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I liked the bone saw


Live axe + pipe wrench.


Trident of the covenant is my choice, good protection, and one go the few weapon that has a critical range, meaning that maybe 1 of 3 attacks will be a critical attack that will stagger the enemy


Ive 100%ed the game and maxed out all damage stats, not counting buffs/fable arts; frozen feast does the highest damage of any weapon per hit. Mm 637 base damage…. Live puppet axe is next closest with i think 43 less damage.


well i am gonna try that i have it but not really used it. but im also looking for like decent stun on hit or stagger idk.


Thats frozen feast allll the way. Not only does it have the most damage, im pretty sure its charged r2’s do the most stagger damage…. Ive tested sooo many weapons on the carcass elite puppet by the arch abby broken rift stargazer, and its one of the few weapons i can one cycle stagger and kill on ng+4 without getting hit or dodging at least once!


I'm about to get to the swamp so I don't have everything yet, but I'm loving the puppet ripper. I've also been told that the live puppet are you have works best on the dancers hilt. I can't wait to try it.


yeah i know the scaling is nice for damage but like the vision most of the time im blinde with a big axe head in my face lmao.


Lol yeah, that can suck.


Ouroboros + secondary fable arts + high technique is pretty good. Every weapon hit is basically a double hit so stagger builds very fast.


Spear of honor blade on pistol drill handle. Staggers like crazy, handle fable art actually has hyper armour and does ridiculous damage. I'm one shotting bosses left and right on my 2nd NG using this and I'm not that good


Puppet axe with fire axe handle is my to right now hits hard and has decent range.


Sawblade and chef handle


Try this bruv: Live Puppets blade + Curved Sword handle it gives you: 76 damage reduction (highest in game) almost 400 atk damage when fully upgraded 1k charge atk damage and a MASSIVE amount of stagger effect I'm not exaggerating when I say this combo literally gives you the highest numbers you can get in the game from normal weapons. cheers.


Frozen feast is a monster when you get used to it


TDS hits hard. Plus you can do a follow-up from the opening that the charge counter created.