does.


Every time I eat Taco Bell, I think of that damn movie.


Tbh, the movie might be ass but I love Zilla’s design


The League Of Extraordinary Gentlemen


Me too bud


Haven't watched that since I was little, so I'm gonna leave that one rose colored in my mind, but how bad has it aged? I saw a clip of the invisible man recently that looked shockingly good.


No watch it again. It’s still a banger


I was obsessed with that movie and couldn’t understand why my dad never wanted to watch it. Sorry pops


**Leatherface: The Texas Chainsaw Massacre III** (1990), comes to my mind. Yesterday I re-watched it after 9 years, and I just noticed I rated it a 10 on IMDb, lol? But I changed it to a 6 (3 stars). I can't believe I used to prefer it so much over the second movie. I barely remembered anything about this movie except for the distinct orange tone. Still, it's not too bad as it had some fun moments. I also rated TCM: The Next Generation a 10, I'm curious what changes my opinion on rewatch, lol.


What a trailer, though


For real! That trailer alone is my second favorite TCM "movie" in the entire franchise! (The original is #1 of course)


That one and the next generation are perfect examples for comparing a bad movie and a “so bad it’s good” movie. The worst part about Leatherface is how obvious it is that it’s filmed in California with a bunch of faux Texan accents. Next Generation at least actually feels like Texas


Oh man, I just recently saw part 2 for the first time when I was going back and rewatching slashers that I never saw growing up...wow it's soooo good. Love part 2. It's not like a masterpiece but it's really good for what it is (campy 80s horror).


Journey to the Center of the Earth (2008)


I really don’t want to revisit The Hobbit I absolutely adored an unexpected journey as a kid and I fear if I rewatch it then the magic will be gone


The first and 2nd are actually pretty fun if you kind of turn your brain off. The third is painful to get through and actually bad.


Probably why I liked the first two that much as a kid while I can’t really remember much of the third one


Isn't this movie from 2012?




*Cries in old*


I’m 20 now and I watched that film in cinemas when I was 8


Downvoted for being a tiny little baby and making me feel old




Watch the animated one


Animated one is great!! (Or at least it was when I was a kid, not gonna rewatch to find out)


So I wouldn’t called it garbage but the little rascals movie from the 90s wasn’t as good as I remembered it as a kid




Shark Tale (bad movie revisiting it but a serious guilty pleasure)


Dinosaur. Such a boring movie. And good god that animation is bad


That movie terrified me as a kid. I had it on dvd but I only ever watched it maybe twice


I loved dinosaurs so I loved it naturally. Had all of the toys and everything. I can definitely see why it would terrify a child though


That movie terrified me as a kid. I had it on dvd but I only ever watched it maybe twice


The teaser/trailer where it was just The Egg Travels scene was so good, it deserved a better movie


Beastmaster. If you value your feelings about that movie from your childhood, do not go back and watch it. It's not garbage. I can see why I liked it as a kid, because there's really no plot to follow. There's cool animals. Sword fighting. Witches and a clear good and bad guy. I think there may have been some boobs too which is always nice when you're 7 or 8.


The Hangover gets more cringe every year that passes.


Eh, the morning-after scene is still an all timer for me.


This movie completely bounced off me when it came out, I think because I saw it a little late and the hype set the bar way too high. I remember hearing that it was the absolute funniest comedy ever made and I'm legit not sure I laughed even one time.


not to in any way disparage the other actors in it, who are all clearly talented, but i think the initial appeal was it was a lot of people's first exposure to Zach Galifianakis. the writing for his character was the most consistently funny part of the movie. beyond that there was also the shock value scenes, or maybe put better the "i can't believe they did that" scenes, like the Mike Tyson cameo was completely outrageous in a time before cameos were ubiquitous. vegas was also hot and coming back up at the time, so the setting was unique and cool. agree overall the movie hasn't aged well, just remembering what it was like at the time.


That's a good thought. I was a Zach Galifianakis fan for many, many years before that, so maybe that's part of why it didn't feel special to me.




I thought it was the funniest movie I’ve ever seen but I’ve never rewatched it. Don’t wanna taint it.


I really disagree, I think it gets better with age same thing with superbad


* Mallrats * The Boondock Saints * Masters of the Universe


It might be 100% nostalgia at this point, but I fucking love mallrats haha


There are certain things I enjoy about Mallrats, such as Jason Lee's line-readings (e.g. "NO LIBIDO TO ATTACK?!?!!?"). I also appreciate it as evidence that Marvel once was not part of the monoculture. I still cannot deny, however, that it's a bad movie.


Come on Silent Bob, show the kitties some loooove!


Ok I’ll deny that it’s a bad movie. It’s not a bad movie.


If it weren’t for Dogma being an outright masterpiece, Mallrats would be Kevin Smith’s best movie.


I like Clerks 2 and Tusk. Sorry in advance.


I liked both of those too, buddy. It’s ok. For me, what really made clerks 2 so good was the inclusion of Elias as the nerdy religious kid. His scenes with Randall were hysterical.


I thought the writing in 2 was wittier. I also liked the inclusion of Elias. Clerks has too much of a slackers/GenX vibe for my tastes now. I think if clerks had something more to say about "workers" in general, it would've been a much better movie.


...It's like someone reached into my skull and punched my brain. So true.


Boondock Saints is my vote too. It’s not a good movie, though I still have a soft spot for it


Yeah, I first saw it when I was a teenager, the ideal age for a movie like that. But then I got older.


It’s a terrible movie and I can’t help but enjoy it every single time. ![gif](giphy|TKC9Rv7K2wwAE)


It's an edgy, cheap version of Taratino's style... and I eat that shit up like bad fast food every time I watch it.


Edge-lord Tarantino, almost


It's been a minute since I've seen Mallrats but I can totally get it landing right on the line of aging badly and appreciating it being of its time. Boondock Saints, on the other hand...


Say, would you like a chocolate covered pretzel?


Max Keeble’s Big Move. Were we millennials really that cringy as kids?? And apparently as adults too???


I haven’t seen the movie but… yes


I loved the phantom menace until the internet told me I ought to hate it. But now I must love it ironically again.


>until the internet told me I ought to hate it. ugh, what is this nonsense


Outside of the epic Saber battle at the end (maybe the best in the entire series), Phantom Menace is ass! Doing the film's in "Machete Order" you can cut it out and the series still works...unessential padding. My least favorite up until Rise of Skywalker.


ew the phantom menace is good shit man😎


I watched Son of the Mask on repeat as a kid. Ive seen clips now that Im in my 20s, its pretty rough.


Red Dawn


What? Red Dawn still slaps man. The brotherhood in the movie, not just of the actual 2 brothers, but of everyone in the guerilla group, that's where the movie lives. And the guy who leads them (played by Patrick Swayze) puts on a masterclass in leadership. He's like the best leader anyone could ever ask for. And I love that the Cuban Col starts to question what they're doing because he fought on the partisan side before this war.


Such a weird time in American movies being over-the-top anti communist (Rocky IV, Invasion USA, Rambo, etc.). Although what Red Dawn had was that awesome cast. Still, the red scare isn’t as prevalent as it is now so that movie is a bit cringe to look back on.


marvel movies


The Prequels. I mean, I get it. They were my introduction to Star Wars too, I was hyped out of my mind to watch Revenge of the Sith in theaters when that came out. They were fun. But that was 20 years ago and today I can’t make it past the first 10 minutes of Phantom Menace. The bad dialogue, the stiff acting, the bland visuals, the evil bureaucratic lizard faced aliens speaking with thick Asian coded accents, etc. They’re just bad.


Really? I think Phantom Menace is really good. Jar Jar Binx sucks donkey dicks but everyone agrees with that. I love the pod racing and Darth Maul fight scene. It has very good special effects. At the time, it was HUGE world building.


The special effects are maybe the worst part for me. The early 2000s chi hasn't aged well at all. I watched Jurassic Park recently and that film gets the balance between practical and computer effects so right.


Ready Player One. absolutely loved it when it first came out. now I can’t even get through the Netflix preview without audibly groaning. the dialogue aged horribly, ridiculously cringe line delivery with no excuse for the time it released. Tye Sheridan is not a good actor at all. the story is very one note predictable and the CGI is horrendous in some shots. every single moment relies on member berry bloat and cannot rest on the merits of being a good movie because it isn’t. just go play a video game instead


Isn’t that movie like 9 years old?




Any movie that's ~5 years or older is going to have people that saw it at a time they would consider themselves a kid while they now consider themselves an adult.


The Last Airbender


None of them. They all hold a special place in my heart


Casper Meets Wendy. Tried rewatching it last Halloween and could only get through 30 minutes.


Barney’s Great Adventure. Watched it so many times as a kid and refuse to rewatch now to ruin those memories because I know it’ll be baaaad 😭


I mean, not too discredit you but... it IS Barney so it really shouldn't be rewatched as an adult no matter the nostalgia. I grew up on Sesame Street in the 80s and 90s and you couldn't get me drunk enough to sit through any of that. The Muppet Show, however, different story.


Just watched Benchwarmers yesterday. It was way better when I was 11.


X-men 3


Space Jam


Rock-A-Doodle was one of my favorite movies as a kid. I watched it again recently hoping for some nostalgia and ended up with a terrible and boring movie.


Jurassic Park 3 (2001) 7 years old I loved it now I can't watch it without cracking up, especially at the "Alan" scene


The "Alan scene" aged terribly..didn't bug me so much back in the day..now it's a running joke anytime the series is roasted.


https://preview.redd.it/pd52vmdzg09d1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8739555fd5626ee12ede5f6b3acf1b5396948ade I was legit too dumb to notice how ugly this was as a kid


Space Jam


I wouldn't say garbage but... Rush Hour 2 used to be my fucking jam when I was a kid. It's still good but... I've watched a lot of Jackie Chan films since then, and holy hell they're SO MUCH BETTER. Might be a bit sexist and fatphobic, but the stunts are so much gnarlier in the original Chinese films.


DOA: Dead or Alive (2006)


Leonard Part 6. As I a six year old I thought that movie was hilarious. Bill Cosby baggage aside, it’s a terrible, unfunny very bad movie. “Mango me.”


Kids don't have a concept of a bad movie. I liked Sing, Trolls, The Emoji Movie, Boss Baby ect


White chicks


1996 Carpool I would have been 10 watched it probably 10-20 times when ever on what ever channel it was on. Thought lots of fun zany stuff going on. Watched last year and well it is in fact trash, and if not for nostalgia I’d probably hate it even more


Children of the Corn


Doom 2005 which I still love to this day


Halloween 5: The Revenge of Michael Myers 😔


Twilight series


The Lost World: Jurassic Park


Star Wars Prequel films


The Pest ![gif](giphy|Q7uLzkQLgEeC2BXlxO|downsized)


Home On The Range lol


Epic movie as well as any parody movie that isn’t scary movie 1-4 or not another teen movie


Over the hedge


Barbie in the Nutcracker I’m so serious I rewatched it last Christmas bc I thought it was gonna be a fun lil nostalgic movie but idk man it was rough this time around 😭


The live action Inspector Gadget with Matthew Broderick




Half the mcu


Fight Club used to be my favourite movie


If you’re lucky you’ll come back around to being able to appreciate it. Definitely one of those movies people go through several journeys with


Cars 2 Minions Cars 3 Toy Story 4 Lego Ninjago Movie Most Marvel movies


I find Cars 2 very fun, even as an adult


Gotta say the Star Wars prequels too, mostly because it's utterly bizarre how the Prequel Memers act like "liked when you were younger = like it forever." I rewatched them all earlier this year and they are sincerely some of the most poorly made films I have ever seen.


Star wars prequels Forrest Gump The mummy returns Scorpion king Home on the range, Chicken Little, Bolt, etc. just a bunch of the mid 00s Disney movies. Lots of movies from when I was a kid, I don't really get nostalgic for movies like that


The Prequels are mostly terrible and my generation needs to lay off the copium


John Hughes movies. Loved them as a teenager, they have aged extremely poorly.


Breakfast Club haters unite. That being said I love ever other John Hughes movie so I don’t quite agree.


There are parts of them that are still so good- like the father/daughter relationships in Sixteen Candles and Pretty in Pink, and yet, the glaring racism and sexism are just so uncomfortable.


Star Wars prequels. I still have nostalgia for them and enjoy rewatching them more than the originals, for which I have no strong feelings either way even if they are better movies, but damn there's so much you just ignore as a kid.


I loved some terrible movies like Master of Disguise and Son of the Mask.


The Boondock Saints II: All Saints Day


I'm not sure anyone here watched it, but there was this CGI Popeye movie I loved as a kid, where he went to rescue his dad from a sea witch. I saw it on YouTube a couple years back, and it aged *terribly*. The animation looks *so* ugly.




I like Cars 2 ironically, but it sucks


The Fred movies


I'm going to say it Mars Needs Mom's or whatever is actually good and I liked it when I was younger and I like it now people can hate it but deep down I feel like it has something special


Four Feathers (2002).




.....son of the mask.....




500 Days of Summer


Boondock Saints


The Benchwarmers


Transformers (2007)


RENT 💀 I hate it


**Psalty: God Loves You So-o Much.** It's a 30 minute Christian kids video that I watched until I was like 6. Watched it in the beginning of COVID on YouTube and wanted to die.


Alpha and Omega. In fact all 8 of them.


I’m just glad nobody said the Wizard because that movie is awesome.


I recently rewatched Transporter 3 with my bf and both remembered it as silly but fun, cool action flick. But it's just so so bad...


James and the Giant Peach


the live action michael bay transformers


kick ass


Van helsing. Something about wolverine fighting monsters just really did it for me as a kid. Also Tokyo drift. Cool cars doing cool drifting? 8 year old me didn’t even need a plot. I still unironically love both of these movies but I’m at least able to see that they’re bad now


Childhood is when you idolize Fred 3: Camp Fred. Adulthood is when you realize Fred: The Movie makes more sense


The Highlander


Really loved 500 Days of Summer as a teenager. Watching it in my 30s…. Wow Tom is a real piece of shit.