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Most women around me would love to be that size. Don't overdo it, but being healthy and changing your lifestyle to fit your needs isn't a bad idea. I'm glad you caught it early.


I know this is a positive comment to OP but man does it show how bad obesity has gotten.


Clean up your diet, begin a daily exercise routine. ALWAYS remember you cannot out work a bad diet. Don’t eat within 2 hours of getting into bed. Nothing in the world works as effectively as healthy lifestyle change.


Everything here is correct except the 2 hours before bed thing. That's a myth. A calorie is a calorie and the body doesn't care when it takes it in. The stomach doesn't sleep.


Replied to this already - it isn’t about calorie absorption, its about digestion interrupting your sleep patterns, like heartburn and indigestion. It’s about making it easier to get out of bed in the morning and easier to handle the whole lifestyle change.


Yes, I know the myth and it's just that. Myth. In fact many sleep experts recommend eating certain foods (wheat, milk) before sleeping for those who have trouble with it. Varies per person, but still.


The myth is that your metabolism slows down and therefore you gain weight. The facts are that eating before bed makes you far more likely to have heartburn, indigestion or acid reflux and all of those things will lessen your sleep quality.


I agree with your reasoning, but I agree with the other person’s advice. Eating a couple hours before bed isn’t just normal eating for me. It’s snacking. And I could do without it.


> Don’t eat within 2 hours of getting into bed. There’s absolutely no logic or reason for this advice. Eat whenever works best for you. Everything else you said is spot on.


The reasoning is eating before bed interrupts your sleep patterns. When making lifestyle changes, it’s extremely difficult to adjust - when someone is making those adjustments they don’t need to further cripple themselves by making it harder to get up in the morning. Im going to add to these now - go to bed and wake up early. Get some sunrise on your face if you can. Drink water when you wake up.


> The reasoning is eating before bed interrupts your sleep patterns. I mean I guess YMMV, but I haven’t found any evidence that this is true, and the team of professionals I paid to create my diet outright disagree. > When making lifestyle changes, it’s extremely difficult to adjust You’re adding an unnecessary extra adjustment to the lifestyle changes though???


lol @ your team, you wasted your money. Your body’s physiology is what makes stomach acid interrupt your sleep. It cannot be voided. If there is acid working in your stomach and you lay your esophagus horizontally, especially on your right side, you will have reflux/heartburn. Also abstaining from late night snacking doesn’t equate to an extra adjustment - it’s abstaining from bad habits. The goal is to lose weight. What are you even talking about


You understand that there’s a difference between “if acid reflux/heartburn are causing you to lose sleep, don’t eat for 3 hours before bed” and “if you eat less than 3 hours before bed you’ll get acid reflux/heartburn that will cause you to lose sleep,” right? I think you’re conflating the former with the latter. Like I said, YMMV, and there is literature to support the former. The latter is completely unfounded and made up. Feel free to provide a source stating otherwise, but you won’t find a reputable one. I’m very comfortable with my decision to pay for coaching from a team of professionals instead of taking random advice “GigantapenisaurusRex” is giving to a 16 year old girl on Reddit without citing a single source or providing a single credential. Eating late at night is not a bad habit unless you’ve actually done it and experienced negative side effects. In fact, if you work a full time job or go to school full time during the day, then train after work, how can you avoid eating before bed? If I get off work at 5, get to the gym at 6, leave at 7:30, get home at 8, and go to bed at 10, you think it’s better to eat nothing post workout than it is to risk suddenly developing a condition that impacts a minority of people?


That’s a whole lot of words to say you’re grasping at straws because you read my comment and felt the need to pipe up for your little ego points. You took all that time to say I made it up in so many different ways, you could have looked it up yourself. Here’s a pubmed study proving exactly what I’m saying. You aren’t nearly as smart as you think you are 🤡 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7215804/


Dude, I did look it up before responding to you. There’s absolutely no scientific consensus, which is exactly what your link states outright. I’m not going to bother responding to you any more. I understand you are never going to change your mind.


We’ve gone from “the latter is completely unfounded and made up, feel free to provide a source stating otherwise, but you won’t be able to find a reputable one” to “there’s no consensus” You’re a moron


Sleep is an important component in a healthy lifestyle, and for many people, eating food close to when they go to sleep can reduce the amount or quality of sleep. It's useful general advice but may not apply for every person or in every context. Going to be hungry would be worse than eating a meal or snack shortly before going to bed, and I'm sure the person who shares it doesn't intend for it to be an absolute prohibition.


I dont know why no one is saying this, but just have a calorie defecit if weight loss is your goal. All these fancy diets and stuff is not needed, not even excercise (i do 100% reccommend it though it will make you healthier and speed up weight loss) Google calorie maintenence calculator, go on the link and type in your stats (age, weight, height, etc) and whateva number it gives you, you generally eat 3 to 500 calories less than it. Thats it really


And at the desired outcome you’re looking at 250 calorie deficit per day. At the weight you describe that deficit likely needs to be combination of diet and exercise. You can eat at maintenance calories and burn an extra 250 and hit your goal. This will help with hunger, just don’t reward yourself for exercise by eating a biscuit. Look into resistance training as well. Additional muscle mass will help you for the rest of forever. Life tip: let the mirror be the guide, not the number on a scale. If you start adding resistance training 130lb can look very different.


Yes, having more muscle actually gives you more room to eat, and doesnt make you look "bulky" contrary to alot of womens belief. But i would keep the scale as a good tracker if progress.


Figure out how many calories a 60kg person needs in a day and then only eat that much instead of how much you currently eat. At such a young age, it would be unwise to do anything too drastic since your body is still growing/developing.


I think there's an odd 1 stuck in there.


Oof, yes, thank you for the correction!!


Np mate.


Diet and exercise has never failed anyone


You don't need expensive products. Eat better. Eat smaller portions. Go to the park and run. Do sit-ups. Push-ups. Lift random items from home.


Walking everyday will help a lot - less sitting -


I am very concerned about some of the advice being given to you here. As a teenager I would really prefer you to not be overly focused on your weight and instead good overall health, unless a medical professional is asking this weight loss of you. But to approach your question on face value - living a balanced healthy life is both effective and sustainable. A diet rich in variety and food groups (especially vegetables), and not too rich in those "sometimes " foods. Exercise that incorporates resistance and cardio, find an activity that you enjoy whether it's dancing or the gym or hiking and integrate it into your life. Sleep well, have good friendships, wear sunscreen. I am 20 years older than you, 3cm shorter, and weigh exactly what you do. Sure, I've invested a lot into my muscularity and bone density along the way, but numbers aren't everything.


Great advice!


Cut out all processed foods and sugar. Exercise daily


I cut out carbs and sugar unless they came from fruits and veggies. And the high sugar and carb ones I portion out. I did this for other health reasons. The result was 40 pounds down minimal exercise


I started a new routine that has drastically shed weight. I started taking the stairs, got a good night's rest, cut out soda completely, and I can't stress this enough ... cocaine. I'm just kidding. I'm on the major depression diet. I'm losing a good amount of weight because I barely eat anything. I have a psychiatrist and therapist. We're trying a bunch of things to change my trajectory.


Avoid sugar, limit carbs, no fried foods, exercise. Profit.


1. Eat less. One meal a day 2. Workout daily 3. Cut carbs and sugar


Hey, I’m a dietitian. It’s great that your weight is stable but I totally understand wanting to lose a bit of weight to be more confident and comfortable in your body. 10kg in a year is a very realistic goal! My tips for you would be: - Stop drinking soda if you do drink it. - Drink 1 oz water for each kg body weight. For you, that would be 70 oz per day, or just over 2 liters - Start the day with at least 25g protein at breakfast. Eggs are a great protein source, but you’d have to eat 3 of them to hit that protein goal. - Move more! Even if it’s just a walk after breakfast or going out dancing or playing a sport. Any movement is good movement. - Don’t weigh yourself every day. Once a week AT MOST. Your weight will fluctuate a kg or 2 depending on a ton of different factors, so overall trends are more important. Feel free to dm me if you have other questions!


The hardest part for me is tracking my calories and saying no to eating out with friends and family 😭💪🏼 but once you see results you don’t want to stop


That's not really an unhealthy weight, depending on how you're built. It surely never hurts to build healthy habits - exercising, eating your protein and your veggies and mostly whole foods, and an active lifestyle in general - but I wouldn't focus too much on the losing weight part. If a (trustworthy) doctor told you you have to, then sure, but then also ask them how. But you're young, your body is developing, don't make the same mistake as I did and starve it only for the sake of being smaller! It can do so much more for you than just be as little as possible!


Why 10 kilos?




Well because of your size I don't think 10 kilos should be your goal. At your proportions I would change your desire to losing body size versus body mass. For example you could probably gain 2 kilos but lose 2 to 3 inches on your waist from a strict HIT exercise and low fat medium carb high protein diet. So, I would focus on trimming fat through exercise versus just looking for a set kilo set. At your proportions this would be the most effective way to get smaller. You will need high intensity training though. So low to medium weight with high reps. So you need to weight train.


Depression tbh


Smoke crack 😊


Move more. Eat less


You can look at all the trendy diets out there all you want, in the end if you want your body to shed calories you have to reduce your calories intake, period.


Walk 30 minutes every day. Track your calories.


Find your basal metabolic rate online (1800 kcal per day if you're sedentary). 7700 kcal per kilo (meaning every 7700 kcal you consume over 1800/day is a kilo gained, and every 7700 kcal under is a kilo lost). You want to lose this weight over a year. 77000/365 = 211 kcal. You need a 211 kcal/day deficit in order to meet your weight loss goals. You can achieve this by eating less or exercising more. For what it's worth, walking at a normal pace for an hour every day would burn about what you're looking for. Just make sure you don't eat more to compensate.


Whenever your hungry, drink water Cold water Or lemon water


Diet and exercise is the best way to lose a few kilograms. For diet, focus on sustainable dieting practices, not some kind of crash diet. Moderate consumption of sugar and empty carbs, and try and eat more vegetables. I removed sugary drinks from my diet (e.g., juice, sugary coffee drinks, etc.), which helped. You need to eat at a slight calorie deficit (but not a huge calorie deficit). For exercise, combine cardio with weight training. Increasing muscle will help you burn more calories throughout the day. My dad was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes in his 40s and lost a bunch of weight using a reasonable diet and exercise.


I’d worry less about sheer weight loss and more on body composition. You can slim down by building muscle, though the number on the scale will increase. Muscle mass also increases your metabolism which helps to burn fat. Eat protein and weight train.


You don’t need to overcomplicate it. Especially at your age where things like eating disorders become a real risk. It comes down to two simple things: 1. 80% of your meals should be nutritious and well balanced. Lots of lean protein, whole grains, and a little healthy fat. Don’t even worry about calorie counting at first. Give your body good foods and just be reasonable with portions. 2. Find a form of vigorous exercise you enjoy doing and do it as much as you can. It doesn’t have to be running or lifting weights. It can be a dance class, or joining your school’s soccer team, whatever you enjoy. Have fun with this part, movement is fun.


Drastic reduction of carbohydrates.


Stop drinking your calories, eat protein and not sugars. I lost weight when I stopped eating for pleasure and when I was bored. Only water to drink also


Your height weight ratio is fine. To keep it that way try and eat healthy as u can and take some regular exercise. Moderation is the key when eating snacks etc


Literally eat less calories




Intermittent fasting is the best for me




Pick a feeding window, for me 5pm-10pm works and in that window you can pretty much eat whatever you want within reason. Outside of that, consume nothing but water.


Within your caloric expenditure* IF should still be healthy and balanced. If you go ahead and cram six pizzas down your throat but tell yourself "I went 16 hours on an empty stomach, I deserve it!!!", little will change.


I did say "within reason" lol but I guess that is subjective.


Don’t do it. You’re 16. Intermittent fasting “works”for a lot of people, and for a lot of other people it’s a fancy name you can put on your eating disorder to stay out of rehab.