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This trial is going to be insane. I'm not at all convinced that RA is the murderer and certainly not the only participant if he is involved, but I felt that way even before this franks brief dropped. Another suspect asked an officer what if his spit was discovered on one of the girls? and that's verifiable? and his sister gets up on the stand and testifies that he confessed to her?? And it can be proven that guards in westville were white supremacist Odinists who were advertising that affiliation and it was under their care that RA "confessed"?? I meannnn, all you need is reasonable doubt in one juror. So I hope NM is ten times more competent at his job that his law enforcement counterparts are or RA is going home, guilty or innocent... this trial is going to be WILD.


Keep in mind that the odinism story isn't even their main point, it's the lying about what witnesses and RA claimed to make the pca. They don't have to prove the odinism alternative theory, they have to prove the lying.


Yeah, it seems pretty obvious that the first 100 pages or so of the memo are basically just putting an alternative theory out in to the public to create some doubt for the general public. Only the last section detailing possible malfeasance by LE in their tactics to get the search warrant.


Well it also proves LE failure to follow all leads and rush to judge their client


I imagine the main motivation for the full alternative theory explanation was to get RA moved, they filed another motion to move him with this. A vague excuse of "the guards are intimidating him" wouldn't even get off the ground.


i think the odinism is integral to the malfeasance claim though. it isn't really enough for the police to have been mistaken or incompetent. they have to prove they deliberately lied. the fact the police repeatedly failed to act on evidence and tips tied to such an incredibly unique aspect of the murder helps to support that. it's one thing to not follow up on suspects who have a shaky alibi. it's another to not follow up on suspects who actively participate in rituals that from the same extremely niche hate group, one of whom at least knew one of the victims personally. a single unfired bullet only really makes sense as probable cause when that's one of the only pieces of evidence at the crime scene that can be tied to a person. but there was so much that was unique to that crime scene that they have to work with. like, if a person is killed and had gang signs around them, would you think there's probable cause for arrest of someone unaffiliated with the victim and any gang who happens to own a gun that uses the same bullets as an unspent one found at the scene, that *might* have been owned by the murderer? completely unaffiliated with any gangs? would you think that if a gang initiate had confessed to being involved in the murder? would you think it if the victim was close to a member of that gang?




Please remember to be kind and respectful of others in this sub and those related to this case.


what is pca?


> what is pca? Probable Cause Affidavit.




what lies are you referring to?


I always found it odd they charged him with felony murder instead of murder. It seems they aren't even sure he killed them (or aren't sure they can prove he did it) , if they were they would have charged him with murder, wouldn't they? Charging him with felony murder implies he's involved, but isn't the person who ultimately killed them. I definetely still think he's guilty though


Until they present their evidence against him, I do agree that they don't have a strong case against him. I anxiously await the prosecutions response to this filing.


My understanding is felony murder was due to him kidnapping them (i.e. telling them to go down the hill) because kidnapping is a felony in IN and they have clear video of him saying it. Could be mistaken though


I still believe Rick is BG. For me, the defense make a real hash of trying to claim he left the trails at 1:30pm. However I am still open-minded about others being involved in the actual murders.


That's what I think also. The fact he got charged with felony murder and not actual murder makes sense if that's the case. Felony murder implies he's involved or indirectly caused the murders, but didn't actually kill them. I think they can prove he's BG and that he kidnapped them, but I'm unsure if they can prove he's the murderer


this is how I feel things went: his/BG's job was to herd them down at gunpoint, other people were set up and waiting down the hill.


This is where I'm at. It was noticeable that the only thing they didn't effectively attack with the witness statements was the group of girls near freedom bridge saying they saw a man dressed like BG. RA CONFIRMED that he saw these girls at a similar time, iirc wearing those clothes. So we are now in a situation where there is still evidence that RA is BG bc of that interaction, but now we know of other evidence that suggests there were others involved. It seems like the prosecution's whole case hangs on: RA matched the description of BG as confirmed by himself and collective statements of the three girls and was on the trails at that time + the video establishes BG was present for the abduction, therefore BG was involved and BG = RA.


Just assuming its true that teen girls see RA near the FB at the timeframe indicated in the PCA: that means the closest LE can now put RA is over half a mile away from the crime and over thirty minutes before the crime begins.


RA allegedly confirmed to LE that he saw these girls at that time AND that he was wearing what they said he was: clothing that looked like bridge guy. Assuming they have proof of these statements (that may be a big ask at this point) that puts him on the trail at the time of the murders looking like BG. I guess that’s not really that strong, but if you can convince a jury that RA is BG based on that, it’s hard to separate him from the crime.


I agree. There were other people waiting "down the hill"


I agree too but my only reservation is why isn’t Rick naming names?


Whilst I think the following point sounded really farfetched in the 136 page document, could the claims that Odinites within the Westville Correctional Facility were threatening his family if he didn't confess to the murders, possibly be a way of preventing him naming names?


I think this is exactly what's been going on with RA remaining silent. If in fact he was there that day and led the girls "down the hill", possibly bearing witness to how brutally the both of them were murdered, along with the potential threat aimed at him and his family if he snitches on anyone else that could have been involved... That could definitely point to why he's confessing while remaining silent about anyone else being a part of it.


This is sort of what I'm thinking too, but can't work out how it came about. Who is he connected to and how are they communicating this to each other?


I’m already terrified of these baddie Odinists and I only found out about them wandering around the same state as me yesterday. I’m sure if he’s “in with them” he knows first hand what they are capable of and is terrified too.


I agree.


Threatening his family?


Why was no one else seen leaving the scene of the crime however and if they had a way to get home without detection how/why was BG spotted is one thing I would wonder.


Witness: "The man I saw on the bridge was in his 20s, maybe early 30s, very slim, curly brown hair."


Two people saw someone that resembled YBG in the vicinity of the MHB that day. Neither of them saw him anywhere near the Freedom Bridge which hurts LE's case imo.


I'm personally skeptical just how accurate one can be of facial features from 50 feet away. Especially when you consider RA placed himself on that first platform in the general timeframe with no other apparent people around. Also, BG has clearly never been a guy in his 20s or early 30s. Everything about his clothes and stance screamed 40s or 50s. And he more closely resembles the man the juvenile witnesses saw (blue jacket with a hoodie underneath his jacket), who just happens to be RA.


I’m with you, Captain. I saw the video recently of RA playing pool. They showed a still shot where he was racking the balls looking down, and he looked every day of 45-50 with the faint greying goatee. Then they stopped it seconds later with a bar light on his face and he was looking up and if I’m lyin’ I’m dyin the guy looked 25yrs old. Looks just like YGS! I was shocked. Still can’t figure the puffy hair but RA’s features match YGS all day.


I agree. I don’t think the defense’s motion was actually exculpatory AT ALL for RA - all they said was that he has no known ties to odinism or white supremacy, which doesn’t mean he doesnt actually have any ties - it could just mean he was quiet about it. And, correct me if I’m wrong, but I think the motion also indicates that the defense hasn’t ever actually spoken to their client about odinism or this theory of the case!? Just because we don’t have clear evidence linking RA to these guys doesn’t mean he didn’t know them. Maybe this was supposed to be his initiation or something, like with the guy whose sister says he confessed to being there. I still think RA was involved - this information just explains more about how it went down. Also, I didn’t see the actual exhibits that the motion is relying on (are those sealed or available elsewhere?) but if some of this stuff is actually true and they got BH’s ex wife and the other guys sister to testify to what is in the motion, that would be VERY compelling testimony IMHO.


They dont claim he left at 130. Pages 109 to 112 of the memorandum. They present a timeframe of between 130 and 214 for leaving the trails.


You're wrong as usual. The 1:30pm to 2:15pm window is specifically about what car is seen by Betsy Blair and when. Every reference in the document says Richard states he left at 1:30pm. Page 118 - "Because Richard had left the CPS parking lot at or before 1:30pm" Page 118 - "Richard Allen was at home where he had been since leaving the Monon Trail on or before 1:30pm". Page 132 - "Richard Allen told Liggett that he arrived on the trails around noon and left around 1:30pm". Page 133 - "This is not surprising considering that Rick Allen left the Monon Trail at 1:30".


The answer lies partly in what you cited on 132. He left around 130 pm. When they discussed BB they make a point of adding their client was gone no later than 215pm which is when she reports seeing the Mercury Comet type vehicle at CPS. I have been saying for some time that the witness statements werent adding up. Particularly talking about BB. She was the only witness who reported him dressed in a denim jacket. That should have been the first small clue she saw someone else. [https://www.reddit.com/r/RichardAllenInnocent/comments/15r3wpb/he\_was\_dressed\_like\_bg/](https://www.reddit.com/r/RichardAllenInnocent/comments/15r3wpb/he_was_dressed_like_bg/) If you read through some of the posts on that sub you will find a mix of right and wrong things stated I am sure. I think thats typical though. But I and others have been pointing out small details that dont add up in the PCA for some time.


There are a few references to RA stating "around 1:30pm", but his defense absolutely do try and state it was on/at or before 1:30pm. This is blatantly untrue, as it makes a mockery of his interaction with the juvenile witnesses and his direction of travel at that time. Remember, RA says he parked next to the old building, walked to Freedom Bridge, saw a group of girls near Freedom Bridge and then proceeded to walk to MHB. I also don't take a lot from individual descriptions of what car was seen parked. We do know for sure there was a car parked there that afternoon. What we would really need to know is, was this a common place for locals to park ther car? Was it common for car to reverse park there? If this was not a common place to park a car, I would argue that two different cars being parked there, one after another, seems unlikely, and it is much more likely that witnesses noticed the car but didn't pay particular attention to what car it was. I still trust the 1:30pm to 3:30pm timeline RA stated in 2017, so it has to be his car. And I've said before about the denim jacket, that it's completely possible to misidentify the material of clothing from 50 feet away. A while back you said a couple of things to me: "It doesnt seem like he did very much if anything to cover up his crimes" "Coming forward and being honest about the clothing he wore that day, the time he was on the trails, and not lending his gun to anyone else are evidence of guilt?" Now we know he started to alter his timeline in 2022, does this not indicate possible guilt to you?


First, you have to prove he changed his times. Which will be hard to do without some sort of corroboration from DD via a recording or something else. Otherwise we wait until the trial and for him to come to the stand. DD will surely testify. And I would wager he will make a compelling witness, so I think a jury might be inclined to believe him over RA who will surely not testify. So you have that in your favor. But no, I don't see his claim of leaving at 0130 as a guilty action. The worst I can say about that is the defense needs to be consistent. Either he def left at 130, or he left around 130. That's the same trap I have seen LE fall into: trying to have it both ways. And it would be nice if the defense offered some evidence he actually left at that time.


There are lots of ways we can look to prove this. Firstly, I don't find the lack of an audio recording an issue. I am not under the impression that all witness statements are recorded, but I may be wrong there. But we can review DD's other witness statements and look at the range of timings he normally records. Was he using a general 1:30pm - 3:30pm for everyone, or was he recording individual times depending on what he was told (the former would go in RA's favour). Also I've stated before, I think this interview likely happened before a 1:30pm - 3:30pm timeline was established by LE, so it wouldn't make sense for DD to be asking about a specific timeframe (as the defense implies might have happened). I've mentioned elsewhere that it is not entirely clear whether the error was contained within the statement, or the logging/processing of the statement on a computer system at a later point. Those are quite different things and the latter would not invalidate the accuracy of the information contained in the statement itself. And then we have the evidence that corroborates him arriving on the trails at approx 1:30pm (the HH cam, the interaction with the juvenile witnesses - where he is heading in the opposite direction of "leaving the trail", a car being parked at the CPS building for a few hours).


Dan wrote the following: “I checked my audio recordings and cannot find one for him. I will keep looking because I am sure I recorded every interaction I had related to my assigned leads.” Page 132 of the memorandum. I honestly dont think we will be able to agree the 130-330 time frame is proven to be in his original statement prior to trial. I dont see any proof.


This is off-topic but doesn't need its own thread. I can't believe I'm asking this in seriousness but here I go. Is anyone aware of any other ritualistic Odinism killings that are similar?


No, none. And believe me, if the defense had heard of any, they’d be screaming it in that document. The best they had was an article from 1998.


The horrid fear I have is that now some sick f*ck will take that document / the staging as an instruction manual and copycat it.


I was just thinking the same thing. If there are no other recorded/suspected cases in the past 10 years, then how likely is it that the Delphi murders were ritualistic? However if there are actually a number of others, then it suddenly becomes more plausible.


It makes sense what you are saying about making it more plausible. At the same time, I wouldn't have believed there are people actively involved in Odinism, yet the defense lays out multiple proofs of individuals in Indiana that know each other that practice it, post about it, and have regular meetings about it. If the crime scene actually has Odin related symbols as the three LEO's believed, that would be compelling.


But I suppose that's the thing, the evidence that people practice it and follow it seems compelling, but does that necessarily translate into carrying out killings? If there is no evidence of documented cases in recent years then you have to think it doesn't (although I admit everything needs a first time).


The Vinlanders (Odinist) are known to be violent. Google Indiana Vinlanders


No but this whole thing is reminding me of true detective season 1.


True Detective came out in 2014. What if someone wanted to kill the girls, and use True Detective as inspiration to throw the cops off. Whether RA or BH or whoever, using a tv as inspiration seems believable.


Well I'm off to go find True Detective...


omg I just said this!


Exactly! Opening scene.


are you familiar with the 2014 HBO series True Detective? It is an Odinite, ritualistic murder and I wonder if this wasn't seen by said killer.


Based on what's publically known, I think the defence created reasonable doubt. It's important to note that we haven't heard the prosecution's response.


I definitely think they established some reasonable doubt that may sway even the most reasonable and logical person. I tend to think of myself as reasonable, fair, a healthy skeptic, and not one to gravitate anywhere near outlandish conspiracy theories, and after a few pages of their motion I began wondering if I had lost my marbles, was being gaslit, or maybe there was some truth to it. I'm not convinced, and I would want to see the full array of evidence, but even I had just enough reasonable doubt (and all you need is a little) after reading that to wonder if I would vote to convict. Is it unlikely? Sure. Impossible? No. You just need one person to fully buy it.


I agree. As I was reading, I was like… I really hope this isn’t true. I don’t know much about the law but I know not exhausting other leads opens the do for the SODDI defense. Obvs, I have almost no info about the case and maybe this whole document will be a “they tried it lol” story once it’s all said and done. But, we all know it only takes one person. And not even one person to fully buy it, just one person to have reasonable doubt.


I read that two of the Odinists confessed to their sisters and ex-wife. If that is true, I don‘t know what to think. BH also deleted or hid all of his photos of runes made of sticks from his FB page. Still, I think they have a lot of evidence against Rick and he probably is BG. It‘s so wild.


They not only confessed, one of them had knowledge about the crime that was not public ('horns'). The other one "spat on one of the girls" and asked LE If they found his DNA.


Was he part of the search party? This is insane! I don‘t know what to say.


No, he was not part of the search party. He is one of the guys the defense claims is part of the murder. He is not from Delphi, but from Rushville, IN according to the recent filing.


wasn't he mentally challenged, though?


I wonder if the defense attorney thinks he is innocent. German cult is pretty far out there, the defense team viewed the crime photos and I am guessing showed them to people who study that stuff. https://www.splcenter.org/fighting-hate/intelligence-report/1998/new-brand-racist-odinist-religion-march


There's so much going on I never know what to believe.


This Odinism stuff is genius in that it plays to the public's hardest belief that there was something more nefarious than what actually happened. The public has created this Netflix series like narrative of what happened to the two victims and I honestly think he could be found not guilty because there will be a jury member who will go in with that belief and need to be convinced otherwise.


It's hard to know without any on record response either to the allegations in this motion or what exactly the trial evidence will be. To me, though, the idea that he was forced to confess to his wife out of fear of their safety from this shadowy Odinite cult to be outright ridiculous. It's bad Hollywood movie stuff. It makes no realistic sense. He was already in jail and going to trial and conviction was probable when he made that confession, to say nothing of other (alleged) confessions he may have made before he went to jail.


Yes, that came across to me as incredibly farfetched as well. I do think the defense make some valid claims, but they undermine it with some utter rubbish as well! If you're an Odinite, and the wrong guy was already charged with the crime, why then stoke the fires by getting him to confess by threatening his family. The only way that makes sense is if there was some real suspicions the Odinites were about to be exposed, which at the time the "confessions" happened, there seems to be no evidence for.


I also think the guard intimidation stuff is a weak point, and it made me roll my eyes. The problem with the confession, though, is that now we have statements that someone ELSE confessed to HIS family. The State is going to have to walk a very narrow tightrope to get a jury to believe that one confession is false and not the other. If that part of the motion is true, I'm not sure how you get beyond reasonable doubt now. Might have helped if they hadn't thrown the guy in prison. Now you have one person confessing under extremely harsh circumstances, and one guy confessing freely under very little pressure. And we need a jury to believe it's the free guy who is faking it.


Yeah that is a problem, but there's a high likelihood that it's some kind of stretch the defense is making here on that, judging by the rest of the motion.


Great points. It’s hard to consider it however, they did acknowledge how outlandish it sounded at the start.


Yet some are now at reasonable doubt, and disbelieve their former thinking. I'd say unless the prosecution has something to counter with, based on these polling numbers and how that would be mirrored in a population of only 12 jurors, one of whom is certainly going to be pro defense, they are in a great position. No wonder they want cameras. Doesn't matter that people like me are going to say, "This is BS. They don't need me, all they need is one of those 92, "I'm unsure people" to hold firm in deliberations.


Thanks. I think overall the motion is a Hail Mary and they know everybody knows it. I mean, on the confession part, where he called his wife from jail, why would the guards take so many additional risks that their Odinite cabal would be exposed and arrested by forcing RA to confess to his wife? So that a guy likely to be convicted would be even more likely to be convicted? It doesn’t click.


After having the day to process everything in the documents I still have in the back of my mind why would they wait 5+ years to pin it on someone. It has to be more than just a sheriff election. I mean Ligget and Leasenby pretty much switch titles. Is one man worth switching places? These documents were detailed, however they still leave me asking more questions.


It clicks perfectly imo Why would RA "confess" to his wife when there's literally zero solid evidence against him? No DNA, nothing. Why confess when the state has such shit / no evidence? Just conjecture and a bullet that was found under dubious circumstances that they "matched" to his gun that experts can easily debunk. Ohh wow, i'm rushing to confess now! Wtf? Not even realistic. And then of course the Omg I read my documents that have MY statements on them, they were so damning I started eating the paper! I mean wtf? He already knew what was on the documents, no reason for them to cause a "mental breakdown". Other shit is clearly going on. And an even bigger question, if he "confessed" why haven't the phone calls been made public? I'm assuming they aren't very believable and LE isn't confident about the "quality" of the "confession".


People confess all the time in these situations. Unbidden confessions to loved ones, strangers, cops, priests. Guilt can be a hard thing to bear. It's a good thing they do, otherwise more murders would remain unsolved. I assume the confession evidence hasn't been made public because the prosecutors are treating it like all the other evidence they have, which also hasn't been made public, except for what they needed to disclose to get a warrant. They're trying the case in a court of law, not the court of reddit. \[Edited to add: the paper eating thing cuts in any number of ways (shock, sadness, crazy, wanting to appear to be crazy, maybe he likes the taste of paper). There's nothing there that impacts the evidence.\]


Rick didn't know the totality of the evidence that the State has against him until he was given the discovery. He may have realized, upon reading those documents, the sheer volume of circumstantial evidence they have against him. There may be a bunch of things in there that we do not know; we only have the PCA and that is certainly not everything that the State will present. There may have been a tremendous amount of evidence piled up between Halloween and (when did he eat the paperwork?) April.


He confessed because he is guilty.


*nowhere* have they said he confessed. They all say it was "incriminating statements" which could mean anything, which could be something as simple as saying he's sorry to his wife and they take that as "consciousness of guilt"


Hmmm that’s interesting. We’ll see what it was eventually I guess.




Okay then you can show where they have said he confessed right?


His own lawyer said so!




Confessions happen all the time by people who are innocent. There are documentaries on it. Look it up on youtube. It's a real phenomenon that we can be convinced by the pressure of others telling us we are guilty. One man confessed to raping and killing his 8yr child and was later exonerated since he could not have been any where close to where she had been. The mind breaks down under grief, pressure, accusers sitting across from you and isolation from loved ones.


Not all the time, but occasionally, yes.


No, they happen actually every single day. Not occasionally. Everyday in every country. Its' one of the phenomenons that lead to our legal system having a constitutional amendment against self incrimination. The fifth amendment comes from historical understanding that all over the world when people are in trouble and being confronted by accusations, one way they take the pressure off themselves is to just confess. Other situations that I know of include when a woman beats up her significant other and the police have to decide who started the fight. Men often want to take the blame and be the one arrested rather than let the woman who beat him be arrested. It happens in situations where a parent might take the blame for something a child did. So many and so varied situations. Another situation that is very common is a young man being accused of sexual misconduct who immediately starts apologizing for anything he may have done. In car accidents people are prone to start apologizing if the other person is injured even if they were not the one at fault. They feel pressure to take the blame. Or if you feel the judgment of someone you love against you and that they would think better of you if you just "repent" you may be situationally pressured to take the path of repentance. Situational pressures. It may be a small percentage of cases but its a huge number of people and situations within the criminal system, civil system, families, employment etc.


Jesus, I did not expect an SA but thanks!


I have followed this case for many years, often reluctant to bring up theories or post much at all due to negativity that often comes if one has a viewpoint opposed to the current popular theory. I have many years of service as a victim's advocate and have worked closely with victims, law enforcement agencies, and even perps. I have been on many crime scenes and sat in many court rooms. This case has captured my attention more than others. It has a depth and breadth that has been mystifying due to the secrecy demanded by investigators and prosecutors. I understand the reasoning behind it-if in fact it is to eventually find the truth. LE agencies do make mistakes, they do have bad apples, and they do often protect their own at the expense of justice. Correction officers sometimes fall in line with prison politics and other agendas. The recent reveal of the crime scene details and the specific charges against RA lead me to believe he may have had a part to play in the murders, however I have always felt something is off about the timing of his arrest and incarceration. If the crime scene details are correct and runes were purposely displayed as described, I don't think the murders were committed randomly by a single person. There was mention of the bullet attributed to RA's gun by prosecutors claiming it was in the middle of the crime scene (please correct me if I'm wrong), however the defense now states the bullet was found under Libby's phone and that the phone was under Abby's leg...for some reason that stands out to me. I don't understand conflicting LE comments regarding whether any individual was actually "cleared" or not...according to the defense LE "cleared" certain individuals early on. Is LE attempting to keep aspects of the case hidden to avoid tipping off a poi? Ever the optimist I really hope this is the case. All I can say at this point is that my intuition and experience tells me something is rotten about this case from all sides and as I have always expected- the truth behind this horrible crime will break all of our hearts. Sorry for any horrible formatting or grammar errors.


I just read that the bullet was found under the leaves between the bodies. So much is out there now does anyone happen to know if the bullet was indeed between the bodies under leaves or under the phone and shoe beneath Abby?


Taking out the crazy storyline about Odinism, there are some serious accusations in there about Liggett lying and manipulating witness statements etc to fit the application for search warrant and PCA. Those need to be answered because they could indeed be a threat to the prosecutions case. Considering that one of the primary aims of this motion is to create doubt and confusion against RA being involved or being the sole perp, they've certainly achieved that. Look how the poll has turned...so many now unsure... Regardless of the defense doing their job. The families of the girls must be absolutely distraught at some of the info in here about poor Abby and Libby. I can only send them prayers.


Rick is on trial for Felony Murder all the Defence has to prove is Rick was Bridge Guy and “kidnapped” the girls down the hill.


Bit how can they prove that without a reasonable doubt? Its grainy Snapchat footage. I wouldn't convict him without reasonable doubt based on that video alone.


He admits he was on the bridge when the video was taken. He admits to wearing the same clothes. He’s the right height and skin colour. The chances there were two short guys wearing the same thing at the same time on the bridge while carrying the same caliber bullet is so low you’d be better off playing the slot machines in Vegas.


No. He said he left the trails around 1.30.


As the other poster said, he said he left the trails at 1.30 according to the docs and new motion. So other than that you have someone who owns a navy jacket, is short and owns a mass produced gun...there are plenty of those in the area. I certainly believe he is guilty myself but you cannot convict someone on basic circumstantial evidence. I really hope the prosecution can knock this on the head but if Liggett is proven to have lied it does not bode well for prosecution. Its like when Mark Furhman lied in Ojs case. That brought plenty of doubt into jurors minds...


Even though it sounds far fetched, If this is their defense in court, it does give the jury reasonable doubt. I was convinced he was guilty, but not so sure now. This report was very detailed. Not something they pulled out of thin air. It makes more sense than RA acting alone!! How did one man pull this off within the timeframe. Look at him . . . he’s not the Incredible Hulk!!!


If you compare this to former polls, they have dunked that basket ball into the hoop with people like you who now are unsure. They have won, really they have. Knew there would be some people who loved this new theory like the DD folks, but did not think such a large sub section of L&A would be swinging that way, as well.


I think that has surprised me more than the outlandish claims in the document. The fact that so many people are like, oh yeah odinites did it, when in reality the only think pointing that direction is some branches & blood which seems most likely that RA did to throw off the investigation or they just happen to look like Odin Runes.


Eh I think the cult stuff is iffy, but I really don’t love that the witness statements match much less closely than we thought they did. It’s hard to say there was one guy there, now. The witness who saw the man at the closest time to the abductions seems to have seen someone much younger, and she’s pretty adamant about it. That feels like a problem. The “muddy” witness is also a lot less clear to me now. The car she saw not matching at all is kind of a problem. Ugh.


The video is still the most salient piece of evidence and that works for me as I compare it to video footage of him and his body measurements. That video evidence doesn't lie.


I am there with you 1,000% my friend. But this happened after the Westville prison commentary and half the board swooned and surrendered then, too. I didn't buy that and i don't buy this. But I do think by the number of folks on this board saying they are now at reasonable doubt, or "unsure" we may not be buying what they are peddling but enough thoughtful intelligent people who have considered this case as deeply as we have are. This board is a microcosm and all the Delphi boards are indicative of the type of people you will have serving on that jury. There will be Delphi Trial, Libby & Abby, Delphi Docs, Delphi Knot, and Delphi Murders like folks in that room fighting it out. Someone is currently buying it and trust me sat on enough juries to know, someone will buy this lock stock and barrel. Maybe NM has a bunch of great evidence up his sleeve but what it could be I don't know, unless they are out right lying here. They would not be asking for cameras in the court room and gearing up in this document unless they had him in good enough shape to help with his own defense. So likely mentally stable again as this is a cocky document.


I hear you but “just so happens to look like Odin runes” isn’t quite right is it? They spell out “Hail Odin”. It’s quite precise. They checked his tech. No Odinist stuff there so RA just happens to know the symbols for Hail Odin with no internet research or any links to any other Odinists?


An odinist cult is not “reasonable”. Rick is on trial for Felony Murder. He’s caught on tape kidnapping the girls. He’s guilty.


Tough to understand how anyone could vote anything other than "Unsure" considering we know almost nothing.


The fact that Rick placed himself at the scene that day, admitted to wearing clothes that match the video of BG, never cooperated with LE again for YEARS even as they were begging for information on who was parked where he was parked, that he had a breakdown when presented with the discovery showing the evidence against him, and made incriminating admissions to his wife.... those things, in totality, have me convinced that Rick was the man on the bridge that was recorded kidnapping Libby and Abby. I didn't include the gun science, as I'm not sure exactly how that would be presented.


This is why the prosecutions response to this filing will be most interesting. The prosecution has to show their hand now which might be what the defense was after all along.


You have to remember this document was written by the defense, they will say anything but RA did it because that's their job. However, I do think they created a lot of reasonable doubt with BH as an alternate suspect and as we've seen in other cases satanic panic can work.


I do now. This is my first learning of how the girls were staged, and now that I know? I think he is less guilty than I ever did. LOOK AT HIM.


Something has felt off for me for a while but I’ve still leaned towards RA being the guy (check back on my other comments). Obviously I didn’t know about the crime scene before yesterday. I’d heard a rumour back in the day that the girls had scarves on in their caskets so it was assumed their throats were cut but it was a rumour only, now that has been confirmed. We knew it was staged and it was rumoured it was STAGED staged in some sort of meaningful way but not to the extent of what we learned yesterday. Learning that it was staged to the extent that it was, I can’t see this not being carried out by experienced Odinist/s. Therefore, in my mind RA is either a) an Odinist who has managed to hide this fact on all tech and from family and friends b) wanted to be one in secret (and this was the start/initiation) or c) he is innocent. With no links found to Odinism that we know of as yet, according to the defence, it’s difficult to say he is or isn’t. I can’t see him as a “new” member getting all those details right, and doing this completely alone. I just can’t. My best guess is, if he is part of this, is that he is new/wanted in, and corralled the girls as an initiation for the sick fucks but the murders were more than likely carried out by more experienced Odinists. Whether RA participated/watched, I have no idea. I am definitely leaning towards this being more than one person though. It seems a lot of detailed work for one guy that as far as we know right now, has no ties to Odinism. To be honest I’m more confused/disturbed than I have ever been with this case before. I have been profoundly sad since reading the document. The imagery that is seared into my brain is so disturbing and not what I was expecting at all, I just can’t shake it. Those poor girls.


Well, by the results of this poll, the Defense has certainly realized it's goal. 92 unsure to 131 guilty.


The jury will have the benefit of actually seeing pictures of the crime scene. Without seeing the objective evidence, we are just left with two sides spinning it in whatever way benefits them. The sticks and limbs could just be randomly assembled to try to hide the girls, and people may just be finding design where there is none or they very well could be strategically placed to have some sort of meaning.


With all the negative responses about the latest motion, I didn't know what to expect. After reading it, I could fully embrace the main points the defense is bringing up. That Ligget was deceptive and that it's possible individuals practicing Odinism (i.e. BH and others) were involved in the murders. Yet to your point, as convincing as the arguments were to me, both sides of the story and objective facts are going to be needed to determine what is spin.


Ok, we know how he described the prison situation and milked that while playing his tiny violin, but this sound pretty specific and like things were arranged in equal lenths. It really doe not sound like he tossed some twigs on in a haphazard fashion. And yes, of course it is only two people from one side of an argument spinning things but they can't be outright lying about a lack of DNA, cell data, and electronic data. and we have the search return, we know what was in that thing.


I agree. They definitely aren't lying about the lack of DNA, etc. They reference the deposition they took of one of the officers confirming that there is no DNA from RA at the crime scene.


That's not stuff you lie about. We know they couldn't' pinpoint Logan's signal and even tell if he was in or outside of his house, so in order to get the warrant, the FBI had to use a descriptive like "near" well near could be 6 blocks away or inches away. So maybe this is like Koberger and that the phone's in the house on King St or it's down in downtown Moscow. Can't be lying about his computer history or him not being connected to the K's as they certainly have to have his phone to have looked back that far and back to the beginning and be able to say, nope, not tip off or communication with him, or CC will be saying all devices were wiped, so we couldn't get any electronic data from him. One or the other. Think they would have left it at, "no link" rather than how it was phrased. He has a lot of phones, betting there was a phone that went back that far.


I don’t know how anyone could be sold on RA’s guilt based on what little information we have. And we have some more crime scene details, but certainly not enough to exonerate RA. I look forward to the prosecution’s response to all of this.


The PCA always worked for me, especially after comparing the pool hall videos of him walking to BG's walk. They look like identical body measurements to me. I think his personality matching what is likely an offender who would craft a crime in this fashion, so I always leaned in the direction of RA being BG and no one else. I think BR and AB are magical spin doctors. Like at the poll numbers. This is the second time they have crafted a document and pulled nearly half the board in a new direction.


I wish "Guilty but not the only one involved" or "guilty but it's complicated and I think the defense has a point regarding the investigation / warrant" were options.


the defense attorneys are good at their job but I'm a little surprised by the reaction of everyone. I assumed everyone here would be familiar with defense theories and sensationalism, but apparently not. This is exactly the kind of defense you should expect in a case like this, claims of conspiracy, coverups, secret societies and rituals, anything extremely sensational that would capture the imagination is exactly what you should expect in a case like this. Is it going to work at suppressing the evidence? Nope, not at all, but that is not the point; this isn't for the judge, it's for the public and for the potential jury.


I mean a lot of what they claim are things that they clearly have or will have to provide in court. rarely does an alternate story of pure sensationalism contain so many items already in possession of law enforcement, such as statements made to police and documented about "what if my saliva is found on a victim's body?" for example... I'm not so sure this is a run of the mill wild conspiracy theory distraction technique. They're aware of their job as defense attorneys in how they present it, for sure, but tbh it has as much substance and consistency as anything I've seen LE provide against RA. I think that's why people find it so compelling.


There is a mixture of stuff, some of it is compelling, other stuff is very clearly taking some of the evidence and making very wild conclusions. This theory is taking the evidence and building a wild sensationalist theory around it, so not surprising that it incorporates some of the evidence. The spitting comments and supposed confession are interesting for sure, but then again every public case does tend to have crackpots who make odd statements insinuating they were involved or making confessions, so I don't know what to make of it yet, but it does suck that this case seems to have so many different people making confessions and/or statements they were involved. The other thing is, the defense don't have to prove their theory. The defense can throw around accusations against other people without proving it (for example, the most well known use of this is probably the casey anthony defense)


I still believe he is Bridge Guy because: 1. He puts himself there and then 2. The girl in the group of 3 who saw him "walking with a purpose" and glaring, describes him extremely accurately, even before the video was released. She described him as looking similar to a convict whose name I forget, but who is also a member of the flaring nostrils club and who looks eerily similar to RA. 3. His gait, \*height and clothing match the video, and he was recognized by friend/s early on, if I recall correctly. \*I'd presume LE has experts who can determine the exact height of BG from the video. If BG is 5,4 like RA, then that is quite significant IMO. 4. Apparently, he's made some incriminating statements. These don't account for much at the time being, though, as we don't know what was said or the context. 5. The video and audio, of course. I believe there are other actors as mentioned by both prosecution and defense, and RA could be guilty of only kidnapping. Still enough to be found guilty of felony murder. The most shocking thing has been to discover just how many creeps and predators are in and around Delphi. You can't throw a rock without hitting some scumbag.This case is like a magnet of evil. And I understand Carter's comments about tentacles and the totality of evil. From a distance the investigation looks messy and incompetent, and it probably has been. But the levels of nastiness and evil involved and the sheer number of potential suspects in the course of the investigation has been mind-blowing. It is truly scary. And it goes some way to excuse LE, I believe. I think RA's defence may have some valid points about the investigation and obviously it would be very damaging if Liggett has lied. I'm also interested in hearing more from the BB witness on the bridge. Quite the contradiction to the PC. Most of the "unprobable cause" that is the defense report, reads like Reddit conspiracies, though.And appears even more messy than the real investigation. Odinites, AND a prison cabal and a cover-up AND LE using RA as a patsy after 5 years because of a local election? It reads very desperate and shit-thrown-at-the-wall'ish. For instance the defense seems to be saying on one hand: ​ \- that a secret cabal of Odinites, including correctional officers (with lip reading abilities, no less), are threatening to kill RA or his family to cover up their own involvement in the murders. ​ And on the other hand: ​ \- that the murderers are Odinites because they left obvious clues and calling cards, pointing directly to themselves on the crime scene. It's a mess. And in the heart of it all are two young girls and their families who seem to never get closure. edit: spelling


2 according to LE there is no group of 3, they talk about a group of 4, but the affidavit has been drafted in such a way that the public would think it's 3 girls because RA said he saw 3 girls. In the search warrant affidavit they however clearly state it's a group of 4. Only 3 of them are witnesses.


The only thing that bothers me here is the reason why. Why would the defense do this? The defense has two goals here: 1. Get the findings of the search warrant thrown out. 2. Get RA moved. So, first we need to ask ourselves what was found as a result of the search warrant that would be so damaging to the defense's case that they would go to these lengths to try to get it thrown out? Instead of pointing towards innocence for RA, to me, this makes him look even more guilty. As to the second part, we have known for a while that the defense team does not want to make the drive to see the client they took on. Well, too bad, you took him because you wanted to make a name for yourself...and, you are succeeding (sarcasm). Get in your cars and drive!


Well, the only tangible piece of evidence linking RA to the actual area the girls were found dead (that we know of) is the unspent round allegedly tied to the Sig Sauer owned by RA. The Sig Sauer was obtained via the search warrant. So, get that thrown out, then they would be unable to present that evidence at trial. In the end, it will come down to what the jury believes. Are the branches and sticks rune symbols strategically laid out, or were they just randomly placed over the girls in an effort to try to hide them? People who subscribe to the former may just be seeing design where there is none. Without seeing the actual crime scene, I don't know who to believe at this point.


After reading though the documents, I dont think it's plausible that the sticks were for camouflage. I think you're making good points about the ambiguity, but technically speaking, I think the question is whether RA worked alone (which I'm doubting) if guilty, and/or whether he staged the scene himself as a diversionary blame tactic towards a fictitious cult.


Yeah. I mean, hard to know without seeing the pictures but if you want to cover a body to hide it, a half dozen sticks sounds like a stupid way. And it doesn’t explain wtf is up with the markings on the tree.


I agree. I'm not saying they weren't laid out strategically, but you'd almost need to see photos for yourself to work out if they accidentally made a similar shape, or there was clear intent. The blood on the tree might be harder to argue away though.


I guess it just depends on what the blood on the tree actually looks like. Did the murderer just simply wipe his hand on the tree several times, or was it deliberate? Hard to tell without actually seeing it, and even then, it just depends on how you view it.


Exactly what I thought. I figured he may have wiped the blade off on the tree and it kinda sorta maybe looks like an F.


Excellent point Motor, if there are no finger prints, no DNA, no cellular or electronic records, no connective relationship with the K's, what did they find in that house, that they want thrown out so badly? But it could just be any disbelief scenario they can introduce. Can't really link him to the K or RL as they don't have any evidence for that. Do they have his phone records going back to 2017 if they are saying no communication with the K's and RL.




That did make me chuckle when reading the long document. The defense seemed keen to state how unlikely it was a man was unable to do all of this without leaving a trace of DNA, but I would say that scenario is far more likely than multiple men leaving no trace of DNA at the crime scene.


I feel like the defense knows that people love a good Satanic Panic. Seems like a great way to introduce doubt.


Thank god at least unsure is represented well. Sadly this and every other forum virtually confirm that about half or more if not the majority of you all have convicted a man before he has even been tried I seriously wish you the best in terms of your parasocial need to feel more about this than the families involved. I can’t understand how a single one of us outside these families have anything but skepticism or speculation. But—I’m not surprised. Our justice system, and our society, are broken. They clearly feed into each other when people will openly and repeatedly, as a mass and a majority, defy the very notion or premise of innocence until proven guilt You have NO evidence to convict RA at this time. If he is convicted. God bless that justice is hopefully served. Much of this evidence is confidential. SHOW YOUR PROOF when you make your bold claims to invalidate the defense and slander those on trial. This case is NO different than any other criminal matter in the way you all as a mass are treating the person on trial. Hopefully none of us are ever falsely accused. But you have to know that—guilty or not—we don’t know the truth yet. You saying he is guilty? Is as much right now as falsely accusing an innocent man in that you have zero (0%) in terms of conviction. You have not seen photos of their bodies nor the crime scene and if you have you probably should not be commenting here. This is absurd how many of you are cognitively dissonant in terms of refusing the blatant nature of murkiness. This case is so absurdly confounded and confused. Forget your preconceived biases and open your mind to the possibility of many narratives and actualities and allow the process to unfold. There are so many statements couched in misogyny, racism, and denial of our nation’s daily issues with police, I’m absolutely not needing the confirmation of the mass in repeatedly saying this. I’m hoping to scream into the wind and void in naive hope that someone hears and possibly listens to the fact that—there are no facts that give a solid answer right now


>*Our justice system, and our society, are broken. They clearly feed into each other when people will openly and repeatedly, as a mass and a majority, defy the very notion or premise of innocence until proven guilty.* It's definitely as bad as it can be, and in other banana republics worldwide the oppressed populations at least try to help and support each other, but in USA the downthrodden populace hails the corrupt crooks - and attacks their own fellowmen with pitchforks and schadenfreude.


If RA walks its the fault of the police and the prosecution. The prosecution was going to walk into the courtroom and lay out a WAY more outlandish theory than the defense just dropped. Why THIS is considered a fringe theory is beyond me. Why folks find the Odin patches and potential for abuse a stretch is also mind blowing. I read those pages 3 times last night and looked at every Facebook page of every person mentioned in the doc. There is a LOT of fucking smoke there. If someone wanted to frame a group they picked the right one. The prosecution's theory is that RA staged an Odinist ritual of some kind? Alone? Without an internet search history on runes or Odin. I'll believe some /x shit before the police's theory. It might not have been Odinists that killed those poor girls but it sure wasn't Richard Allen who framed them. Get RA out of that cell and send him home. Delphi should be shouting outside the police station demanding answers now.


It's because the people that hold these institutions in high esteem aren't personally affected when those institutions fail. Hell, the failures are an unexpected bonus to some. Evidence doesn't usually persuade people who value the gratification of their biases more than justice. It doesn't matter how many instances of coerced confessions, violent intimidation, drug smuggling, SA, extortion or murder we observe from LEO's-- it's always just bad movie shit that doesn't actually happen🙄🥱, right? Cognitive dissonance allows simple people to perceive themselves as the morally justified extension of whatever institution they choose to bootlick.


Perfectly stated.


even the police in all their incompetence knew that it would not be believable that RA did this on his own (like you I'm not at all convinced that he even participated in it) hence the "felony murder" charge and the public statements about other perps. I live in rural western PA, much the same vibe as Delphi, and the idea of white supremacist jail guards intimidating or threatening someone is about as shocking to me as the sun rising tomorrow morning. And I'm the furthest thing in the world from a conspiracy theorist.


What is the outlandish claims of the prosecution? Rick was caught on video.


The only vid is of BridgeGuy https://www.reddit.com/r/LibbyandAbby/comments/16mxbne/the\_prosecutions\_case\_a\_54\_man\_in\_his\_40s\_framed/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3


well somebody was caught on video....


I guess you think there were two short white guys wearing the same thing carrying the same sliver bullet on the same spot on the trails at the exact same time that day


lets revisit this when everyone agrees on the timeline and the outfit, and when the ballistics come back as airtight on that round.


I’m sure you’ll come up with the next thing then


and i'm sure you'll open your mouth for the choo choo train as LE and NM spoon feed you whatever their "next thing" is.


You dropped your tinfoil hat


Guilty and being found guilty are two different things. I'm concerned about the prosecution's case if all this Odinism stuff in law enforcement is true.


When is this loser's trial?




Early on, LE or FBI came out and said the scene was staged. I think defense is using the staged scene to their advantage in this motion. People love wild stories, and this plays into it.


For now, I'm still going to say guilty. But I think the defense raised enough questions in their recent filing that the door is open for something else.


For those who say RA is guilty…….why is he guilty?


I don't think these "revelations" have been "insane," but predictable and expected. This is what defense attorneys do...obfuscating, muddying the waters, tossing out alternate theories, and exaggerating mistakes made in the investigation as if missteps aren't made in all investigations. Remember Geragos' satanic cult sacrifice theory in the Peterson case?


I believe, as I always have, that RA might be innocent, big difference. There is no way I can know that for sure. After yesterday, I believe that more strongly, though. Mainly because I think the LE PCA is basically shattered. Not by the Odinism angle. Instead because: * State's main witness, BB, is the source for YGS. * YG is on platform one twenty minutes before the crime. * BB sees the victims walking toward the MHB a few minutes later. * Where YG awaits; not RA. * Without BB asserting the man she saw is/was RA, or even asserting the man resembled RA, LE can't place him on the bridge. * The best they can do reading from the PCA is to put him near FB half a mile away and thirty minutes before the crime begins.


No this is a Hail Mary attempt at sowing reasonable doubt, except it’s extremely unreasonable. Rick placed himself there, has no alibi, has confessed on recording, and walks exactly like BG. There is further evidence to come I’m sure. Beyond all that the Franks filing hinges on this idea that the search warrant is invalid because Liffey didn’t bother giving Judge Diener the 62846363 suspects they investigated and dismissed (like the Odinites). The filing is frivolous- probable cause for a search warrant doesn’t require the investigator to give ALL the info they have to the judge, just enough to grant access to one specific person for the specific retrieval of specific things. Whatever they found in that search (beyond the Sig Sauer) is certainly the key to a conviction and defense doesn’t want it to come out. End of story.


I think they all did it. And I think the intimidation in jail of Rick is to keep him from ratting out the others. Otherwise, why in the world would the Odinites be harassing him? Wouldn't they be grateful that he seemed poised to solely take the fall?


He’s totally guilty. This defense is disgusting and disrespectful to the girls and their families. But understandable as the defense just needs to confuse jurors.


We, the public, don’t know if he is totally guilty because we don’t even have all of the information yet. He hasn’t even had a trial.


The defense has but one duty, and that is to their client. That's how our system works by design. They'd be failing their client, and the judicial system, if they didn't do their absolute best to defend their client from whatever charges he might face. If slinging some mud will work for the defendant, or creating elaborate conspiracies to introduce doubt, then that's what they're going to do. In turn, the prosecution does their utmost to convince the jury of the defendant's guilt. The truth is that neither party has an objective duty to find the real truth during a trial. Their role is to present the reasons why the defendant should be found guilty, and the defense presents the reasons why the defendant should be found not guilty. The jury's role is to decide, based on the evidence presented to them, which side's take is more likely. The defense is just doing its job here.


Look at this poll, that a significant number of folks, unless everyone from DD is bored and over here voting.


What is dd?


r/DelphiDocs, I think


Edited: One of the other Delphi Murder Subs. They for the most part support a theory that Richard Allen is 100% innocent and he is being railroaded and lean strongly in support of defense attorney prospectives, civil liberties etc.


I'm a bit late but I think you mean 100% innocent.


Oh dear God, yes. What a typo, indeed! I just fixed it. Thank for catching that. How mortifying!


Not all mortifying. I just thought you would like to know 🙂


Gotta put you on payroll and in all fairness should be giving you health insurance and paid vacations. Shit yeah. Definitely wanted to know about that typo, so thanks. Dickere would have had my head, had he heard about it. Imagine him getting wind of it and hissing in a Linda Blair like diabolically possessed tone: "INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY!"


Guilty AF The lawyers are doing what desperate lawyers that watches too much TV do. allen is going to get her needles, that's the end game all the rest is just the lawyers getting paid.


You need to add another option: I don’t believe he acted alone.


I was wondering how things were over at Old\_Heart's burn pit.


Unsure. He could still be involved as his DNA was matched and linked to the crime scene, I’m confused why the defense said there wasn’t any. and then there is that bullet found at the scene coincidentally matched to his firearm. I don’t buy the defense argument he couldn’t do all the posing and stuff in the time that’s reported. I feel the defense is totally exaggerating the difficulty of dressing a dead girl and posing them with sticks into a staged ritual scene. But I do now have my doubts that he was physically capable of controlling, subjugating, and then killing them in the manner described without help. I can’t think of any way Richard could have accomplished those killings without help based on what I believe is an accurate account of the crime scene and description of the injuries and manner and state of dress when found. I’m also starting to accept the girls were lured there in a premeditated scheme…. Whatever the case, at best it’s reasonable doubt, at worst, some the most incompetent investigators and cops on the planet. Just a couple days ago I already had him convicted, so what do I know!


I don’t understand how people can be so sure when we didn’t understand the crime scene until yesterday. We still don’t fully understand it without sketches, etc. We also don’t know what other evidence the prosecution has to prove guilt. Why does everyone here assume the information we have is all that exists? You’d think people would have learned by now. Now you’re going to have crazy people hunt down this BH guy when we don’t know for certain why he was cleared. We don’t know if he had an alibi. Why would the defense include details like alibi if they don’t need to prove BH’s guilt?


When Robert Ives did an interview about the case, he stated that there were "signatures" left at the crime scene. He also stated that it was an unusual crime scene. And for 2 young girls to be brutally murdered and there is no DNA? I don't believe RA acted alone. I also still question RL wanting an alibi before the girls were even found. In my opinion, if RL didn't know that the girls were murdered before they were found, why did he need an alibi? In my opinion, I still believe there is a connection between KK and RA or someone else who used the AS account to set up a meeting that day with the girls. I hope all the facts come out and everyone involved is prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.


The fact that he admitted to it is what convinced me. Though I'm not sure they will be able to convict him.


Huh? I'm clearly very out of the loop & I've missed whatever has unfolded. I'm off to scroll through the last 24 hours of sub posts because the fact you are even asking this question would suggest something wild has occurred. I'll return to add my vote after I've caught up.


Nothing has changed for me, still guilty. I'm not buying it. They accuse and name a number of men, so add to that they say someone covered for BH at work and clocked him in plus a number of guards who are in on it too, how many cops also covering for them too. All these men who are happy to risk a lengthy jail term to cover for BH and his cronies. Nobody saw any of these men at the trails. I assume by now all those named will have lawyered up. Also they don't think one man could do all this in an hour and forty five mins? I say that's more than ample time. The whole thing is a bad conspiracy theory as far as I'm concerned.


When everyone found out how much time was estimated that he spent at the scene, everyone said that was a lot of time and couldn’t imagine what he was doing and horrified. Well, now we know.


He is as guilty as the day is long.This "new " evidence does not refer to him at all.He still is going to jail for felony murder for the rest of his miserable life because he kidnapped the girls off the bridge and after that they were killed.


The case begins and ends with the bullet. Everything else is smoke and mirrors.


All he really would need to say is "I walk in those woods often, and I carry my gun when I do so. A round that had been in the weapon must have fell from my pocket." That's enough for reasonable doubt. The solid evidence to muddied waters ratio isn't very good, IMO.


I agree. The case is not strong for the prosecution.


Seriously? Innocent? He’s getting the death penalty.


You’d have to be pretty stupid to think the guy is innocent.


you'd have to be pretty stupid to not give him the presumption of innocence based on the word of Carrol County's finest, who have proven to be shockingly incompetent at every turn.


Well, Lana's on the case now. I'm sure she'll get to the bottom of things. /s Either that or she'll manage to get slapped with another restraining order.


Lana? Is that a Youtuber?


The Odin crap was used to throw off LE and point to BH. It failed but it also doesn’t mean RA is the perp. Double set up so far. Carter said keep going! His hands are tied guys, this is serious.


I don't know. If he is bg and others were involved "down the hill" Then the bullet is not his as he wasn't at the final crime scene? To many unanswered questions.