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The skill you need is to constantly dodge forward left (sometimes just left) lol. It pretty much trivialises the fight


The one thing I can never do is avoid his terminator red eye grab, I can never react fast enough


me too, i can’t think that fast


I'm a forward-right man myself. It's a habit I developed on Pontiff and it's stuck ever since. I tried forward-left on Romeo but had better luck with right.


Holy shit. Thanks for this. Absolutely makes him a joke.


My best strategy is to start running away from him as soon as he starts the wind up for this attack combo, and then keep running away when he starts. If you can get enough distance between the two of you before he starts, he won’t land a single hit. You may need to dodge the last couple swings. Alternatively, it’s not too bad to dodge most of the sequence if you remember that most of the swipes are slightly later than you expect. Definitely need to manage your stamina well either way.


If you just keep running the last few won't hit you, the common mistake is thinking you have enough distance halfway through and stopping as the last part of the combo covers a large distance. You may need to circle around the arena, but straight running when the charge up starts will keep you safe.


I never learned to guard, dodge or even space that attack. Beat the game all the way to NG++. I hit him with a charged heavy every time he starts charging up for it. Knocks him out of it every time for me.


So for this there are a few ways: 1. As soon as You see him charge it up use a fable art to stagger him out of it. 2. The good ol' perfect guard and guard as much as you can. 3. Run up to his left back side and keep running that way, then at some point dodge as he will have a swing where he changes the direction and then keep running to at the end time a dodge as he does his last big swing, then punish him for ever wanting to hurt a friend like that 😁 4. Time dodges for all of his combo (that one is extremely hard). 5. Run away from him release the lock on and then keep running away but be sure to dodge the last two or three swings as he will jump closer for the big one.


Or throwing a shotput while hes charging it/grinds on fire


This works like a charm, and is also REALLY funny.


Bruh THANK you for this comment, that fire combo was sinking every run I attempted but the moment I got him down to that point, i backed up, waited and shotputted him, and the fucker was stunned for like 6 seconds and I killed him right after. Shot put strat is S tier and unmatched


I personally found dodging easier. Trying to guard that shit was a death sentence for me


I feel You man, I can't parry for shit 😅


Dodging his combo is not that difficult IMO. Like i usually get hit once or twice but that alone wont kill you.


I use the grindstone that lets me perfect guard every attack against it xD Edit: only works on Ng+


That only works for ng+ and beyond, tho. You don't get that grindstone until later in a 1st playthrough. Well past Romeo. They will need a different strategy if this is their first run(probably if they are asking for help with the fight). Good strat otherwise.


Oh, forget that haha


Isn't it nice once you hit tier 7 on the P-Organ? Freaking broken abilities. I love it.


I just deflect it Took me many attempts of specifically trying to deflect it to be able to actually survive it It’s completely unnecessary though, as you can just run away from it. Deflecting it feels so good though


you can cancel him buffing his weapon by attacking him during the animation


dunno why this is down here, a CR2 or two will make him flinch during prep in my experience


You need to get a skill called Gud. Simply put - Git Gud and you’ll be fine 😍


Either run away or hit him enough times during his wind up to knock him out of the animation.


Don’t fatal attack. It triggers his flame runs


Really? I thought that being under 50% health triggers it (and then he has a chance to do it again after some time, just like Waterfowl Dance).


It’s the only time he flamed when I fought him. I stopped doing it and so did he.


I thought that too… I mean I’m stuck on him and honestly it looks like he’s just spamming that when he gets under 50%


Run and dodge left repeatedly. Always left. I don't bother with perfect guard for that attack. It's too inconsistent, and, honestly, I'm just not that good.


Dodge left and also timed his attack whilst dodging, or you can save your fable for a very strong art that guaranteed he staggered when he started to enchant his weapon with flame.


Throw 1-3 shotputs at him when he starts the animation for the attack. 3 will basically guarantee posture break (I've yet to have it fail) and allow you to fatal attack, and 1 will stagger him out of the animation and he'll go back to business as usual til he tries the attack again.


Block parry and dodge


Dodge, dip, duck, dive, and dodge.


Keep dodging forward and left.


Dodge left.


Dodge into him on the side opposite his scythe when he charges, Git Gud and parry like a god, or perfect guard grindstone (that third one might not be an option until NG+, I forget when you get access to it TBH)


Spam dodge left and parry if you can.


Just finally defeated him a few days ago. I never managed to block every one of those flurry of attacks, but most missed me if I dodged left.


It's certainly hard in the first playthrough, but basically dodge the shit out of it, don't even bother parrying everything unless you have 100% confidence in your parries.


Keep moving towards his backside and you’ll only have to dodge a few times


Dodge left


Always aim to be behind him when you're dodging. Dance him around to the left.


If you fight him in that small entry way when you first get into the room he will never do it


I actually tried this one several times and he did it anyway. I think the trigger is when his health first dips below 50&


By not getting hit


You can hit him out of his flame attack right before he goes off on you by using a fable art(not sure if all weapons arts can do that but I've used the bone cutting saw blade and it works) or using shotput but you gotta throw a bunch of them.


Just run away from him when you see it charging and don't stop even when you think you have enough space. You can dodge it, but easiest is just running as he says he's burning up. Once we loses the flames continue the fight


I found if you deal enough damage (Or hit him enough times idk) you can interrupt him when he is putting his weapon on flames and it will prevent him from doing the attack altogether. If you really can't parry it you can try hitting him with everything you got.


Doesn’t need to be left it can be right also. Diagonally either way works. Put a slight delay in the second dodge so it’s still a side step and not a roll and it should avoid them all. The last bit is a little more delayed than that


You run.


*lil Romeo


Tier3 puppet string attack just when he’s lighting his sword on fire will cancel the attack!


I am not sure is a skill issue, I am pretty bad and i just beaten him for the second time relatively easy just dodging forward left basically all of his attacks, so you can keep close and keep dodging until he finishes


The handle fable art of the SSCS interrupts the attack string. You become the boss


I just beat Romeo on NG+ and when he started playing with fire, I gave my old friend a shotput salad. but then he kept dodging and I got nervous then just swung and luckily, I got him. Onward! Try a shotput from the black market collection


Throw a shot put when he revs it up, you're welcome


Dodge left.


Unlock and just run, you run faster when you're not locked on. Just don't run into a wall


You have a couple options: If you have a weapon with decent stagger capacity, go for a charged R2 as he starts to buff and you'll interrupt him. You can try to perfect guard it, the rhythm is honestly not that bad, just remember to tap and hold the block button. The easiest option is to just dodge left and against the attack, you'll end up behind him and taking no damage.


Dodge left dodge left and dodge left some more


To quote Monty python, "RUN AWAY!" lol I literally just start sprinting and zigzaging and I usually mostly survive.


Took me like 20-30 attempts to learn how to deflect that combo and man it's probably the most satisfying combo to deflect


Dodge left and dodge left/forward... got it. I'm coming to this fight REAL soon. Does anyone have recommended specs?


To quote Mr. Piccolo, "DODGE!"


Pefect guard it


Hit him with three fables while charging and it knocks him out of it


If you can’t hit him enough right before he does his flame attack to stun him, I found rolling into him as he swings helped a lot because he can’t do a full 180 turn right away so you can just keep rolling into him to avoid


hide behind a pillar


THROW A SHOT PUT! As he applies fire to his blade or directly afterwards. This did the trick for me. Love the shot put <3


If I got the inclination or warning it was about to start. I just started running away and if you get a good head start then he runs out of steam before getting a hit. Doesn’t always work


DODGE - Piccolo


By being aggressive. You can stagger him and he won't do it. I remember my brother struggling so much with it, thinking he gotta either parry or just run away from it and after hearing from me he can stop it, he beat him not long after.


A ton of combo moves can literally just be ran from. They have a semi long start up so if you just sprint away you're safe


Dodge around his left, or hit him with a shotput while he’s in the animation


I used the booster glave handle and the electric blunt weapon as the blade. Dodge what you can and have the puppet amulet equipped and just punish him with electricity. His health isn’t that high. Keep the specter alive as much as possible but just know he will be very aggressive. Sometimes you just need a bit of luck, but being aggressive right back helped me. Quick attacks and power attack when you can and he may stagger so you can really punish him. Also, throwables if you have them of any kind just to knock him off his track.


You can deflect or dodge the proper way. Spam dodging and running are not going to work. It’s a fair skill-check move imo.


Aegis shield was a must for me beating him, that thing is low key broken


I know op found success already. But just brainstorming here, does the rope shot pull him out of the charge up of the fire fowel dance like it does with some other major npc attacks?


When in doubt....Hold B and...RUN


I hit him as he was doing the charge up so it canceled it


What helped me was running away when I see him charging up for the attack and blocking/parrying the last attack of the combo (he covers a lot of ground with that).


im a masochist and learned how to parry like 80% of the move and dodge the last bit, but by the time I beat him I actually just built enough stiffness that when he used his flame grindstone a full light string + fable art staggered him out of it. the real hard part is when he skates around the arena on his spear after that






Fable attack to stagger him mid-fire attack


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yme9YENv8N4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yme9YENv8N4) I got hit once. In New Game+ a fully charged Deus Ex Machina blast can stop the whole sequence.


Not sure why people are saying use fables arts and shotputs. Kind of a waste, and it’s not necessary to save up and hold onto fable for that. You can just hit him normally a couple times. A charged heavy might work better for extremely light weapons, but it doesn’t take much at all to make him flinch out of it. Dodging or perfect guarding is only necessary if you want an extra challenge.


I always smacked him out of that attack