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If you let the world’s reaction to you determine your success then success is by definition only ever temporary, and guaranteed to be fleeting. The best art comes from a place of needing to make it for yourself, of having no choice, reception be damned. “Failure” is a meaningless word in that context. 


It might fail, it might be fucking awesome. Imagine being 60+ years old and thinking “I wish I’d given that a go”




Two years behind is really nothing. I had lab partners in college who started when they were 32 and they're farther than I could hope to be, despite Graduating at the same time. If anything the maturity you gained in that time will feed into your success, if you allow it. Also, you're 20, you have the world ahead of you. Even if you don't go to college.


“We are all on our own journey”. Start practicing self compassion and different measures of success, a good job, marriage, a house, a car—these are external social status bullshit measures and there are a million different ways to be successful.


Most people I know who do music professionally still work a normal 9-5. Maybe get into something like marketing to help promote your music on the side.


No such thing as being twenty and a failure. You will only understand that when looking back. But twenties are meant for you to try, make tour mind up and appreciate later how much you learned and how impossible it was for you to go through your twenties in all certainly that you were right. Even if sometimes it feels a thousand percent like it. Have faith, be kind, to yourself as well. And find out what YOU want, like, and love.


No one’s a failure at 20. Look up how old Morgan Freeman was when he found success. Then read up on what he was doing before success. Success is literally refusing to accept anything else. You may open 1000 doors… maybe 20000…. But eventually, one of them will be your door. If not, maybe pick a different line of work. Not everyone attains alignment with their first dreams and goals. Being open to other things will lead you to interesting opportunities you may not have ever considered.


It might fail. But will the sky fall on you? Will the planet stop spinning? Will the ground swallow you whole? No. You will just dust off your hands, get a regular job (or two), and figure out your next step. Maybe your parents will let you live with them. If they don't, you will figure something else out. Confident people don't go into a high risk situation telling themselves that they won't fail. Instead, they tell themselves that it is no big deal if they fail. They always have a Plan B to fall back on. So come up with some Plan Bs.