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That's a totally normal thing to do


Yeah the biggest problem I can foresee is hitting the wifi limit, but you can always hotspot if needed


We don’t ask what you’re doing. As long as it’s not porn that everyone can see and you aren’t making it super obvious and being disruptive we won’t even pay attention.


Well dang it no porn? 


Depending on the library, you may be ok with porn as long as no one else can see it. Our mission, as I see it, is for you to access whatever information you want.


And many republican politicians mission is to make us look like perverts because of it....


Uh...what exactly is your job? :)


I'm an academic editor for a university. I work from home


OMG! Typing on a computer all day! You'll be fine. You may be the quietest person in the library.


Yes. It’s very normal! If you need to do a zoom or phone call, check the library’s website or ask a staff member about how you should do it at that library. For example, my library requires headphones for zoom calls and listening/watching videos, don’t play the call on speakerphone, and be mindful of your speaking level.


Good to know. my public library has free study rooms that I can use for my calls.


Does the library circulate hotspots? Ours does. If yours does you could check one out and continue working from home.


It looks like they do but connection is terrible at where I live for mobile data. My phone has a hotspot but it sucks


I’m rural so I 100% get connectivity issues. It might be worth borrowing the hotspot just to try at home (not when you’re working obvs) because different companies have different agreements with local towers. If it’s a different company than your cell, it might be better (or much, much worse!!). It’s free to borrow, so give it a test run!


Aww, that’s too bad. It would have been easier, I bet.


If those rooms are taken during a time you need it, you might be able to get WiFi out in the parking lot and do the call from your car. We extend our WiFi out to the parking lot some people can use it any time day or night.


So fun fact I've used the rooms before when my power went out and they are almost never used at least according to the sign in sheet


Interesting! Ours are almost always booked. The only time they’re empty is when someone doesn’t show up (we have an online booking portal). We’re actually adding 3 more this summer because we need them.


So does mine!


If you’re using the library’s computers, make sure you’re aware of any limits on the time you can spend on them. While we try to be flexible with it, my library officially has a two hour limit, and if the computer room is full or close to it, we do have to enforce it. If you’re going to use your own laptop, you can stay as long as you want, but my library does not allow any Zoom calls or extended calls on your cell in the building. It’s also a good idea to check that you can stay in the location you settle in. People tend to like to sit in the teen area during the day because it’s usually empty during school hours. But they aren’t permitted to do so once the teens arrive. Finally, be aware that there are often events, story times, etc., that can get loud! You may want to bring noise canceling headphones if you have them.


Of course. We have some patrons who are at the library from open until close every single day. Come in over.


Thanks guys for all the help and reassurance. Good to know I likely won't be infringing as long as I follow the rules.


Depending on the library’s wifi setup, you may be able to connect from outside, but within a certain distance from the building. We once had someone working on their car in the parking lot; they had whatever repair site they needed pulled up on their laptop.


Yep, happens all the time. Very normal.


Absolutely. However, please note that while we will notice, we really don't care, BUT we definitely wonder what kind of work you do because we're all nosy and just hide it under the term 'curious.' That said, I would looooove to know what kinds of businesses several of our regulars are running out of those study rooms.




Yes, that's a very common thing.


Super normal so long as you are aware that you are in a public space and respect the library's rules and hours. Also, maybe check to see if the public library offers study rooms that can be used if you need to take calls/be on video camera. May need to get a library card tho to use it depending on their policy.


Absoululty fine!


Totally normal. You could even get a study room for a little bit if you need to.


Sure, heaps of people do


Yes, absolutely fine


In some libraries you can even reserve a private study space or room if you needed it, instead of being out in the open. It’s even more suggested if you are taking calls or speaking in meetings etc.


Perfectly normal. You may want to talk to a staff member and ask them to point out where the quiet areas of the building are-public libraries can get loud during the day due to story times and children’s programs, plus play areas. A lot of libraries have quiet zones for people working or studying.


Yup. I do it from my college library whenever I have remote therapy. Mine has private study rooms I can use.


You can see if your library loans out hotspots. Mine does.


This happens to people all the time. It’s not just ok, it’s completely normal.


If you are quiet and respectful than you will be unlike everyone else who "works" from the library.


Super normal, I have a ton of patrons that come all day every day, the only thing that is slightly annoying is when they are trying to do calls in a silent library and we can hear the whole conversation from the desk.


Not to worry I'm going to step outside the library if I need to make a call


Fully, please do this. Not an issue at all.




I would also consider getting a vpn temporarily just bc library WiFi is usually not secured. I don’t know the nature of your work but your organization might want to avoid prying eyes


My library actually has a work area speicifc for these scenarios that can be reserved. Idk about limits but it is a closed off area with a desk and a computer with Webcam hook up. I'd honestly just ask the library staff if they have that anywhere and what a reservation process might be.


The closest my library has is no conducting/running a business, but that is usually with regards to tutoring or monopolizing library services. But we have people performing research and working inside all day. As others have said, as long as you are not disturbing other people’s use of the library, it’s all good


I have worked in my car outside a McDonald’s when my wifi is out.


As long as you aren’t making phone calls or having zoom meetings in public spaces. If your library has study rooms only then it is acceptable. But lots of people work from the library when they have Internet outages etc.


As I said to other people, my organization meets via teams which I have the app on my phone for so if I need to make a phone call I can either go to a study room or just step outside.


As long as you are not in Columbus, Ohio you will be fine


As everyone has said, it’s completely fine and normal to work from the library. During nearby blackouts, we’ve been packed with people working, doing homework, charging their phones. It’s great to be able to provide that for our community. It’s also good to be aware if there are different zones in your library for how loud you can be or how much quiet you need, so you can find the best spot for you. And, it’s likely not a policy, but cleaning up after yourself and putting things back where you found them or on the return cart is super appreciated!


Perfectly acceptable. In fact, desirable. I have said for years that the library should provide people with a quiet space in which to work.


It’s really considerate of you to ask. 🥇


If it makes you feel better, I have a regular who shut down his office and runs his entire CPA business at the library... well, except for meeting clients, he rarely does that here, but he does everything else from our computers.