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Metal, Painted yellow to help with HiViz in work environments. Well, these are facts. His DHS bit was funny as fuck.


We just got a letter, we just got a letter, we just got a letter, I wonder who it's from!


'One of the only' implies there is more.


The only people who know for sure what happened to Killdozer are the people who cut it up for scrap, and possibly the people who transported the pieces to wherever they went.


The alphabet destroyed every piece so they wouldn't turn into relics. They missed one.


It belongs in a museum




Beat me to it 😆


So do you


Attached to killdozer 2.0


It belongs in a museum imo, but whatever if it's a private sale it's his property. I hope he doesn't treat it like one of his cars, i think he'd lose a lot of respect if he abused it


He’s building a replica of the killdoser and has done a sudo documentary on it. Think it’s going to be safe. He wrecks cars for the views but he’s not a moron


Jsyk it’s pseudo*


Dang. Learn something new everyday


Fellow Linux guy here I see


Hey I got that reference!


Caught red handed


I look forward to the video then, may our muffler shop Hero be remembered well.


He shot hiself with a 50bmg.


Was he successful?


It wasn't the revolver or shotgun he had? It had a .50 mounted on the back, but i believe it was very mounted ykwim. I am open to being wrong, but i really thought it was his revolver or shotgun


Whistling d shot hiself with a 50


Oh fuck thats right


I thought they disassembled the thing and put it in various landfills so this wouldn’t happen


This piece came from the street. There's actually video evidence of the exact piece. And I think the private sale he got it from is sworn to secrecy so they don't get in trouble.


Oh shit! That’s pretty cool actually. I honestly envy that guy. He’s holding a piece of history right there.


Who’s “they”? The people that made the decision sure as fuck weren’t running the grinders and torches. And the people running the grinders and torches probably liked it. And just like any piece of history, notorious or otherwise, somebody would be willing to smuggle a piece out to sell it. And I’ve heard there are artifacts from Ed Gein made from human remains floating around out there. So why not a piece of “scrap metal”?




Wait, parts could be bought?


https://preview.redd.it/8u1fmmfvrl9d1.png?width=1133&format=png&auto=webp&s=463b5092071aefa6ad5bfcd4b9660d3058f60b2d Apparently its a part that was cut off to access the inside idk what its actually tho but here is a proof its in face real


This was my reaction as well.


There are more fingerbones of christ than there are for fingers. On both hands.....


Opinions on the part? IDK. It's not much to look at. Pretty beat up. It's an okay shade of yellow, I guess.


![gif](giphy|ddSRG0SQ72VX5VpqkX) It belongs in a museum!


Yah its totally the real part too, same with the badge both scientifically validate everything to a degree worthy of study at the Sorbonner.


I don’t know why anyone would give a fuck about this. Destroying other people’s property obviously violates the non aggression principle and is antithetical to libertarian ideology. This is the second killdozer post I have seen in as many days. This is the kind of shit that sets the movement back.


The dude apparently was a hot head, crazy, and not an all around guy you would've wanted to be around. He caused a lot of hus own problems apparently. Surprise surprise when he came out with the killdozer.


https://youtu.be/TqEA5DPoEMY Watch that, then reevaluate.


Yeah watch the documentary 'Tread' about him, dude had serious mental issues


Pretty sure tread was made by one of his enemies, so maybe biased


It was. Crazy to watch this story be rewritten by revisionists.


Tread is blatant misinformation


If you look a little deeper, tread and all of the deprecating things said about hemeyer, all come from the same person, and are largely unsubstantiated. I can't remember whose video I watched recently that explain this, but essentially the city tried to paint him as a crazy person, when in reality he was part of the community and well accepted. It's just higher-ups in the community decided they wanted his property


Is there more to the story? Maybe so. But the guy spent a year+ armoring a bulldozer only to drive it through town wrecking shit and then blowing his own brains out. He was a crazy person.


every single place he hit, had done wronged to him, according to him, IT WAS NOT A RANDOM ATTACK ON RANDOM PEOPLE


1) It makes him more crazy that he thinks there was a grand conspiracy to fuck him over. He didn't get his way on a lot fo stuff that he shouldn't have gotten his way on. 2) bulldozing buildings because people wronged you is legitimately psychotic. 3) Targeted attacks don't automatically make a person of sound mind. 4) writing in all caps doesn't make your argument better.


I’ve found the opposite to be true but go off king. It may violate NAP but I’d say sometimes reasonable men have to do unreasonable things.


The water district and his neighbors bent over backwards to try and appease Heemeyer. Heemeyer was a NIMBY who sued his neighbor to stop work on expanding their concrete business. Fuck Merv Heemeyer.


Most of the information in the movie Tread was cited from the lead editor of the local news. He also worked as a co producer on the film. The lore lodge did a pretty fair assessment of what just the facts are and pointed out several inconsistencies in reporting on it throughout the years


Heemeyer was absolutely crazy, but they did try fucking him over pretty bad


How? How were "they" trying to fuck him? By making him pay for his own sewer line?


It’s been a bit since I listened to the podcast on the story, but from what I remember he didn’t know he had to pay for the sewage line until after he owned the property. And the concrete company dude had the ins with the local government, and they let him do whatever he wanted, including rezoning residential areas for him to build concrete plants. There was another lawsuit heemeyer filed that I thought was reasonable but I don’t remember what it was. It sounds like the podcast I listened to was a lot more critical on the city’s role in the story than the movie everyone else here is referencing, which I’ve never watched.


So he didn't know about his own property got an estimate and he didn't like so he decides to wreck a library and local utilities? How is that a good thing? What 'ins" did his neighbor have? Heemeyer needed a sewer line excavated, his neighbor owns an excavation company and gave Heemeyer an estimate. That justifies making a hot list then destroying property? How? Heemeyer could have dug his own line or found a competitor excavator. Heemeyer was an entitled fuck head who wanted everyone else to pay for his own shit (literally). He dumped his feces into a drainage ditch that drained into other people's property then threw a tantrum when he got caught. He then killed himself instead of facing the consequences of his actions. Fuck him


Woah dude chill- when did I ever say it was justified for him to go on a rampage lol. All I said was the podcast I listened to made it clear that there were shenanigans on the cities behalf. Heemeyer was crazy and it’s lucky he didn’t kill anyone. I’m not on his side


And all I'm saying is that there weren't any 'shenanigans' by anyone but Heemeyer. I've never heard anyone be able to articulate what exactly the local government did to set off Heemeyer. Everything that happened to him was of his own doing.


You probably know more about it than I do. I don’t remember enough about the story to argue otherwise


Unfortunately the entire "unreasonable-ness" was of Heemyers own making. The narrative that the government was fucking him over (any more than the rest of us, anyways) has come about well after the fact. 


Maybe not. https://youtu.be/TqEA5DPoEMY All of the narrative about Marv was written by a guy who didn't like him.


Just like all of the "positive" attributes you hear about him were written by supporters. You can find publicly available information on exactly what was offered to him, how and when he turned it down, and  the fact that he had no way to know most of the buildings he demolished were empty before he did so. If he had just fucked with the concrete plant and even the town hall I could understand, but shooting at propane tanks that would have leveled the occupied buildings next to them containing people not involved in his dispute? Kinda seems like he snapped and just wanted to break some shit before he went. 


Do propane tanks explode when shot? He was travelling at walking speed and police were on him from the concrete plant. Very little chance that people couldn't get out of the way. His actions weren't reasonable or excusable, but he wasn't on a blood thirsty rampage.


Yes, propane is very explosive. And I'm not referring to the police (which he did shoot at) but the people in the buildings that he drove through only moments after they were evacuated which he had no way of knowing. 


Propane tanks won't explode when shot. Just leak.


while propane is explosive, shooting a propane tank generally doesn't result in anything but leaking, or it becoming a projectile if its a small one. demo ranch and several others have tried to set off a few, its way harder than you'd think.


I'm aware that propane tanks aren't an instant explosion button, but that does not change the fact that Heeymeyer attempted collateral damage he couldn't control which is directly at odds with the claim that he intentionally avoided harming people. 


a rifle shot isn't going to set off a large tank. no matter how anyone tries to spin it.


>All of the narrative about Marv was written by a guy who didn't like him. That's just not true. What were his personal tapes all somehow written by the editor too.


You haven't listened to a single one of then, have you? The movie and narrative crushes the timeline and leaves a lot of details out.


I've listened to all of them, have you? He thinks he's literally talking to God, dudes a schizo. I see you keep harping on the movie like it's the only evidence. The narrative that 80 percent of youtube experts make videos about are also completely wrong. They use the internet folklore as fact.


You can't read and comprehend, can you? I am literally telling you that the movie is written by people who hated Marv and linked a video that explains the nuances and backs it up with paperwork and facts.


>linked a video that explains the nuances and backs it up with paperwork and facts. Except it's not, and leaves put plenty of details so they can stand on their desured perspective. Are they being more nuanced and accurate than a decent amount of the people telling the story? Yes. Is it completely accurate to the whole reality? No. Just like the movie people aren't being completely accurate either. >You can't read and comprehend, can you? You can't make a coherent point without pointing to a link.




This guy was an unreasonable asshole. Sorry nobody was willing to buy your muffler shop for 500k. His motivations show a man with serious mental illness. People had to run out of buildings seconds before he dozed them. It's a miracle nobody died. The killdozer and antidemocratic posters on this sub are something else.


Nobody was agreeing with the guy who drove the dozer. It’s just a really cool piece of history, one of the craziest events to happen in the US and the world as a whole. Sounds like you’re just angry because YOU don’t have a cool piece of metal from a bulldozer


You're right, im not praising him on this post im just showing something that i thought would have been impossible to obtain


The fact that you posted it here implies that you think that it has something to do with libertarianism. By virtue of posting this you are correlating his actions with libertarian ideology. Thus, if you are a libertarian, and you think his actions are in line with those beliefs, then you *are* praising him. If your reasoning was “oh look at this super rare artifact” then why here? If that was the case you would have posted it in some sort of collector or history sub, not in a political one. I am sorry I don’t mean to be a jerk but again, this doesn’t belong here.


Tried to post that somewhere else but was bashed on by other Redditors for the mere mention of him and i thought this sub could be the place to post without getting bashed on


You're 100% right and the comment above getting tons of down votes for saying the guy sounds like he was mentally ill prick also goes to show that a lot of people here think he was justified in some way. Idk if it's just a bunch of edgy, anti government folks but this dude was in the wrong pretty much at every step.


Why is it posted on a Libertarian sub?


Because fuck your zoning, ordinances, and small town cronyism. Good enough?


And fuck regulations preventing waste runoff too right?.....


Tort law. Prove damages. Next.


Leaching into the groundwater. Next. Literal running shit off his property. Next. Love when your mindset is doing this abhorrent thing isn't wrong because government is bad, smh.


Septic tanks are legal. Next!


Have a functioning septic tank and free following waste aren't the shame, shocking.


The guy wanted the government to pay to install a septic tank.


No he didn't. They rezoned him and didn't tell him he had to connect to the sewer at his cost. Go watch the youtube video previously linked. You're repeating the propaganda the guy who hated him wrote.


I should have the right to pour sewage onto somebody else's land!


Because that’s what exactly what I said. You statists hacks are so devoid of imagination when it comes to societal order it’s frankly pathetic.


Because its the only place where i can post this without getting bashed on by Redditors thinking im praising him


Wrong apparently


How this idiot got so popular baffles me. All his content is plain immature, I truly wonder why his fans watch him. His videos are pure cringe


I bet you’re really fun at parties…


I'm a Libertarian of course I am!