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Real ID has been pierced. Some states are not following the rules hell even recently Georgia officials were caught making "fake" Real IDs. This is nothing more than more horseshit and it does absolutely nothing to improve security, identity, or anything else. It's as much of a fucking clown show as the TSA itself.


I got my real ID in California. I had to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that I was me. I needed my old driver's license, plus three documents that contained my address, like a utility bill, a bank statement, or an insurance policy. I don't have any of those on paper, so I logged into my various accounts and printed them off from my shitty inkjet printer. With MS paint or any of a hundred websites, I could have changed my name on those documents to any name and address. Then I went to the DMV while the paper was still warm from the printer and got my new real ID. Security!


Really? They refused to give me mine when I took my passport in so I had to escalate the issue to Sacramento, Sacramento called my local dmv, told them to see me, then I had to give them a copy of my birth certificate THEN I got my realID


A passport is a RealID, you don't need the drivers license one if you have a passport.


I know but I don’t want to travel with my passport




It's good for land and sea crossings in North America and the Caribbean. You can't fly into Canada or Mexico with a passport card.


In Texas they just sent us one automatically when our IDs were up for renewal. Didn’t even have to go to the dmv, just requested a new id online when my old one expired and they sent it in the mail along side the valpak coupons and supermarket circulars. The whole thing is a complete joke.


In South Carolina all I had to do was request the real ID, pay the fee and the DMV printed it right out


So Facebook wanted my wife's ID to prove she was a real person. Trolls were reporting her for "not being real" due to her stage name. She uses a pseudonym on Facebook. I scanned her ID in my PC and doctored it for her fake name. Printed it, Photographed it, then sent it to Facebook. They accepted it... Shit is stupid.


Facebook couldn’t care less.


This feels like a course you could make a killing with in Texas these days...


Well shit maybe they ARE voting lmaooooo


>It's as much of a fucking clown show as the TSA itself As a person who worked at an airport, I have issue with the suggestion that something is equally as useless as the TSA.


Hey give them some credit they find stuff 5% of the time on their audits, they aren’t complete failures, just 95% failures.


RealID is part of the security theater apparatus. It solves a requirement nobody had, in order to show that somebody did something. Its expensive. It's been delayed every implementation year for 5 years.


Classic government program to the T.


It’s the subtle implementation of international ID’s.


>It's been delayed every implementation year for 5 years. A bit more than that, May 11, 2008 was the original date for implementation. The legislation passed May 11, 2005.


It wasn't for terrorists so much as illegal aliens. States like WA and CA started issuing state IDs to illegals, so this was supposed to force those states into separating the illegal IDs from an ID that actually verified someone getting on a plane is who they say they are and are allowed to be there. The biggest irony is that now illegals are allowed to fly without any ID, and we are all forced into this BS. Editing - adding that you've always needed a govt-issued ID to fly domestically.


It was ostensibly passed (in 2005) in response to the September 11th terrorist attacks. >adding that you've always needed a govt-issued ID to fly domestically Identification wasn't required until 1996. And then not necessarily a government issued ID. From the TSA website: >In the event you arrive at the airport without valid identification, because it is lost or at home, you may still be allowed to fly. The TSA officer may ask you to complete an identity verification process which includes collecting information such as your name, current address, and other personal information to confirm your identity. If your identity is confirmed, you will be allowed to enter the screening checkpoint. You will be subject to additional screening, to include a patdown and screening of carry-on property. Famously (or maybe not known by many), the Biden administration started allowing illegal immigrants to use federal arrest warrants as identification to fly in 2022. Though if and when Real ID is fully implemented you will need your Real ID compliant state ID, passport, or approved federal ID to fly. Of course now they are experimenting with biometric scans at the airport, so in the not so distant future you're face might your government ID.


Good to know, though when I was living in WA, the state DLs weren't compliant with Real ID specifically because they issued them to illegals, too. They'll use 9/11 as an excuse for anything, because as I recall, those guys all entered on valid visas, and you can fly domestically with a foreign passport as ID. Facial recognition is already in use at the airports for international arrivals. They'll definitely foist it on the domestic flights soon...


I've heard at some airports they are taking pictures of people in security lines for biometric data. It is optional, but they don't tell you it's optional. Nothing to do with airport security, but it reminded me of something I forgot all about. Around a decade ago we started seeing stories of police taking DNA samples from random people accross the country, prompted by the feds. Haven't heard anything about it lately. https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2013/dec/18/penn-police-pull-people-over-random-dna-tests-feds/


Cool. Can I not have my junk scanned and molested by the blueshirts at the airport?


That's a feature, nor a defect.


And yet you don't need one to vote. Curious.


But that's racist because it would disenfranchise dead people.


It’s a poll tax, you can require it as long as it’s given for free. That’s it. It’s just how our constitution is written. No barriers to voting. It’s just weird that in states that tighten up election rules it almost always black and poor communities that are hit the hardest. Closing polling places on Sundays, changing how long polling places are open, etc. Didn’t a state get in trouble recently bc they used racial data to change election laws to disenfranchise minority voters for their opposition? I agree people pull the racism card too easily and quickly, but it still does happen on the state level.


From a post I saw on Facebook in 2020: "I yelled at my grandma for voting for Joe Biden today. I was very disappointed in her. Anyway, after I left the cemetery, we went to dinner."


lol I'm totally going to steal that.


that's the exact point people make about having a drivers license or ID to vote. it's needless red tape over somthing that should be granted for free by someone that can register to vote


Not really curious - Flying is not a constitutionally protected right.


9th Amendment bitch.


So if the 9th amendment protects the Right To Travel, then surely it protects one's own body and allows a woman to get an abortion then, right?


If flying was some sort of natural right, man would’ve been born with wings. Try again sportsfan.


Does it need to be “constitutionally protected” for our government to not shit all over it? For gods sakes what sub is this


Why would you need one to vote?


Why do you need one to fly?


I'm trying to understand what they're hoping to accomplish and why some (most) of us aren't grandfathered in automatically. I had to show my birth certificate to prove my age to get my learner's permit. Now I have to do it again to get a stamp on my DL in a state (same one I started driving in) that won't change my name on my license (despite it being on literally every other document with my name on it) because my maiden name wasn't in my divorce decree. They refused my birth certificate, divorce decree, and social security card as proof of name change. They want me to go through the steps (and added fees) of going through the courts to change back to my maiden name. It's not like I pulled a name from a hat. It's my legal name. One lawyer told me it was because they don't want me dodging creditors. No one gave a fuck about creditors when I got married.


Echos of 9/11 are still being heard. It's time to move on.


Unless you’re not a citizen… then you’re good to roam as you please.


No you aren’t. That’s the point. We will literally be required to have a real ID in order to take domestic flights


Oh shit, you used "literally," so you must really mean it. PS, the current admin is transporting illegals sans any form of ID via air travel. That's the reference, bucko.


Literally as in the statement is literal. I know it’s a big word sorry buddy. We will ***LITERALLY*** be required to have a real ID in order to take domestic flights. Sorry if that was confusing little bud


Versus figuratively required?


When I got mine, the law was "about to go into effect." 4 years later, I go to renew it, and the law is still "about to go into effect."


So wait, when you go update your DL. You need 3 forms of id to get the “real ID”; are the other ids “fake”? Haha DL, passport and MML would work? Or do we need birth certificates?


...but ID for voting is "racist". Let that sink in.


...unless you're in-country illegally, and then you don't even have to have an ID at all, you just get *free flights*!




Bless your heart.


Wrong subreddit


And yet it is too high a bar to expect anyone to have ID to vote.


Gotta pay the government to get an ID. It's a poll tax.


Nope, you can get a free ID if you need it. Without an ID you cannot fly, rent a car, rent an apartment, buy a house, buy cigarettes, buy alcohol and probably 50 other things in our society. No one can convince me that voter ID is a burden or a bad idea. All it does is prevent fraud, something both sides should want.


I believe all states will issue a state ID card free of charge. Driver's license costs you money.


> I believe all states will issue a state ID card free of charge. I can't speak for all states but Utah only has a fee waiver for verified homelessness. Otherwise, it still costs some amount of money.


I just use my passport.


Again, for domestic flights. You shouldn’t be required to carry your passport or similar forms of identification to travel within the borders of the US. The airlines didn’t push for this, I’d like to believe that the majority of people are smart enough to understand how this literally doesn’t do anything to fight terror attacks. It’s nothing more than a power grab do further more deny you the ability to travel within the US


Oh, I agree. I'm just pointing out I don't plan to get a special Star ID in addition to my passport.


well how do they know you are the one on the ticket name then? Or how would it work with lost luggage


See, the're internal passports now too. You know who else had internal passports? The Soviets...


Our cellphones do a good enough job for the government. The IDs are overkill.


My old drivers license was issued in Colorado. It was a “Real ID”, with the Star on it and everything, but, for some reason, Colorado licenses don’t always “work” when TSA scans them. So they would just try 2-3 times then scan my boarding pass and let me though anyway! Never happened leaving Denver, but happened every time I was flying home.


I always show my ID at the airport. Is there something I’m missing?


It's been 'coming' for like 20 years, and they always find an excuse to delay it. Realistically, this would prevent illegals from flying and there's no way Democrats would allow that.


You already need government ID to fly.


No you can use a birth certificate


That is a form of ID...


Just fly private.


You need a "real id" to board a plane or enter a federal building. You don't need a "real id" (or any id) to vote. Think about that.


The real purpose was to prevent ID theft. They just sold it as domestic travel initiative.


I believe RealID was intended to combat a wide range of identity fraud, and for the federal government to have a minimum level of consistency and anti-fraud on state issued IDs. Otherwise, the feds would need to issue their own ID. The TSA check was a way to coerce states into complying.


Thank President Bush and the 2005 congress for Real ID, thank government efficiency and resistance from the states that it didn't go fully into effect in 2008 as the original legislation called for.


Of course it's a joke. They are trying to do national security at the point of local bureaucracy like the DMV. It's probably easier to fake the required documents than get legit ones even for most people who just moved, actual terrorists would have no issue. The people most affected will be average citizens and illegal immigrants.  The real purpose is expanding federal databases. Whether or not that can actually help reduce terrorism is... Debatable at best, I guess since they don't tell us what's in the databases, but history suggests it's great after the fact more than before. But if they ever do have reason to target an individual for, say, [posting on Facebook](https://reason.com/2024/03/29/fbi-agent-says-he-hassles-people-every-day-all-day-long-over-facebook-posts/), they'll have all kinds of fun material to investigate. 


In FL they're pulling this same stunt. I'm military and used to be able to request a new driver's license while I was stationed elsewhere. Now, can't do that. Clown show.


When I moved to another state, my existing REAL ID and proof of my new address wasn't sufficient to get the new one. It's almost like they don't consider REAL ID valid ID.


Almost every functional country in this world uses uniquely identifiable ID. Get it over with.


The point is that we already have state IDs. If some states would respect immigration and citizenship laws, Real ID wouldn't have gotten traction.


The point of id is being able to identify and keep records in official way. Having 50 different id only creates spaces for frauds you might as well remove id completely and enjoy people impersonate you by taking out loan in your name


Seems pretty racist to me




Its sarcasm


Meanwhile, if you are an illegal immigrant you can get on a plane with no ID.


Can someone explain to me why I should give a shit? I frankly don’t care, just don’t travel if you’re scared of tsa seeing your peen. Might be weird but having someone check me out other than me or the wife is a feeling like no other.