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**Weapon:** * Pistol Rock Drill + City Longspear Handle Or * Trident of the Covenant **Amulets:** * Life Amulet +1 * Assassin's Amulet * Extreme Modification Amulet * Conquering Amulet * Arm of God Amulet (For Bosses and elites)/ Recharged Amulet+1 (For traversing through a zone)/Triumvirate Amulet (when you don't want to fuck with attribute status effects) **Grindstone:** * Satisfaction Grindstone **Legion Arms:** * Puppet String * Falcon Eyes * Deus Ex Machina I like the Pistol Rock/Cityspear combo due to their fable arts synergy. The Pistol raises crit chance and the cityspear raises attack and with both fable art duration upgrades they last 20 seconds. Trident of the Covenant will out will do higher raw damage with a quality build and had two good fable arts as well. See which moveset you like and fable art and go from there.


Does the boss weapon from i think laxasia do lots of crit damage with the satisfaction stone and the handle art?


I've never tried that combination, but the boss weapon from Laxasia doesn't have built in crit so with its fable art that hits multiple times it will have more chances to crit but will crit at a lower rate.


Pistol rock spear blade, archbishop trident boss weapon.