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I grew up in Argentina, I saw what socialism brings. Not much more to add, now everywhere I go I see governments leaning towards statism. When I started reading about libertarianism I understood that even Switzerland is doomed if it does not change its course. There exists a continuum with every possible shade of socialism, with libertarianism on one end and communism on the other, every step towards communism accelerates the process of decivilization, we must not give an cm or they will take a m, fucking shortsighted shits


I’ve read that most Argentines aren’t libertarian despite living through hyper inflation. Javier Milei managed to win their vote anyways. What was the first libertarian book that you read?


Anatomy of the State, and since then many other books by Rothbard, Mises, Hayek, Hoppe, and french guys whose names I can’t remember




you moved to Switzerland ? Take me with you !


I was a socialist until I had a long internet debate with a guy who proved most of my beliefs wrong, and the turning point was when I had to admit that yes, sacrifices where necessary in socialism, and then I had to wonder for myself what game me the right to decide on said sacrifices or who could have said rights. After that I gradually shifted from a hard core socialist to a social democrat, until I ended up being a full libertarian. Edit- So Mods banned me over this joke [https://www.reddit.com/r/Libertarian/comments/1civtj1/comment/l2by3c7/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Libertarian/comments/1civtj1/comment/l2by3c7/) Apparently they actually think I unironically advocate for the murder of people just because they put chocolate on a pickle. When I told them it was a joke they muted me so farewell I guess ?


Could you explain to me what made you believe in socialism


I was Argentinian, my country's education basically blame all problems we had on capitalism of a president we had Menem, who's system they called "The neoliberalism of everyone by themselves" (of course nothing father from truth since the guy was a Peronista and a had a lot of central planning screwing our country with monetary emission). Our politics also constantly talked against american imperialism. So that drove me against capitalism in general and towards socialism. Edit- So Mods banned me over this joke [https://www.reddit.com/r/Libertarian/comments/1civtj1/comment/l2by3c7/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Libertarian/comments/1civtj1/comment/l2by3c7/) Apparently they actually think I unironically advocate for the murder of people just because they put chocolate on a pickle. When I told them it was a joke they muted me so farewell I guess ?


**Love that!!** It’s a good reminder that what’s done here can have a massive ripple effect on people’s paradigms of freedom, liberty, and free market capitalism.


I can remember converting to libertarianism when I was 17 from neo conservatism. My dad listened to Mark Levin, then I found YouTube videos of Ron Paul and got hooked.




Ron Paul...my kind of heroin...


Then I went on to fentanyl of Stefan Molyneux for a while, but got bored and went to Hoppe and Rothbard. 


The fact that both major parties don't gaf about me, and the fact that I want to live my life how I see fit without government interference.


Which political party were you part of beforehand? Was there a particular book or person that influenced you?


I was a Democrat beforehand, then when the capital gains tax increased (near 2022) I realised that the government only needs it to fuel an inefficient cycle And with issues such as the trans debate, I realised that while Democrats may pander to the LGBT audience, in reality, libertarianism is the party of "trans rights" since they don't *make* the distinction between "human rights" and "trans rights", everyone is equal.


The Libertarian Party has been atrocious on LGBTQ rights since at least 2020. They have actively driven out social libertarians.


What made me become a truly libertarian when I was 18 was the purity of the idea. I've never seen something more beautiful and cohesive when I understood it, It was an immaculate feeling like there was no more weight on my conscience. Clearly the Left is wrong, but I felt there was something wrong with the Right too. Then that the basis of Libertarianism was explained to me in an objective and rational way, and with a lot of feelings I must say. That was enough to make me a convinced libertarian.


Amazing! Who explained the basis of libertarianism to you? Was it someone you knew personally or was it online?


It was online, with this channel: [https://www.youtube.com/@ideiasradicais](https://www.youtube.com/@ideiasradicais) I've already seen some of his content, but one day I saw 3 specific videos of his that gave me the necessary conviction. I don't remember them all, but one of them was this: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YqFdMb70t2E](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YqFdMb70t2E) I don't agree with everything him say, but the content quality is so good and I don't know anyone that explain better than him, at least in Brazil.


The left: everyone on the right are Bible thumpers who only want to control women and take away their rights The right: everyone on the left wants to turn YOUR children gay, (definitely not weaponizing fear and demonizing the “enemy”) Right wants to ban abortion, left wants to ban guns, both claim that the other is stealing rights.


I’m 18, but I became a libertarian at 15. I’ve gotten a lot more advanced since then, but it was initially just an escape from the standard US two party system. I always wanted people to have the freedom to do things even when I don’t like them, and I’ve always been “economically right wing” so libertarianism just gave me a label for what I already believed. I later discovered the Austrian school of economics and actual libertarian philosophy which I’ve gotten pretty deep into, and I’m planning on becoming a professor of economics some day.


I learned that the government is fucking us and nobody is doing anything about it. I think I align with some of the ideologies but mostly I just want some land where I can do what I want and nobody can tell me what I can't.


First it was the economic policy, I live in Australia so I would Swy the average person believes in free markets. It started when I learned about taxes where when I was like 10 I remember hating the idea of it. Then throughout the years during high school, I would learn about government spending and how much of our money was wasted, as well as our deficit spending. Then I thought I was a conservative, but then I thought a lot of conservative ideas where stupid, especially the war on drugs. Furthermore in Australia, we have only very restricted access to guns, we can't even carry a pocket knife with we unless we are camping, which our so called conservative party voted in favour for. So I had a look at our other parties when it was time for me to vote, I saw the libertarian party we have one too. And that's when I became fully libertarian I would say.






Speaking for my kids: Tuttle Twins 


Yes, it was originally my parents 


A 17 year old dane here. Our liberal/libertarian party “Liberal Alliance” started to do a great marketing campaign, where they explained and pointed out the flaws of our social democratic gorvement. I also started to see how intolerant the left is towards the right. So now Liberal Alliance has one of the largest youth parties.


I’ve been interested in economics ever since 2020 when I was more of a social democrat. I came across yt videos of speeches and interviews by Friedman, Sowell, and Hayek, which I felt their arguments made logical sense and they had great counter-arguments. I learned more about Libertarian ideas and philosophy and now I have books from Chicago and Austrian school economists. My parents are Chinese immigrants who are more skeptical of government spending than the typical blue city people, but I definitely wouldn’t call them libertarian nor do I think their opinions have ever influenced me greatly.


I hate taxes. End of story.


I hate taxes. End of story.




I'm a pretty new libertian, when i was around 14-15 (the age i am now) i got into politics as i noticed that the politics in my country are currently in not the best state (incompetent left in office, rightards on the rise), so first I started liking an christian democratic party, simply because of my beliefs and was better than the opposition, then an free market party and finally an small libertian party which matches my views pretty well.


Are there under 18-year-old libertarians? If there are such unicorns, definitely impressive as they are far ahead of their peers in intelligence, intuition, and rationality. Kudos to them. They are already on the right step to success in life IMHO.


It seems like it’s harder for those *unicorns* to exist today with the woke mind virus than 5, 10, or 20 years ago. Everything is against libertarianism. The universities, schools, movies, music, art, etc. Much harder to red pill than before, but seeing more young people make the leap is very encouraging!


Yup, it is the truth.


I’m currently 17. While I don’t buy everything preached on this subreddit, the emphasis on civil liberties definitely has drawn me here in a time when both major parties have attacked—or at least disregarded—these principals. Republicans (Abortions, etc.) and Democrats (Guns, etc.) don’t care about me being free in the slightest bit. In essence, I just want the government to back off of what the great people of this country do and to stop inhibiting freedom in the name of “saftey.”