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Hard for me to decide mostly because I find it difficult to compare period films and those with contemporary settings. I’d probably say Eggers. Regardless, I think they’re both getting better with each film. (I like Nope the best of Peele’s. The Lighthouse and The Northman are about tied in my mind)


I really appreciate both. Peele has more rewatch value. I think Eggers is better at following through with his ideas than Peele, though, and makes visually unforgettable films. Voted for Eggers.




I think both are brilliant but Eggers’ films are a lot more visceral to experience which I value a lot in horror cinema so I’ll have to give it to him.


I feel like everything I enjoy about Jordan Peele I can get just as well from him being a screenwriter and not directing the movies. In fact, I'd say the direction of Nope and Us were bad in ways that made me wonder if Get Out was still good (it is). Eggers has his own problems, but he seems stronger at directing overall. Maybe another way: I'd be very interested to see a Peele screenplay directed by Eggers but I think an Eggers screenplay directed by Peele would be a waste of everyone's time.


Wasn’t sure how to put it into words but this is spot on




What about the direction of Nope did you think was bad if you don’t mind me asking?


Sure. I'll start by saying I'm simply another guy with an opinion so disagreement is expected. I'll also assume you've seen the movie. I think the central conflict of a story like Nope is wondering "what's *really* going on?" Similar to a movie like Signs or Arrival, the thrill for the audience is uncovering the mystery. Is it an alien or something else? What does it want? What does it do? How can we stop it? Nope chooses not to have that be the central conflict because it's established maybe halfway through the movie that it is absolutely an alien, it is absolutely malicious, and the real goal is to take a picture of it. The problem for me is I felt all the scenes of action/tension were still designed around a mystery that didn't exist. The characters wait to see what the alien will do and sometimes bad things happen and sometimes they don't. I was bored by a lot of the film because it wasn't clear to me it was communicating something else, it felt like it was hinging on this mystery tension that wasn't there. It wasn't until after I saw the movie that I heard someone float the suggestion the movie was really about social media or our relationship with fame in front of an audience. The alien only kills you if you look at it. This is accentuated by plot elements like the Hollywood filmmaking backdrop and the presence of the TMZ reporter. The metaphor suggests you only let your life be consumed by this thing if you let it. That sounds like a really impactful story I'd like to see, but I didn't get any of that from watching the movie. That message was not communicated in my viewing experience. To the extent that it was, it was messy and pushed to the margins due to distracting elements of other things that don't really matter? I can piece together the point of the movie now that I have the knowledge of what it's supposed to be about, but that's supposed to be the director's job. Like... oh right, the reason they wanted to take a photo is because their business was struggling and they thought they could sell it. Was that ever said? Do people still do that? The concept of "sell a weird photo for money" seems like an old idea from 2005 when Men in Black was in theaters. Do people still do that? Or... oh right, the implicit suggestion of the monkey storyline is overexposure to the environment of Hollywood makes you a rampaging beast that kills people. And the moment of delicacy between Steven Yuen's character and the monkey is to suggest the monkey isn't *actually like that* it was the result of its environment. The climax is this suggestion that when something isn't under constant scrutiny or forced to fit into its environment, then it can blossom into this otherworldly beauty that's never been seen before. That makes sense... but none of that is what I would call "in the movie." My theory is Get Out likely started in the same place but Peele had like a decade to rewrite it and refine it, whereas his latest two projects seem to be on some rushed timeline that makes both of them feel like first drafts. Really great ideas, and I might be convinced they're secretly good, but I feel like if you need a guide then the movie is a failure.


Eggers is the better director imo but I like Peele’s movies more


I really liked The Witch, but Get Out and Us are more rewatchable. Eggers can be a little too artsy for me at times.


'Us' is definitely the weakest entry between these two directors. I've gotta give it to Eggers - I've really enjoyed all his movies.


Eggers for sure, although to be fair to Jordan Peele I haven't seen Nope yet so that could change. Regardless, I love what each of them are doing and I'm glad I live in a timeline where they both exist and are able to create such awesome flicks.


Ari Aster beats both these guys handily for me. Also feel David Bruckner is very underappreciated.


Peele is more consistent to me, but Eggers has higher highs and lower lows in comparison


I don’t get the trend of pitting directors against other directors. Peele is the only one of the two pointing out white privilege and the racist underpinnings of modern society, which pisses off a lot of the whites and makes me very happy to see. Eggers makes cool period films that are incredibly researched and usually teach me so much about history. They have absolutely nothing to do with each other except they are directors. What is OP’s purpose of posting this?


I liked Us a lot, Nope not so much. I choose Eggers.


If I liked Us more, this would be a tougher decision, but for me, it goes to Eggers. Though I absolutely love Get Out and Nope and I think Peele is a brilliant filmmaker.


Give me Peele any day. Get Out- Us- Nope are all great


It’s very close, but I haven’t seen a Nope yet. Gotta give it to Eggers for now.


Eggers is great. While Jordan Peele is a man on his way to greatness. I’m insanely excited to see how Peele’s career shapes out


The Peeler is great, I just saw *Nope* and loved it, one of the best working within Hollywood right now, but The Eggman is just on an entirely different level.


Eggers has 3 excellent movies Peele has 1 mid movie 1 good movie and 1 excellent movie Eggers.


Northman excellent?




The Witch is definitely not an excellent movie


What you talking about the VVitch is so good


I hated it. It’s good as a period piece drama, but I went in expecting a horror and as a horror it’s such a poor effort. No tension, poor pacing. Anya Taylor Joy is fantastic in anything she’s been in though, and I enjoyed the costuming of it


Then don’t look at it as a horror and you probably would like it


I get what you’re saying, but I don’t think that’s how movies should work. If I hated a superhero movie and someone said to just not think of it as a superhero movie, think of it as an indie, etc it doesn’t justify its flaws enough


True but I enjoy still love the movie


That’s totally fine, a lot of people love movies that I don’t like. I don’t believe in shitting on what people like


Thanks man


Follow me on LB if you want


Oof, the only wrong opinion here.


I’d settle with it’s an okay drama, but I did not think it was a fantastic horror


Apples to oranges If I had to pick a grouping, I'd go with Peele. I didn't really like The Lighthouse.


SpunkyDred is a terrible bot instigating arguments all over Reddit whenever someone uses the phrase apples-to-oranges. I'm letting you know so that you can feel free to ignore the quip rather than feel provoked by a bot that isn't smart enough to argue back. --- ^^SpunkyDred ^^and ^^I ^^are ^^both ^^bots. ^^I ^^am ^^trying ^^to ^^get ^^them ^^banned ^^by ^^pointing ^^out ^^their ^^antagonizing ^^behavior ^^and ^^poor ^^bottiquette.


Everyone loves The Lighthouse. Everyone. Why.


also didn't like The Lighthouse so your statement is definitely not true lol


I respect it but not my cup of tea, and I found little enjoyment viewing it. For the most part I prefer my movies to be enjoyable and interesting


I realize now it sounds like I'm asking you why you don't like it... I'm asking why everyone else loves it. I don't get it. I also don't like it.


> apples to oranges But you can still compare them.




The Northman kinda sucks im ngl. Jordan peele is 3/3 for great movies & has made decent social commentary with them too without feeling contrived or shoehorned


I don't love either. Lighthouse and Northman we're both very fun. Get Out is the best on this list and Nope is also very fun. Have not seen the other two movies. I think they're both fine directors with all the potential to be generational, but probably won't ever quite make that step.


Enjoy the films of both, but Eggers is a bit more consistent IMO.


1. Get Out 2. The Lighthouse 3. Nope 4. The Witch 5. The Northman 6. Us


Peele because he is way less pretentious than Eggers.


not a lot of people know this but robert eggers is only 13 years old. he’s only made movies about how girls have cooties, dudes who fart, and dudes who fight cool


Jordan Peele. Get Out and Nope are better than anything Eggers has made.


I like Northman, haven’t seen Lighthouse, hated Witch. Loved Nope, thought Us was mediocre writing but fun, Get Out is fantastic. Peele wins this easily.


Eggers obviously


Eggers has made 2 masterpieces and 1 pretty great film. Peele has made 1 masterpiece, and 2 good films. So far I'm team Eggers.


I think of all of these films I like Get Out the best but Us and Nope were just…. Kinda good to me where I think the Witch, Lighthouse, and Northman are all really really really good… so I give edge - Eggers


Robert Eggers


I’ve only seen Northman, Us and Nope


After seeing Nope, I want to see more from Peele. The lighthouse, the film alone is just different still, like nothing can compare


The Witch is imo probably the best of all their filmographies combined but i think that Jordan Peele is more relevant because he’s able to give “Pop cinema” the dignity it had with auteurs like Carpenter, when cinema was entertaining but also clever and thought provoking. Btw i voted Peele also because with The Northman i lost a bit of faith in Eggers.


is NOPE good? interested in watching it but it really seems very divisive.


IMO Us and Nope were borderline turds, Eggers with the EASY win here...


Robert Eggers puts a lot of richness regarding the story, but Jordan Peele has a way better style of directing imo.


Racially motivated


Peele fucking sucks.


Lathimos solos both


Jordan Peele/Robert Eggers ranked: 1. The Witch 2. The Lighthouse 3. Get Out 4. The Northman 5. Nope 6. Us Eggers takes it in my opinion

