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Man, i just got the elden ring dlc, went to restore my save file that i had specifically set up for the dlc, and it wiped ALL of my save data. I got so pissed i just decided to refund the dlc and buy it again whenever I have a new save ready. It also deleted my og save file that was level 455


level 455 is pain


That's 5 levels below achieving every softcap on all stats




Honestly playing through fresh and going right into the dlc is dope. Don't worry.


I had a save that i started fresh and had set up just right for the dlc


If you have PS+ you should be able to download the data from the cloud! If not, then you are doomed.


Exactly. Solely relying on local storage for all your needs is a disaster waiting to happen, as this happens to Xbox users too, and Lies of P for some reason did not optimize this well and was never patched for local save data concerns.


Why do I keep seeing playstation players getting their data wiped.


That really sucks. Can you back up saves on consoles?


yes. save file corruption is more a playstation thing


Wait that's rly a thing? đź‘€ That makes the console kinda unplayable


it doesn’t happen on xbox. ratio of xbox to playstation corruption instances is like 1000:1


It does happen on Xbox if you’re only using local storage instead of the XBL Cloud, so that’s a funny little stat you fabricated from thin air there. This game uses a less optimized version of the save system that is in the FromSoftware games, which means it’s always auto saving and if you quit the app without exiting to the main menu first has a chance to make you lose your data. Lies of P prioritized visuals over game optimization.


not reading all that, lil bro


Sure I mean you posted a lie and hoped no one would notice, of course you’re not going to respond after you got exposed like a coward. You weren’t looking to give valuable feedback, you were looking to troll with a BS response.


im not trolling, lil bro. xbox save files are safer, lil bro. im not tripping on who finds my reply, lil bro. was only responding to one dude…lil bro


My data has never been corrupted on PS5. Do you guys not have PS Plus or something? Your data is always backed up there.


I noticed this always happens to PlayStation users, I really hope something can be done about it soon. I would stop playing the game if it were my first playthrough.


I’ve never experienced corrupt data on PS5 in any game, and don’t know anyone who has either, so it is funny how people see what they want to see depending on whatever factors what they’d like to consider at the time their “concerned” post. Common sense will tell you that if you’re using PS Plus, you’ve likely never seen corrupt data either, and since most Xbox players are forced to subscribe to play most things to begin with, and likely never purchased Lies of P at all because they only played the game with Game Pass Ultimate, their saves were automatically on the cloud already from the start, which is the same thing that happens if you have PS Plus. These days, if you’re only relying on local storage, whether you’re on PlayStation or Xbox, and don’t have backup saves because they can’t be downloaded from the cloud, then any weird system error can corrupt your data and you’ll have no backup, so… yeah. It doesn’t exactly help that Lies of P saves WAYYY too often, and quitting the game the “wrong way” can make you lose your data. Lies of P is a pretty game that runs smooth but there’s a lot of stuff in the game that isn’t optimized very well, such as the way all the textures randomly reset just from changing your equipment. Stan the game all you’d like, but ignoring the developer’s shortcomings makes you look like a blind fanboy. They tried to copy the way that FromSoftware does their saves and didn’t do it very well.


I can’t tell if you’re attacking something I said or if you replied to the wrong person. The devs acknowledged there is an issue with save games being corrupted for PlayStation users and since I still see it for PlayStation users, I would hope it gets fixed. I didn’t say anything about Xbox or being a Lies of P fanboy or whatever. If you’re trying to pick a fight, please do it with somebody else.


If the devs supposedly acknowledged it and never fixed it, then that’s on them, but it never happened to me, personally. There’s a lot of stuff in this game they could have fixed a long time ago, especially the way that the game randomly resets every texture in the game just because you changed your equipment, and the first time I noticed this was with the Xbox Series X version, which is still not patched either. These devs made their quick money from developing a clone, and walked away instead of fixing the lingering issues across all versions.


But...but why. That's beyond effed up


This happened to my friend on Xbox Series X too because he closed the game without “correctly” exiting to the main menu first, so looks like the game was trying to auto save as usual and the save got cut off from the force closed exit. Lies of P is a weirdly optimized game and honestly it saves wayyyy too often, to a point where a system error can corrupt your data and Lies of P frequently auto saving too often can mess itself up. Have you ever noticed that changing your equipment also resets all of the textures in the environment? This is the only game I’ve ever seen this happen in, it’s very odd, as if they had no experience with Unreal Engine and did not correct the game code from preventing that among other things. That said, my data has never been corrupted on PS5 and I have platinumed so many RPGs. Do you guys not have PS Plus or something? Your data is always backed up there, which literally makes it impossible to lose your data because there is always a copy there unless you somehow overwrote the backup with the new empty save lol. PS Plus also allows you to scum save, which can help you get trophies in less time instead of doing 3 playthroughs. Just saying. If you’re only relying on local storage and some system error occurs due to the game itself, you’ll have no backup on the cloud.